139 research outputs found

    Centromere Silencing and Function in Fission Yeast Is Governed by the Amino Terminus of Histone H3

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    AbstractBackground: Centromeric domains often consist of repetitive elements that are assembled in specialized chromatin, characterized by hypoacetylation of histones H3 and H4 and methylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 (K9-MeH3). Perturbation of this underacetylated state by transient treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors leads to defective centromere function, correlating with delocalization of the heterochromatin protein Swi6/HP1. Likewise, deletion of the K9-MeH3 methyltransferase Clr4/Suvar39 causes defective chromosome segregation. Here, we create fission yeast strains retaining one histone H3 and H4 gene; the creation of these strains allows mutation of specific N-terminal tail residues and their role in centromeric silencing and chromosome stability to be investigated.Results: Reduction of H3/H4 gene dosage to one-third does not affect cell viability or heterochromatin formation. Mutation of lysines 9 or 14 or serine 10 within the amino terminus of histone H3 impairs centromere function, leading to defective chromosome segregation and Swi6 delocalization. Surprisingly, silent centromeric chromatin does not require the conserved lysine 8 and 16 residues of histone H4.Conclusions: To date, mutation of conserved N-terminal residues in endogenous histone genes has only been performed in budding yeast, which lacks the Clr4/Suvar39 histone methyltransferase and Swi6/HP1. We demonstrate the importance of conserved residues within the histone H3 N terminus for the maintenance of centromeric heterochromatin in fission yeast. In sharp contrast, mutation of two conserved lysines within the histone H4 tail has no impact on the integrity of centromeric heterochromatin. Our data highlight the striking divergence between the histone tail requirements for the fission yeast and budding yeast silencing pathways

    Expression of a Set of Synthetic Suppressor tRNAPhe Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    ynthetic ochre and amber tRNA suppressor genes derived from the yeast tRNAGAAPhe sequence have been constructed. They were efficiently transcribed in vitro and expressed in vivo via a synthetic expression cassette. tRNAUUAPhe and tRNAUUAPheDelta IVS (IVS = intervening sequence) are relatively inefficient ochre suppressors. They are toxic to the cell when expressed on a multicopy plasmid, and they do not suppress at all when present as single copies. The intron does not seem to have any effect on suppression. In contrast, the amber suppressor tRNACUAPheDelta IVS is efficient when expressed from a single-copy plasmid, while its efficiency is reduced on a multicopy vector

    Pro-asthmatic cytokines regulate unliganded and ligand-dependent glucocorticoid receptor signaling in airway smooth muscle

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    To elucidate the regulation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling under pro-asthmatic conditions, cultured human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells were treated with proinflammatory cytokines or GR ligands alone and in combination, and then examined for induced changes in ligand-dependent and -independent GR activation and downstream signaling events. Ligand stimulation with either cortisone or dexamethsone (DEX) acutely elicited GR translocation to the nucleus and, comparably, ligand-independent stimulation either with the Th2 cytokine, IL-13, or the pleiotropic cytokine combination, IL-1β/TNFα, also acutely evoked GR translocation. The latter response was potentiated by combined exposure of cells to GR ligand and cytokine. Similarly, treatment with either DEX or IL-13 alone induced GR phosphorylation at its serine-211 residue (GRSer211), denoting its activated state, and combined treatment with DEX+IL-13 elicited heightened and sustained GRSer211phosphorylation. Interestingly, the above ligand-independent GR responses to IL-13 alone were not associated with downstream GR binding to its consensus DNA sequence or GR transactivation, whereas both DEX-induced GR:DNA binding and transcriptional activity were significantly heightened in the presence of IL-13, coupled to increased recruitment of the transcriptional co-factor, MED14. The stimulated GR signaling responses to DEX were prevented in IL-13-exposed cells wherein GRSer211 phosphorylation was suppressed either by transfection with specific serine phosphorylation-deficient mutant GRs or treatment with inhibitors of the MAPKs, ERK1/2 and JNK. Collectively, these novel data highlight a heretofore-unidentified homeostatic mechanism in HASM cells that involves pro-asthmatic cytokine-driven, MAPK-mediated, non-ligand-dependent GR activation that confers heightened glucocorticoid ligand-stimulated GR signaling. These findings raise the consideration that perturbations in this homeostatic cytokine-driven GR signaling mechanism may be responsible, at least in part, for the insensirtivity to glucocorticoid therapy that is commonly seen in individuals with severe asthma

    Dissecting Nucleosome Free Regions by a Segmental Semi-Markov Model

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    BACKGROUND: Nucleosome free regions (NFRs) play important roles in diverse biological processes including gene regulation. A genome-wide quantitative portrait of each individual NFR, with their starting and ending positions, lengths, and degrees of nucleosome depletion is critical for revealing the heterogeneity of gene regulation and chromatin organization. By averaging nucleosome occupancy levels, previous studies have identified the presence of NFRs in the promoter regions across many genes. However, evaluation of the quantitative characteristics of individual NFRs requires an NFR calling method. METHODOLOGY: In this study, we propose a statistical method to identify the patterns of NFRs from a genome-wide measurement of nucleosome occupancy. This method is based on an appropriately designed segmental semi-Markov model, which can capture each NFR pattern and output its quantitative characterizations. Our results show that the majority of the NFRs are located in intergenic regions or promoters with a length of about 400-600bp and varying degrees of nucleosome depletion. Our quantitative NFR mapping allows for an investigation of the relative impacts of transcription machinery and DNA sequence in evicting histones from NFRs. We show that while both factors have significant overall effects, their specific contributions vary across different subtypes of NFRs. CONCLUSION: The emphasis of our approach on the variation rather than the consensus of nucleosome free regions sets the tone for enabling the exploration of many subtler dynamic aspects of chromatin biology

    Cotranscriptional Set2 Methylation of Histone H3 Lysine 36 Recruits a Repressive Rpd3 Complex

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    SummaryThe yeast histone deacetylase Rpd3 can be recruited to promoters to repress transcription initiation. Biochemical, genetic, and gene-expression analyses show that Rpd3 exists in two distinct complexes. The smaller complex, Rpd3C(S), shares Sin3 and Ume1 with Rpd3C(L) but contains the unique subunits Rco1 and Eaf3. Rpd3C(S) mutants exhibit phenotypes remarkably similar to those of Set2, a histone methyltransferase associated with elongating RNA polymerase II. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and biochemical experiments indicate that the chromodomain of Eaf3 recruits Rpd3C(S) to nucleosomes methylated by Set2 on histone H3 lysine 36, leading to deacetylation of transcribed regions. This pathway apparently acts to negatively regulate transcription because deleting the genes for Set2 or Rpd3C(S) bypasses the requirement for the positive elongation factor Bur1/Bur2

    Ventilatory Chaos Is Impaired in Carotid Atherosclerosis

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    Ventilatory chaos is strongly linked to the activity of central pattern generators, alone or influenced by respiratory or cardiovascular afferents. We hypothesized that carotid atherosclerosis should alter ventilatory chaos through baroreflex and autonomic nervous system dysfunctions. Chaotic dynamics of inspiratory flow was prospectively evaluated in 75 subjects undergoing carotid ultrasonography: 27 with severe carotid stenosis (>70%), 23 with moderate stenosis (<70%), and 25 controls. Chaos was characterized by the noise titration method, the correlation dimension and the largest Lyapunov exponent. Baroreflex sensitivity was estimated in the frequency domain. In the control group, 92% of the time series exhibit nonlinear deterministic chaos with positive noise limit, whereas only 68% had a positive noise limit value in the stenoses groups. Ventilatory chaos was impaired in the groups with carotid stenoses, with significant parallel decrease in the noise limit value, correlation dimension and largest Lyapunov exponent, as compared to controls. In multiple regression models, the percentage of carotid stenosis was the best in predicting the correlation dimension (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.35) and largest Lyapunov exponent (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.6). Baroreflex sensitivity also predicted the correlation dimension values (p = 0.05), and the LLE (p = 0.08). Plaque removal after carotid surgery reversed the loss of ventilatory complexity. To conclude, ventilatory chaos is impaired in carotid atherosclerosis. These findings depend on the severity of the stenosis, its localization, plaque surface and morphology features, and is independently associated with baroreflex sensitivity reduction. These findings should help to understand the determinants of ventilatory complexity and breathing control in pathological conditions

    Cotranscriptional Set2 Methylation of Histone H3 Lysine 36 Recruits a Repressive Rpd3 Complex

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    SummaryThe yeast histone deacetylase Rpd3 can be recruited to promoters to repress transcription initiation. Biochemical, genetic, and gene-expression analyses show that Rpd3 exists in two distinct complexes. The smaller complex, Rpd3C(S), shares Sin3 and Ume1 with Rpd3C(L) but contains the unique subunits Rco1 and Eaf3. Rpd3C(S) mutants exhibit phenotypes remarkably similar to those of Set2, a histone methyltransferase associated with elongating RNA polymerase II. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and biochemical experiments indicate that the chromodomain of Eaf3 recruits Rpd3C(S) to nucleosomes methylated by Set2 on histone H3 lysine 36, leading to deacetylation of transcribed regions. This pathway apparently acts to negatively regulate transcription because deleting the genes for Set2 or Rpd3C(S) bypasses the requirement for the positive elongation factor Bur1/Bur2

    The Origin Recognition Complex Interacts with a Subset of Metabolic Genes Tightly Linked to Origins of Replication

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    The origin recognition complex (ORC) marks chromosomal sites as replication origins and is essential for replication initiation. In yeast, ORC also binds to DNA elements called silencers, where its primary function is to recruit silent information regulator (SIR) proteins to establish transcriptional silencing. Indeed, silencers function poorly as chromosomal origins. Several genetic, molecular, and biochemical studies of HMR-E have led to a model proposing that when ORC becomes limiting in the cell (such as in the orc2-1 mutant) only sites that bind ORC tightly (such as HMR-E) remain fully occupied by ORC, while lower affinity sites, including many origins, lose ORC occupancy. Since HMR-E possessed a unique non-replication function, we reasoned that other tight sites might reveal novel functions for ORC on chromosomes. Therefore, we comprehensively determined ORC “affinity” genome-wide by performing an ORC ChIP–on–chip in ORC2 and orc2-1 strains. Here we describe a novel group of orc2-1–resistant ORC–interacting chromosomal sites (ORF–ORC sites) that did not function as replication origins or silencers. Instead, ORF–ORC sites were comprised of protein-coding regions of highly transcribed metabolic genes. In contrast to the ORC–silencer paradigm, transcriptional activation promoted ORC association with these genes. Remarkably, ORF–ORC genes were enriched in proximity to origins of replication and, in several instances, were transcriptionally regulated by these origins. Taken together, these results suggest a surprising connection among ORC, replication origins, and cellular metabolism