261 research outputs found

    Activité de la phosphatase alcaline bactérienne à l'interface eau-sédiment au sein du réservoir Sahela (Maroc)

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    Les variations temporelles des concentrations en phosphore, celles des abondances bactériennes et de l'activité de la phosphatase alcaline (APA) ont été estimées in situ en chambre benthique placée en deux points du réservoir Sahela (Maroc) durant les mois de septembre et octobre 98. En période de faible oxygénation, nous avons enregistré des élévations relativement faibles des concentrations en orthophosphates (de 0,020 à 0,035 mg. l-1 au point 1 et 0,015 à 0,025 mg. l-1 au point 2) par rapport au phosphore total (0,080 à 0,100 mg. l-1 au point 1 et de 0,035 à 0,040 mg. l-1 au point 2). À cette période, les abondances bactériennes et l'APA montrent des valeurs maximales (8. 106 bact. ml-1 et 0,323 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 1 et 6.106 bact. ml-1 et 0,438 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 2 respectivement). L'apparition des conditions anoxiques et la diminution du pH favorisaient la dissolution du phosphore particulaire et la libération du phosphore réactif soluble. Cette libération s'accompagne d'une élévation des abondances de bactéries anaérobies (de 5.106 à 9,2. 106 bact. ml-1 au point 1 et de 3,8.106 à 7,2. 106 bact. ml-1 au point 2) et une diminution progressive d'APA (de 0,200 à 0,025 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 1 et de 0,125 à 0,077 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 2). Ce relargage du phosphore à partir du sédiment est accentué par les rejets domestiques et industriels de la ville de Taounate, ce qui accélère le processus d'eutrophisation de ce réservoir.Temporal variations of phosphorus concentrations, bacterial abundance and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were estimated in situ in a benthic chamber. The chamber used has a surface of 0.4m2 and a volume of 90 l ; it resembles those used in oceanography, with a tube connecting the interior of the chamber to the lake surface. The water in the chamber was permanently mixed by an electric agitation system. The chamber was placed at two points in the Sahela reservoir (Morocco). Point 1 was located near Guelta El Haila, a site that receives both domestic and industrial effluent, and point 2 was located in the centre of the reservoir. During the two incubations, eight samples were taken over 24 d in September and October 1998 from point 1, and seven samples were taken from point 2 over 29 d in October. After each sampling, an equal volume of water was injected into the chamber to avoid bubble formation.Under low dissolved oxygen concentrations in the benthic chamber, we noticed a relatively small elevation in orthophosphate concentrations (from 0.020 to 0.035 mg×L-1 at point 1 and from 0.015 to 0.025 mg×L-1 at point 2) in relation to total phosphorus (from 0.080 to 0.100 mg×L-1 and from 0.035 to 0.040 mg×L-1 at points 1 and 2 respectively). The low residual oxygenation of hypolimnic layer allowed the oxidation of iron, manganese and led to their binding to phosphorus released from the interstitial water. Dissociation of calcium-phosphorus complexes as a result of a pH decrease may have contributed to phosphorus release. The orthophosphate concentrations were relatively low, a situation that favours the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase by aerobic bacteria and facultative aerobic bacteria. In this period, the bacterial abundance and APA were comparable and showed the maximal values (8. 106 bact. ml-1 and 0.323 mmol. PNP l-1.h-1 (phosphate nitrophenol) in point 1 and 6. 106 bact. ml-1and 0.438 mmol. PNP l-1.h-1 in point 2 respectively). The lack of a significant correlation between total APA and bacterial abundance at the two sampling points is probably due to the decrease of aerobic bacteria followed by a repopulation with anaerobic bacteria. However, the relative contribution of two bacterial populations that have different sizes, as at points 1 and 2, showed that the majority of total APA was produced by bacteria that are attached to organic matter. Therefore we suggest that attached bacteria contribute more than free bacteria to APA production.The beginning of anoxic conditions and the decrease in pH favored the dissolution of particulate phosphorus and the liberation of reactive phosphorus. We noted an elevation in orthophosphate concentrations (from 0.035 to 0.050 mg×L-1 at point 1 and stabilised at 0.025 mg×L-1 at point 2) and total phosphorus (from 0.100 to 0.150 mg×L-1 at point 1 and from 0.040 to 0.050 mg×L-1 at point 2). This liberation followed an increase in anaerobic bacterial abundance (from 5×106 to 9.2×106 bact×mL-1 at point 1 and from 3.8×106 to 7.2×106 bact×mL-1 at point 2) and the progressive decrease in APA (from 0.200 to 0.025 mmol PNP L-1 ×h-1 at point 1 and from 0.125 to 0.077 mmol PNP L-1 ×h-1 at point 2). The anaerobic bacteria did not activate their alkaline phosphatase and the synthesis of their enzyme was progressively inhibited by a de-repression phenomenon caused by high phosphorus concentrations.We conclude that low oxygen and a decrease in pH favoured the release of phosphorus by dissolution of chemical complexes: calcium-phosphorus, iron-phosphorus, manganese-phosphorus and aluminium-phosphorus. This release is also the result of bacterial phosphatase activity to which fixed bacteria contributed the most. The release of phosphorus from water-sediment interface is further amplified by phosphate import from domestic and industrial waste waters originating from Taounate, which accelerates the eutrophication process in this reservoir

    A highly osmotolerant rhizobial strain confers a better tolerance of nitrogen fixation and enhances protective activities to nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris under drought stress

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    The effect of water deficiency on nodules of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) inoculated with three rhizobial strains differing in their osmotolerance, was investigated in two different experiments on sterile sand. In the first experiment, the control plants were maintained at 90% field capacity (FC) and water-deficient plants were grown at 35% FC. The nitrogen fixation and growth parameters drastically decreased under water deficiency, however the three rhizobial strains, Rhizobium etli A32 (sensitive), Rhizobium tropici CIAT899 (tolerant), and Ensifer meliloti 4H41 (highly tolerant), showed different symbiotic performances. E. meliloti 4H41 allowed the best acetylene reduction activity (ARA) and biomass production and the highest number of large-sized nodules, while no significant effect was observed on lipid peroxidation, protein and legheamoglobin contents. The effect on antioxidant activities was the lowest. In the second experiment, plants were maintained at 90% FC during 45 days and then watering was stopped. The results showed that, the response to water deficit was quite similar for the three analyzed symbioses until 35% FC, but below this value of FC, symbiosis involving strain E. meliloti 4H41 was the most tolerant. This tolerance was accompanied, by in both experiments, by a stability of metabolic indices and protective antioxidant activities. These results suggest that, the relative tolerance of the nodules induced by strain 4H41 could be due to a constructive adaptation involving specific cortex structure and stress-adapted metabolic activities acquired during nodule formation and growth, rather than to a timely inducible response due to the stimulation of antioxidant enzymes. This suggestion should be confirmed through microscopic structure analysis and supplemental key enzymes in nodule metabolism such as sucrose synthase and malate dehydrogenase.Key words: Antioxidant activities, in pots experiment, leghemoglobin content, nodule, rhizobia, osmotolerance, symbiotic efficiency, water deficiency

    Processus d'eutrophisation : activité de la phosphatase alcaline du microplancton d'un réservoir mésotrophe marocain (Allal El Fassi)

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    L'activité de la phosphatase alcaline (APA) bactérienne et phytoplanctonique a été mesurée bimensuellement du mois de mars au mois de décembre 1998 au sein d'un réservoir mésotrophe situé dans une zone à climat semi-aride (Allal El Fassi, Maroc). Les résultats montrent que l'APA totale est importante (0,107-1,780 mmol PNP·l-1·h-1) et majoritairement d'origine bactérienne (> 60 %) au niveau de l'épilimnion, alors qu'elle est à dominance algale (> 58 %) dans le méta- et l'hypolimnion. L'absence de corrélation entre l'APA totale et les concentrations en orthophosphates suggère que l'hydrolyse par cette enzyme n'est pas significative dans le processus de régénération du phosphore dans ce réservoir. Par conséquent, l'APA ne pourrait pas être un indicateur fiable du déficit en phosphore dans le milieu.Bacterial and phytoplanktonic alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) was measured from march to December 1998 in the mesotrophic Allal El Fassi reservoir located in the semi-arid zone (Morocco). The total APA varied between 0.107-1.780 mmol PNP·L-1·h-1. In epilimnion, the bacterioplankton contributed significantly (> 60%) to total APA. In the meta and hypolimnion, the APA was predominantly algal (> 58%). No correlation between APA and orthophosphates indicate that the hydrolysis by this enzyme was not a significant process in recycling of phosphorus in Allal El Fassi reservoir. Consequently, the APA was not a valid test of phosphorus deficiency

    Étude préliminaire sur les échanges de phosphore à l'interface eau- sédiment au sein de la retenue d'Al Massira (Maroc)

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    Les échanges de phosphore à l'interface eau-sédiment ont été étudiés dans la retenue Al Massira. La campagne de prélèvements a été menée pendant la faible oxygénation des eaux profondes au mois d'octobre 1991. Les mesures des échanges de phosphore ont été réalisées in situ en chambre benthique.Les valeurs de pH sont élevées et reflètent clairement l'influence de la nature géologique du bassin versant sur la composition chimique des eaux. Ce bassin versant, formé essentiellement de roches sédimentaires calcaires, est vraisemblablement à l'origine des concentrations élevées en calcium mesurées dans les chambres benthiques.En période de faible oxygénation, on note une augmentation des teneurs en phosphore particulaire dans les eaux surnageantes en raison de la présence de complexes calcium-phosphore, fer-phosphore et manganèse-phosphore. En période d'anoxie, la réduction de ces complexes est accompagnée d'une aug- mentation des teneurs en phosphore.La densité bactérienne et la concentration en phosphore total et notamment en orthophosphates suivent une évolution temporelle comparable. Une fraction non négligeable du phosphore particulaire serait liée aux bactéries.Des mesures drastiques de déphosphatation du tributaire Oum Errbia doivent être prises pour éviter la dissociation des complexes Ca, Fe, Mn-Phosphore et le relargage de phosphore biodisponible.Phosphorus exchange at the sediment-water interface was studied in the Al Massira reservoir. This reservoir, located on the Oum Errbia river, is the most important freshwater resource in Morocco. It provides drinking water to the whole population of Casablanca and contributes to farming and to the functioning of several industrial plants. Our investigations were made in October 1991 and coincided with low oxygen concentrations in the deep layers. The measurements of phosphorus exchange have been made in sitn with a benthic chamber device.The results showed that these exchanges were regulated by a combination ofthe physical chemical variability of the environment and the geological composition of the catchment basin.The pH, which permanently exceeded 7 in Massira, suggests that calcium-bound phosphorus was primarily CaHFO4. Moreover, given the high phosphonrs inputs into the reservoir (570 tonnes. year-1), and despite the fact that, as soon as it reached the reservoir, a large fraction of this element was associated with to calcium, it's likely that the Massira reservoir is subject to eutrophication.In low oxygenated deep layers, we observed an increase in particulate phosphorus concentrations of the overlying water, due to the simultaneous presence of calcium-phosphorus, iron-phosphorus and manganese-phosphorus forms. Under anoxic conditions, the reduction ofthese complexes resulted in an increase of phosphorus concentrations.Bacterial cell numbers and total phosphorus concentratioru showed a comparable temporal behaviour. This would suggest that attached bacteria contributed at least partially to the total particulate phosphoms concentrations.We suggest that a drastic control of phosphorus inputs into the waters must be done through a program of dephosphorylation of tributaries to avoid the dissocation of calcium-, iron-, manganese-bound phosphorus with release upwards of bioavailable phosphorus

    Design of dynamic experiments for black-box model discrimination

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    Diverse domains of science and engineering require and use mechanistic mathematical models, e.g. systems of differential algebraic equations. Such models often contain uncertain parameters to be estimated from data. Consider a dynamic model discrimination setting where we wish to chose: (i) what is the best mechanistic, time-varying model and (ii) what are the best model parameter estimates. These tasks are often termed model discrimination/selection/validation/verification. Typically, several rival mechanistic models can explain data, so we incorporate available data and also run new experiments to gather more data. Design of dynamic experiments for model discrimination helps optimally collect data. For rival mechanistic models where we have access to gradient information, we extend existing methods to incorporate a wider range of problem uncertainty and show that our proposed approach is equivalent to historical approaches when limiting the types of considered uncertainty. We also consider rival mechanistic models as dynamic black boxes that we can evaluate, e.g. by running legacy code, but where gradient or other advanced information is unavailable. We replace these black-box models with Gaussian process surrogate models and thereby extend the model discrimination setting to additionally incorporate rival black-box model. We also explore the consequences of using Gaussian process surrogates to approximate gradient-based methods

    Postendovascular thoracic aortic repair subclavian steal syndrome revealed by severe headache

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    AbstractSubclavian steal syndrome (SCSS) has been known since 1960 in the medical literature. Its principal cause is atherosclerosis responsible of occlusion of the subclavian artery (SCA). It is the pathological process in which blood flows in reverse direction from the vertebral artery (VA) to the SCA. Usually asymptomatic, but a variety of symptoms may develop involving the vertebro-basilar and/or the carotid territories and may be precipitated by exercise of the upper extremity. In some circumstances it can be iatrogenic complicating the course of a thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) when the left SCA is covered by the endoprosthesis, which is a necessity many times giving the frequent proximity of the acute thoracic pathologies to the origin of this vessel.We present a case of severe headache occurring after a TEVAR with intentional coverage of the origin of the left SCA. This headache was the only symptom from which the patient complained, and which disappeared immediately after carotid-SCA bypass. Other devastating complications can happen, which gave as a concern about the management of SCA when decision to practice a TEVAR is taken

    High-Energy Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions: A Molecular Bond-Length Ruler

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of core-level ionization of small hetero- and homo-nuclear molecules employing circularly polarized light and address molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions in the light's polarization plane (CP-MFPADs). We find that the main forward-scattering peaks of CP-MFPADs are slightly tilted with respect to the molecular axis. We show that this tilt angle can be directly connected to the molecular bond length by a simple, universal formula. The extraction of the bond length becomes more accurate as the photoelectron energy is increased. We apply the derived formula to several examples of CP-MFPADs of C 1s and O 1s photoelectrons of CO, which have been measured experimentally or obtained by means of ab initio modeling. The photoelectron kinetic energies range from 70 to 1000~eV and the extracted bond lengths agree well with the known bond length of the CO molecule in its ground state. In addition, we discuss the influence of the back-scattering contribution that is superimposed over the analyzed forward-scattering peak in case of homo-nuclear diatomic molecules as N2_2

    Drought Impact Is Alleviated in Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.) by Foliar Application of Fullerenol Nanoparticles

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    Over the past few years, significant efforts have been made to decrease the effects of drought stress on plant productivity and quality. We propose that fullerenol nanoparticles (FNPs, molecular formula C-60(OH)(24)) may help alleviate drought stress by serving as an additional intercellular water supply. Specifically, FNPs are able to penetrate plant leaf and root tissues, where they bind water in various cell compartments. This hydroscopic activity suggests that FNPs could be beneficial in plants. The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of FNPs on sugar beet plants exposed to drought stress. Our results indicate that intracellular water metabolism can be modified by foliar application of FNPs in drought exposed plants. Drought stress induced a significant increase in the compatible osmolyte proline in both the leaves and roots of control plants, but not in FNP treated plants. These results indicate that FNPs could act as intracellular binders of water, creating an additional water reserve, and enabling adaptation to drought stress. Moreover, analysis of plant antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT, APx and GPx), MDA and GSH content indicate that fullerenol foliar application could have some beneficial effect on alleviating oxidative effects of drought stress, depending on the concentration of nanoparticles applied. Although further studies are necessary to elucidate the biochemical impact of FNPs on plants; the present results could directly impact agricultural practice, where available water supplies are often a limiting factor in plant bioproductivity