24 research outputs found

    The Training Effects of Dance Aerobics: A Review with an Emphasis on the Perspectives of Investigations

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    The training effects of contemporary aerobics programmes (hi lo, dance aerobics, step aerobics, aqua aerobics etc.) have been frequently investigated. However, we found no recent paper which reviewed aerobic programmes with regard to their training effectiveness, characteristics of the subjects involved, variables of interest and experimental design. In this paper we summarise the findings of more than 40 studies published in the 2000–2011 period that investigated the training effects of different forms of contemporary aerobics. In this review, the studies are grouped according to their characteristics (sample of subjects, variables of interest, study design, effects, etc.). Around 80% of the investigations dealt with females, with adults being most commonly observed. In the majority of investigations, the authors studied different variables at the same time (morphological anthropometric, motor, cardiovascular, biochemical indices, etc.). In recent studies a trend toward a psychological status examination is evident. In most instances positive training effects on motor-endurance and varsity of physiological variables are declared throughout a training period of 8 to 12 weeks. However, the positive changes in anaerobic endurance are not evidenced. Knowing the tendency of the overall increase of certain psychological disorders in population (including depression) there are indications that future, potentially highly interesting studies will deal with the psychological status of adults and older subjects

    Isolated nodular amyloidosis of the breast associated with monoclonal gamapathy (IgG) - Case report

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    Amiloidoza je bolest nakupljanja netopivih proteina amiloida u ekstracelularnom prostoru. Nakupljeni proteini su imunoglobulinski spojevi koje proizvode plazma stanice i B-limfociti stimulirani antigenom. Razlikujmo tri sistemska oblika amiloidoze: primarna (AL), sekundarna (AA) i obiteljska. Lokalizirana amilodoza javlja se u gušterači kod dijabetičara tipa 2, te kod bolesnika na kroničnoj dijalizi. Amiloidoza dojke je rijedak entitet i obično se javlja kod starijih žena. Pojavljuje se kao nakupljanje ili amiloidni tumor ili u sklopu sistemskih bolesti, a često se mamografski dijagnosticira kao karcinom. Prikazat ćemo slučaj 70-godišnje bolesnice s monoklonalnom IgG gamapatijom, te pridruženom hidronefrozom i akutnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom kod koje je ultrazvučni nalaz ukazivao na zloćudni tumor dojke, a mamografski nalaz prikazao je lobulirano, neoštro ograničeno područje, bez vidljivih mikrokalcifikata.Amyloidosis is an abnormal deposition of insoluble amyloid proteins in extracellular spaces. Protein deposits are components of immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells and B–lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation. Three different forms of systemic amyloidosis can be distinguished, those are primary (AL), secondary (AA) and family form. Localized amyloidosis occurs in the pancreas in type 2 diabetic patients and in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Amyloidosis of the breast is a rare entity, mostly involving elderly women, and may be misdiagnosed as carcinoma on mammography. A 70 years old woman presented with monoclonal IgG gamapathy, hydronephrosis, acute renal insufficiency and suspicious lesion in the breast on ultrasound. Mammography revealed a lobulated, ill demarcated area without visible microcalcifications

    Isolated nodular amyloidosis of the breast associated with monoclonal gamapathy (IgG) - Case report

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    Amiloidoza je bolest nakupljanja netopivih proteina amiloida u ekstracelularnom prostoru. Nakupljeni proteini su imunoglobulinski spojevi koje proizvode plazma stanice i B-limfociti stimulirani antigenom. Razlikujmo tri sistemska oblika amiloidoze: primarna (AL), sekundarna (AA) i obiteljska. Lokalizirana amilodoza javlja se u gušterači kod dijabetičara tipa 2, te kod bolesnika na kroničnoj dijalizi. Amiloidoza dojke je rijedak entitet i obično se javlja kod starijih žena. Pojavljuje se kao nakupljanje ili amiloidni tumor ili u sklopu sistemskih bolesti, a često se mamografski dijagnosticira kao karcinom. Prikazat ćemo slučaj 70-godišnje bolesnice s monoklonalnom IgG gamapatijom, te pridruženom hidronefrozom i akutnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom kod koje je ultrazvučni nalaz ukazivao na zloćudni tumor dojke, a mamografski nalaz prikazao je lobulirano, neoštro ograničeno područje, bez vidljivih mikrokalcifikata.Amyloidosis is an abnormal deposition of insoluble amyloid proteins in extracellular spaces. Protein deposits are components of immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells and B–lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation. Three different forms of systemic amyloidosis can be distinguished, those are primary (AL), secondary (AA) and family form. Localized amyloidosis occurs in the pancreas in type 2 diabetic patients and in patients on chronic hemodialysis. Amyloidosis of the breast is a rare entity, mostly involving elderly women, and may be misdiagnosed as carcinoma on mammography. A 70 years old woman presented with monoclonal IgG gamapathy, hydronephrosis, acute renal insufficiency and suspicious lesion in the breast on ultrasound. Mammography revealed a lobulated, ill demarcated area without visible microcalcifications

    Advanced oxidation treatments of olive mill wastewater

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    New and innovative advanced oxidative processes for wastewater treatments are currently in the focus of scientific research and development for possible industrial implantation. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cold plasma treatment, high intensity ultrasound and UV radiation with the addition of additives: H2O2, TiO2, FeCl3 x 6H2O on degradation and removal of complex organic compounds from olive mill wastewater (OMWW). Olive mill wastewater represents a potential ecological problem when it is raw disposed into the environment, because of its high organic load. OMWW samples (with and without additives) were treated by high-voltage plasma discharge at frequencies 60 Hz and 120 Hz in combination with pumped gases (nitrogen, air and oxygen) for 30 minutes, by UV radiation for 30 minutes and 10 minutes by high intensity ultrasound. Physico-chemical parameters of quality, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved carbon (TOC) were determined. The results have shown the efficacy of plasma treatment in degradation of organic compounds as well as degradation and reduction of polyphenolic compounds. Reduction of colour and total dissolved carbon occurred in all treated samples, mostly with the addition of FeCl3 x 6H2O. Treatment with UV radiation and ultrasound proved to be the most efficient resulting in the 50% reduction of organic compounds after a 10-minute treatment

    Contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with acute coronary syndrom after percutaneus coronary angiography and intervention

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    Pojedini čimbenici rizika imaju manju ili veću ulogu za razvoj kontrastom inducirane nefropatije (KIN). Svrha ovog retrospektivnog istraživanja je doprinijeti razjašnjavanju rizičnih čimbenika i štetnosti kontrastnih sredstava na bubrežnu funkciju nakon perkutane koronarne angiografije i intervencije. Istraživanje je provedeno u Klinici za unutarnje bolesti SKB Mostar, Odjel za invazivnu kardiologiju. U istraživanje je uključeno 235 bolesnika kojima je tijekom 2013. i 2014. godine učinjena perkutana koronarna angiografija i intervencija zbog akutnog koronarnog sindroma. Podaci su prikupljeni iz baze podataka informatičkog bolničkog sustava. Ustanovili samo učestalost KIN-a u 14% bolesnika nakon perkutane koronarne angiografije i intervencije. Kod ispitanika s KIN-om utvrdili smo prosječnu životnu dob od 69,3 ± 12,4 godina kao statistički značajan čimbenik (p < 0,001). Prosječna količina apliciranog kontrastnog sredstva tijekom provedbe perkutane koronarne angiografije i intervencije u ispitanika u kojih je nastao KIN iznosila je 331,8 ± 73,7 ml, što se pokazalo statistički značajno (p < 0,001). Broj bolesnika sa šećernom bolesti unutar skupine bolesnika s KIN-om iznosio je 60,6%, što je statistički značajno (p < 0,001). Ranije dokazana renalna insuficijencija unutar skupine bolesnika s KIN-om iznosila je 51,5%, što je također statistički značajno (p < 0,001). Usporedba koronarnih krvnih žila na kojima je izvršena intervencija u odnosu na pojavu KIN-a nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku (p = 0,173). Nastanak KIN-a nakon perkutane koronarne angiografije i intervencije češća je pojava u starijih bolesnika, te u onih koji boluju od kroničnih bubrežnih bolesti i od šećerne bolesti. Također postoji povezanost količine apliciranog kontrastnog sredstva i nastanka KIN-a.Some risk factors have a smaller or greater role in developing contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN). The purpose of this retrospective study is to contribute to the clarification of the risk factors and damage of contrast agents to the renal function after percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention. The research was conducted at the University Hospital Mostar, Department of Invasive Cardiology. The study included 235 patients with percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention procedure during 2013-2014 due to acute coronary syndrome. The data was collected from the database of the IT hospital system. We found the incidence of CIN in 14% of patients after percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention. In patients with CIN an average age was 69.3 ± 12.4 years as a statistically significant factor (p < 0.001). The mean amount of applied contrast agent during percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention in subjects with CIN was 331.8 ± 73.7 ml, which was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The number of diabetic patients within the CIN group was 60.6%, which was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Previously demonstrated renal insufficiency within the CIN group was 51.5%, statistically significant (p < 0.001). Comparison of intervention on coronary blood vessels with reference to the appearance of KIN did not show a statistically significant difference (p = 0.173). The emergence of CIN after percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention is more common in older patients, those with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. There is also a correlation between the amount of applied contrast agent and the CIN after percutaneous coronary angiography and intervention

    The role of transposable genetic elements in adaptation

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    U ovom završnom radu opisana je uloga pokretnih genetičkih elemenata, transpozona (TE), u evoluciji genoma, stvaranju genetičke raznolikosti, adaptaciji i invazivnosti vrsta. Transpozoni se dijele na DNA transpozone i retrotranspozone koji se razlikuju prema načinu premještanja u genomu. DNA transpozoni se uglavnom premještaju tzv. „isijeci i prenesi“ mehanizmom, a retrotranspozoni „kopiraj i prenesi“ mehanizmom i sličniji su virusima. Transpozoni su snažni insercijski mutageni te mogu imati i pozitivne i negativne utjecaje na domaćina. Prisutni su u genomima svih organizama, a kod nekih čine većinu sadržaja genoma. Kralježnjaci su skupina organizama koji su evolucijski jako uspješni i imaju strukturno i funkcionalno složene genome koji sadrže sve vrste TE elemenata. Smatra se da su oni imali značajnu ulogu u njihovoj evoluciji. Kontrola transpozicije u genomu se prvenstveno odvija epigenetski, putem RNA interferencije ili DNA metilacije. Aktivacija TE elemenata može biti posljedica relaksacije epigenetske kontrole uzrokovane promjenama u okolišu, posebno u uvjetima stresa. Smatra se i da je prilagodljivost invazivnih vrsta, unatoč smanjenoj genetičkoj raznolikosti zbog učinka uskog grla, u vezi s aktivnošću transpozona koji stvaraju nove varijacije i raznolikost. Opisani su primjeri kod različitih vrsta.In this thesis, the role of mobile genetic elements, transposons (TEs), in genome evolution, genetic diversity creation, adaptation and species invasiveness is described. Transposons are classified as DNA transposons and retrotransposons, which differ in the way they move in the genome. DNA transposons move by the so-called. "cut and paste" mechanism and retrotransposons employ "copy and paste" strategy and are more similar to viruses. Transposons are potent insertional mutagens and can have both positive and negative effects on the host. They are present in the genomes of many organisms, and most of the times constitue a large proportion of the genome. Vertebrates are a group of organisms that are evolutionarily very successful and have structurally and functionally complex genomes that contain all types of TE elements. They are thought to have played a significant role in their evolution. Transposons are controlled at the epigenetic level, via RNA interference or DNA methylation. Activation of TE elements may be due to relaxation of epigenetic control caused by changes in the environment, especially under stress conditions. The adaptability of invasive species, despite their reduced genetic diversity due to the bottleneck effect, is also related to the activity of transposons that can create new variations and diversity. Examples of different species are given

    The role of transposable genetic elements in adaptation

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    U ovom završnom radu opisana je uloga pokretnih genetičkih elemenata, transpozona (TE), u evoluciji genoma, stvaranju genetičke raznolikosti, adaptaciji i invazivnosti vrsta. Transpozoni se dijele na DNA transpozone i retrotranspozone koji se razlikuju prema načinu premještanja u genomu. DNA transpozoni se uglavnom premještaju tzv. „isijeci i prenesi“ mehanizmom, a retrotranspozoni „kopiraj i prenesi“ mehanizmom i sličniji su virusima. Transpozoni su snažni insercijski mutageni te mogu imati i pozitivne i negativne utjecaje na domaćina. Prisutni su u genomima svih organizama, a kod nekih čine većinu sadržaja genoma. Kralježnjaci su skupina organizama koji su evolucijski jako uspješni i imaju strukturno i funkcionalno složene genome koji sadrže sve vrste TE elemenata. Smatra se da su oni imali značajnu ulogu u njihovoj evoluciji. Kontrola transpozicije u genomu se prvenstveno odvija epigenetski, putem RNA interferencije ili DNA metilacije. Aktivacija TE elemenata može biti posljedica relaksacije epigenetske kontrole uzrokovane promjenama u okolišu, posebno u uvjetima stresa. Smatra se i da je prilagodljivost invazivnih vrsta, unatoč smanjenoj genetičkoj raznolikosti zbog učinka uskog grla, u vezi s aktivnošću transpozona koji stvaraju nove varijacije i raznolikost. Opisani su primjeri kod različitih vrsta.In this thesis, the role of mobile genetic elements, transposons (TEs), in genome evolution, genetic diversity creation, adaptation and species invasiveness is described. Transposons are classified as DNA transposons and retrotransposons, which differ in the way they move in the genome. DNA transposons move by the so-called. "cut and paste" mechanism and retrotransposons employ "copy and paste" strategy and are more similar to viruses. Transposons are potent insertional mutagens and can have both positive and negative effects on the host. They are present in the genomes of many organisms, and most of the times constitue a large proportion of the genome. Vertebrates are a group of organisms that are evolutionarily very successful and have structurally and functionally complex genomes that contain all types of TE elements. They are thought to have played a significant role in their evolution. Transposons are controlled at the epigenetic level, via RNA interference or DNA methylation. Activation of TE elements may be due to relaxation of epigenetic control caused by changes in the environment, especially under stress conditions. The adaptability of invasive species, despite their reduced genetic diversity due to the bottleneck effect, is also related to the activity of transposons that can create new variations and diversity. Examples of different species are given

    The influence of time of exposure to the marine environment on the change in the ratio of Escherichia coli bacteria and intestinal enterococci in the sea for swimming

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    U ovom je radu istraživan je utjecaja vremena izloženosti morskom okolišu na promjenu omjera broja bakterija Escherichia coli i crijevnih enterokoka u moru za kupanje. Terenska istraživanja provedena su na plaži Gojača u Kaštel Sućurcu tijekom sezone kupanja 2022., dok su in situ eksperimenti provedeni u neposrednoj blizini Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo. Rezultati terenskih istraživanja pokazali su da je omjer broja bakterija E. coli i crijevnih enterokoka manji na točki udaljenijoj od izvora onečišćenja, što je rezultat značajnijeg smanjenja broja E. coli nego crijevnih enterokoka tijekom izloženosti okolišnim čimbenicima na putu od izvora onečišćenja do kontrolne točke. Rezultati in situ eksperimenata pokazali su smanjenje omjera s vremenom izloženosti indikatorskih mikroorganizama utjecaju okolišnih čimbenika, što je također rezultat bržeg ugibanja E. coli u odnosu na crijevne enterokoke. Brže ugibanje obaju indikatorskih bakterija u površinskom sloju u odnosu na dublji sloj mora ukazuje na važnost Sunčevog zračenja za reduciranje indikatorskih bakterija u morskoj vodi.In this thesis, the influence of the exposure time in the marine environment on the change in the ratio of the number of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in bathing seawater was investigated. The field research was conducted on Gojača beach in Kaštel Sućurac during the 2022 bathing season, while the in situ experiments took place in the immediate vicinity of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. The results of the field investigations showed that the ratio of the number of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci is lower at a point further away from the pollution source, which is because the number of E. coli decreases more than that of intestinal enterococci during exposure to environmental factors on the way from the pollution source to the control point. The results of the in situ experiments showed a decrease in the ratio with the time the indicator microorganisms were exposed to the influence of environmental factors, which is also the result of a faster reduction of E. coli compared to the intestinal enterococci. The faster reduction of both indicator bacteria in the surface layer compared to the deeper layer of seawater indicates the importance of solar radiation for the reduction of indicator bacteria in seawater. (2

    The role of transposable genetic elements in adaptation

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    U ovom završnom radu opisana je uloga pokretnih genetičkih elemenata, transpozona (TE), u evoluciji genoma, stvaranju genetičke raznolikosti, adaptaciji i invazivnosti vrsta. Transpozoni se dijele na DNA transpozone i retrotranspozone koji se razlikuju prema načinu premještanja u genomu. DNA transpozoni se uglavnom premještaju tzv. „isijeci i prenesi“ mehanizmom, a retrotranspozoni „kopiraj i prenesi“ mehanizmom i sličniji su virusima. Transpozoni su snažni insercijski mutageni te mogu imati i pozitivne i negativne utjecaje na domaćina. Prisutni su u genomima svih organizama, a kod nekih čine većinu sadržaja genoma. Kralježnjaci su skupina organizama koji su evolucijski jako uspješni i imaju strukturno i funkcionalno složene genome koji sadrže sve vrste TE elemenata. Smatra se da su oni imali značajnu ulogu u njihovoj evoluciji. Kontrola transpozicije u genomu se prvenstveno odvija epigenetski, putem RNA interferencije ili DNA metilacije. Aktivacija TE elemenata može biti posljedica relaksacije epigenetske kontrole uzrokovane promjenama u okolišu, posebno u uvjetima stresa. Smatra se i da je prilagodljivost invazivnih vrsta, unatoč smanjenoj genetičkoj raznolikosti zbog učinka uskog grla, u vezi s aktivnošću transpozona koji stvaraju nove varijacije i raznolikost. Opisani su primjeri kod različitih vrsta.In this thesis, the role of mobile genetic elements, transposons (TEs), in genome evolution, genetic diversity creation, adaptation and species invasiveness is described. Transposons are classified as DNA transposons and retrotransposons, which differ in the way they move in the genome. DNA transposons move by the so-called. "cut and paste" mechanism and retrotransposons employ "copy and paste" strategy and are more similar to viruses. Transposons are potent insertional mutagens and can have both positive and negative effects on the host. They are present in the genomes of many organisms, and most of the times constitue a large proportion of the genome. Vertebrates are a group of organisms that are evolutionarily very successful and have structurally and functionally complex genomes that contain all types of TE elements. They are thought to have played a significant role in their evolution. Transposons are controlled at the epigenetic level, via RNA interference or DNA methylation. Activation of TE elements may be due to relaxation of epigenetic control caused by changes in the environment, especially under stress conditions. The adaptability of invasive species, despite their reduced genetic diversity due to the bottleneck effect, is also related to the activity of transposons that can create new variations and diversity. Examples of different species are given

    The influence of time of exposure to the marine environment on the change in the ratio of Escherichia coli bacteria and intestinal enterococci in the sea for swimming

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    U ovom je radu istraživan je utjecaja vremena izloženosti morskom okolišu na promjenu omjera broja bakterija Escherichia coli i crijevnih enterokoka u moru za kupanje. Terenska istraživanja provedena su na plaži Gojača u Kaštel Sućurcu tijekom sezone kupanja 2022., dok su in situ eksperimenti provedeni u neposrednoj blizini Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo. Rezultati terenskih istraživanja pokazali su da je omjer broja bakterija E. coli i crijevnih enterokoka manji na točki udaljenijoj od izvora onečišćenja, što je rezultat značajnijeg smanjenja broja E. coli nego crijevnih enterokoka tijekom izloženosti okolišnim čimbenicima na putu od izvora onečišćenja do kontrolne točke. Rezultati in situ eksperimenata pokazali su smanjenje omjera s vremenom izloženosti indikatorskih mikroorganizama utjecaju okolišnih čimbenika, što je također rezultat bržeg ugibanja E. coli u odnosu na crijevne enterokoke. Brže ugibanje obaju indikatorskih bakterija u površinskom sloju u odnosu na dublji sloj mora ukazuje na važnost Sunčevog zračenja za reduciranje indikatorskih bakterija u morskoj vodi.In this thesis, the influence of the exposure time in the marine environment on the change in the ratio of the number of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in bathing seawater was investigated. The field research was conducted on Gojača beach in Kaštel Sućurac during the 2022 bathing season, while the in situ experiments took place in the immediate vicinity of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. The results of the field investigations showed that the ratio of the number of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci is lower at a point further away from the pollution source, which is because the number of E. coli decreases more than that of intestinal enterococci during exposure to environmental factors on the way from the pollution source to the control point. The results of the in situ experiments showed a decrease in the ratio with the time the indicator microorganisms were exposed to the influence of environmental factors, which is also the result of a faster reduction of E. coli compared to the intestinal enterococci. The faster reduction of both indicator bacteria in the surface layer compared to the deeper layer of seawater indicates the importance of solar radiation for the reduction of indicator bacteria in seawater. (2