12 research outputs found

    Air recuperators

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    Završni rad na temu rekuperatori zraka opisuje najprije osnove klimatizacije s posebnim naglaskom na značaj ventilacije i rekuperacije zraka, te važnost uvođenja rekuperatora zraka. Opisan je princip rada rekuperatora, te su prikazane komponente sustava za rekuperaciju i načini instalacije. Na kraju rada, napravljena je analiza isplativosti instalacije rekuperatora zraka na praktičnom primjeru.Bachelor thesis on heat recovery unit first describes the basics of air conditioning, with particular emphasis on the importance of air ventilation and recuperation, and the importance of introducing heat recovery unit. The recovery principle of the heat recovery unit is described and the components of the heat recovery system and the installation methods are presented. At the end of the work, an analysis of the feasibility of installing the heat recovery unit was done on a practical example

    Pharmacologic topoisomerase-I inhibition causes DNA damage and mortality in activated CD4+ T cells

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    Topoisomerase-I is required for DNA replication. It acts by preventing torsional stress caused by DNA winding during replication fork progression.  Topoisomerase-I inhibitors are widely used in many cancer therapies, in light of their anti-proliferative activity. However, their use as chemotherapeutics is associated with significant toxicity due to the off-target effects on healthy cells. We analyzed the dose-time-toxicity profile of a clinically employed topoisomerase-I inhibitor, i.e. topotecan, on primary CD4+T cells. This cell type was chosen to model a typical in-vivo interaction, due to the wide use of topotecan in the treatment of T-cell lymphomas. Our results show that a clinically achievable concentration of topotecan can induce toxic effects in healthy CD4+ T cells as early as 7 hours of the in vitro treatment. Toxicity of the drug was markedly increased by prolonging the post-treatment follow-up, but not by increasing concentrations, suggesting that clinical doses of topotecan can induce cell death and DNA damage in non-cancerous activated CD4+ T lymphocytes


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    Najčešće uzgajane riblje vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini su iz porodice Salmonidae, uključujući i potočnu zlatovčicu (Salvelinus fontinalis) koju se uzgaja za prehranu i za potrebe poribljavanja. Na uzgajalištima je primjećena povećana učestalost anatomskih deformacija kod mlađi potočne zlatovčice koje uzrokuju smanjenje kondicije kod riba, a time i značajne financijske gubitke. S obzirom da je dokazano da je pojava deformacija u korelaciji s niskom genetičkom raznolikošću i visokom stopom uzgoja u srodstvu, ova studija je imala za cilj procijeniti unutar i međupopulacijsku raznolikost Salvelinus fontinalis iz različitih ribogojilišta u Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovu varijacija mitohondrijskog i nuklearnog genoma. Primjenom mitohondrijskog kontrolnog područja i sedam nuklearnih mikrosatelitnih lokusa analizirano je ukupno 109 uzoraka potočne zlatovčice iz tri ribogojilišta locirana na rijeci Neretvi. Metoda PCR-RFLP i metoda sekvenciranja pokazale su samo jedan haplotip kontrolnog područja u svim istraživanim jedinkama. Uočen je mali broj genotipova za sve promatrane mikrosatelitne lokuse. Vrijednost genetičke raznolikosti i sadržaj informativnog polimorfizma pratili su porast u broju alela po lokusu. Općenito, vrijednost koeficijenta uzgoja u srodstvu bio je generalno veoma visok, dok su genetska raznolikost i uočena heterozigotnost imali niske stope. Rezultati provedene studije u suglasnosti su s rezultatima prethodnih istraživanja u kojima su razvojne deformacije bile praćene niskom genetičkom raznolikošću i inbreeding depresijom. Stoga se posebno preporuča redovno nadopunjavanje matičnog jata novim, nesrodnim jedinkama s obzirom da je to od presudnog značaja za održanje zadovoljavajuće razine genetičke raznolikosti i sprečavanje inbreeding depresije. Također, održavanje dobre prakse upravljanja u pogledu fluktuacije temperature vode, izloženosti zagađenju, prehrane itd. će dodatno prevenirati nastanak ovog štetnog stanja.The most commonly farmed fish species in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s aquaculture are from the family Salmonidae, including brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis which is reared both for consumption and stocking purposes. A number of farmers complained about the elevated frequency of anatomical deformities in the smolts and fingerlings of brook trout, decreasing their fitness rate and causing significant financial loss. Since it has been shown that occurrence of deformities is correlated with the low genetic diversity and high inbreeding, this study aimed to assess intra- and interpopulation diversity of Salvelinus fontinalis from different freshwater fish farms in Bosnia and Herzegovina by observing variation in mitochondrial and nuclear genome. Total of 109 samples of brook trout from three hatcheries located at the Neretva River were analyzed for the mitochondrial control region and seven nuclear microsatellite loci. Both PCR-RFLP and sequencing revealed only one haplotype of the control region in all investigated trout. Overall, a low number of genotypes was evident across all the observed loci. Values of genetic diversity and polymorphic information content followed the increase in the number of alleles per locus. In general, values of inbreeding coefficient were generally very high, while the genetic diversity and observed heterozygosity had low rates. The results of our study are congruent with the findings of previous studies in which developmental deformities were concomitant with the low genetic diversity and inbreeding depression. It is, therefore, strongly advised to regularly supplement the broodstock with new, unrelated individuals, as it is of vital importance for sustaining a satisfying level of genetic diversity and preventing inbreeding depression. Additionally, maintaining good management practices regarding the fluctuation of water temperature, exposure to pollution, nutrition, etc., will further contribute to the prevention of this detrimental condition

    Isolated nodular amyloidosis of the breast associated with monoclonal gamapathy (IgG) - Case report

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    Amiloidoza je bolest nakupljanja netopivih proteina amiloida u ekstracelularnom prostoru. Nakupljeni proteini su imunoglobulinski spojevi koje proizvode plazma stanice i B-limfociti stimulirani antigenom. Razlikujmo tri sistemska oblika amiloidoze: primarna (AL), sekundarna (AA) i obiteljska. Lokalizirana amilodoza javlja se u gušterači kod dijabetičara tipa 2, te kod bolesnika na kroničnoj dijalizi. Amiloidoza dojke je rijedak entitet i obično se javlja kod starijih žena. Pojavljuje se kao nakupljanje ili amiloidni tumor ili u sklopu sistemskih bolesti, a često se mamografski dijagnosticira kao karcinom. Prikazat ćemo slučaj 70-godišnje bolesnice s monoklonalnom IgG gamapatijom, te pridruženom hidronefrozom i akutnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom kod koje je ultrazvučni nalaz ukazivao na zloćudni tumor dojke, a mamografski nalaz prikazao je lobulirano, neoštro ograničeno područje, bez vidljivih mikrokalcifikata.Amyloidosis is an abnormal deposition of insoluble amyloid proteins in extracellular spaces. Protein deposits are components of immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells and B–lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation. Three different forms of systemic amyloidosis can be distinguished, those are primary (AL), secondary (AA) and family form. Localized amyloidosis occurs in the pancreas in type 2 diabetic patients and in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Amyloidosis of the breast is a rare entity, mostly involving elderly women, and may be misdiagnosed as carcinoma on mammography. A 70 years old woman presented with monoclonal IgG gamapathy, hydronephrosis, acute renal insufficiency and suspicious lesion in the breast on ultrasound. Mammography revealed a lobulated, ill demarcated area without visible microcalcifications

    Isolated nodular amyloidosis of the breast associated with monoclonal gamapathy (IgG) - Case report

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    Amiloidoza je bolest nakupljanja netopivih proteina amiloida u ekstracelularnom prostoru. Nakupljeni proteini su imunoglobulinski spojevi koje proizvode plazma stanice i B-limfociti stimulirani antigenom. Razlikujmo tri sistemska oblika amiloidoze: primarna (AL), sekundarna (AA) i obiteljska. Lokalizirana amilodoza javlja se u gušterači kod dijabetičara tipa 2, te kod bolesnika na kroničnoj dijalizi. Amiloidoza dojke je rijedak entitet i obično se javlja kod starijih žena. Pojavljuje se kao nakupljanje ili amiloidni tumor ili u sklopu sistemskih bolesti, a često se mamografski dijagnosticira kao karcinom. Prikazat ćemo slučaj 70-godišnje bolesnice s monoklonalnom IgG gamapatijom, te pridruženom hidronefrozom i akutnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom kod koje je ultrazvučni nalaz ukazivao na zloćudni tumor dojke, a mamografski nalaz prikazao je lobulirano, neoštro ograničeno područje, bez vidljivih mikrokalcifikata.Amyloidosis is an abnormal deposition of insoluble amyloid proteins in extracellular spaces. Protein deposits are components of immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells and B–lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation. Three different forms of systemic amyloidosis can be distinguished, those are primary (AL), secondary (AA) and family form. Localized amyloidosis occurs in the pancreas in type 2 diabetic patients and in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Amyloidosis of the breast is a rare entity, mostly involving elderly women, and may be misdiagnosed as carcinoma on mammography. A 70 years old woman presented with monoclonal IgG gamapathy, hydronephrosis, acute renal insufficiency and suspicious lesion in the breast on ultrasound. Mammography revealed a lobulated, ill demarcated area without visible microcalcifications

    Synthesis and characterization of luminescent Pr3+ –doped hydroxyapatite nanopowder as a potential biomaterial for bioimaging applications

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    Praseodymium doped calcium hydroxyapatite (PrHAP) nanopowder was synthesized by the co-precipitation method and characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Characterization studies from XRD and FTIR spectra showed that obtained crystals are monophase hydroxyapatites and that the sample particles are of nano size. A fluorescence study has shown that PrHAP particles have fluorescent emission under UV‐ Visible excitation. These results may open new avenues for developing bioactive materials for bone regeneration and fluorescent probes for bio-imaging application

    Synthesis and characterization of luminescent Pr3+–doped hydroxyapatite nanopowder as a potential biomaterial for bioimaging applications

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    Praseodymium doped calcium hydroxyapatite (PrHAP) nanopowder was synthesized by the co-precipitation method and characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Characterization studies from XRD and FTIR spectra showed that obtained crystals are monophase hydroxyapatites and that the sample particles are of nano size. A fluorescence study has shown that PrHAP particles have fluorescent emission under UV‐ Visible excitation. These results may open new avenues for developing bioactive materials for bone regeneration and fluorescent probes for bio-imaging applications

    Overview of system theories and their applications

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    Tema ovog završnog rada su sustavske teorije koje su nastajale kroz povijest. Prvo ćemo definirati što je to sustav i samu teoriju sustava, te kako je ona nastala. Također biti će objašnjeno i što je to sustavsko razmišljanje i kako teorija sustava utječe na sustavski inženjering. Detaljnije će biti i obrazložene sustavske teorije znanstvenika K. Boulding, S. Beer, A. Taylor, G. Klir, . E. Laszlo, N. Cook, J.E. Salk, W. Powers i M. Bowen

    Air recuperators

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    Završni rad na temu rekuperatori zraka opisuje najprije osnove klimatizacije s posebnim naglaskom na značaj ventilacije i rekuperacije zraka, te važnost uvođenja rekuperatora zraka. Opisan je princip rada rekuperatora, te su prikazane komponente sustava za rekuperaciju i načini instalacije. Na kraju rada, napravljena je analiza isplativosti instalacije rekuperatora zraka na praktičnom primjeru.Bachelor thesis on heat recovery unit first describes the basics of air conditioning, with particular emphasis on the importance of air ventilation and recuperation, and the importance of introducing heat recovery unit. The recovery principle of the heat recovery unit is described and the components of the heat recovery system and the installation methods are presented. At the end of the work, an analysis of the feasibility of installing the heat recovery unit was done on a practical example

    Air recuperators

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    Završni rad na temu rekuperatori zraka opisuje najprije osnove klimatizacije s posebnim naglaskom na značaj ventilacije i rekuperacije zraka, te važnost uvođenja rekuperatora zraka. Opisan je princip rada rekuperatora, te su prikazane komponente sustava za rekuperaciju i načini instalacije. Na kraju rada, napravljena je analiza isplativosti instalacije rekuperatora zraka na praktičnom primjeru.Bachelor thesis on heat recovery unit first describes the basics of air conditioning, with particular emphasis on the importance of air ventilation and recuperation, and the importance of introducing heat recovery unit. The recovery principle of the heat recovery unit is described and the components of the heat recovery system and the installation methods are presented. At the end of the work, an analysis of the feasibility of installing the heat recovery unit was done on a practical example