123 research outputs found

    Nitric oxide and its metabolites in the critical phase of illness: rapid biomarkers in the making

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    The potential of nitric oxide (NO) as a rapid assay biomarker, one that could provide a quantum leap in acute care, remains largely untapped. NO plays a crucial role as bronchodilator, vasodilator and inflammatory mediator. The main objective of this review is to demonstrate how NO is a molecule of heavy interest in various acute disease states along the emergency department and critical care spectrum: respiratory infections, central nervous system infections, asthma, acute kidney injury, sepsis, septic shock, and myocardial ischemia, to name just a few. We discuss how NO and its oxidative metabolites, nitrite and nitrate, are readily detectable in several body compartments and fluids, and as such they are associated with many of the pathophysiological processes mentioned above. With methods such as high performance liquid chromatography and chemiluminescence these entities are relatively easy and inexpensive to analyze. Emphasis is placed on diagnostic rapidity, as this relates directly to quality of care in acute care situations. Further, a rationale is provided for more bench, translational and clinical research in the field of NO biomarkers for such settings. Developing standard protocols for the aforementioned disease states, centered on concentrations of NO and its metabolites, can prove to revolutionize diagnostics and prognostication along a spectrum of clinical care. We present a strong case for developing these biomarkers more as point-of-care assays with potential of color gradient test strips for rapid screening of disease entities in acute care and beyond. This will be relevant to global health

    Distribution of Gymnosperms In Pir Lasura National Park

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    Survey carried out in June-July 2009 recorded a minimum of 159 plant species with 48 species of trees. Out of these only two species are of gymnosperms; Pinus roxburghii and Pinus wallichiana. One species of trees, Pinus roxburghii is widely distributed. It is present in all communities, and can be found in different combinations with different other species. Both of these species have ethnobotanical value and are used by local population for different purposes

    Overcrowding in the emergency departments: challenges and opportunities for improvement

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    With the advent of Emergency Medicine, one can observe an increase in the number of Emergency Departments (ED) across the country. However, most EDs struggle due to an overwhelming number of patients. Overcrowding can lead to delays in patient care. For a city like Karachi which is an active disaster zone, preemptive preparedness is required in the face of terror threats and such overcrowding needs to be decreased to a bare minimum. The most frequent causes of prolonged length of stay (LOS) in the ED include non-availability of in-hospital beds, delays in response to subspecialty consultations and escalating medical expenses. All of these can negatively impact patient care by putting patient safety at risk and patient care in jeopardy. There is an increased risk of unintentional medical errors and a concomitant increase in unwanted lawsuits. A few simple interventions which may help alleviate this situation to some extent have been discussed

    Unforgiving heat wave deaths in the largest metropolitan city of Pakistan: lessons learned

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    Heat stroke is a deadly condition that needs astute care and timely management. Recently, the city of Karachi in Pakistan has been the victim of an intense heat wave, which has resulted in an insurmountable loss of life. We observed various deficiencies in dealing with this national threat that provides us with a valuable lesson regarding the measures that can be undertaken to avoid such a disaster from occurring again
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