117 research outputs found

    The Phenylpropanoid Case – It Is Transport That Matters

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    Phenylpropanoids fulfill numerous physiological functions, essential for plant growth and development, as well as plant–environment interactions. Over the last few decades, many studies have shown that exquisite regulatory mechanisms at multiple levels control the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway. Deciphering this pathway not only provides a greater, basic understanding of plant specialized metabolism, but also enhances our ability to rationally design plant metabolic pathways for future applications. Despite the identification of the participating enzymes of this complex, biosynthetic machinery, we still lack a complete picture of other genes, enzymes, and metabolites essential for regulation and compartmentation/distribution of phenylpropanoids. Compartmentation, as well as distribution, are critical for the fate/functioning of those molecules, and their effective biosynthesis. At the cellular level, we have narrowed down our understanding of these processes to organelles. Furthermore, various, overlapping, but not exclusive scenarios of phenylpropanoid distribution within the cell have also been described. The cross-membrane dynamics, but also intercellular communication of different branches from phenylpropanoid biosynthesis have become an exciting research frontier in plant science. The intra- and intercellular channeling of intermediates by various transport mechanisms and notably membrane transporters could be a meaningful tool that ensures, inter alia, efficient metabolite production

    Turystyka, eksport towarowy, pomoc rozwojowa i przekazy jako narzędzia przełamania stagnacji społeczno-gospodarczej w państwach Globalnego Południa o niekorzystnym położeniu geograficznym oraz najsłab

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena zależności pomiędzy wpływami z turystyki, eksportu towarowego, pomocy rozwojowej i przekazów w 83 państwach Globalnego Południa. Państwa te zostały pogrupowane ze względu na cechy geograficzne, które w znacznym stopniu hamują rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy na: małe rozwijające się państwa wyspiarskie, państwa bez dostępu do morza (śródlądowe). Państwa te określono na potrzeby artykułu państwami o niekorzystnym położeniu geograficznym. Dodatkowo wyróżniono grupę państw najsłabiej rozwiniętych. Zależność pomiędzy czterema zmiennymi stanowiła punkt wyjścia do zbadania i oceny związku pomiędzy nimi a obecnym poziomem rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w analizowanych państwach Południa. W badaniu zastosowano charakterystyki dla czterech zmiennych w poszczególnych grupach państw, takie jak: średnia, mediana, odchylenie standardowe, współczynnik zmienności, skośność, minimum oraz maksimum. Do identyfikacji zależności pomiędzy zmiennymi wykorzystany został współczynnik korelacji r−Spearmana. Badanie wskazało, że we wszystkich analizowanych państwach, na podstawie uzyskanych wyników, można było zauważyć silny dodatni związek pomiędzy turystyką a eksportem towarowym. W tych państwach, które szczególnie intensywnie rozwijały specjalizację turystyczną (eksport produktu turystycznego) przekładało się to na przełamanie stagnacji gospodarczej i przyspieszenie procesów rozwojowych

    La terapia de la coherencia: un enfoque constructivista apoyado por la neurociencia contemporánea

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    Coherence therapy (CT) is described in the present article. Constructivism´s influence on psychotherapy in general and on CT specifically is discussed briefly, followed by a detailed presentation of CT´s history, theory and methodology. Memory reconsolidation, a recently discovered phenomenon which is stated to occur in CT process, is described as well together with its implications for psychotherapy field. A brief case study is presented to show CT´s process in prac­tice and the future and limitations of CT are dis­cussed in the final part of the articleResumenEn el presente artículo se describe la terapia de la coherencia (TC). Con el fin de presentar este enfoque se realiza una breve descripción del constructivismo y su influencia tanto en la TC, como en la psicoterapia en general. Se continúa con la explicación detallada de la historia, teoría y metodología de la TC. Se describe también la reconsolidación de la memoria, un fenómeno descubierto recientemente en el campo de la neurociencia que parece ocurrir en el proceso de la TC y se presentan sus implicaciones para la psicoterapia. Se utiliza un breve estudio de caso para explicar el proceso de la TC de forma práctica. Finalmente, se describe el estado acual y el futuro de este enfoque terapéutico. AbstractCoherence therapy (CT) is described in the present article. Constructivism´s influence on psychotherapy in general and on CT specifically is discussed briefly, followed by a detailed presentation of CT´s history, theory and methodology. Memory reconsolidation, a recently discovered phenomenon which is stated to occur in CT process, is described as well together with its implications for psychotherapy field. A brief case study is presented to show CT´s process in prac­tice and the future and limitations of CT are dis­cussed in the final part of the articl

    Deep learning for molecular thermodynamics

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    The methods used in chemical engineering are strongly reliant on having a solid grasp of the thermodynamic features of complex systems. It is difficult to define the behavior of ions and molecules in complex systems and to make reliable predictions about the thermodynamic features of complex systems across a wide range. Deep learning (DL), which can provide explanations for intricate interactions that are beyond the scope of traditional mathematical functions, would appear to be an effective solution to this problem. In this brief Perspective, we provide an overview of DL and review several of its possible applications within the realm of chemical engineering. DL approaches to anticipate the molecular thermodynamic characteristics of a broad range of systems based on the data that are already available are also described, with numerous cases serving as illustrations.Web of Science1524art. no. 934

    Histological analysis of forearm superficial veins structure

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    Background: The connection between the basilic and cephalic veins of the forearm shows considerable interindividual variation. Depending on its form, the most common types of venous connections are M-, N- or Y-shaped. This study aims to compare the metric traits of the basilic and cephalic veins and the relative content of smooth muscle/collagen fibers/elastic fibers in their walls and to determine the differences between the forearm venous systems. Materials and methods: The study was performed on 42 veins collected from 26 deceased individuals between the ages of 19 and 50 years. Vein sections were fixed, embedded in paraffin blocks and used to prepare histological slides, stained according to pentachrome Movat's method. Venous metrics were assessed and the percentage of muscle, elastic and collagen fibers was determined using the Trainable Weka segmentation. Statistical analysis compared the M-type vein with the Y- and N-types, which were combined into one category. Results and Conclusions: Analysis showed a greater tunica media thickness in the M-type vein, with a greater lumen circumference in the Y/N types. Correlation analysis showed a correlation of vein metrics with elastic fibre content and a weak inverse correlation with the tunica media thickness. It can be hypothesized that the increased performance of N- and Y-types may be related to elastic fibers content

    Analysis of the power supply restoration time after failures in power transmission lines

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    This paper presents the analysis of power supply restoration time after failures occurring in power lines. It found that the power supply restoration time depends on several constituents, such as the time for obtaining information on failures, the time for information recognition, the time to repair failures, and the time for connection harmonization. All these constituents have been considered more specifically. The main constituents' results values of the power supply restoration time were analyzed for the electrical networks of regional power supply company "Oreolenergo", a branch of Interregional Distribution Grid Company (IDGC) of Center. The Delphi method was used for determining the time for obtaining information on failures as well as the time for information recognition. The method of mathematical statistics was used to determine the repair time. The determined power supply restoration time (5.28 h) is similar to statistical values of the examined power supply company (the deviation was equal to 9.9%). The technical means of electrical network automation capable of the reduction of the power supply restoration time have also been found. These means were classified according to the time intervals they shorten.Web of Science1311art. no. 273

    On hyperparameter optimization of machine learning methods using a Bayesian optimization algorithm to predict work travel mode choice

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    Prediction of work Travel mode choice is one of the most important parts of travel demand forecasting. Planners can achieve sustainability goals by accurately forecasting how people will get to and from work. In the prediction of travel mode selection, machine learning methods are commonly employed. To fit a machine-learning model to various challenges, the hyperparameters must be tweaked. Choosing the optimal hyperparameter configuration for machine learning models has an immediate effect on the performance of the model. In this paper, optimizing the hyperparameters of common machine learning models, including support vector machines, k-nearest neighbor, single decision trees, ensemble decision trees, and Naive Bayes, is studied using the Bayesian Optimization algorithm. These models were developed and optimized using two datasets from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. Using several criteria, including average accuracy (%), average area under the receiver operating characteristics, and a simple ranking system, the performance of the optimized models was investigated. The findings of this study show that the BO is an effective model for improving the performance of the k-nearest neighbor model more than other models. This research lays the groundwork for using optimized machine learning methods to mitigate the negative consequences of automobile use.Web of Science11197741976

    Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with relatively recent previous stent implantation: Three years follow-up results

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    Background: An increasing number of patients who undergo coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) have a history of coronary stent implantation. This study aims to assess perioperative and medium-term follow-up outcomes in patients in whom CABG was preceded by coronary stent implantation within two years before operation. Methods: One hundred and sixty two patients undergoing CABG after previous stent placement (PCI + CABG group) were compared to 149 who had CABG without PCI in the past (CABG group). Clinical, angiographic and perioperative outcome data were compared. The three year follow-up comprised data on number of deaths and the presence of anginal symptoms. Results: In both groups the extent of coronary artery disease was comparable, but more patients in the PCI + CABG group had a history of myocardial infarction. Perioperative outcome data did not differ between the groups except for a higher number of vessels considered infarct-related grafted in the CABG group. Patients operated on up to three months after PCI had more extensive coronary heart disease than those operated on later. They also had a significantly shorter operation time. This group also showed a trend towards less postoperative bleeding, less rethoracotomy and less low cardiac output syndrome. In a three year follow-up, 48 (30%) patients in the PCI + CABG group reported presence of angina compared to 28 (19%) in the CABG group (p = 0.04). Conclusions: Previous PCI does not significantly influence the CABG outcome. In mediumterm follow-up, freedom from anginal symptoms is less likely in patients in whom CABG was preceded by stent implantation

    Risk factors of self-medication with antibiotics for acute pharyngitis

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    Background: Self-medicating with antibiotics is prevalent in low- and middle-income nations. This research sought to assess the perspectives on antibiotic usage and self-medication in case of acute pharyngitis, as well as the factors linked to self-medication among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin, Poland. Methods: A original, fully anonymous survey was conducted among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin. The descriptive statistics of answers in questionnaires and Automatic Linear Modeling Regression (LINEAR) was applied to point out the most significant predictors of the antibiotics misuse. Results: A response number of 262 participants was obtained. About 15,6% (41/262) respondents had self-medicated during the last year due to acute pharyngitis symptoms. We have identified the following important risk factors of anti-health behaviours connected with self-medication: frequent occurrence of symptoms of acute pharyngitis, frequent receiving antibiotics on prescription, frequent diagnosing a bacterial cause of sore throat, higher sensitivity to pain and lower education level. Surprisingly our research shows that women present lower sensitivity to pain than men in case of pain connected with acute pharyngitis. Conclusion: There is a need for greater attention paid to the education of the patients presenting the aforementioned risk factors. Education should focus on the risks to the patients connected with antimicrobial resistance