138 research outputs found

    The Collapse of the International Tin Agreement

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    SUMMARY On 24 October 1985 the International Tin Council announced that it could not pay its debts to banks and metal brokers. The crisis ended with the ITC facing legal actions after defaulting on almost £900 mn. Its problems have cast a shadow over other commodity agreements and the chances of UNCTAD's Integrated Programme. The collapse shows that commodity agreements must price realistically and control a high proportion of production if they are to survive. The conclusion is that the volatility of modern capital flows and diversification of developing economies make commodity agreements more difficult to maintain and perhaps less important. RESUME L'Effondrement de l'Accord international sur le Fer Le 24 Octobre 1985, le Conseil International du Fer annonça qu'il ne pouvait pas payer sa dette aux banques et aux agents de change. La crise se termina par le ITC (Conseil International du Fer) se trouvant à faire face à une action en justice pour le non?paiement d'une dette de £900mn. Ces problèmes ont assombri les accords passés sur d'autres produits et les chances du Programme Intégré de l'UNCTAD. L'effondrement montre que les accords sur la production doivent établir des prix de manière rèalistique et contrôler une grande proportion de la production s'ils veulent survivre. En conclusion, l'inconstance du flux du capital moderne et la diversification des économies en voie de développement rend les accords sur la production difficiles à maintenir et peut?être diminue leur importance. RESUMEN El colapso del convenio internacional del estaño El 24 de octubre de 1985 el Consejo Internacional del Estaño (CIE), anunció que no podia pagar sus deudas a los corredores bancarios y metaleros. La crisis terminó con el CIE enfrentando acciones judiciales después de no pagar casi 900 millones de libras esterlinas. Sus problemas han creado una sombra sobre otros convenios de mercancias y sobre el futuro del Programa Integrado de la UNCTAD. El colapso demuestra que para sobrevivir, los convenios de mercancías deben ser realistas en los precios y controlar una alta proporción de la producción. Se concluye que la volatilidad de los flujos del capital moderno y la diversificación de las economías en desarrollo hacen que los convenios de mercancías sean más dificiles de mantener y que quizás se tornen menos importantes

    The West with the rest? Exploring the role of UFM Worldwide in the sending of overseas cross-cultural missionaries from the Indonesian church

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    With more cross-cultural missionaries being sent from the majority world than the Western world, it is something of an anomaly that the number of such workers being sent by the Indonesian church remains relatively low. This study considers the place of a Western mission agency such as UFM Worldwide in the sending of mission workers from the Indonesian church, examining the case for the West working with the rest to this end. The theological and biblical analysis of this study emphasises the fundamental place of the local church in mission sending and highlights the breadth of mission sending practice that is described in the New Testament church. This work provides the background to the literature study which seeks to highlight the main strategies adopted by other Western agencies as they have pursued internationalisation agendas, namely expanding international structures into the majority world, as well as financing or taking over emerging mission movements. In highlighting the many dangers of such approaches, it is made clear that at times such practice has hindered the very work it set out to do. Empirical research was then undertaken with 3 Indonesian mission agency leaders in order to contribute to the data available about the Indonesian mission movement, as well as to test the assumptions of the theological, biblical and praxeological work. The clear sense from this part of the research was that Indonesian agency leaders wanted to work with, not for, Western mission agencies, particularly in the areas of training and finance. In discussing the place of Western mission agencies in the sending of mission workers from the majority world, this study promotes a relational, rather than structural, answer to the debate. Western organisations must recognise the mission structures that are already in place in the majority world, namely local churches and their leaders. Consequently, the study concludes that any Western involvement in mission sending should be marked by mutuality, humility and shared learning, and must be exercised at the request of the national church to partner, not the desire of the Western organisation to grow

    Grothendieck rings of theories of modules

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    We consider right modules over a ring, as models of a first order theory. We explorethe definable sets and the definable bijections between them. We employ the notionsof Euler characteristic and Grothendieck ring for a first order structure, introduced byJ. Krajicek and T. Scanlon in [24]. The Grothendieck ring is an algebraic structurethat captures certain properties of a model and its category of definable sets.If M is a module over a product of rings A and B, then M has a decomposition into a direct sum of an A-module and a B-module. Theorem 3.5.1 states that then the Grothendieck ring of M is the tensor product of the Grothendieck rings of the summands.Theorem 4.3.1 states that the Grothendieck ring of every infinite module over afield or skew field is isomorphic to Z[X].Proposition 5.2.4 states that for an elementary extension of models of anytheory, the elementary embedding induces an embedding of the corresponding Grothendieck rings. Theorem 5.3.1 is that for an elementary embedding of modules, we have the stronger result that the embedding induces an isomorphism of Grothendieck rings.We define a model-theoretic Grothendieck ring of the category Mod-R and explorethe relationship between this ring and the Grothendieck rings of general right R-modules. The category of pp-imaginaries, shown by K. Burke in [7] to be equivalentto the subcategory of finitely presented functors in (mod-R; Ab), provides a functorial approach to studying the generators of theGrothendieck rings of R-modules. It is shown in Theorem 6.3.5 that whenever R andS are Morita equivalent rings, the rings Grothendieck rings of the module categories Mod-R and Mod-S are isomorphic.Combining results from previous chapters, we derive Theorem 7.2.1 saying that theGrothendieck ring of any module over a semisimple ring is isomorphic to a polynomialring Z[X1,...,Xn] for some n.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Pure-injective modules over tubular algebras and string algebras

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    We show that, for any tubular algebra, the lattice of pp-definable subgroups of the direct sum of all indecomposable pure-injective modules of slope r has m-dimension 2 if r is rational, and undefined breadth if r is irrational- and hence that there are no superdecomposable pure-injectives of rational slope, but there are superdecomposable pure-injectives of irrational slope, if the underlying field is countable.We determine the pure-injective hull of every direct sum string module over a string algebra. If A is a domestic string algebra such that the width of the lattice of pp-formulas has defined breadth, then classify "almost all" of the pure-injective indecomposable A-modules.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEPSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    Ziegler spectra of valuation rings

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    See full text for abstract.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Essentially algebraic theories and localizations in toposes and abelian categories

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    The main theme of this thesis is the parallel between results in topos theory and the theory of additive functor categories. In chapter 2, we provide a general overview of the topics used in the rest of the thesis. Locally finitely presentable categories are introduced, and their expression as essentially algebraic categories is explained. The theory of localization for toposes and abelian categories is introduced, and it is shown how these localizations correspond to theories in appropriate logics. In chapter 3, we look at conditions under which the category of modules for a ring object R in a topos E is locally finitely presented, or locally coherent. We show that if E is locally finitely presented, then the category of modules is also; however we show that far stronger conditions are required for the category of modules to be locally coherent. In chapter 4, we show that the Krull-Gabriel dimension of a locally coherent abelian category C is equal to the socle length of the lattice of regular localizations of C. This is used to make an analogous definition of Krull-Gabriel dimension for regular toposes, and the value of this dimension is calculated for the classifying topos of the theory of G-sets, where G is a cyclic group admitting no elements of square order. In chapter 5, we introduce a notion of strong flatness for algebraic categories (in the sense studied by Adamek, Rosickey and Vitale). We show that for a monoid M of finite geometric type, or more generally a small category C with the corresponding condition, the category of M-acts, or more generally the category of set-valued functors on C, has strongly flat covers.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Reciprocal roles of DBC1 and SIRT1 in regulating estrogen receptor α activity and co-activator synergy

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    Estrogen receptor α (ERα) plays critical roles in development and progression of breast cancer. Because ERα activity is strictly dependent upon the interaction with coregulators, coregulators are also believed to contribute to breast tumorigenesis. Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Regulator 1 (CCAR1) is an important co-activator for estrogen-induced gene expression and estrogen-dependent growth of breast cancer cells. Here, we identified Deleted in Breast Cancer 1 (DBC1) as a CCAR1 binding protein. DBC1 was recently shown to function as a negative regulator of the NAD-dependent protein deacetylase SIRT1. DBC1 associates directly with ERα and cooperates synergistically with CCAR1 to enhance ERα function. DBC1 is required for estrogen-induced expression of a subset of ERα target genes as well as breast cancer cell proliferation and for estrogen-induced recruitment of ERα to the target promoters in a gene-specific manner. The mechanism of DBC1 action involves inhibition of SIRT1 interaction with ERα and of SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of ERα. SIRT1 also represses the co-activator synergy between DBC1 and CCAR1 by binding to DBC1 and disrupting its interaction with CCAR1. Our results indicate that DBC1 and SIRT1 play reciprocal roles as major regulators of ERα activity, by regulating DNA binding by ERα and by regulating co-activator synergy