4,906 research outputs found

    Precision Charmonium Spectroscopy From Lattice QCD

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    We present results for Charmonium spectroscopy using Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD). For the NRQCD action the leading order spin-dependent and next to leading order spin-independent interactions have been included with tadpole-improved coefficients. We use multi-exponential fits to multiple correlation functions to extract ground and excited SS states. Splittings between the lowest SS, PP and DD states are given and we have accurate values for the SS state hyperfine splitting and the χc\chi_c fine structure. Agreement with experiment is good - the remaining systematic errors are discussed.Comment: 23 pages uuencoded latex file. Contains figures in late

    Low Luminosity States of the Black Hole Candidate GX~339--4. II. Timing Analysis

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    Here we present timing analysis of a set of eight Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations of the black hole candidate GX 339-4 that were taken during its hard/low state. On long time scales, the RXTE All Sky Monitor data reveal evidence of a 240 day periodicity, comparable to timescales expected from warped, precessing accretion disks. On short timescales all observations save one show evidence of a persistent f approximately equal to 0.3 Hz QPO. The broad band (10^{-3}-10^2 Hz) power appears to be dominated by two independent processes that can be modeled as very broad Lorentzians with Q approximately less than 1. The coherence function between soft and hard photon variability shows that if these are truly independent processes, then they are individually coherent, but they are incoherent with one another. This is evidenced by the fact that the coherence function between the hard and soft variability is near unity between 0.005-10 Hz but shows evidence of a dip at f approximately equal to 1 Hz. This is the region of overlap between the broad Lorentzian fits to the PSD. Similar to Cyg X-1, the coherence also drops dramatically at frequencies approximately greater than 10 Hz. Also similar to Cyg X-1, the hard photon variability is seen to lag the soft photon variability with the lag time increasing with decreasing Fourier frequency. The magnitude of this time lag appears to be positively correlated with the flux of GX 339-4. We discuss all of these observations in light of current theoretical models of both black hole spectra and temporal variability.Comment: To Appear in the AStrophysical Journa

    Resonant cavity photon creation via the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Motivated by a recent proposal for an experimental verification of the dynamical Casimir effect, the macroscopic electromagnetic field within a perfect cavity containing a thin slab with a time-dependent dielectric permittivity is quantized in terms of the dual potentials. For the resonance case, the number of photons created out of the vacuum due to the dynamical Casimir effect is calculated for both polarizations (TE and TM). PACS: 42.50.Lc, 03.70.+k, 42.50.Dv, 42.60.Da.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Heavy-light Mesons and Baryons with b quarks

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    We present lattice results for the spectrum of mesons containing one heavy quark and of baryons containing one or two heavy quarks. The calculation is done in the quenched approximation using the NRQCD formalism for the heavy quark. We analyze the dependence of the mass splittings on both the heavy and the light quark masses. Meson P-state fine structure and baryon hyperfine splittings are resolved for the first time. We fix the b quark mass using both M_B and M_{\Lambda_b}, and our best estimate is m_b^\MSbar(m_b^\MSbar) = 4.35(10)({}^{-3}_{+2})(10) GeV. The spectrum, obtained by interpolation to m_b, is compared with the experimental data.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 13 postscript figures, version as publish in Phys. Rev.

    The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey: The Number of Unresolved Compact Galaxies

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    We describe a sample of thirteen bright (18.5<Bj<20.1) compact galaxies at low redshift (0.05<z<0.21) behind the Fornax Cluster. These galaxies are unresolved on UK Schmidt sky survey plates, so would be missing from most galaxy catalogs compiled from this material. The objects were found during initial observations of The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. This project is using the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects, stellar and non-stellar, with 16.5<Bj<19.7, in a 12 square degree area centered on the Fornax cluster of galaxies. The surface density of compact galaxies with magnitudes 16.5<Bj<19.7 is 7+/-3 /sq.deg., representing 2.8+/-1.6% of all local (z<0.2) galaxies to this limit. There are 12+/-3 /sq.deg. with 16.5<Bj<20.2. They are luminous (-21.5<Mb<-18.0, for H0=50 km/s/mpc) and most have strong emission lines (H alpha equivalent widths of 40-200 A) and small sizes typical of luminous HII galaxies and compact narrow emission line galaxies. Four out of thirteen have red colors and early-type spectra, so are unlikely to have been detected in any previous surveys.Comment: LaTeX source; 5 pages including 3 figures; uses emulateapj.st

    A metal-poor damped Ly-alpha system at redshift 6.4

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    We identify a strong Ly-alpha damping wing profile in the spectrum of the quasar P183+05 at z=6.4386. Given the detection of several narrow metal absorption lines at z=6.40392, the most likely explanation for the absorption profile is that it is due to a damped Ly-alpha system. However, in order to match the data a contribution of an intergalactic medium 5-38% neutral or additional weaker absorbers near the quasar is also required. The absorption system presented here is the most distant damped Ly-alpha system currently known. We estimate an HI column density (1020.68±0.2510^{20.68\pm0.25}\,cm2^{-2}), metallicity ([O/H]=2.92±0.32=-2.92\pm 0.32), and relative chemical abundances of a system consistent with a low-mass galaxy during the first Gyr of the universe. This object is among the most metal-poor damped Ly-alpha systems known and, even though it is observed only ~850 Myr after the big bang, its relative abundances do not show signatures of chemical enrichment by Population III stars.Comment: Updated to match published versio

    Scaling of the B and D meson spectrum in lattice QCD

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    We give results for the BB and the DD meson spectrum using NRQCD on the lattice in the quenched approximation. The masses of radially and orbitally excited states are calculated as well as SS-wave hyperfine and PP-wave fine structure. Radially excited PP-states are observed for the first time. Radial and orbital excitation energies match well to experiment, as does the strange-non-strange SS-wave splitting. We compare the light and heavy quark mass dependence of various splittings to experiment. Our BB-results cover a range in lattice spacings of more than a factor of two. Our DD-results are from a single lattice spacing and we compare them to numbers in the literature from finer lattices using other methods. We see no significant dependence of physical results on the lattice spacing. PACS: 11.15.Ha 12.38.Gc 14.40.Lb 14.40.NdComment: 78 pages, 29 tables, 30 figures Revised version. Minor corrections to spelling and wordin

    Clean Positive Operator Valued Measures

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    In quantum mechanics the statistics of the outcomes of a measuring apparatus is described by a positive operator valued measure (POVM). A quantum channel transforms POVM's into POVM's, generally irreversibly, thus loosing some of the information retrieved from the measurement. This poses the problem of which POVM's are "undisturbed", namely they are not irreversibly connected to another POVM. We will call such POVM clean. In a sense, the clean POVM's would be "perfect", since they would not have any additional "extrinsical" noise. Quite unexpectedly, it turns out that such cleanness property is largely unrelated to the convex structure of POVM's, and there are clean POVM's that are not extremal and vice-versa. In this paper we solve the cleannes classification problem for number n of outcomes n<=d (d dimension of the Hilbert space), and we provide a a set of either necessary or sufficient conditions for n>d, along with an iff condition for the case of informationally complete POVM's for n=d^2.Comment: Minor changes. amsart 21 pages. Accepted for publication on J. Math. Phy

    The XMM Cluster Survey: Evidence for energy injection at high redshift from evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation

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    We measure the evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature (L_X-T) relation since z~1.5 using a sample of 211 serendipitously detected galaxy clusters with spectroscopic redshifts drawn from the XMM Cluster Survey first data release (XCS-DR1). This is the first study spanning this redshift range using a single, large, homogeneous cluster sample. Using an orthogonal regression technique, we find no evidence for evolution in the slope or intrinsic scatter of the relation since z~1.5, finding both to be consistent with previous measurements at z~0.1. However, the normalisation is seen to evolve negatively with respect to the self-similar expectation: we find E(z)^{-1} L_X = 10^{44.67 +/- 0.09} (T/5)^{3.04 +/- 0.16} (1+z)^{-1.5 +/- 0.5}, which is within 2 sigma of the zero evolution case. We see milder, but still negative, evolution with respect to self-similar when using a bisector regression technique. We compare our results to numerical simulations, where we fit simulated cluster samples using the same methods used on the XCS data. Our data favour models in which the majority of the excess entropy required to explain the slope of the L_X-T relation is injected at high redshift. Simulations in which AGN feedback is implemented using prescriptions from current semi-analytic galaxy formation models predict positive evolution of the normalisation, and differ from our data at more than 5 sigma. This suggests that more efficient feedback at high redshift may be needed in these models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 12 pages, 6 figures; added references to match published versio