Uticaj genotipa na randman i sadržaj tkiva u junećim trupovima


Differences in dressing percentage and content of different tissues in carcasses of Domestic Spotted breed and crosses F1 generation with Charolais and Limousine breed were investigated. Total of 30 carcass sides were dissected, 10 in each genetic group. Genotype exhibited very significant effect (p lt 0,01) on dressing percentage and content of tissues, except for connective tissue. The highest dressing percentage was determined in crosses with Charolais (59,92%) followed by crosses with Limousine (59,85%), with statistically significant difference (p lt 0,01) to dressing percentage established for heads of domestic Simmental breed (55,71%). Crosses with Charolais and Limousine realized considerably higher content of muscle tissue (81,5% and 80,7%) compared to heads of domestic Simmental breed (77,86%). Content of bone tissue of 16,45% in carcasses of domestic Simmental breed was considerably higher (p lt 0,01) compared to both groups of crosses, whereas the content of fat and connective tissue was considerably higher (p lt 0,05) only in relation to crosses with Limousine.Proučavane su razlike u randmanu i sadržaju tkiva u trupovima između domaće simentalske rase i njenih meleza F1 generacije sa šarole i limuzin rasom. Ukupno je disecirano 30 polutki, po 10 u svakoj genotipskoj grupi. Genotip je ispoljio vrlo značajan uticaj (p lt 0,01) na randman i sadržaj tkiva, izuzev udela vezivnog tkiva. Najveći randman utvrđen je kod meleza sa šaroleom (59,92%) pa limuzinom (59,85%), uz statistički značajnu razliku limuzina i šarolea ostvarili su značajno veći sadržaj mišićnog tkiva (81,5% i 80,7%) u odnosu na grla domaće simentalske rase (77,86%). Sadržaj koštanog tkiva od 16,45% u trupovima domaće simentalske rase bio je značajno veći (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na obe grupe meleza, dok je sadržaj masnog i vezivnog tkiva bio značajno veći (p lt 0,05) samo u odnosu na meleze limuzina

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