11,626 research outputs found

    Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action

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    This paper is organized into two parts -- Strategic Voice and Tactical Agency. Strategic Voice argues that problems of race in policing cannot be resolved by the police alone. Other people must help by understanding and ameliorating the social conditions that cause race to be associated with crime and hence become a dilemma for American policing. Rather than accepting these conditions as givens, police leaders with their powerful collective voice should actively call attention to what needs to be changed. Tactical Agency outlines what the police can do on their own initiative to deal with the operational dilemmas of race -- in the communities they serve and in their own organizations

    Bill Dark

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    An Overview of Environmental Themes in the Video Game Industry

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    Video games of the early 1990s have an appreciable depth of environmental tones that seem prophetic by today’s standards as climate change and environmental degradation have emerged as significant topics of scientific and geographic inquiry. The political and cultural environment of the late 1980s and early 1990s played a significant role in the development of environmentally-minded video games. Since the 20th century, the depiction of these environmental themes have changed with a greater understanding of environmental science literature, have incorporated educational qualities to game play, and have migrated from large video game developers (e.g., Sega and Nintendo) to independent developers (e.g., Plethora Project and thatgamecompany). An overview of the evolution of environmental themes in video games is presented by examining individual games along with trends in the video game industry

    Elämä, kuolema ja vapaamuurarius – William Morganin ruumis

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    .Syyskuussa 1826 tapahtunut William Morganin salaperäinen katoaminen oli eräs Yhdysvaltain historian kiistellyimmistä ratkaisemattomista kuolemantapauksista. Morgan oli elämässään epäonnistunut muurari ja liikemies, jonka hahmosta tuli kiinnekohta kokonaiselle sukupolvelle amerikkalaisessa politiikassa ja kulttuurissa. Morgan kohtasi kuolemansa jouduttuaan entisten vapaamuurariveljiensä sieppaamaksi ja todennäköisesti myös murhaamaksi New Yorkin osavaltion länsiosissa; tapahtuman taustalla olivat Morganin uhkaukset paljastaa vapaamuurarijärjestön salaisuudet sanomalehdistölle. Paikalliset vapaamuurarit yrittivät myös myötävaikuttaa Morganin sieppauksesta syytettyjen henkilöiden oikeudenkäynteihin. Lopputuloksena oli sarja lieviä tuomioita, valamiehistön pattitilanteita ja vapauttamisia, joiden lietsoman raivokkaan reaktion seurauksena syntyi järjestäytynyt Amerikan vapaamuurariuden vastainen puolue, American Anti-Masonic Party. Seuranneina vuosikymmeninä Morgankohotettiin vapaamuurarien vastustajien keskuudessa marttyyriksi, siinä missä vapaamuurarit esittivät hänet roistona. Vaikka vapaamuurariuden vastaisen puolueen syntyä on käsitelty viime aikoina paljon, on Morganin kuolemaan johtaneita olosuhteita ja hänen kuolemansa ympärille rakennettuja kilpailevia kertomuksia arvioitu tutkimuksessa toistaiseksi vain vähän. Yhteisönsä valtaapitävät haastaneena köyhänä miehenä Morgan mitä todennäköisimmin päätti päivänsä vapaamuurarien murhaamana. Kuolemansa myötä hänestä tuli suurempi hahmo kuin mitä hän oli eläissään ollut, sekä vihamiestensä että ihailijoidensa keskuudessa. Morganin kuoleman myötä vapaamuurarijärjestö joutui Yhdysvalloissa pysyvästi puolustusasemiin. Amerikkalaisten vapaamuurarien kertomuksissa Morgan on jäänyt synkäksi hahmoksi, joka muodostaa täydellisen vastakohdan vapaamuurariuden vastustajien luomalle sankarillisen kristillisen marttyyrin perikuvall

    NC's Anti-Predatory Lending Law: Doing What It's Supposed To Do: A Reply

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    We reply to criticisms of our recent study about North Carolina's Anti-Predatory Lending Law reducing predatory loan terms and preserving access to credit (NC's Anti-Predatory Lending Law: Doing What it's Supposed to Do). To examine whether the decline in overall subprime lending in North Carolina, following passage of the predatory lending law, was due to a decline in loans with legitimate terms or to a reduction in loans with abusive terms, we examined specific market segments and market practices using loan level data from the Loan Performance Asset Backed Securities (ABS) database. Our study revealed that, although the total volume of subprime originations in North Carolina declined, the number of home purchase loans was unaffected by the law. Given the robustness of the LP data, we are baffled by the criticism and disappointed by confusion that has arisen over mistaken data interpretation. For reasons discussed in this paper, we stand by our descriptive study and will continue to use LP data in our future work.Technology and Industry, Regulatory Reform

    The Effect Demographics Have On The Demand For Orange Juice

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    This paper investigates how the demand for orange juice is affected by the demographics of consumers. There are many variables in the orange juice demand equation and demographics are only one. Demographic variables are important in determining the tastes and preferences of different regions. The data that has been collected is weekly data over a two year period of time. The seemingly unrelated regression method will be used to examine the data. This project will be beneficial to orange juice advertising firms and companies that sell orange juice.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Alpha1 -adrenergic stimulation selectively enhances endothelium-mediated vasodilation in rat cremaster arteries.

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    We have systematically investigated how vascular smooth muscle α1 -adrenoceptor activation impacts endothelium-mediated vasodilation in isolated, myogenically active, rat cremaster muscle 1A arteries. Cannulated cremaster arteries were pressurized intraluminally to 70 mmHg to induce myogenic tone, and exposed to vasoactive agents via bath superfusion at 34°C. Smooth muscle membrane potential was measured via sharp microelectrode recordings in pressurized, myogenic arteries. The α1 -adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (25-100 nmol/L) produced further constriction of myogenic arteries, but did not alter the vasorelaxant responses to acetylcholine (0.3 ÎĽmol/L), SKA-31 (an activator of endothelial Ca2+ -dependent K+ channels) (3 ÎĽmol/L) or sodium nitroprusside (10 ÎĽmol/L). Exposure to 0.25-1 ÎĽmol/L phenylephrine or 1 ÎĽmol/L norepinephrine generated more robust constrictions, and also enhanced the vasodilations evoked by acetylcholine and SKA-31, but not by sodium nitroprusside. In contrast, the thromboxane receptor agonist U46619 (250 nmol/L) dampened responses to all three vasodilators. Phenylephrine exposure depolarized myogenic arteries, and mimicking this effect with 4-aminopyridine (1 mmol/L) was sufficient to augment the SKA-31-evoked vasodilation. Inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channels by 1 ÎĽmol/L nifedipine decreased myogenic tone, phenylephrine-induced constriction and prevented α1 -adrenergic enhancement of endothelium-evoked vasodilation; these latter deficits were overcome by exposure to 3 and 10 ÎĽmol/L phenylephrine. Mechanistically, augmentation of ACh-evoked dilation by phenylephrine was dampened by eNOS inhibition and abolished by blockade of endothelial KCa channels. Collectively, these data suggest that increasing α1 -adrenoceptor activation beyond a threshold level augments endothelium-evoked vasodilation, likely by triggering transcellular signaling between smooth muscle and the endothelium. Physiologically, this negative feedback process may serve as a "brake" to limit the extent of vasoconstriction in the skeletal microcirculation evoked by the elevated sympathetic tone
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