285 research outputs found

    Parity-violation in bouncing cosmology

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    We investigate the possibility of the enhancement of parity-violation signal in bouncing cosmology. Specifically, we are interested in deciding which phase should generate the most significant parity-violation signals. We find that the dominant contribution comes from the bouncing phase, while the contraction phase has a smaller contribution. Therefore, bouncing cosmology can enhance the parity-violation signals during the bouncing phase. Moreover, since the bouncing phase has the highest energy scale in bouncing cosmology, we can also probe new physics at this scale by studying the parity-violation effect.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figure

    Pulsar timing array observations as possible hints for nonsingular cosmology

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    Recent pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments have reported strong evidence of the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB). If interpreted as primordial gravitational waves (GWs), the signal favors a strongly blue-tilted spectrum. Consequently, the nonsingular cosmology, which is able to predict a strongly blue-tilted GW spectrum with nT2n_T \simeq 2 on certain scales, offers a potential explanation for the observed SGWB signal. In this paper, we present a Genesis-inflation model capable of explaining the SGWB signal observed by the PTA collaborations while also overcoming the initial singularity problem associated with the inflationary cosmology. Furthermore, our model predicts distinctive features in the SGWB spectrum, which might be examined by forthcoming space-based gravitational wave experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; references added, published in EPJ

    Higher order correction to weak-field lensing of Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole

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    Gravitational lensing effect at higher order under weak field approximation is believed to be important to distinguish black holes and other compact objects like wormholes. The deflection angle of a generic wormhole is difficult to solve analytically, thus approximation methods are implemented. In this paper, we investigate the weak-field deflection angle of a specific wormhole, the Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole (EBWH), up to the 1/b^4 order. We use different approximation formalism, study their precision at 1/b^4 order by a comparison to a purely numerical result, and finally rank these formalism by their accuracy. Moreover, we find that certain formalism are sensitive to the choice of coordinate system, when the corresponding deflection angle approaches 0 in the negative-mass branch of universe.Comment: Comments are welcome

    Prediction of Yield Surface of Single Crystal Copper from Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Geometric Learning

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    A yield surface of a material is a set of critical stress conditions beyond which macroscopic plastic deformation begins. For crystalline solids, plastic deformation occurs by the motion of dislocations, which can be captured by discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulations. In this paper, we predict the yield surfaces and strain-hardening behaviors using DDD simulations and a geometric manifold learning approach. The yield surfaces in the three-dimensional space of plane stress are constructed for single-crystal copper subjected to uniaxial loading along the [100][100] and [110][110] directions, respectively. With increasing plastic deformation under [100][100] loading, the yield surface expands nearly uniformly in all directions, corresponding to isotropic hardening. In contrast, under [110][110] loading, latent hardening is observed, where the yield surface remains nearly unchanged in the orientations in the vicinity of the loading direction itself, but expands in other directions, resulting in an asymmetric shape. This difference in hardening behaviors is attributed to the different dislocation multiplication behaviors on various slip systems under the two loading conditions

    Microlensing effect of charged spherically symmetric wormhole

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    We systematically investigate the microlensing effect of charged spherically symmetric wormhole, where the light source is remote from the throat. Remarkably, there will be at most three images by considering the charge part. We study all situations including three images, two images, and one image, respectively. The numerical result shows that the range of total magnification is from 10510^5 to 10210^{-2} depending on various metrics. In the case of three images, there will be two maximal values of magnification (a peak, and a gentle peak) when the contribution via mass is much less than that of charge. However, we cannot distinguish the case that forms three images or only one image as the total magnification is of order 10510^5. Finally, our theoretical investigation could shed new light on exploring the wormhole with the microlensing effect.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Enhance Primordial Black Hole Abundance through the Non-linear Processes around Bounce Point

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    The non-singular bouncing cosmology is an alternative paradigm to inflation, wherein the background energy density vanishes at the bounce point, in the context of Einstein gravity. Therefore, the non-linear effects in the evolution of density fluctuations (δρ\delta \rho) may be strong in the bounce phase, which potentially provides a mechanism to enhance the abundance of primordial black holes (PBHs). This article presents a comprehensive illustration for PBH enhancement due to the bounce phase. To calculate the non-linear evolution of δρ\delta \rho, the Raychaudhuri equation is numerically solved here. Since the non-linear processes may lead to a non-Gaussian probability distribution function for δρ\delta \rho after the bounce point, the PBH abundance is calculated in a modified Press-Schechter formalism. In this case, the criterion of PBH formation is complicated, due to complicated non-linear evolutionary behavior of δρ\delta \rho during the bounce phase. Our results indicate that the bounce phase indeed has potential to enhance the PBH abundance sufficiently. Furthermore, the PBH abundance is applied to constrain the parameters of bounce phase, providing a complementary to the surveys of cosmic microwave background and large scale structure.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure