5,214 research outputs found

    The long-run effects of the Fed's monetary policy on the dynamics among major asset classes

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    It is well known that government monetary policies significantly impact financial markets. There have been numerous studies examining the relationship between monetary policy and the prices of financial assets, including equities and bonds. Little, however, has been done to explore the impact of major financial assets on changes in monetary policies

    Joint Topic-Semantic-aware Social Recommendation for Online Voting

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    Online voting is an emerging feature in social networks, in which users can express their attitudes toward various issues and show their unique interest. Online voting imposes new challenges on recommendation, because the propagation of votings heavily depends on the structure of social networks as well as the content of votings. In this paper, we investigate how to utilize these two factors in a comprehensive manner when doing voting recommendation. First, due to the fact that existing text mining methods such as topic model and semantic model cannot well process the content of votings that is typically short and ambiguous, we propose a novel Topic-Enhanced Word Embedding (TEWE) method to learn word and document representation by jointly considering their topics and semantics. Then we propose our Joint Topic-Semantic-aware social Matrix Factorization (JTS-MF) model for voting recommendation. JTS-MF model calculates similarity among users and votings by combining their TEWE representation and structural information of social networks, and preserves this topic-semantic-social similarity during matrix factorization. To evaluate the performance of TEWE representation and JTS-MF model, we conduct extensive experiments on real online voting dataset. The results prove the efficacy of our approach against several state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017

    An Eco-Translatological Perspective to Folk Culture Translation: A Case Study of To Live Translated by Michael Berry

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    This paper aims to explore the translation of Chinese folk cultural elements from an eco-translatological perspective. Through the analysis of Berry’s translation of folk cultural elements in the novel To Live, it can be concluded that the translator’s selection in the translation properly adapts to the translational eco-environment from linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions, and also it proves that the emerging eco-translatology theory is applicable and significant to folk culture translation.

    Evidence for the perception of time distortion during episodes of Alice in wonderland syndrome

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    Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a rare perceptual disorder associated with sensation of one or several visual and/or auditory perceptual distortions including size of body parts, size of external objects, or passage of time (either speeding up or slowing down). Cause for AIWS is yet to bewidely agreed, and the implications are widely varied. One of the research difficulties is the brevity of each episode, typically not exceeding few tens of minutes. This article presents a male adult in late 20s who has apparently experienced AIWS episodes since childhood, and infection has been ruled out. Reaction speed tests were conducted during and after AIWS episodes, across a span of 13 months. Statistically significant evidence is present for delayed response time during AIWS episodes when the patient claims to experience a sensation of time distortion: where events seem to move faster and people appear to speak quicker

    Shifts of Appraisal Meaning and Character Depiction Effect in Translation: A Case Study of the English Translation of Mai Jia’s In the Dark

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    This paper aims to explore the translation effect of character depiction in Mai’s In the Dark from an appraisal perspective. Through a comparative analysis of the affect, judgment, and appreciation in ST and TT, this paper demonstrates that translators rewrite the evaluative meaning of attitude in the ST due to the differences in ideology, social ethics and cultural images between East and West, which makes the characters in the translation more expected for Western readers’ attitude cognition.

    Hybrid Decentralised Energy for Remote Communities: Case Studies and the Analysis of the Potential Integration of Rain Energy

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    For remote underdeveloped and sparsely populated regions, the use of national power grids to provide electricity can be both unsustainable and impractical. In recent years, decentralised renewable power has gained popularity, endowing social benefits to the local inhabitants through clean rural electrification. However, power reliability and system autonomy are often the primary technical concerns as current systems are largely single source reliant. Hybrid power systems that utilise multiple complementary renewables can help to reduce the dependency on conventional unclean options. A few selected case studies for both single source and hybrid power systems are reviewed, analysing critical success factors and evaluating existing difficulties. The additional integration of the novel rain-powered kinetic-to-electric generator technology to the existing hybrid model is analysed. As with development in general, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to bringing power to remote communities and the most sustainable solution should be found through analysing local resources, environmental conditions and maximising local involvement
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