10 research outputs found

    Initial Assessment of Variability of Responses to Toxicants in Donor-Specific Endothelial Colony Forming Cells

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    There is increased interest in using high throughput in vitro assays to characterize human population variability in response to toxicants and drugs. Utilizing primary human endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) isolated from blood would be highly useful for this purpose because these cells are involved in neonatal and adult vasculogenesis. We characterized the cytotoxicity of four known toxic chemicals (NaAsO2, CdCl2, tributyltin [TBT], and menadione) and their four relatively nontoxic counterparts (Na2HAsO4, ZnCl2, SnCl2, and phytonadione, respectively) in eight ECFC clones representing four neonatal donors (2 male and 2 female donors, 2 clones per donor). ECFCs were exposed to 9 concentrations of each chemical in duplicate; cell viability was evaluated 48 h later using the fluorescent vital dye fluorescent dye 5-Carboxyfluorescein Diacetate (CFDA), yielding concentration-effect curves from each experiment. Technical (day-to-day) variability of the assay, assessed from three independent experiments, was low: p-values for the differences of results were 0.74 and 0.64 for the comparison of day 2 vs. day 1 and day 3 vs. day 1, respectively. The statistical analysis used to compare the entire concentration-effect curves has revealed significant differences in levels of cytotoxicity induced by the toxic and relatively nontoxic chemical counterparts, demonstrating that donor-specific ECFCs can clearly differentiate between these two groups of chemicals. Partitioning of the total variance in the nested design assessed the contributions of between-clone and between-donor variability for different levels of cytotoxicity. Individual ECFC clones demonstrated highly reproducible responses to the chemicals. The most toxic chemical was TBT, followed by NaAsO2, CdCl2, and Menadione. Nontoxic counterparts exhibited low cytotoxicity at the higher end of concentration ranges tested. Low variability was observed between ECFC clones obtained from the same donor or different donors for CdCl2, NaAsO2, and TBT, but for menadione, the between-donor variability was much greater than the between-clone variability. The low between-clone variability indicates that an ECFC clone may represent an individual donor in cell-based assays, although this finding must be confirmed using a larger number of donors. Such confirmation would demonstrate that an in vitro ECFC-based testing platform can be used to characterize the inter-individual variability of neonatal ECFCs exposed to drugs and/or environmental toxicants

    KEAP1-modifying small molecule reveals muted NRF2 signaling responses in neural stem cells from Huntington's disease patients

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    The activity of the transcription factor nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45-derived factor 2 (NRF2) is orchestrated and amplified through enhanced transcription of antioxidant and antiinflammatory target genes. The present study has characterized a triazole-containing inducer of NRF2 and elucidated the mechanism by which this molecule activates NRF2 signaling. In a highly selective manner, the compound covalently modifies a critical stress-sensor cysteine (C151) of the E3 ligase substrate adaptor protein Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), the primary negative regulator of NRF2. We further used this inducer to probe the functional consequences of selective activation of NRF2 signaling in Huntington's disease (HD) mouse and human model systems. Surprisingly, we discovered a muted NRF2 activation response in human HD neural stem cells, which was restored by genetic correction of the disease-causing mutation. In contrast, selective activation of NRF2 signaling potently repressed the release of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 in primary mouse HD and WT microglia and astrocytes. Moreover, in primary monocytes from HD patients and healthy subjects, NRF2 induction repressed expression of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNFÎą. Together, our results demonstrate a multifaceted protective potential of NRF2 signaling in key cell types relevant to HD pathology

    The Protein Phosphatase 2A Regulatory Subunits B′β and B′δ Mediate Sustained TrkA Neurotrophin Receptor Autophosphorylation and Neuronal Differentiation▿

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    Nerve growth factor (NGF) is critical for the differentiation and maintenance of neurons in the peripheral and central nervous system. Sustained autophosphorylation of the TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase and long-lasting activation of downstream kinase cascades are hallmarks of NGF signaling, yet our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying prolonged TrkA activity is incomplete. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a heterotrimeric Ser/Thr phosphatase composed of a scaffolding, catalytic, and regulatory subunit (B, B′, and B" gene families). Here, we employ a combination of pharmacological inhibitors, regulatory subunit overexpression, PP2A scaffold subunit exchange, and RNA interference to show that PP2A containing B′ family regulatory subunits participates in sustained NGF signaling in PC12 cells. Specifically, two neuron-enriched regulatory subunits, B′β and B′δ, recruit PP2A into a complex with TrkA to dephosphorylate the NGF receptor on Ser/Thr residues and to potentiate its intrinsic Tyr kinase activity. Acting at the receptor level, PP2A/ B′β and B′δ enhance NGF (but not epidermal growth factor or fibroblast growth factor) signaling through the Akt and Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades and promote neuritogenesis and differentiation of PC12 cells. Thus, select PP2A heterotrimers oppose desensitization of the TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase, perhaps through dephosphorylation of inhibitory Ser/Thr phosphorylation sites on the receptor itself, to maintain neurotrophin-mediated developmental and survival signaling

    Clonal derivation of white and brown adipocyte progenitor cell lines from human pluripotent stem cells

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    Abstract Background The role of brown fat in non-shivering thermogenesis and the discovery of brown fat depots in adult humans has made it the subject of intense research interest. A renewable source of brown adipocyte (BA) progenitors would be highly valuable for research and therapy. Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells to white or brown adipocytes is limited by lack of cell purity and scalability. Here we describe an alternative approach involving the identification of clonal self-renewing human embryonic progenitor (hEP) cell lines following partial hPS cell differentiation and selection of scalable clones. Methods We screened a diverse panel of hPS cell-derived clonal hEP cell lines for adipocyte markers following growth in adipocyte differentiation medium. The transcriptome of the human hES-derived clonal embryonic progenitor cell lines E3, C4ELS5.1, NP88, and NP110 representing three class of definitive adipocyte progenitors were compared to the relatively non-adipogenic line E85 and adult-derived BAT and SAT-derived cells using gene expression microarrays, RT-qPCR, metabolic analysis and immunocytochemistry. Differentiation conditions were optimized for maximal UCP1 expression. Results Many of the differentiated hEP cell lines expressed the adipocyte marker, FAPB4, but only a small subset expressed definitive adipocyte markers including brown adipocyte marker, UCP1. Class I cells (i.e., E3) expressed CITED1, ADIPOQ, and C19orf80 but little to no UCP1. Class II (i.e., C4ELS5.1) expressed CITED1 and UCP1 but little ADIPOQ and LIPASIN. Class III (i.e., NP88, NP110) expressed CITED1, ADIPOQ, C19orf80, and UCP1 in a similar manner as fetal BAT-derived (fBAT) cells. Differentiated NP88 and NP110 lines were closest to fBAT cells morphologically in adiponectin and uncoupling protein expression. But they were more metabolically active than fBAT cells, had higher levels of 3-hydroxybutyrate, and lacked expression of fetal/adult marker, COX7A1. The hEP BA progenitor lines were scalable to 17 passages without loss of differentiation capacity and could be readily rederived. Conclusions Taken together, these data demonstrate that self-renewing adipocyte progenitor cells can be derived from hES cells and that they are functionally like BAT cells but with unique properties that might be advantageous for basic research and for development of cell-based treatments for metabolic diseases

    Identification of novel posttranscriptional targets of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein by ribonomics: requirement of E2F3 for BCR/ABL leukemogenesis

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    Several RNA binding proteins (RBPs) have been implicated in the progression of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) from the indolent chronic phase to the aggressively fatal blast crisis. In the latter phase, expression and function of specific RBPs are aberrantly regulated at transcriptional or posttranslational levels by the constitutive kinase activity of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein. As a result, altered expression/function of RBPs leads to increased resistance to apoptotic stimuli, enhanced survival, growth advantage, and differentiation arrest of CD34+ progenitors from patients in CML blast crisis. Here, we identify the mRNAs bound to the hnRNP-A1, hnRNP-E2, hnRNP-K, and La/SSB RBPs in BCR/ABLtransformed myeloid cells. Interestingly, we found that the mRNA encoding the transcription factor E2F3 associates to hnRNP-A1 through a conserved binding site located in the E2F3 3′ untranslated region (UTR). E2F3 levels were up-regulated in CML-BCCD34+ in a BCR/ABL kinase– and hnRNP-A1 shuttling–dependent manner. Moreover, by using shRNA-mediated E2F3 knock-down and BCR/ABL-transduced lineage-negative bone marrow cells from E2F3+/+ and E2F3−/− mice, we show that E2F3 expression is important for BCR/ABL clonogenic activity and in vivo leukemogenic potential. Thus, the complexity of the mRNA/RBP network, together with the discovery of E2F3 as an hnRNP-A1–regulated factor, outlines the relevant role played by RBPs in posttranscriptional regulation of CML development and progression