76 research outputs found

    A new intracellular serine protease inhibitor expressed in the rat pituitary gland complexes with granzyme B

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    AbstractWe have cloned a novel serpin (raPIT5a) from a rat pituitary cDNA library which is structurally related to members of the ovalbumin subfamily of serine protease inhibitors. This new cDNA encodes a 374-amino acid protein, designated raPIT5a. raPIT5a was expressed in specific cells in the intermediate and anterior lobes of the pituitary. Recombinant raPIT5a was not secreted suggesting raPIT5a functions to inhibit intracellular proteases. Recombinant raPIT5a formed an SDS-stable complex with human granzyme B, a serine protease which induces apoptosis by activating members of the caspase enzyme family. These data suggest raPIT5a may have a role in regulating granzyme B or related enzymes and apoptosis in the pituitary gland

    CD24 Expression Identifies Teratogen-Sensitive Fetal Neural Stem Cell Subpopulations: Evidence from Developmental Ethanol Exposure and Orthotopic Cell Transfer Models

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    Ethanol is a potent teratogen. Its adverse neural effects are partly mediated by disrupting fetal neurogenesis. The teratogenic process is poorly understood, and vulnerable neurogenic stages have not been identified. Identifying these is a prerequisite for therapeutic interventions to mitigate effects of teratogen exposures.We used flow cytometry and qRT-PCR to screen fetal mouse-derived neurosphere cultures for ethanol-sensitive neural stem cell (NSC) subpopulations, to study NSC renewal and differentiation. The identity of vulnerable NSC populations was validated in vivo, using a maternal ethanol exposure model. Finally, the effect of ethanol exposure on the ability of vulnerable NSC subpopulations to integrate into the fetal neurogenic environment was assessed following ultrasound guided, adoptive transfer.Ethanol decreased NSC mRNAs for c-kit, Musashi-1and GFAP. The CD24(+) NSC population, specifically the CD24(+)CD15(+) double-positive subpopulation, was selectively decreased by ethanol. Maternal ethanol exposure also resulted in decreased fetal forebrain CD24 expression. Ethanol pre-exposed CD24(+) cells exhibited increased proliferation, and deficits in cell-autonomous and cue-directed neuronal differentiation, and following orthotopic transplantation into naĂŻve fetuses, were unable to integrate into neurogenic niches. CD24(depleted) cells retained neurosphere regeneration capacity, but following ethanol exposure, generated increased numbers of CD24(+) cells relative to controls.Neuronal lineage committed CD24(+) cells exhibit specific vulnerability, and ethanol exposure persistently impairs this population's cell-autonomous differentiation capacity. CD24(+) cells may additionally serve as quorum sensors within neurogenic niches; their loss, leading to compensatory NSC activation, perhaps depleting renewal capacity. These data collectively advance a mechanistic hypothesis for teratogenesis leading to microencephaly

    Co-expression of estrogen receptor-alpha and targets of estrogen receptor action in proliferating monkey mammary epithelial cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Failure to detect co-expression of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) and proliferation 'markers' such as Ki67 in human mammary epithelium led to the view that estrogen acts indirectly to stimulate mammary epithelial proliferation. The mitotic index was so low in prior studies, however, that transient co-expression of ERα and Ki67 during the cell cycle could have been below detection limits. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was used on mammary tissue sections from estrogen treated rhesus monkeys to investigate co-expression of ERα and the proliferation antigen Ki67. Using the same methods, we investigated the cell localization of proteins involved in estrogen-induced proliferation, including cyclin D1, stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1, and MYC. RESULTS: ERα was co-expressed with the proliferation marker Ki67 as well as with SDF-1, MYC and cyclin D1 in mammary epithelial cells from estrogen-treated monkeys. CONCLUSION: ERα is expressed in proliferating mammary epithelial cells together with the estrogen-induced proteins MYC, cyclin D1 and SDF-1, consistent with a direct mitogenic action by estrogen in primate mammary epithelium

    Paracrine-mediated neuroprotection and neuritogenesis of axotomised retinal ganglion cells by human dental pulp stem cells:Comparison with human bone marrow and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    We have investigated and compared the neurotrophic activity of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSC), human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSC) and human adipose-derived stem cells (hAMSC) on axotomised adult rat retinal ganglion cells (RGC) in vitro in order to evaluate their therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative conditions of RGC. Using the transwell system, RGC survival and length/number of neurites were quantified in coculture with stem cells in the presence or absence of specific Fc-receptor inhibitors to determine the role of NGF, BDNF, NT-3, VEGF, GDNF, PDGF-AA and PDGF-AB/BB in stem cell-mediated RGC neuroprotection and neuritogenesis. Conditioned media, collected from cultured hDPSC/hBMSC/hAMSC, were assayed for the secreted growth factors detailed above using ELISA. PCR array determined the hDPSC, hBMSC and hAMSC expression of genes encoding 84 growth factors and receptors. The results demonstrated that hDPSC promoted significantly more neuroprotection and neuritogenesis of axotomised RGC than either hBMSC or hAMSC, an effect that was neutralized after the addition of specific Fc-receptor inhibitors. hDPSC secreted greater levels of various growth factors including NGF, BDNF and VEGF compared with hBMSC/hAMSC. The PCR array confirmed these findings and identified VGF as a novel potentially therapeutic hDPSC-derived neurotrophic factor (NTF) with significant RGC neuroprotective properties after coculture with axotomised RGC. In conclusion, hDPSC promoted significant multi-factorial paracrine-mediated RGC survival and neurite outgrowth and may be considered a potent and advantageous cell therapy for retinal nerve repair

    GH mediates exercise-dependent activation of SVZ neural precursor cells in aged mice

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    Here we demonstrate, both in vivo and in vitro, that growth hormone (GH) mediates precursor cell activation in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the aged (12-month-old) brain following exercise, and that GH signaling stimulates precursor activation to a similar extent to exercise. Our results reveal that both addition of GH in culture and direct intracerebroventricular infusion of GH stimulate neural precursor cells in the aged brain. In contrast, no increase in neurosphere numbers was observed in GH receptor null animals following exercise. Continuous infusion of a GH antagonist into the lateral ventricle of wild-type animals completely abolished the exercise-induced increase in neural precursor cell number. Given that the aged brain does not recover well after injury, we investigated the direct effect of exercise and GH on neural precursor cell activation following irradiation. This revealed that physical exercise as well as infusion of GH promoted repopulation of neural precursor cells in irradiated aged animals. Conversely, infusion of a GH antagonist during exercise prevented recovery of precursor cells in the SVZ following irradiation

    Observations of atmospheric scintillation

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    The Nature and Role of Experiment in Science Education

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    Experimentets art och roll i naturvetenskaplig undervisning är ett fundamentalt och omfattande ämne. I föreliggande litteraturstudie görs ett försök att sätta in frågan i ett historiskt, pedagogiskt och vetenskapligt sammanhang. Innan experimentets roll diskuteras, ställs dock frågan vad naturvetenskap är, varför och hur det skall undervisas, och vad som kännetecknar praktiskt arbete och experimentell verksamhet i skolan. Med denna bakgrund refereras några forskares och lärares erfarenheter och åsikter. Det visar sig, föga överraskande, att formerna för och avsikterna med experiment i undervisningen är skiftande. Studien får därför ses som ett försök till kartläggning av frågeställningen, med avsikten att lyfta fram några representativa exempel. Slutsatsen måste bli, att titelns fråga har många möjliga svar. Den gemensamma nämnaren förefaller vara, att praktiskt arbete och experiment är önskvärda inslag i naturvetenskaplig undervisning, trots oenighet och osäkerhet beträffande deras mål och effektivitet.The nature and role of experiment in science education is a fundamental and extensive subject. In the present literature survey, the subject is considered in a historical, pedagogical and scientific context. However, previous to discussing the role of experiment, we ask what science is, why and how we should teach it, and what characterizes practical and experimental work in school. Bearing this in mind, the experiences and opinions of some researchers and teachers are accounted for. We realize, not very surprisingly, that the methods and intentions for using experiment in science teaching are diverse. This work is consequently an attempt to map the subject and to bring forward some representative examples. The conclusion must be, that the question we have posed in the title has many possible answers. These appear to have in common, that practical and experimental work are considered desirable in science teaching, in spite of disagreement and doubt concerning their goal and efficiency

    Hypoxia-induced alpha-globin expression in syncytiotrophoblasts mimics the pattern observed in preeclamptic placentas

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy disorder associated with placental dysfunction and elevated fetal hemoglobin (HbF). Early in pregnancy the placenta harbors hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) and is an extramedullary source of erythropoiesis. However, globin expression is not unique to erythroid cells and can be triggered by hypoxia. To investigate the role of the placenta in increasing globin levels previously reported in PE, flow cytometry, histological and immunostaining and in situ analyses were used on placenta samples and ex vivo explant cultures. Our results indicated that in PE pregnancies, placental HSPC homing and erythropoiesis were not affected. Non-erythroid alpha-globin mRNA and protein, but not gamma-globin, were detected in syncytiotrophoblasts and stroma of PE placenta samples. Similarly, alpha-globin protein and mRNA were upregulated in normal placenta explants cultured in hypoxia. The upregulation was inde-pendent of HIF1 and NRF2, the two main candidates of globin transcription in non-erythroid cells. Our study is the first to demonstrate alpha-globin mRNA expression in syncytiotrophoblasts in PE, induced by hypoxia. However, gamma-globin was only expressed in erythrocytes. We conclude that alpha-globin, but not HbF, is expressed in placental syncytiotrophoblasts in PE and may contribute to the pathology of the disease

    Assessing erythroferrone and iron homeostasis in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies : A retrospective study

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    Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder associated with maternal hypertension and placental dysfunction. A significant micronutrient during pregnancy is iron, which is important in cellular functions. While iron absorption increases in pregnancy, little is known about the exact mechanisms regulating maternal iron levels and transfer through the placenta in normal and complicated pregnancies. Methods: In this retrospective study, we investigated the regulation of maternal and placental iron availability and storage, in normotensive and pregnancies complicated by early- or late-onset PE. Methods used were analysis of clinical records, ELISA analysis on plasma samples, immunofluorescent and Prussian Blue analysis on placenta biopsies. Results: Focusing on erythroferrone (ERFE) as a new marker and hormonal regulator of iron, our results demonstrated altered maternal ERFE levels in PE. We are the first to report the expression of ERFE in trophoblasts and indicate its lower levels in early-onset PE placentas. These changes were associated with lower placental transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) in syncytiotrophoblasts in both early- and late-onset PE. In addition, maternal plasma ERFE levels were elevated in both early- and late-onset PE and hepcidin levels reduced in early-onset PE. Unaltered maternal plasma IL-6 levels suggest mechanism other than inflammation being involved in altered iron regulation in PE pregnancy. Discussion: Our data supports a deregulation in maternal iron bioavailability in early- and late-onset PE vs normotensive pregnancies. The exact role of placental ERFE in regulating maternal-placental-fetal iron transport axis requires further investigation

    Placental expression profiling in preeclampsia: local overproduction of hemoglobin may drive pathological changes.

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    OBJECTIVE: To create a library enriched in cDNAs from preeclamptic placentas to print onto microarrays for placental profiling of preeclampsia (PE) and high risk pregnancies. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: University women's clinic and academic research laboratory. PATIENT(S): Ten patients with PE, 5 with PE and bilateral notching, 5 with bilateral notching without PE, and 15 normotensive patients were recruited. INTERVENTION(S): Placenta and placenta bed biopsies were collected after delivery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Subtracted libraries of PE transcripts were produced, and cDNAs from these libraries were used to make PE-specific cDNA arrays. Results were verified quantitatively using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histologically using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. RESULT(S): Thirty genes were significantly altered in at least one group comparison. Differences in two candidate genes were confirmed using quantitative real-time PCR. Hemoglobin alpha2 and gamma transcripts were significantly overexpressed in the PE placenta. Scattered cells in the placenta and placental blood vessels were shown to express genes encoding these hemoglobin chains. CONCLUSION(S): We demonstrate increased hemoglobin production in the PE placenta. The hemoglobin may be released into the placenta blood vessel lumen. Free heme and hemoglobin are potent toxins that cause endothelial damage and inflammation
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