8 research outputs found

    Конкурентоспособность продукции «Шанхай Тобакко групп» на рынке табачных изделий

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    Актуальность работы заключается в том, что в условиях ужесточения конкурентный борьбы любая компания вынуждена управлять своей конкурентоспособностью на основе разработанной конкурентной стратегии. В процессе исследования проводились изучение и систематизация информации по предмету и объекту исследования. Источники информации представлены в списке использованных источников. Научная новизна работы заключается в разработке рекомендаций по повышению конкурентоспособности табачной компании. Итогом работы стали рекомендации по повышению уровня конкурентоспособности компании "Шанхай Тобакко групп". Результаты исследования будут применены в деятельности компании "Шанхай Тобакко групп".The urgency of the work lies in the fact that in the context of toughening of competitive struggle, any company is forced to manage its competitiveness on the basis of the developed competitive strategy. During the research, the study and systematization of information on the subject and object of the study was conducted. Sources of information are listed in the list of sources used. The scientific novelty of the work is to develop recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of the tobacco company. The work resulted in recommendations for increasing the level of competitiveness of the Shanghai Tobacco Group. The results of the research will be applied to the activities of the Shanghai Tobacco Group

    Effects of small-scale turbulence on the growth of two diatoms of different size in a phosphorus-limited medium

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    15 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, 1 appendix.-- Issue title: "Workshop on Future Directions in Modelling Physical-Biological Interactions (WKFDPBI)"The effect of turbulence on the nutrient flux towards osmotrophic cells is predicted to be size dependent. This should translate into growth. We experimentally followed and modelled the growth of two marine diatoms of different size (Thalassiosira pseudonana, 6 μm in diameter and Coscinodiscus sp., ca. 109 μm in diameter) under still water and turbulent conditions, using a shaker table. Experiments were done with phosphorus-limited cultures and lasted for ca. 5 days. Turbulence enhanced the growth of Coscinodiscus sp. in agreement with theory but not the growth of T. pseudonana, which was actually slightly lower under turbulence. At the end of the experiments there were about 1.7 times as many Coscinodiscus sp. cells in the turbulent treatment than in the still treatment, while for T. pseudonana almost the same cell concentration was found in both conditions. In addition, the Coscinodiscus sp. cells growing under still conditions presented a higher specific alkaline phosphatase activity than those growing in turbulence which indicates a higher need for phosphorus in the still cultures. A simple dynamic model, based on Michaelis Menten nutrient uptake kinetics, needed nearly no optimisation other than using observed initial conditions of phosphate and cell concentrations. The model showed how an increased nutrient flux towards the cells translates non-linearly into cell growth, most likely by affecting the half-saturation constant (KM). However, since Coscinodiscus sp. experienced significant mortality and cells partially settled to the bottom of the containers, unequivocal support for the size-dependent effect of turbulence on nutrient uptake will require further experiments and more sophisticated modelling. The mechanisms to connect an increased nutrient flux towards cells with population growth and whether this process is size dependent are important in parameterizing the effects of turbulence on marine plankton in coupled physical biological modelsThis work was supported by Spanish Projects TURFI (REN2002-01591/MAR) and VARITEC (CTM2004-04442-C02) and by European Union projects MEDEA (MAS3-CT95-0016) and NTAP (EVK3-CT-2000-00022). This is European Land Ocean Interaction Studies contribution 523/40Peer reviewe