35 research outputs found

    Estudio de la integración de la sostenibilidad en grados de ingeniería industrial

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    Antecedentes: Tras la adaptación al EEES, todos los grados relacionados con la ingeniería industrial incluyen competencias relacionadas con las distintas dimensiones de la sostenibilidad. Método: Con el fin de conocer su nivel de integración real en la docencia, hemos analizado los planes de estudio de 25 universidades españolas, identificando las asignaturas que incluían dichas competencias no sólo en sus guías docentes, sino también en sus temarios, opciones metodológicas y criterios de evaluación. Resultados: Los resultados muestran una gran diversidad entre universidades en el enfoque y el nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad. Se ha observado un desequilibrio entre la presencia de los aspectos económicos y ambientales frente a los sociales y éticos, así como carencias en la visión holística de la sostenibilidad y de espacios para la reflexión. No obstante, se han identificado buenas prácticas que pueden ser de gran ayuda para afrontar dichos retos. Conclusiones: El estudio realizado muestra que es posible integrar la sostenibilidad de forma holística y sistemática en el actual marco académico, pero queda mucho por hacer. Como factores clave a potenciar se destacan la implicación institucional, la formación y compromiso del profesorado, así como la evaluación interna y externa. ABSTRACT: Background: After the Bologna process, every industrial engineering degree program in Spain includes competences related to the different dimensions of sustainability. Methodology: In order to know their level of real integration in teaching, we have analysed the curricula of 25 Spanish universities, identifying the courses that include in fact such competences in their syllabus, methodological options and evaluation criteria. Results: The results show that there are not many examples of holistic and systematic approaches to sustainability and a lack of spaces for reflection has been observed. However, we have identified some good practices that can be of great help to deal with these challenges in the present framework of the Spanish universities. Conclussions: The study shows that the current academic framework provides opportunities to integrate sustainability in a holistic and systematic way. Some key factors are considered such as institutional commitment, teacher’s training and internal and external evaluation

    Sostenibilidad Curricular en Grados de Ingeniería Industrial

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    Tras la adaptación al EEES, todos los grados relacionados con la ingeniería industrial incluyen competencias relacionadas con las distintas dimensiones de la sostenibilidad. Con el fin de conocer su nivel de integración real en la docencia, se han analizado sus planes de estudio en 25 universidades españolas, identificando las asignaturas que incluían dichas competencias no sólo en sus guías docentes, sino también de hecho en sus temarios, opciones metodológicas y criterios de evaluación. Los resultados muestran carencias en la visión holística de la sostenibilidad y de espacios para la reflexión, y no se aprecia una integración sistemática y coherente. No obstante, se han identificado un buen número de buenas prácticas que muestran que existen oportunidades viables para abordar estos retos en el marco actual de la universidad española. Abstract After the Bologna process, every industrial engineering degree program in Spain includes competences related to the different dimensions of sustainability. In order to know their level of real integration in teaching, we have analysed the curricula of 25 Spanish universities, identifying the courses that include in fact such competences in their syllabus, methodological options and evaluation criteria. The results show that there are not many examples of holistic and systematic approaches to sustainability and a lack of spaces for reflection has been observed. However, we have identified some good practices that can be of great help to deal with these challenges in the present framework of the Spanish universities

    Guía para trabajar la responsabilidad social y ambiental (GRSA)

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    Guía para trabajar la Responsabilidad Social y Ambiental (GRSA) La Escuela ha diseñado unas guías para el desarrollo de las competencias transversales con el ánimo de facilitar la integración del aprendizaje de estas competencias en el seno de las asignaturas. Estas guías se elaboran con la experiencia de los participantes en el plan piloto. Así pues, estas guías quieren ser un soporte para los profesores, ofreciendo directrices generales y posibles estrategias para integrar la formación de esta competencia en su asignatura

    Título propio de grado UPM: Experto en cooperación para el desarrollo

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    En el curso 2008/09 se ha puesto en marcha el nuevo título propio de grado UPM “Experto en cooperación para el desarrollo”. Con él se pretende desarrollar la componente formativa del compromiso institucional de la UPM con la Cooperación Universitaria para el Desarrollo. Aglutina iniciativas dispersas que se llevaban a cabo en la UPM, aportando un marco formal común para las tareas docentes en el ámbito de la cooperación para el desarrollo, y establece un nuevo espacio de colaboración entre grupos y profesores comprometidos e interesados en este campo. Están implicados 24 departamentos de 13 escuelas y facultades de la UPM. Se admiten 25 alumnos oficiales de la UPM, en los dos últimos cursos de carrera y han de pasar un proceso de selección. Los títulos propios de grado UPM de Experto complementan el título oficial, pudiendo tener algunas partes en común. Su carga lectiva oscila entre 20 y 120 ECTS. Este título tiene 40 ECTS

    Implementation of competences of social and environmental responsibility in IT engineering degrees

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    In the present globalized world, the impacts of engineering are growing in importance, society is becoming more aware of them, and more and more universities are including ethical and social issues into their engineering degree programs. This article describes the experience of developing competences of ethical, social and environmental responsibility in undergraduate IT engineering degrees at the Technical University of Madrid. The implementation of these competences has evolved in recent years and currently they are developed in two specific subjects in the first and third year, and that work is completed in the Final Year Project. This model allows us to reach all the students at different times along their studies and with a acceptable level of depth. It is an integral experience, where appropriate contents, teaching methodologies and assessment methods have been adapted to deal with social issues in our academic context. As lessons learned, we highlight the effectiveness this model for developing the aforementioned competences and the important role of external references (from professional, governmental and academic institutions) to integrate ethical, social and environmental aspects into engineering degrees

    Apoyo a experiencias de educación para el desarrollo en universidades de Perú.

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    El grupo de cooperación UPM EDTIC, promueve desde 2009 el proyecto Refuerzo de grupos universitarios peruanos con acciones formativas de aplicación de las TIC a procesos de desarrollo humano en zonas rurales. Este proyecto trabaja en iniciativas formativas de dos grupos de investigación en telecomunicaciones rurales de universidades peruanas. Se centra en fortalecer sus capacidades apoyando la movilidad de estudiantes entre ambas universidades para la realización de prácticas sobre el terreno, cursos de formación y tesis de fin de grado. Los buenos resultados de la primera fase (formación de estudiantes de ambos grupos, lectura de dos tesis de grado en temáticas aplicadas de TIC para el desarrollo, fortalecimiento y reconocimiento del CEDITER como Centro de Investigación de la UNSAAC) han facilitado la continuidad del proyecto ampliándolo a otras universidades y promoviendo nuevas acciones formativas en las mismas. Esta segunda fase se encuentra actualmente en marcha

    Strategies for teaching professional ethics to IT engineering degree students and evaluating the result

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    Abstract This paper presents an experience in developing professional ethics by an approach that integrates knowledge, teaching methodologies and assessment coherently. It has been implemented for students in both the Software Engineering and Computer Engineering degree programs of the Technical University of Madrid, in which professional ethics is studied as a part of a required course. Our contribution of this paper is a model for formative assessment that clarifies the learning goals, enhances the results, simplifies the scoring and can be replicated in other contexts. A quasi-experimental study that involves many of the students of the required course has been developed. To test the effectiveness of the teaching process, the analysis of ethical dilemmas and the use of deontological codes have been integrated, and a scoring rubric has been designed. Currently, this model is also being used to develop skills related to social responsibility and sustainability for undergraduate and postgraduate students of diverse academic context

    Introducing ethical, social and environmental issues in ICT engineering degrees

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    This paper describes the experience of introducing ethical, social and environmental issues in undergraduate ICT engineering degrees at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The experience before the Bologna Process was concentrated on developing elective courses related mainly on the field of the International Development Cooperation. The integration of those topics within the current ICT engineering curricula, adapted to the European Higher Education Area framework, has significantly improved. It reaches all of our students, as the programs include compulsory courses which focus on ethical and social issues, and these topics have to be considered when carrying out the Final Year Project. A holistic and comprehensive approach is being implemented, with a broad view of professional responsibility and sustainability. Appropriate contents, teaching methodologies and assessment methods have been aligned in order to make our students? training more effective. The result is an example of both bottom-up and top-down approach. It has been positively influenced by the European Higher Education Area framework and some external recommendations. However, the significant contribution regarding motivation, drive and previous experience of the teachers involved has been essential

    Designing a comprehensive methodology to integrate sustainability issues in CDIO projects

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    We present in this study the first steps in the design and implementation of a new methodology that aims to consider systematically the different dimensions of sustainability, including ethical and strategic aspects, attempting to balance all them. The pilot methodology was implemented in the course 2014-15 in the ?INGENIA? course, a 12 ECTS compulsory subject taught in the first year of the master in industrial engineering of the Technical University of Madrid. As this is an on-going process, we also introduce some practical guidelines we are currently addressing to the students by means of taking into account various approaches in particular socio-economic contexts or to differentiate specificities by industrial sectors or activity fields. Ultimately, we aim at enabling our INGENIA-CDIO students to raise reflections and assessments about the related impacts of their engineering projects

    Using competency maps for embedding and assessing sustainability in engineering degrees

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    This paper features a methodology for embedding and assessing a competency in an academic curriculum using competency maps. This methodology enables embedding and assessment of any competency in any curriculum, regardless of the educational level, as long as the competency is correctly described by means of a competency map. As an example of the application of this methodology, a proposal for embedding and assessing sustainability in engineering degrees is presented. A competency map embodies the set of learning outcomes of the competency that students should have acquired upon completion of their studies. This information allows the designers of the curriculum to determine the learning outcomes that should be developed in the degree and to distribute them appropriately among the subjects. The presence map can be constructed from the competency map. It contains information regarding the extent to which each learning outcome of the competency map is being developed in the degree. This paper proposes the construction of a presence map in two steps: (1) perform a survey and (2) conduct a semi-structured interview with professors. The interview, which is conducted by one or several experts in the competency, allows the different criteria used by the professors when filling out the questionnaire to be unified, whereas the presence map shows whether a particular competency is correctly embedded in the curriculum and the aspects that could be improved. Finally, to validate that the students are achieving the learning outcomes of the competency map, we propose a survey to measure the students’ perception about their own learning in the competency. These results can be compared with the presence map to help determine whether, from the students’ point of view, the expected learning outcomes are being achieved in the corresponding subjects. The aim of this process is to provide the information necessary to indicate any changes in the curriculum that may improve the embedding of the competency.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), from study design to submission, under grant number RTI2018-094982-B-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version