45 research outputs found

    Wokół stołu chłopskiego we wsiach Galicji na przełomie XIX i XX w.

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    Michał Zych - Uniwersytet RzeszowskiRoman Zych - Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Rzeszowie47950

    The course of pregnancy and delivery in a patient with malaria

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    Malaria is one of the most common lethal parasitic diseases. Infection is transmitted when an infected female mosquito bites a human introducing the sporozoites into human blood. The article presents the course of pregnancy and delivery in a patient complicated by Plasmodium infection. The patient had repetitive several trips to Tanzania over a short time period before she developed the condition. She had been taking antimalarial medication (proguanil-atovaquone) in a prophylactic dose during and after her first travel to Tanzania. Following her first return to Poland she experienced infection-related symptoms

    Анаеробна потужність у тренованих жінок

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    Introduction. Anaerobic power is an important factor determining the physical performance in various kinds of sports. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present women’s anaerobic power in soccer players (SP), table tennis players (TT) and weightlifters (WL). Methods. This study involved 3 groups of professional athletes women: 15 SP, 12 TT and 12 WL, which are of a similar age and sports’ level. Anaerobic power in all athletes was recorded during 30-second Wingate test, with resistance set at 0,075 kp x kg (–1). Results. Relatively expressed total external work (TW), maximal power output (Pmax) and the fatigue index (FI) of tested athletes were similar. Mean power (Pmean) was different among the treatment groups (F=12,445; p<0,001), while in TT group these values were significantly lower than in SP and in WL athletes. Somatic variables in 3 groups of tested athletes have not changed. Conclusions. Type of practiced sport has an impact on the size of anaerobic power. Several years of sports training in table tennis has not changed the anaerobic potential of surveyed women while specific training in soccer and weightlifting increased onlyPmean.Актуальність. Анаеробна потужність –це важливий фактор, який визначає фізичну результативність у різних видах спорту. Отже, мета дослідження –визначення анаеробної потужності в жінок, які є футбольними гравцями (ФГ), гравцями в настільний теніс (НТ) і штангістів (ШТ). Методи дослідження. Дослідження проводили на трьох групах жінок, схожих за віковими й спортивним показниками, усі вони є професійними спортсменками: 15 ФГ, 12 НТ і 12 ШТ. Анаеробну потужність у всіх спортсменок визначали за допомогою 30-секундного Вінгейт-тесту із застосуванням набору опорів 0,075 кгс xкг (–1). Результати. У цілому загальна зовнішня робота (ЗЗР), максимальна вихідна потужність (МВП) і коефіцієнт утоми (КВ) однакові у всіх групах. Середня потужність (Рср) різниться в тестованих групах (F= 12.445; p<0.001): у групі НТ цей показник значно нижчий, ніж у ФГ і ШТ спортсменок. Соматичні відмінності в трьох тестованих групах не змінилися. Висновки. Вид спорту впливає на показник анаеробної потужності. Тренування з настільного тенісу, які проводили протягом декількох років, не привели до зміни анаеробного потенціалу в спортсменок, тоді як тренування з футболу й важкої атлетики привели лише до збільшення середньої потужності

    The association of the IL1β31IL-1\beta-31 polymorphism and the development of neuroinfections

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    Introduction. Inflammation of the meninges can have various clinical courses, from mild, self-limiting in some viral neuroinfections to severe, sometimes ending in death. The pro-inflammatory cascade and defects in the inhibitors of the inflammatory response play an important prognostic role. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the genes encoding cytokines, influence the severity of the inflammatory response. Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of selected polymorphisms of proinflammatory cytokines IL1βIL-1\beta, TNFαTNF-\alpha and IL-8 on the development of neuroinfections. Material and Methods. We evaluated the laboratory results of 30 patients treated for bacterial and viral meningitis and compared those to 30 healthy volunteers. The following 4 variants were analyzed for occurrence of genetic polymorphism in patients with meningitis versus the control group: IL1βIL-1\beta 3953, IL1β31IL-1\beta-31, TNFαTNF-\alpha -308, and IL-8 781. Then, we assessed the association between these genetic polymorphisms and the inflammatory response during the course of meningitis. Results and Conclusions. We observed that polymorphism of the IL1β31IL-1\beta-31 signifi cantly differs between patients and healthy subjects, the IL1βIL-1\beta -31AA polymorphism existed only in healthy individuals (p < 0.001). The WBC count was dependent on the TNFαTNF-\alpha -308 polymorphism with a statistically signifi cant difference (p = 0.021) occurring among persons with variants AA and AG. In conclusion the study showed that the presence of the AA genotype of IL1β31IL-1\beta-31 polymorphism may have a protective effect on the development of meningitis. This polymorphism was not observed in any patient with meningitis

    Efficient fully dynamic elimination forests with applications to detecting long paths and cycles

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    We present a data structure that in a dynamic graph of treedepth at most dd, which is modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, maintains an optimum-height elimination forest. The data structure achieves worst-case update time 2O(d2)2^{{\cal O}(d^2)}, which matches the best known parameter dependency in the running time of a static fpt algorithm for computing the treedepth of a graph. This improves a result of Dvo\v{r}\'ak et al. [ESA 2014], who for the same problem achieved update time f(d)f(d) for some non-elementary (i.e. tower-exponential) function ff. As a by-product, we improve known upper bounds on the sizes of minimal obstructions for having treedepth dd from doubly-exponential in dd to dO(d)d^{{\cal O}(d)}. As applications, we design new fully dynamic parameterized data structures for detecting long paths and cycles in general graphs. More precisely, for a fixed parameter kk and a dynamic graph GG, modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, our data structures maintain answers to the following queries: - Does GG contain a simple path on kk vertices? - Does GG contain a simple cycle on at least kk vertices? In the first case, the data structure achieves amortized update time 2O(k2)2^{{\cal O}(k^2)}. In the second case, the amortized update time is 2O(k4)+O(klogn)2^{{\cal O}(k^4)} + {\cal O}(k \log n). In both cases we assume access to a dictionary on the edges of GG.Comment: 74 pages, 5 figure