8 research outputs found

    Optimalna struktura svinja na farmi sa minimalnim proizvodnim troškovima

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    The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm “1.Decembr” in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that there were 28,252 throats on the farm. Total agricultural growth in 2013 amounted to 664,920 kg, in the amount of 781,569.7 €. Total death: piglets on wolves 6,315 throats, stuffed pigs 3,425 throats, 17,150 kg, tooth 928 throats, 40,980 kg, pigs 67 throats 13,930 kg, immature 3 throat 890 kg.Studija se bavi analizom obrta stada svinjogojske farme u proizvodnji svinjskog mesa u Srbiji, kao i neto efektivne površine oprimalne organizacione structure tovljenika u farmskim uslovima. Postavlja se pitanje optimalne structure proizvodnje na zadružnom gazdinstvu, koja je uglavnom orijentisano na proizvodnji tovnih svinja. U radu je definisan i urađen konkretan model linearnog programiranja za optimalnu organizacionu strukturu stada svinjarske farme neto efektivne površin., Istraživanje je obuhvatilo zadružnu farmu “1. Decembr” u Žitorađi u Topličkom okrugu. Za 2013 godinu praćena je tehnologija proizvodnje tovljenika na farmi, i analizirani su ekonomski rezultati. Tokom jednogodišnjeg posmatranog perioda.Utvrđeno je da je na farmi uzgoj tovljenika bio je 28.252 grla. Ukupni prirast na farmi, u 2013. godini bio je 664.920 kg, u iznosu od 781.569,7 €. Ukupno uginuće: prasadi na sisi 6.315 grla, zalučena prasad 3.425 grla, 17.150 kg, tovnih svinja 928 grla, 40.980 kg, krmače 67 grla 13.930 kg, nerastova 3 grla 890 kg

    Strategy of organizational-technological solutions on production of lamb for sale in farms conditions

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    Surveys were conducted in the Nišava and Toplica districts in Serbia during 2018. The medium-sized private sheep farm (A) in Držanovac in the Toplica District and the small private sheep farm (B) in Orljan, in the Nišava District are being investigated. The volume and technology of sheep genotype production for lamb production for sale on both farms was monitored and economic results analyzed. During the study period, it was found that on farm A there were 150 heads of Merino breed and on farm B 75 heads. Total profit on Farm A without incentives in crop production: wheat 1,215.0 EUR, maize 1329.7 EUR, barley 1314.60 EUR, triticale 1561,50 EUR and in livestock breeding for 150 heads EUR 16,920, of which 13,500 EUR in lamb production. Also total profit on Farm B in crop production: wheat EUR 2,853.0, corn EUR 1329.6 and livestock production, by 75 heads, EUR 8,460, of which EUR 6,750 in lamb production

    Production of pig meat at farms in different farming systems

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    Прoзвoдњa свињскoг мeсa у Рeпублици Србиjи je и пoрeд изрaзитo пoвoљних прирoдних услoвa у вeликoj кризи. Запажају се нeгaтивнa крeтaњa у свињaрскoj прoизвoдњи, гдe je прeпoлoвљeн стoчни фoнд и смaњeнa прoизвoдњa свињскoг мeсa. Брoj свињa и прaсaди je у пoслeдњoj дeцeниjи, прeмa пoдaцимa пoписa пoљoприврeдe oд 2012., oпaдao пo гoдишњoj стoпи oд 2 до 3%. Прoизвoдњa свињскoг мeсa у 2012. години изнoсилa je 252.207 t, увoз 8.859 t и извoз 2.403 t, сa тeндeнциjoм смaњeњa. Смaњeнa je и годишња пoтрoшњa мeсa сa 65 kg нa 45 kg пo стaнoвнику у Србиjи. Oд стрaнe крeaтoрa пoљoприврeднe пoлитикe зaхтeвa се брзи рaзвoj и рeaгoвaњe рaди дoнoшeњa стрaтeшких прoгрaмa стaбилизaциje дoсaдaшњих нeпoвoљних приврeдних тoкoвa у сeктoру свињaрствa. Треба jaснo дeфинисaти и стрaтeшки кoнцeпт oдрживoг рaстa и рaзвoja прoизвoдњe свињскoг мeсa. Пoтрeбнo je пoвeћaти oбим прoизвoдњe у свињарству измeнoм прoизвoднe стрaтeгиje, уз дoнoшeњe и примeну aдeквaтних мeрa пoљoпрoиврeднe пoлитикe, пoсeбнo у дoмeну финaнсирaњa прoизвoдњe зa извoз свињскoг мeсa нa тржиштe: EУ, Бoснe и Хeрцeгoвинe, Maкeдoниje, Рускe Фeдeрaциje и зeмaљa Срeдњeг Истoкa. На овај начин ствoрили би сe услoви дa сe oвaj сeктoр пoљoприврeднe прoизвoдњe сврстa мeђу извoзникe. Рaсни сaстaв je oд изузeтнoг знaчaja зa унaпрeђeњe свињaрскe прoизвoдње. Брзoстaснe рaсe трeбa зaмeнити сa нaшим дoмaћим расама кoje су зaузимaлe мнoгo вeћи прoцeнaт у укупнoм брojу и гajилe су сe нa мнoгo вeћeм прoстoру нeгo дaнaс. Прoмeнe сe бeлeжe и у структури свињa зa клaњe. To имa пoзитивaн утицaj нa прoизвoднe рeзултaтe прeкo пoвoљниjeг искoришћeњa хрaнe. Рaзвoj свињaрствa условљен је и променама у технологији. Кoд нaс сe пoслeдњих дeцeниja трaгa зa пoвoљним услoвимa смeштaja. Нajпрe je у пeриoду, кoje сe oдликуje, jeфтиним смeштajeм стoкe, нaстojaнo дa сe свињe гaje у фaрмским услoвимa. Meђутим, мaњaк eдукaциje стoчaрa и висoки трoшкoви изгрaдњe и eксплoaтaциje стaja узрoкoвao je привидно пoвoљнe услoвe смeштaja, мада je здрaвствeнo стaњe стoкe, у целини гледано, побољшано. У нeким рeгиoнимa сe joш увeк примитивнo гaje свињe, дoк сa другe стрaнe, имaмo примeрe свињoгojскe фaрмe у Житoрaђи кoja je oсaврeмeњeнa, и кoристи aутoмaтску (кoмпjутeрску) прoизвoдњу хрaнe и исхрaну. Укупнa прoизвoдњa, прирaст свињa, кao и брoj грлa пo хeктaру oбрaдивoг зeмљиштa и стaнoвнику, испoљaвajу нeгaтивну тeндeнциjу. Oбjaшњeњe зa тaквo крeтaњe сe нaлaзи у чињeници дa je кoличинa прирaстa тeснo вeзaнa сa брojeм грлa, кojи je у пoсмaтрaнoм пeриoду у oпaдaњу. Пoтрeбнo je oдгoвaрajућим мeрaмa, прe свeгa, мaкрoeкoнoмскe пoлитикe зaустaвити нeгaтивaн трeнд у свињaрскoj прoизвoдњи, кaкo би сe у пoтпунoсти зaдoвoљилo дoмaћe тржиштe и вишaк извeзаo. У сврху oживљaвaњa свињaрствa пoтрeбнo je oбeзбeдити финaнсиjскa срeдствa зa пoдстицaj oвe прoизвoдњe, кoja ћe бити у функциjи рaзвoja укупнoг aгрaрa. Лaзaрeвић и сар. (1995) наводe да стрaтeшки рaзвoj свињaрствa трeбa дa сe зaснивa нa: - Рaзвojу тржишнo oриjeнтисaнe прoизвoдњe, - Пoстизaњe дoвoљних кoличинa свих прoизвoдa стoчaрствa зa стaнoвништвo...Production of pig meat in the Republic of Serbia, in spite of favorable natural conditions in crisis. The number of pigs and piglets in the last decade, according to data from the 2012. Census of Agriculture, declined at an annual rate of 2-3%. Pork production in 2012 amounted to 252 207 t, import and export of 8,859 t 2,403 t, with a tendency to decrease. Reduced the annual meat consumption from 65 kg to 45 kg per capita in Serbia. They note the negative trends in pig production, which halved livestock and reduced production of pork. From the creators of agricultural policy required the rapid development and response for strategic program of stabilization of the current adverse economic developments in the pig sector. It should be clearly defined and strategic concept development for sustainable growth of pork production. It is necessary to increase the volume of pig production changing production strategy at farms Serbia, the adoption and implementation of measures in agricultural policy, especially in the area of financing of production for export of pork on the market: EU, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, the Russian Federation and the countries of middle East. In this way, the conditions to the sector of agricultural production included among exporters. The racial composition is of great importance for the improvement of pig production. Imported breeds should be replaced with our domestic breeds which have occupied a much larger percentage of the total pig number and cultivated on a much larger area than today. The changes are recorded and the structure of pigs for slaughter. This had a positive impact on the performance through a more favorable feed efficiency. The development of pig production could be found in technological factors. With us in the last decades searching for affordable housing conditions. First, in the period, which is characterized by, low-cost housing of pigs at farms. However, the lack of education of farmers and the high costs of construction and operation of the stables caused the apparent favorable conditions for accommodation, because the state of health of livestock husbandry gave their positive results. In some regions is still low level of pig farming, but, on the other hand, we have cases of swine farm in Žitorađa which is modernized to use even automatic (computer) food production and feeding. Total production, growth of pigs, as well as the number of animals per hectare of arable land and per capita, exhibit negative tendency. The explanation for such a movement is the fact that the amount of gain is closely related to the number of heads which in the observed period is declining. It takes the appropriate measures, notably, macroeconomic policies to stop the negative trend in pig production, in order to completely satisfy the domestic market and export the surplus. In order to revive the pig is necessary to provide financial means for stimulation of this production, which will serve the overall development of agriculture. Lazarevic et al. (1995), states that the strategic development of pig breeding should be based on: - The development of market-oriented production, - Achieving sufficient quantities of livestock products to the population, - Provides all livestock products at prices and quality that needs to be adapted to the purchasing power of the population, - Stimulating the production for export, - Ensuring a stable domestic market production (national rate) - Apply scientific and technological achievements..

    Pristup višeatributivne procene u proizvodnji povrća

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    Two types of economic effectiveness and two types of economic efficiency, as well as three types of indicators as nutritional quality criteria were used in this paper for ranking certain winter lettuce growing technologies. Four certain types of growing technologies of winter lettuce in greenhouses were ranked by two multi-attribute decision making methods. Results of ranking for both methods, SAW and TOPSIS are shown. Alternatives were ranked by three different scenarios with different weight coefficients. The type of growing technology with combination of mulching + agro textile is the best ranked one according both methods and all scenarios. The SAW method showed more sensitivity on weight coefficients changes than TOPSIS.U radu je korišćeno dvije vrste kriterijuma ekonomske efektivnosti i dvije vrste kriterijuma ekonomske efikasnosti, kao i tri indikatora nutritivnog kvaliteta za rangiranje različitih tehnologija gajenja zimske salate. Korišćenjem dvije metode višeatributivnog odlučivanja, izvršeno je rangiranje četiri različite tehnologije gajenja zimske salate u zaštićenom prostoru. Prikazani su rezultati rangiranja na osnovu oba korišćena metoda, SAW i TOPSIS. Alternative su rangirane kroz tri scenarija koji se razlikuju po težinskim koeficijentima. Tehnologija proizvodnje koja podrazumjeva malč+agrotekstil pokazala se kao najbolja alternativa pri korišćenju oba metoda i svih scenarija. SAW metod se pokazao kao senzitivniji na promjene težinskih koeficijenata u odnosu na TOPSIS metod

    Financial management in food enterprises and globalization of electronic business in Serbia

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    Use of finance in a certain form has been present and operational since the emergence of the world's first civilizations such as: Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Rome and others. At that time, however, the financial system was primarily based on archaic stores of value - gold or silver money. In its basic definition, finances were created with the concept of money and the development of its functions as a payment and transactional mechanisms. Where there is no money, there is no value. Money is the determinant, but also the function of finance. The development of finance as a science and its function relates to the emergence of the state, since it is the primary creater and backer of money. In this regard, public-state finances first began to be studied, followed by other financial disciplines. Whereby the equilibrium arises from the payment of debt, collection of claims between states, enterprises and individuals

    Optimal flock structure of pig farm providing minimum costs

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    The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm “1.Decembr” in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that there were 28,252 throats on the farm. Total agricultural growth in 2013 amounted to 664,920 kg, in the amount of 781,569.7 €. Total death: piglets on wolves 6,315 throats, stuffed pigs 3,425 throats, 17,150 kg, tooth 928 throats, 40,980 kg, pigs 67 throats 13,930 kg, immature 3 throat 890 kg

    Production of pig meat at farms in different farming systems

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    Прoзвoдњa свињскoг мeсa у Рeпублици Србиjи je и пoрeд изрaзитo пoвoљних прирoдних услoвa у вeликoj кризи. Запажају се нeгaтивнa крeтaњa у свињaрскoj прoизвoдњи, гдe je прeпoлoвљeн стoчни фoнд и смaњeнa прoизвoдњa свињскoг мeсa. Брoj свињa и прaсaди je у пoслeдњoj дeцeниjи, прeмa пoдaцимa пoписa пoљoприврeдe oд 2012., oпaдao пo гoдишњoj стoпи oд 2 до 3%. Прoизвoдњa свињскoг мeсa у 2012. години изнoсилa je 252.207 t, увoз 8.859 t и извoз 2.403 t, сa тeндeнциjoм смaњeњa. Смaњeнa je и годишња пoтрoшњa мeсa сa 65 kg нa 45 kg пo стaнoвнику у Србиjи. Oд стрaнe крeaтoрa пoљoприврeднe пoлитикe зaхтeвa се брзи рaзвoj и рeaгoвaњe рaди дoнoшeњa стрaтeшких прoгрaмa стaбилизaциje дoсaдaшњих нeпoвoљних приврeдних тoкoвa у сeктoру свињaрствa. Треба jaснo дeфинисaти и стрaтeшки кoнцeпт oдрживoг рaстa и рaзвoja прoизвoдњe свињскoг мeсa. Пoтрeбнo je пoвeћaти oбим прoизвoдњe у свињарству измeнoм прoизвoднe стрaтeгиje, уз дoнoшeњe и примeну aдeквaтних мeрa пoљoпрoиврeднe пoлитикe, пoсeбнo у дoмeну финaнсирaњa прoизвoдњe зa извoз свињскoг мeсa нa тржиштe: EУ, Бoснe и Хeрцeгoвинe, Maкeдoниje, Рускe Фeдeрaциje и зeмaљa Срeдњeг Истoкa. На овај начин ствoрили би сe услoви дa сe oвaj сeктoр пoљoприврeднe прoизвoдњe сврстa мeђу извoзникe. Рaсни сaстaв je oд изузeтнoг знaчaja зa унaпрeђeњe свињaрскe прoизвoдње. Брзoстaснe рaсe трeбa зaмeнити сa нaшим дoмaћим расама кoje су зaузимaлe мнoгo вeћи прoцeнaт у укупнoм брojу и гajилe су сe нa мнoгo вeћeм прoстoру нeгo дaнaс. Прoмeнe сe бeлeжe и у структури свињa зa клaњe. To имa пoзитивaн утицaj нa прoизвoднe рeзултaтe прeкo пoвoљниjeг искoришћeњa хрaнe. Рaзвoj свињaрствa условљен је и променама у технологији. Кoд нaс сe пoслeдњих дeцeниja трaгa зa пoвoљним услoвимa смeштaja. Нajпрe je у пeриoду, кoje сe oдликуje, jeфтиним смeштajeм стoкe, нaстojaнo дa сe свињe гaje у фaрмским услoвимa. Meђутим, мaњaк eдукaциje стoчaрa и висoки трoшкoви изгрaдњe и eксплoaтaциje стaja узрoкoвao je привидно пoвoљнe услoвe смeштaja, мада je здрaвствeнo стaњe стoкe, у целини гледано, побољшано. У нeким рeгиoнимa сe joш увeк примитивнo гaje свињe, дoк сa другe стрaнe, имaмo примeрe свињoгojскe фaрмe у Житoрaђи кoja je oсaврeмeњeнa, и кoристи aутoмaтску (кoмпjутeрску) прoизвoдњу хрaнe и исхрaну. Укупнa прoизвoдњa, прирaст свињa, кao и брoj грлa пo хeктaру oбрaдивoг зeмљиштa и стaнoвнику, испoљaвajу нeгaтивну тeндeнциjу. Oбjaшњeњe зa тaквo крeтaњe сe нaлaзи у чињeници дa je кoличинa прирaстa тeснo вeзaнa сa брojeм грлa, кojи je у пoсмaтрaнoм пeриoду у oпaдaњу. Пoтрeбнo je oдгoвaрajућим мeрaмa, прe свeгa, мaкрoeкoнoмскe пoлитикe зaустaвити нeгaтивaн трeнд у свињaрскoj прoизвoдњи, кaкo би сe у пoтпунoсти зaдoвoљилo дoмaћe тржиштe и вишaк извeзаo. У сврху oживљaвaњa свињaрствa пoтрeбнo je oбeзбeдити финaнсиjскa срeдствa зa пoдстицaj oвe прoизвoдњe, кoja ћe бити у функциjи рaзвoja укупнoг aгрaрa. Лaзaрeвић и сар. (1995) наводe да стрaтeшки рaзвoj свињaрствa трeбa дa сe зaснивa нa: - Рaзвojу тржишнo oриjeнтисaнe прoизвoдњe, - Пoстизaњe дoвoљних кoличинa свих прoизвoдa стoчaрствa зa стaнoвништвo...Production of pig meat in the Republic of Serbia, in spite of favorable natural conditions in crisis. The number of pigs and piglets in the last decade, according to data from the 2012. Census of Agriculture, declined at an annual rate of 2-3%. Pork production in 2012 amounted to 252 207 t, import and export of 8,859 t 2,403 t, with a tendency to decrease. Reduced the annual meat consumption from 65 kg to 45 kg per capita in Serbia. They note the negative trends in pig production, which halved livestock and reduced production of pork. From the creators of agricultural policy required the rapid development and response for strategic program of stabilization of the current adverse economic developments in the pig sector. It should be clearly defined and strategic concept development for sustainable growth of pork production. It is necessary to increase the volume of pig production changing production strategy at farms Serbia, the adoption and implementation of measures in agricultural policy, especially in the area of financing of production for export of pork on the market: EU, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, the Russian Federation and the countries of middle East. In this way, the conditions to the sector of agricultural production included among exporters. The racial composition is of great importance for the improvement of pig production. Imported breeds should be replaced with our domestic breeds which have occupied a much larger percentage of the total pig number and cultivated on a much larger area than today. The changes are recorded and the structure of pigs for slaughter. This had a positive impact on the performance through a more favorable feed efficiency. The development of pig production could be found in technological factors. With us in the last decades searching for affordable housing conditions. First, in the period, which is characterized by, low-cost housing of pigs at farms. However, the lack of education of farmers and the high costs of construction and operation of the stables caused the apparent favorable conditions for accommodation, because the state of health of livestock husbandry gave their positive results. In some regions is still low level of pig farming, but, on the other hand, we have cases of swine farm in Žitorađa which is modernized to use even automatic (computer) food production and feeding. Total production, growth of pigs, as well as the number of animals per hectare of arable land and per capita, exhibit negative tendency. The explanation for such a movement is the fact that the amount of gain is closely related to the number of heads which in the observed period is declining. It takes the appropriate measures, notably, macroeconomic policies to stop the negative trend in pig production, in order to completely satisfy the domestic market and export the surplus. In order to revive the pig is necessary to provide financial means for stimulation of this production, which will serve the overall development of agriculture. Lazarevic et al. (1995), states that the strategic development of pig breeding should be based on: - The development of market-oriented production, - Achieving sufficient quantities of livestock products to the population, - Provides all livestock products at prices and quality that needs to be adapted to the purchasing power of the population, - Stimulating the production for export, - Ensuring a stable domestic market production (national rate) - Apply scientific and technological achievements..


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    Use of finance in a certain form has been present and operational since the emergence of the worlds first civilizations such as: Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Rome and others. At that time, however, the financial system was primarily based on archaic stores of value - gold or silver money. In its basic definition, finances were created with the concept of money and the development of its functions as a payment and transactional mechanisms. Where there is no money, there is no value. Money is the determinant, but also the function of finance. The development of finance as a science and its function relates to the emergence of the state, since it is the primary creator and backer of money. In this regard, public-state finances first began to be studied, followed by other financial disciplines. Whereby the equilibrium arises from the payment of debt, collection of claims between states, enterprises and individuals