235 research outputs found

    Novel applications of COX-2 inhibitors, metformin, and statins for the primary chemoprevention of breast cancer

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    Recent evidence shows that commonly prescribed drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), metformin, and statins, may have beneficial roles in the primary chemoprevention of breast cancer. Therefore, these drugs could potentially be used in addition to the hormonal drugs currently used for this purpose (namely, selective estrogen receptor modulators and aromatase inhibitors) due to their alternative mechanisms of action.peer-reviewe

    Punts crítics de estirada d'arrencada en halterofília

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    La finalitat d'aquest estudi és analitzar la tècnica en halterofilistes de nivell internacional, seguint les corbes de les forces verticals. Aquest treball, amb l'ajuda d'una plataforma de forces i d'un sistema d'anàlisi de video en dues dimensions, localitza els diferents punts crítics que intervenen en aquestes corbes al llarg de l'estirada d'arrencada en halterofília. Sis halterofilistes de nivell internacional han fet tres proves d'arrencada cada un, i feren servir càrregues al 70%, 80% i 90% de les seves marques màximes. En el transcurs de l'arrencada es noten tres punts crítics: dues màximes (Tz I , Fz I) i (Tz3, Fz3) separades per un mínim (Tz2, Fz2). Els esmentats punts tradueixen, des d'un pla cinemàtic i dinàmic les transicions de les fases tècniques. En el conjunt de les dades calculades, dues variables del sistema halterofilista-barra (Tz 3 I-Tz I i Fz I/Fz 0) i quatre variables estudiades sobre la cinemàtica de la barra (altura màx., altura màx./talla, altura màx./longitud cames i velocitat mit.), presenten diferències significatives entre les proves al llarg del test de rang de Wilcoxon. La utilització d'una matriu de correlacions (test d'Spearman), associada a una matriu de probabilitats, demostra correlacions elevades entre els diferents punts. Cal subratllar la importància del punt crític (Tz I , Fz I ) pel que fa als altres punts i les seves repercussions cinemàtiques de la barra (r = 0,83, P < 0,0 I ) per a Fz I i DV màx. a 90% de la càrrega màxima). El primer pic de més força Fz l és assolit més ràpidament i les relacions de força disminueixen (en concret Fz 1 / Fz0), respectivament igual, a 1,65 ± 0,10, després 1,54 ± 0,08 a 70% y 90% màxim. La disminució de la relació de la força Fz1 /Fz2 i l'augment de Fz3/FzI, pel que fa a les variables cinemàtiques de la barra, són significatius de les possibilitats de halterofilista

    Puntos críticos del tirón de arrancada en halterofilia

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    La finalidad de este estudio es analizar la técnica en halterófilos de nivel internacio-nal, siguiendo las curvas de las fuerzas verticales. Este trabajo, con la ayuda de una plataforma de fuerzas y de un sistema de análisis de vídeo en dos dimensiones, localiza los diferentes puntos críticos que intervienen en estas curvas a lo largo del tirón de arrancada en halterofilia. Seis halterófilos de nivel internacional han realizado tres pruebas de arrancada cada uno, utilizando cargas al 70%, 80% y 90% de sus marcas máximas. En el transcurso del tirón se notan tres puntos críticos: dos máximas (Tz I , Fz 1) y  (Tz3, Fz3) separadas por un mínimo  (Tz2, Fz2). Dichos puntos traducen, desde un plano cinemático y dinámico las transiciones de las fases técnicas. En el conjunto de los datos calculados, dos variables del sistema halterófilo-barra (Tz 3 I-Tz I y Fz I/Fz 0) y cuatro va-riables estudiadas sobre la cinemática de la barra (altura max., altura max./talla, al-tura max./longitud piernas y velocidad med.), presentan diferencias significativas entre las pruebas a lo largo del test de rango de Wilcoxon. La utilización de una matriz de correlaciones (test de Spear-man), asociada a una matriz de probabili-dades, demuestra correlaciones elevadas entre los diferentes puntos. Es necesario subrayar la importancia del punto crítico (Tz I , Fz I ) con respecto a los otros puntos y sus repercusiones sobre las variables cinemáticas de la barra (r = 0,83, P < 0,0 I ) para Fz1 y DV max. a 90% de la carga máxima). El primer pico de fuerza Fz I es alcanzado más rápidamente y las relaciones de fuerza disminuyen (en concreto Fz 1 / Fz0), respectivamente igual, a 1,65 ± 0,10, después 1,54 ± 0,08 a 70% y 90% màxim. La disminución de la relación de la fuerza Fz1 /Fz2 y el aumento de Fz3/FzI, con respecto a las variables cinemáticas de la barra, són significativos de las posibilidades del halterófilo

    Small state governmental capacities and strategies to influence the EU decision-making process: a case study of Malta

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    The thesis is divided into two main parts: Parts I and II. Part I includes the literature review besides all the theoretical, conceptual and methodological research of the thesis. Part II encompasses the empirical research. This thesis examines whether small state governments in the European Union (EU) exercise influence in decision-making legislative processes. The following questions are put forward as part of the thesis’s investigation: - Are EU small member state governments influential in EU decision-making processes? In other words, do they exercise influence in these processes? And if so, how and at which stage do they do this? The thrust of the thesis goes contrary to the general notion that due to their smallness, small EU states do not exercise influence in such processes. It therefore explores whether small EU state governments are not necessarily as ‘weak’ or ‘powerless’ as literature on small states in the EU seems to portray. This thesis seeks to answer the above questions by focusing on Malta - the smallest state in the EU - and whether it exercises influence in ‘uploading’ its preferences in two distinct stages of EU legislative decision-making processes - decision-shaping (formation) and decision-taking (adoption). The cases selected and analyzed showcase the Maltese government’s behaviour in legislative negotiations in differing EU policy spheres that are extremely relevant to it. These are the adoption of EU directives on pyrotechnic articles (falling under the EU competition and consumer health and safety policy spheres) and on the extension of EU long-term residence to beneficiaries of international protection (falling under EU immigration policy). As analyzed in Part II of the thesis, Malta’s government has achieved varying degrees of success in its exercise of influence in these EU decision-making processes. The thesis selects six independent variables from the literature on small states that may be perceived as significant agents or factors for governmental influence in EU decision-making processes. These have been divided between governmental capacities (variables 1 to 3) and strategies (variables 4 to 6). Data has been collected through the use of differing methodological techniques of a dual nature: qualitative (through process-tracing, documentary analysis and elite interviews with the main EU and Maltese government officials participating in the legislative negotiations examined in this thesis) and quantitative (descriptive statistics with levels of measurement and spread). The theoretical framework of the thesis applies three main approaches. These are rational choice theory, new institutionalism and multi-level governance. Chapters 4 and 11 provide an in-depth analysis of how these approaches apply to the thesis’s empirical framework. Given that the subject matter of this thesis is relatively underexplored, it contributes to the literature on this subject in a number of ways. Primarily, it furthers knowledge on small states in the EU particularly their behaviour in EU decision-making processes. It also advances knowledge on Malta in the EU, particularly its performance in EU legislative decision-making on which to date not much research has been undertaken. It therefore fills a vacuum in literature on Malta in EU legislative decision-making processes. Finally, the author would like to stress that while use is made of relevant existing conceptual/theoretical material found in Part I of the thesis, the empirical research in Part II is original


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    Major studies on javelin throwing have focused more recently on kinematics studies, in two, and later, in three dimensions (3D), especially to analyse high performances (Bartlell & Best, 1988). However, there is a lack of literature reporting on kinetics data in javelin throwing event (Bartonietz, 2000). The main objective of this study is to develop a 3D kinematics and kinetics analysis of the final release phase of the javelin throw to explain javelin throwing performance

    Vortex dynamics in high Froude number variable-density flows

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    Outline of the presentation : 1.Introduction - Illustrative examples from experiments and simulations 2.The baroclinic torque in high Froude number flows, its organization, scale and order of magnitude 3.Transition of the inhomogeneous mixing--layer and the 2D secondary baroclinici instability 4.The strain field of 2D light jets and the question of side-jets 5.Mass segregation in 2D turbulence and the baroclinic instability of massive of vortice

    Baroclinic instabilities

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    1. Introduction - Illustrative examples from experiments and simulations 2. The baroclinic torque in high Froude number flows, its organization, scale and order of magnitude 3. Stability of the inhomogeneous mixing-layer 4. Transition of the inhomogeneous mixing-layer and the 2D secondary baroclinic instability 5. The strain field of 2D light jets 6. Transition to three-dimensionality in light jets and the question of side-jets 7. Baroclinic instability of heavy vortices and some elements on vortex interaction in inhomogeneous 2D turbulenc

    Constant low-to-moderate mechanical asymmetries during 800-m track running

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    IntroductionModifications in asymmetry in response to self-paced efforts have not been thoroughly documented, particularly regarding horizontally-derived ground reaction force variables. We determined the magnitude and range of gait asymmetries during 800 m track running.MethodsEighteen physical education students completed an 800 m self-paced run on a 200 m indoor track. During the run, vertical and horizontal ground reaction forces were measured at a sampling frequency of 500 Hz using a 5 m-long force platform system, with data collected once per lap. The following mechanical variables were determined for two consecutive steps: contact time and duration of braking/push-off phases along with vertical/braking/push-off peak forces and impulses. The group mean asymmetry scores were evaluated using the “symmetry angle” (SA) formula, where scores of 0% and 100% correspond to perfect symmetry and perfect asymmetry, respectively.ResultsThere was no influence of distance interval on SA scores for any of the nine biomechanical variables (P ≥ 0.095). The SA scores were ∼1%–2% for contact time (1.3 ± 0.5%), peak vertical forces (1.8 ± 0.9%), and vertical impulse (1.7 ± 1.0%). The SA scores were ∼3%–8% for duration of braking (3.6 ± 1.1%) and push-off (3.2 ± 1.4%) phases, peak braking (5.0 ± 2.1%) and push-off (6.9 ± 3.1%) forces as well as braking (7.6 ± 2.3%) and push-off (7.7 ± 3.3%) impulses. The running velocity progressively decreased at 300 m and 500 m compared to that at 100 m but levelled off at 700 m (P < 0.001).DiscussionThere were no modifications in gait asymmetries, as measured at 200-m distance intervals during 800-m track running in physical education students. The 800 m self-paced run did not impose greater mechanical constraints on one side of the body. Experimental procedures for characterizing the gait pattern during 800 m track running could be simplified by collecting leg mechanical data from only one side

    Totarol content and cytotoxicity varies significantly in different types of propolis

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    Propolis is a complex honeybee product deposited in the beehives, where it protects the hive and its occupants from microbial infection. Propolis has several reported medical applications in view of its numerous bioactive properties. The water insoluble fraction of crude Maltese honeybee propolis was extracted in methanol. Analysis by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the diterpenoid totarol to be the predominant constituent in all samples. The evaporated methanol residue was dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and used for cytotoxicity testing on human cancer cell lines using standard 3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays. Results obtained show that the propolis collected from Malta has cytotoxic activity in cancer cells in vitro. However, propolis collected from different sites, only a few miles apart and at different times of the year, showed marked variations in the cytotoxicity, which correlated clearly with totarol content. This reflects the differences in the species of plants, on which the bees had foraged and indicates the importance of collection site and season of collection on the bioactivity of propolis products.peer-reviewe

    Turbulence et vortex à densité variable

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    Présentation en cinq points: 1. Mélange inhomogène : exemples et modèle de description 2. Méthodes de projection et code pseudo-spectral, 3. Dynamique rotationnelle en milieu inhomogène, 4. Vortex lourd versus vortex léger (2D), 5. Ségrégation de masse en turbulence bidimensionnell