17 research outputs found

    The Impact of the C-Terminal Region on the Interaction of Topoisomerase II Alpha with Mitotic Chromatin.

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    Type II topoisomerase enzymes are essential for resolving DNA topology problems arising through various aspects of DNA metabolism. In vertebrates two isoforms are present, one of which (TOP2A) accumulates on chromatin during mitosis. Moreover, TOP2A targets the mitotic centromere during prophase, persisting there until anaphase onset. It is the catalytically-dispensable C-terminal domain of TOP2 that is crucial in determining this isoform-specific behaviour. In this study we show that, in addition to the recently identified chromatin tether domain, several other features of the alpha-C-Terminal Domain (CTD). influence the mitotic localisation of TOP2A. Lysine 1240 is a major SUMOylation target in cycling human cells and the efficiency of this modification appears to be influenced by T1244 and S1247 phosphorylation. Replacement of K1240 by arginine results in fewer cells displaying centromeric TOP2A accumulation during prometaphase-metaphase. The same phenotype is displayed by cells expressing TOP2A in which either of the mitotic phosphorylation sites S1213 or S1247 has been substituted by alanine. Conversely, constitutive modification of TOP2A by fusion to SUMO2 exerts the opposite effect. FRAP analysis of protein mobility indicates that post-translational modification of TOP2A can influence the enzyme's residence time on mitotic chromatin, as well as its subcellular localisation

    Changes in extreme rainfall events in South Africa

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    Extreme rainfall events can have severe impacts on society, so possible long-term changes in the intensity of extreme events are of concern. Testing for long-term changes in the intensity of extreme events is complicated by data inhomogeneities resulting from site and instrumentation changes. Using rainfall data from stations in South Africa that have not involved site relocations, but which have not been tested for inhomogeneities resulting from changes in instrumentation, a method of testing for changes in the intensity of extreme events is adopted. Significant increases in the intensity of extreme rainfall events between 1931–1960 and 1961–1990 are identified over about 70% of the country. The intensity of the 10-year high rainfall events has increased by over 10% over large areas of the country, except in parts of the north-east, north-west and in the winter rainfall region of the south-west. Percentage increases in the intensity of high rainfall events are largest for the most extreme events. While some inhomogeneities remain in the data used, the observed changes in the intensity of extreme rainfall events over South Africa are thought to be at least partly real

    Amphipathic helices target perilipins 1-3 to lipid droplets

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    Perilipins (PLINs) play a key role in energy storage by orchestrating the activity of lipases on the surface of lipid droplets. Failure of this activity results in severe metabolic disease in humans. Unlike all other lipid droplet-associated proteins, PLINs localize almost exclusively to the phospholipid monolayer surrounding the droplet. To understand how they sense and associate with the unique topology of the droplet surface, we studied the localization of human PLINs inSaccharomyces cerevisiae,demonstrating that the targeting mechanism is highly conserved and that 11-mer repeat regions are sufficient for droplet targeting. Mutations designed to disrupt folding of this region into amphipathic helices (AHs) significantly decreased lipid droplet targetingin vivoandin vitro Finally, we demonstrated a substantial increase in the helicity of this region in the presence of detergent micelles, which was prevented by an AH-disrupting missense mutation. We conclude that highly conserved 11-mer repeat regions of PLINs target lipid droplets by folding into AHs on the droplet surface, thus enabling PLINs to regulate the interface between the hydrophobic lipid core and its surrounding hydrophilic environment.This work was supported by grants from The Wellcome Trust (091551 and 107064 to DBS), the U.K. NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, the Medical Research Council (G0701446 to SS and a Doctoral training grant awarded to the University of Cambridge for ERR), core facilities at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit (MC_UU_12012/5) and by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking, EMIF-Metabolism award.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ASBMB via https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M115.69104

    The Cerebral Microvasculature in Schizophrenia: A Laser Capture Microdissection Study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies of brain and peripheral tissues in schizophrenia patients have indicated impaired energy supply to the brain. A number of studies have also demonstrated dysfunction of the microvasculature in schizophrenia patients. Together these findings are consistent with a hypothesis of blood-brain barrier dysfunction in schizophrenia. In this study, we have investigated the cerebral vascular endothelium of schizophrenia patients at the level of transcriptomics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used laser capture microdissection to isolate both microvascular endothelial cells and neurons from post mortem brain tissue from schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. RNA was isolated from these cell populations, amplified, and analysed using two independent microarray platforms, Affymetrix HG133plus2.0 GeneChips and CodeLink Whole Human Genome arrays. In the first instance, we used the dataset to compare the neuronal and endothelial data, in order to demonstrate that the predicted differences between cell types could be detected using this methodology. We then compared neuronal and endothelial data separately between schizophrenic subjects and controls. Analysis of the endothelial samples showed differences in gene expression between schizophrenics and controls which were reproducible in a second microarray platform. Functional profiling revealed that these changes were primarily found in genes relating to inflammatory processes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides preliminary evidence of molecular alterations of the cerebral microvasculature in schizophrenia patients, suggestive of a hypo-inflammatory state in this tissue type. Further investigation of the blood-brain barrier in schizophrenia is warranted

    Inter-domain Communication Mechanisms in an ABC Importer: A Molecular Dynamics Study of the MalFGK2E Complex

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    ATP-Binding Cassette transporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that convert the energy from ATP-binding and hydrolysis into conformational changes of the transmembrane region to allow the translocation of substrates against their concentration gradient. Despite the large amount of structural and biochemical data available for this family, it is still not clear how the energy obtained from ATP hydrolysis in the ATPase domains is “transmitted” to the transmembrane domains. In this work, we focus our attention on the consequences of hydrolysis and inorganic phosphate exit in the maltose uptake system (MalFGK2E) from Escherichia coli. The prime goal is to identify and map the structural changes occurring during an ATP-hydrolytic cycle. For that, we use extensive molecular dynamics simulations to study three potential intermediate states (with 10 replicates each): an ATP-bound, an ADP plus inorganic phosphate-bound and an ADP-bound state. Our results show that the residues presenting major rearrangements are located in the A-loop, in the helical sub-domain, and in the “EAA motif” (especially in the “coupling helices” region). Additionally, in one of the simulations with ADP we were able to observe the opening of the NBD dimer accompanied by the dissociation of ADP from the ABC signature motif, but not from its corresponding P-loop motif. This work, together with several other MD studies, suggests a common communication mechanism both for importers and exporters, in which ATP-hydrolysis induces conformational changes in the helical sub-domain region, in turn transferred to the transmembrane domains via the “coupling helices”

    The α isoform of topoisomerase II is required for hypercompaction of mitotic chromosomes in human cells.

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    As proliferating cells transit from interphase into M-phase, chromatin undergoes extensive reorganization, and topoisomerase (topo) IIα, the major isoform of this enzyme present in cycling vertebrate cells, plays a key role in this process. In this study, a human cell line conditional null mutant for topo IIα and a derivative expressing an auxin-inducible degron (AID)-tagged version of the protein have been used to distinguish real mitotic chromosome functions of topo IIα from its more general role in DNA metabolism and to investigate whether topo IIβ makes any contribution to mitotic chromosome formation. We show that topo IIβ does contribute, with endogenous levels being sufficient for the initial stages of axial shortening. However, a significant effect of topo IIα depletion, seen with or without the co-depletion of topo IIβ, is the failure of chromosomes to hypercompact when delayed in M-phase. This requires much higher levels of topo II protein and is impaired by drugs or mutations that affect enzyme activity. A prolonged delay at the G2/M border results in hyperefficient axial shortening, a process that is topo IIα-dependent. Rapid depletion of topo IIα has allowed us to show that its function during late G2 and M-phase is truly required for shaping mitotic chromosomes

    Anosognosia is associated with increased prevalence and faster development of neuropsychiatric symptoms in mild cognitive impairment

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: Both the loss of awareness for cognitive decline (a. k.a anosognosia) and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are common in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia, even in prodromal stages, and may exacerbate functional impairment and negatively impact caregiver burden. Despite the high impact of these symptoms on patients and their caregivers, our knowledge of how they develop across the AD spectrum is limited. Here, we explored the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between anosognosia and NPS in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). METHODS: We included 237 participants from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) with a baseline clinical diagnosis of MCI. Everyday Cognition (ECog) questionnaire scores were used to measure complaints from participants and study-partners at baseline and annually over a mean of 4.29 years [standard deviation (SD) = 2.72]. Anosognosia was defined as the study-partner having an ECog score ≥2.5/4 and the participant having an ECog score 0.9), though participants with anosognosia had lower MMSE scores (p = 0.049) and a higher proportion of amyloid-positivity using PET (p < 0.001. At baseline, the frequencies of agitation (p = 0.029) and disinhibition (p < 0.001) were higher in the anosognosia group compared to the non-anosognosia group. Survival analyses showed earlier onset of seven of the 12 NPS in the anosognosia group (p's < 0.001). DISCUSSION: Loss of awareness for cognitive decline is associated with greater frequency and earlier onset of NPS over time in participants with MCI. These results support the hypothesis of a potential common underlying neurophysiological process for anosognosia and NPS, a finding that needs to be addressed in future studies

    Dual binding motifs underpin the hierarchical association of perilipins1-3 with lipid droplets.

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) in all eukaryotic cells are coated with at least one of the perilipin family of proteins. They all regulate key intracellular lipases but do so to significantly different extents. Where more than one perilipin is expressed in a cell, they associate with LDs in a hierarchical manner. In vivo, this means that lipid flux control in a particular cell or tissue type is heavily influenced by the specific perilipins present on its LDs. Despite their early discovery, exactly how perilipins target LDs and why they displace each other in a ‘hierarchical’ manner remains unclear. They all share an amino-terminal 11-mer repeat amphipathic region suggested to be involved in LD targeting. Here, we show that in vivo this domain functions as a primary highly reversible LD targeting motif in perilipins1-3 and, in vitro, we document reversible and competitive binding between a wildtype purified perilipin1 11-mer repeat peptide and a mutant with reduced binding affinity to both ‘naked’ and phospholipid coated oil-water interfaces. We also present data suggesting that a second carboxy-terminal 4-helix bundle domain stabilizes LD binding in perilipin1 more effectively than in perilipin2, whereas in perilipin3 it weakens binding. These findings suggest that dual amphipathic helical regions mediat

    Data_Sheet_1_Anosognosia is associated with increased prevalence and faster development of neuropsychiatric symptoms in mild cognitive impairment.docx

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    IntroductionBoth the loss of awareness for cognitive decline (a. k.a anosognosia) and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are common in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia, even in prodromal stages, and may exacerbate functional impairment and negatively impact caregiver burden. Despite the high impact of these symptoms on patients and their caregivers, our knowledge of how they develop across the AD spectrum is limited. Here, we explored the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between anosognosia and NPS in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).MethodsWe included 237 participants from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) with a baseline clinical diagnosis of MCI. Everyday Cognition (ECog) questionnaire scores were used to measure complaints from participants and study-partners at baseline and annually over a mean of 4.29 years [standard deviation (SD) = 2.72]. Anosognosia was defined as the study-partner having an ECog score ≥2.5/4 and the participant having an ECog score ResultsThirty-eight out of 237 participants displayed anosognosia. Groups had similar lengths of follow-up at baseline (p > 0.9), though participants with anosognosia had lower MMSE scores (p = 0.049) and a higher proportion of amyloid-positivity using PET (p DiscussionLoss of awareness for cognitive decline is associated with greater frequency and earlier onset of NPS over time in participants with MCI. These results support the hypothesis of a potential common underlying neurophysiological process for anosognosia and NPS, a finding that needs to be addressed in future studies.</p