26 research outputs found

    Phenotypic characterization and milk quality variation of two type Tsigai sheep breed

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    In this study the phenotypic characterization and milk quality variation of two type Tsigai sheep breed, Cokan and Pivnicki are presented. The Cokan type mostly prevailing in Banat region (East part of Vojvodina), the Pivnicki could be located between river Tisa and Danube. The study was carried out on several sheep farms in Central-Backa region. From every flock, from each type 30 sheep were selected. Phenotypic characteristics of Pivnicki Tsigai type were: the average value of forehead spread 12.25 cm, height at withers 76.62 cm, body length 87.6 cm, bust size 102.87 cm and shinbone size 9.62 cm, and for the Cokan type the following values were determined: forehead spread 12.25 cm, height at withers 76.62 cm, body length 87.62 cm, bust size 102.87 cm and shinbone size 9.62 cm. The fat content in milk from Pivnicki type - 10.25%, was higher than that from Cokan type, 9.28%. In the case of all other milk substances lower average values were recorded in milk from Pivnicki Type. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in density, minerals, milk protein and freezing point values

    Ishrambeni faktori koji utiču na poboljŔanje kvaliteta mleka i mesa kao i produktivnih i reproduktivnih parametara kod goveda

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    Consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest in the nutritional value of foods. This is impacting on the demand for foods which contain functional components that play important roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. Vitamin E, organically bound selenium and betacarotene are important antioxidant components of animal and human diets, and also unsaturated fatty acids and yeast and their roles in animal and human health and immune function are indispensable. The present review paper will discuss these nutrients in relation to antioxidant and health considerations and draw conclusions as to vitamin and mineral supplementation needs.U novije vreme sve veći značaj dobijaju programi tkz. funkcionalne hrane animalnog porekla koja ima za cilj da obezbedi osnovne ishrambene potrebe kao i neophodne hranljive materije koje će preventivno i terapeutski delovati na pojavu bolesti. U radu je na revijalan način predstavljena mogućnost promene sadržaja pojedinih esencijalnih supstanci (vitamina, organskih formi pojedinih mikrolemenata, nezasićenih masnih kiselina) putem ishrane goveda, Å”to dovodi do povećanja njihovog sadržaja u mleku i mesu. Takođe, predstavljene su ishrambene preporuke koje su rezultat savremenih istraživanja čija primena utiče na popravljanja proizvodnih i reproduktivnih performansi životinja

    Phenotypic characterization and milk quality variation of two type Tsigai sheep breed

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    In this study the phenotypic characterization and milk quality variation of two type Tsigai sheep breed, Cokan and Pivnicki are presented. The Cokan type mostly prevailing in Banat region (East part of Vojvodina), the Pivnicki could be located between river Tisa and Danube. The study was carried out on several sheep farms in Central-Backa region. From every flock, from each type 30 sheep were selected. Phenotypic characteristics of Pivnicki Tsigai type were: the average value of forehead spread 12.25 cm, height at withers 76.62 cm, body length 87.6 cm, bust size 102.87 cm and shinbone size 9.62 cm, and for the Cokan type the following values were determined: forehead spread 12.25 cm, height at withers 76.62 cm, body length 87.62 cm, bust size 102.87 cm and shinbone size 9.62 cm. The fat content in milk from Pivnicki type - 10.25%, was higher than that from Cokan type, 9.28%. In the case of all other milk substances lower average values were recorded in milk from Pivnicki Type. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in density, minerals, milk protein and freezing point values

    Uticaj vremena zrenja i CaCl2 na kvalitet junećeg mesa

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    Investigations were carried out on four muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) taken from five young cattle (crosses Domestic Spotted x Limousine) of average body mass prior to slaughtering of 587 kg. On all muscles, 24 h after slaughtering, sensory evaluation was carried out and the following parameters determined: pH value, colour, water binding ability, cooking loss and tenderness (initial values). The remaining part of each muscle was divided into 6 parts, 3 were packaged in plastic foil (control samples), and other 3 were soaked in solution containing 0,4% CaCl2 and 0,4% NaCl and packaged in plastic foil. Pieces of meat prepared in this way were left on temperature of + 40C 7, 14 and 21 days to mature. After this period, all mentioned analyses were carried out on meat samples. It was established that pH value during maturation increased, that meat packaged in plastic foil after 14 days of maturation becomes unusable, whereas the increase of pH values of meat whose maturation occurred in solution CaCl2 and NaCl was slower and therefore meat was still usable after 21 days. Color of meat in control samples was slightly lighter compared to initial condition, whereas the color of meat whose maturation occurred in solutions of salt was statistically considerably lighter (P (lt) 0,05 after 7 days, a P (lt) 0,001 after 14 and 21 days). Water binding ability in control samples was slightly better (P>0,05) after 7 days and after 14 days it was statistically significantly better (P (lt) 0,05) compared to initial state, whereas in meat whose maturation occurred in salt solution this ability was at initial level even after 21 days. Cooking loss in control samples was lower compared to initial values whereas in meat soaked in salt solution cooking loss was higher. Meat tenderness in control samples was statistically considerably better after 14 days of maturation (when meat was not fit for use) and in meat soaked in salt solution it was statistically highly significantly better after 14 and 21 days. According to sensory evaluation, control samples of meat, after 14 days of maturation are not fit for use, whereas meat whose maturation occurred in solution of CaCl2 and NaCl even after 21 days is acceptable from the sensory aspect.Ispitivanja su obavljena na četiri miÅ”ića (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) uzetih od pet junadi (melezi domaće Å”areno goveče x limuzin), prosečne mase pred klanje 587 kg. Na svim miÅ”ićima 24 sata posle klanja obavljena je senzorna ocena i određeni su: pH vrednost, boja, sposobnost vezivanja dodate vode, kalo kuvanja i mekoća (početne vrednosti). Ostatak svakog miÅ”ića podeljen je na 6 delova od kojih su po 3 upakovani u plastičnu foliju (kontrolni uzorci), a ostala 3 dela su potopljena u rastvor koji sadrži 0,4% CaCl2 i 0,4% NaCl i upakovani u plastičnu foliju. Ovako pripremljeni komadi mesa ostavljeni su pri temperaturi od + 40C 7, 14 i 21 dan na zrenju. Posle isteka zadatog vremena urađena su na komadima od svih miÅ”ića navedena ispitivanja.Utvrđeno je da se pH vrednost tokom zrenja povećava i da u mesu koje je upakovano u plastičnu foliju posle 14 dana zrenja dospeva u oblast kad je meso neupotrebljivo, dok je povećanje pH vrednosti kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl sporije tako da je meso i posle 21 dan upotrebljivo. Boja mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno svetlija u odnosu na početno stanje, dok je boja mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli bila statistički značajno svetlija (P (lt) 0,05 nakon 7 dana, a P (lt) 0,001 nakon 14 i 21 dan). Sposobnost vezivanja vode kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno (P>0,05) bolja nakon 7 dana dok je nakon 14 dana bila statistički značajno bolja (P (lt) 0,05) u poređenju sa početnim stanjem, dok je kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli i posle 21 dan bila na nivou početnog stanja. Kalo kuvanja kod kontrolnih uzoraka bio je manji u poređenju sa vrednostima na početku ogleda dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bio veći. Mekoća mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je statistički značajno bolja nakon 14 dana zrenja (kad je meso bilo neupotrebljivo) dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bila statistički visoko značajno bolja posle 14 i 21 dan. Prema senzornoj oceni kontrolni uzorci mesa nakon 14 dana zrenja postaju neupotrebljivi, dok je meso čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl i nakon 21 dan zrenja senzorno veoma prihvatljivo

    Varijabilnost linearno ocenjenih osobina tipa bikovskih majki simentalske rase

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    One of the important factors of successful milk production is group of secondary traits: health, longevity, type and milking traits. These traits have become increasingly significant. In order for productive life of cows used in production of milk to be as long and as successful as possible, special attention must be directed to traits of body type and constitution. In selection of cows into the category of bull dams all heads are measured - exterior traits, and evaluated linearly for traits of type or body frame, body muscular characteristics/muscularity, form (appearance) and udder according to Regulation on method of evaluation of traits of breeding livestock (Official journal of RS, No. 21,1996). The effects of rearing region and year of measuring, i.e. evaluating were analyzed in detail using the Least Squares Method (Harvey 1987). Average values of linear evaluations of investigated heads obtained by method of Least Squares were: body frame 7,85; muscularity 7,74; form 7,66; udder 7,62. The effect of region on linear evaluation was highly significant (P (lt) 0,01). Evaluation year also influenced highly significantly (P (lt) 0,01) obtained evaluation result for form, significantly (P (lt) 0,05) obtained evaluation result for body frame and muscularity, but no effect was established on evaluation result for udder.Da bi produktivni život krava usmerenih za proizvodnju mleka bio Å”to duži i uspeÅ”niji posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti osobinama tipa i konstitucije. Nedostaci u osobinama tipa dovode do slabije proizvodnje, loÅ”eg zdravstvenog stanja i preranog isključenja krava iz stada. Uključivanje linearne ocene tipa u oceni priplodne vrednosti krava doprinosi pouzdanosti ocene priplodne vrednosti Å”to se pozitivno odražava na ukupne efekte selekcije i uspeÅ”nosti proizvodnje. Pri izboru krava u kategoriju bikovskih majki sva grla su eksterijerno izmerene i linearno ocenjene za okvir, muskuloznost, formu (izgled) i vime u skladu sa Pravilnikom o načinu ispitivanja svojstava priplodne stoke (Službeni glasnik RS br. 21 iz 1996.godine). Na ispitivane linearne ocene detaljno su ispitani uticaji odgajivačkog područja i godine merenja, koriŔćenjem Metoda najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey 1987 ). Prosečne vrednosti linearne ocene ispitivanih grla dobijene metodom najmanjih kvadrata su: okvir grla 7,85; muskuloznost 7,74; forma 7,66; vime 7,62. Uticaj regiona na linearne ocene bio je vrlo značajan (P (lt) 0,01). Godina ocenjivanja je visoko značajno uticala (P (lt) 0,01) na ocenu forme, značajno (P (lt) 0,05) na ocenu okvira i muskuloznosti, a na ocenu vimena nije imala značaj

    Meat production of domestic Balkan goat kids

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    The paper presents the investigation of slaughter results, i.e. meat production and correlation between slaughter traits of kids of Balkan goat breed. Results of the study of slaughter properties are presented in this paper, also correlation between certain measures on carcass established in 96 kids of Domestic Balkan breed (gender ratio 50:50), slaughtered at the age of 90 days. Average dressing percentage of warm carcass with head and offal of investigated kid population was 58.19%, whereas the value of the dressing percentage of cold carcass with head and offal was 45.19%. Male kids had statistically significantly (

    Uticaj genotipa na randman i sadržaj tkiva u junećim trupovima

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    Differences in dressing percentage and content of different tissues in carcasses of Domestic Spotted breed and crosses F1 generation with Charolais and Limousine breed were investigated. Total of 30 carcass sides were dissected, 10 in each genetic group. Genotype exhibited very significant effect (p lt 0,01) on dressing percentage and content of tissues, except for connective tissue. The highest dressing percentage was determined in crosses with Charolais (59,92%) followed by crosses with Limousine (59,85%), with statistically significant difference (p lt 0,01) to dressing percentage established for heads of domestic Simmental breed (55,71%). Crosses with Charolais and Limousine realized considerably higher content of muscle tissue (81,5% and 80,7%) compared to heads of domestic Simmental breed (77,86%). Content of bone tissue of 16,45% in carcasses of domestic Simmental breed was considerably higher (p lt 0,01) compared to both groups of crosses, whereas the content of fat and connective tissue was considerably higher (p lt 0,05) only in relation to crosses with Limousine.Proučavane su razlike u randmanu i sadržaju tkiva u trupovima između domaće simentalske rase i njenih meleza F1 generacije sa Å”arole i limuzin rasom. Ukupno je disecirano 30 polutki, po 10 u svakoj genotipskoj grupi. Genotip je ispoljio vrlo značajan uticaj (p lt 0,01) na randman i sadržaj tkiva, izuzev udela vezivnog tkiva. Najveći randman utvrđen je kod meleza sa Å”aroleom (59,92%) pa limuzinom (59,85%), uz statistički značajnu razliku limuzina i Å”arolea ostvarili su značajno veći sadržaj miÅ”ićnog tkiva (81,5% i 80,7%) u odnosu na grla domaće simentalske rase (77,86%). Sadržaj koÅ”tanog tkiva od 16,45% u trupovima domaće simentalske rase bio je značajno veći (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na obe grupe meleza, dok je sadržaj masnog i vezivnog tkiva bio značajno veći (p lt 0,05) samo u odnosu na meleze limuzina

    Rezultati ankete potroÅ”ača o potroÅ”nji junećeg mesa i odnosa prema junećem mesu kao prehrambenom proizvodu

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    In order to investigate consumption of beef and consumer attitude towards beef as foodstuff, 504 consumers of different sex, age, financial status and profession were included in carried out poll. Consumers were given questionnaires containing questions about their habits relating to meat purchasing, also meat preparation methods, weekly consumption of meat and factors influencing the meat quality. Answers of polled consumers were processed according to sex, profession, age and income. Based on obtained results the following can be concluded: majority of polled male and female consumers consider meat to be very important in their nutrition; female consumers, students don't think of meat as very important in their nutrition; 48,7% of male consumers and 50,8% of female consumers use meat because of it's nutritious value; all polled consumers regardless of their age, sex, income or profession consume beef more than lamb meat; poled consumers mostly buy meat at the butcher's, however consumers of moderate financial status mostly purchase meat in the country; most frequent method of preparation is cooking, while male students mostly cook meat, female consumers mostly roast or grill meat; majority of polled consumers consider breed, sex and age of animal to be main factors influencing meat quality.U cilju ispitivanja potroÅ”nje junećeg mesa i odnosa potroÅ”ača prema junećem mesu kao prehrambenom proizvodu, odabrano je 504 potroÅ”ača različitog pola godina rođenja, imovnog stanja i zanimanja. PotroÅ”ačima je podeljena anketa koja je sadržala pitanja o navikama potroÅ”ača pri kupovini mesa, mestu kupovine i načinu pripreme mesa, nedeljnoj potroÅ”nji i o faktorima od uticaja na kvalitet mesa. Odgovori anketiranih potroÅ”ača obrađeni su po polu, zanimanju, uzrastu i prihodu. Na osnovu rezultata obavljene ankete može se zaključiti sledeće: - većini anketiranih muÅ”kih i ženskih potroÅ”ača meso igra važnu ulogu u ishrani; - ženskim potroÅ”ačima studentkinjama meso ne igra važnu ulogu u ishrani; - 48,7% muÅ”kih potroÅ”ača i 50,8% ženskih potroÅ”ača koristi meso u svojoj ishrani zbog njegove hranljive vrednosti; - svi anketirani potroÅ”ači različitog pola godina rođenja, prihoda i zanimanja značajno viÅ”e koriste juneće meso od jagnjećeg; - mesarnica je najčeŔće mesto kupovine mesa, a potroÅ”ači sa najnižim prihodom nabavljaju meso na selu; - najčeŔći način pripreme mesa je kuvanje, dok muÅ”ki studenti kuvaju, a ženski najčeŔće peku na roÅ”tilju meso; - većina anketiranih potroÅ”ača smatra da su rasa, pol i starost faktori od uticaja na kvalitet mesa

    Rezultati primene tehnologije genetskog unapređenja populacije simentalskih goveda u Srbiji

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    Results of production traits obtained from first calving cows and evaluation of the breeding value of bull sires of Simmental breed in Serbia. Data was analyzed using the method of least squares and for evaluation of bulls' breeding value mixed model of random sire effect (BLUP method). Based on obtained results it was established in statistical analysis that breeding region had highly significantly affected (P lt 0.01) the deviation of production traits from the general average. Considerable deviation from the general average was caused by the year and season of calving (P lt 0.05), and interaction of breeding region and calving season contributed to high variation in yield of milk and milk fat (P lt 0.01).U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na proizvodne osobine krava-prvotelki i ocena priplodne vrednosti bikova - očeva simentalske rase goveda u Srbiji. Podaci su analizirani metodom najmanjih kvadrata, a za ocenu priplodne vrednosti bikova koriŔćen je meÅ”oviti model slučajnog uticaja oca (BLUP metod). Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u statističkoj analizi ustanovljeno je da je odgajivačko područje visoko značajno (P lt 0.01) prouzrokovalo odstupanja proizvodnih osobina od opÅ”teg proseka. Sistematski faktori okoline, odgajivačko područja, godina i sezona telenja su prouzrokovali visoko značajno (P lt 0,01) i značajno (P lt 0,05) odstupanje prinosa mleka i mlečne masti krava - prvotelki, a tako dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na opravdanost koriŔćenja linearnih metoda odnosno korekcije sistematskih faktora okoline. KoriŔćenjem meÅ”ovitog modela, slučajnog uticaja bika - oca na prinos mleka kćeri, kao i formiranjem ranga bikova na osnovu priplodne vrednosti, dobijeni su rezultati koji pokazuju da je bik pod rednim brojem 9 superioran u odnosu na ostale. Bik - otac broj 23 ima najnižu priplodnu vrednost za osobine prinosa mleka i mlečne masti. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se ustanoviti da BLUP metod daje objektivnu ocenu priplodne vrednosti. Ovaj metod uvažava veliki broj sistematskih faktora okoline, uticaj različitog genetskog nivoa bikova i genetski trend te stoga doprinosi objektivnoj oceni priplodne vrednosti bikova