149 research outputs found

    Projective Pseudodifferential Analysis and Harmonic Analysis

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    We consider pseudodifferential operators on functions on Rn+1\R^{n+1} which commute with the Euler operator, and can thus be restricted to spaces of functions homogeneous of some given degree. Their symbols can be regarded as functions on a reduced phase space, isomorphic to the homogeneous space Gn/Hn=SL(n+1,R)/GL(n,R)G_n/H_n=SL(n+1,\R)/GL(n,\R), and the resulting calculus is a pseudodifferential analysis of operators acting on spaces of appropriate sections of line bundles over the projective space Pn(R)P_n(\R) : these spaces are the representation spaces of the maximal degenerate series (πiλ,ϵ)(\pi_{i\lambda,\epsilon}) of GnG_n . This new approach to the quantization of Gn/HnG_n/H_n, already considered by other authors, has several advantages: as an example, it makes it possible to give a very explicit version of the continuous part from the decomposition of L2(Gn/Hn)L^2(G_n/H_n) under the quasiregular action of GnG_n . We also consider interesting special symbols, which arise from the consideration of the resolvents of certain infinitesimal operators of the representation πiλ,ϵ\pi_{i\lambda,\epsilon}

    Conformal symmetry breaking operators for differential forms on spheres

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    We give a complete classification of conformally covariant differential operators between the spaces of ii-forms on the sphere SnS^n and jj-forms on the totally geodesic hypersphere Sn1S^{n-1}. Moreover, we find explicit formul{\ae} for these new matrix-valued operators in the flat coordinates in terms of basic operators in differential geometry and classical orthogonal polynomials. We also establish matrix-valued factorization identities among all possible combinations of conformally covariant differential operators. The main machinery of the proof is the "F-method" based on the "algebraic Fourier transform of Verma modules" (Kobayashi-Pevzner [Selecta Math. 2016]) and its extension to matrix-valued case developed here. A short summary of the main results was announced in [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 2016]

    Classification of differential symmetry breaking operators for differential forms

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    We give a complete classification of conformally covariant differential operators between the spaces of differential ii-forms on the sphere SnS^n and jj-forms on the totally geodesic hypersphere Sn1S^{n-1} by analyzing the restriction of principal series representations of the Lie group O(n+1,1)O(n+1,1). Further, we provide explicit formul\ae{} for these matrix-valued operators in the flat coordinates and find factorization identities for them.Comment: This note was published in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2016.04.01

    A generating operator for Rankin-Cohen brackets

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    Motivated by the classical ideas of generating functions for orthogonal polynomials, we initiate a new line of investigation on "generating operators" for a family of differential operators between two manifolds. We prove a novel formula of the generating operators for the Rankin-Cohen brackets by using higher-dimensional residue calculus. A validity of the formula is established by a different method based on infinite-dimensional representation theory as well

    Inversion of Rankin-Cohen operators via Holographic Transform

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    The analysis of branching problems for restriction of representations brings the concept of symmetry breaking transform and holographic transform. Symmetry breaking operators decrease the number of variables in geometric models, whereas holographic operators increase it. Various expansions in classical analysis can be interpreted as particular occurrences of these transforms. From this perspective, we investigate two remarkable families of differential operators: the Rankin-Cohen operators and the holomorphic Juhl conformally covariant operators. Then we establish for the corresponding symmetry breaking transforms the Parseval-Plancherel type theorems and find explicit inversion formul{\ae} with integral expression of holographic operators. The proof uses the F-method which provides a duality between symmetry breaking operators in the holomorphic model and holographic operators in the L2L^2-model, leading us to deep links between special orthogonal polynomials and branching laws for infinite-dimensional representations of real reductive Lie groups.Comment: To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Strategies of Loop Recombination in Ciliates

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    Gene assembly in ciliates is an extremely involved DNA transformation process, which transforms a nucleus, the micronucleus, to another functionally different nucleus, the macronucleus. In this paper we characterize which loop recombination operations (one of the three types of molecular operations that accomplish gene assembly) can possibly be applied in the transformation of a given gene from its micronuclear form to its macronuclear form. We also characterize in which order these loop recombination operations are applicable. This is done in the abstract and more general setting of so-called legal strings.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Equivariant resolutions over Veronese rings

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    Working in a polynomial ring S=k[x1,,xn]S=\mathbf{k}[x_1,\ldots,x_n] where k\mathbf{k} is an arbitrary commutative ring with 11, we consider the dthd^{th} Veronese subalgebras R=S(d)R=S^{(d)}, as well as natural RR-submodules M=S(r,d)M=S^{(\geq r, d)} inside SS. We develop and use characteristic-free theory of Schur functors associated to ribbon skew diagrams as a tool to construct simple GLn(k)GL_n(\mathbf{k})-equivariant minimal free RR-resolutions for the quotient ring k=R/R+\mathbf{k}=R/R_+ and for these modules MM. These also lead to elegant descriptions of ToriR(M,M)\mathrm{Tor}^R_i(M,M') for all ii and HomR(M,M)\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,M') for any pair of these modules M,MM,M'.Comment: 37 pages. Further minor edits. Version to appear in J. London Math. So