18 research outputs found

    DSCOVR-EPIC MAIAC AOD - A Proxy for Understanding Aerosol Diurnal Patterns from Space

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    The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft was launched on 11 February 2015 and in June 2015 achieved its orbit at the first Lagrange point (L1), 1.5 million km from Earth toward the sun. The Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) onboard DSCOVR views the entire sunlit Earth from sunrise to sunset, every 1-2 hours, at scattering angles between 168.5 and 175.5 with 10 narrowband filters in the range of 317-779 nm. NASA Multiangle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm, originally developed for MODIS, has been applied to EPIC data with an Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) product at 440nm with a 10km spatial resolution. This high temporal resolution product is a unique dataset for investigating diurnal patterns in aerosols from space. Our work analyzed the capability of the satellite-borne data to capture the aerosol diurnal variation by associating it with AERONET AOD at 440nm data over the contiguous US. We validated the DSCOVR MAIAC AOD data over 100 AERONET stations during 2015-2018, and examined the contribution of the surface reflectance and relevant acquisition angles, derived by the MAIAC algorithm, to the predicted error. We used over 180,000 hourly DSCOVR-EPIC MAIAC AOD observations with collocated with AERONET AOD observations averaged over +-30 minutes from the satellite overpass time. The AERONET and DSCOVR AOD temporal patterns show that the diurnal variation is different across US AERONET sites, with higher diurnal variation in the DSCOVR dataset in general

    Testing Extensions of Our Quantitative Daily of San Joaquin Wintertime Aerosols Using MAIAC and Meteorology Without Transport/Transformation Assumptions

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    The Western US and many regions globally present daunting difficulties in understanding and mapping PM2.5 episodes. We evaluate extensions of a method independent of source-description and transport/transformation. These regions suffer frequent few-day episodes due to shallow mixing; low satellite AOT and bright surfaces complicate the description. Nevertheless, we expect residual errors in our maps of less than 8 ug/m^3 in episodes reaching 60-100 ug/m^3; maps which detail pollution from Interstate 5. Our current success is due to use of physically meaningful functions of MODIS-MAIAC-derived AOD, afternoon mixed-layer height, and relative humidity for a basin in which the latter are correlated. A mixed-effects model then describes a daily AOT-to-PM2.5 relationship. (Note: in other published mixed-effects models, AOT contributes minimally. We seek to extend on these to develop useful estimation methods for similar situations. We evaluate existing but more spotty information on size distribution (AERONET, MISR, MAIA, CALIPSO, other remote sensing). We also describe the usefulness of an equivalent mixing depth for water vapor vs meteorological boundary layer height. Each has virtues and limitations. Finally, we begin to evaluate methods for removing the complications due to detached but polluted layers (which don't mix to the surface) using geographical, meteorological, and remotely sensed data

    Quantitative Daily Maps of PM 2.5 Episodes for California and Other Regions: Satellite Column Water and Optical Depth as Allied Tracers of Dilution

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    The Western US and many regions globally present daunting difficulties in understanding PM 2.5 episodes. We evaluate extensions of a method independent of modeled source-description and transport/transformation and using several satellite remote sensing products from imaging spectrometers. The San Joaquin Valley (SJV) especially suffers few-day episodes due to shallow mixing; PM 2.5 retrieval suffers low satellite AOT (Aerosol Optical Thickness) and bright surfaces.Nevertheless, we find residual errors in our maps of of typically 5-8 micrograms per cubic meter. Episodes in the Valley reaching 60-100 micrograms per cubic meter. These maps detail pollution from Interstate 5 at the scale of a few kilometers. The maps are based on NASA's MODerate resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) data at circa 1 kilometer as processed with the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has requested that we test our methods in their challenging environment characterized by multiple sub-basins defined by complex topography. Our tests suggest that nearly similar precision may be expected for wintertime conditions with high PM 2.5 . We note difficulties when measured PM 2.5 is less than 8-10 micrograms per cubic meter, but good relative precision when PM 2.5 rises above 20; i.e. in episodes of concern for morbidity and mortality. Our method stresses physically meaningful functions of MODIS-MAIAC (Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction)-derived AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) and total water vapor column. A mixed-effects statistical model exploiting existing station data works powerfully to allow us daily AOT-to-PM 2.5 relationships that allow a calibration of the map. In those cases where water vapor and particles have generally similar surface sources, using the ratio of AOT / Column_water can improve the daily calibrations so as to reach our quoted precision. We briefly present some cartoon idealizations that explain this success and also the likely reasons that our mixed effects model (or "daily calibration") works; also when it should not work. The combined satellite/mixed-effects model works best for wintertime San Joaquin Valley episodes, where the meteorology of particle and H2O(v) dilution is quite appropriate. We extended and tested the methodology (a) for the Bay Area wintertime situations and (b) for smoke plume events (e.g. the October 2017 fire events of the Sonoma area). Our SJV work was evaluated using NASA's DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality) airborne measurements, and by season- long measurements in Fresno. If the composition and size distribution of the aerosols can be assessed for the regions we describe, retrievals should have improved accuracy

    Spatial particulate fields during highwinds in the imperial valley, California

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    We examined windblown dust within the Imperial Valley (CA) during strong springtime west-southwesterly (WSW) wind events. Analysis of routine agency meteorological and ambient particulate matter (PM) measurements identified 165 high WSW wind events between March and June 2013 to 2019. The PM concentrations over these days are higher at northern valley monitoring sites, with daily PM mass concentration of particles less than 10 micrometers aerodynamic diameter (PM10) at these sites commonly greater than 100 μg/m3 and reaching around 400 μg/m3, and daily PM mass concentration of particles less than 2.5 micrometers aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) commonly greater than 20 μg/m3 and reaching around 60 μg/m3. A detailed analysis utilizing 1 km resolution multi-angle implementation of atmospheric correction (MAIAC) aerosol optical depth (AOD), Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods (IVAN) low-cost PM2.5 measurements and 500 m resolution sediment supply fields alongside routine ground PM observations identified an area of high AOD/PM during WSW events spanning the northwestern valley encompassing the Brawley/Westmorland through the Niland area. This area shows up most clearly once the average PM10 at northern valley routine sites during WSW events exceeds 100 μg/m3. The area is consistent with high soil sediment supply in the northwestern valley and upwind desert, suggesting local sources are primarily responsible. On the basis of this study, MAIAC AOD appears able to identify localized high PM areas during windblown dust events provided the PM levels are high enough. The use of the IVAN data in this study illustrates how a citizen science effort to collect more spatially refined air quality concentration data can help pinpoint episodic pollution patterns and possible sources important for PM exposure and adverse health effects

    Developing an Air Quality Index for Space Vehicles and Habitats

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    The development of an adequate tool to help the layperson understand pollution levels in their environment is of high importance. This tool must be able to inform about the levels of pollution in a simple and understandable way but also can be used for decision-making and mitigation activities to protect the health of the exposed population. One of the most useful and up-to-date approaches for characterizing air pollution is the Air Quality Index (AQI). It is an easily-calculated, powerful, data-driven tool that summarizes a complex phenomenon, such as air pollution, in straightforward indicators. The AQI system has been developed in different countries around the world, mainly for outdoor environments, based on the results of risk assessments, epidemiological studies, and current local air pollution regulations and standards. There is a need for such a system in low gravity indoor environments where air quality is of fundamental importance to astronaut health, with concerns encompassing both gaseous contaminants and particulate matter. Earth-based AQIs cannot be extrapolated to microgravity indoor environments due to different aerosol transport characteristics and altered lung deposition in low and partial gravity. The objectives of this work are to explore what areas of expertise, types of research, and data will be required to formulate a spacecraft-specific AQI. An initial dataset is available for this effort, combined from two aerosol sampling experiments, which have characterized airborne particulate matter on the International Space Station (ISS). We outline future research needs for formulating a narrowly focused version of a widely-used metric, namely, an indoor AQI for future space missions

    Developing an Air Quality Index for Microgravity Indoor Environments/Space Missions

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    Indoor pollution sources (on Earth) that release gases or particles into the air are the primary cause of air quality problems in indoor environments. The development of an adequate tool to understand pollution levels in a certain location is of high importance. This tool must be able to inform about the levels of pollution in a simple and understandable way but also, used to take a series of predetermined measures to protect the health of the exposed population. One of the most useful and up to date approaches for characterizing air pollution is the Air Quality Index (AQI). It is an easily-calculated powerful data-driven tool, that summarizes a complex phenomenon, such as air pollution, in straightforward indicators. The AQI system has been developed in different countries around the world, mainly for outdoor environments, based on the results of risk assessments, epidemiology studies, and current local air pollution regulations and standards.Air quality in microgravity indoor environments is of fundamental importance to crew health, with concerns encompassing both gaseous contaminants and particulate matter. Although the concentration of gases in the microgravity indoor environment is well studied, aerosols remain one of the major pollutants that affect air quality and has reported adverse health effects and hasn't been reported under these unique conditions. Earth-based AQIs can't be extrapolated to microgravity indoor environments due to different aerosol characteristics and altered lung deposition in low gravity.Concurrent with the aerosol-focused AQI effort, we assess and document how the process would apply for combining particles & gases into a composite index, with the ability to query each AQI independently. All this information can be combined in a spacecraft-specific AQI for future space missions and habitats. The objective of this work are to determine what areas of expertise will contribute, what research and data will be required, and explore the scope of effort needed to formulate a spacecraft AQI in addition to analyzing ISS aerosol sampling data and incorporate results from both aerosol Sampling experiments (the only relevant data available from space)

    Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Association between AOD and PM over the California Central Valley

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    Many air pollution health effects studies rely on exposure estimates of particulate matter (PM) concentrations derived from remote sensing observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD). Simple but robust calibration models between AOD and PM are therefore important for generating reliable PM exposures. We conduct an in-depth examination of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the AOD-PM2.5 relationship by leveraging data from the Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observation Networks (DRAGON) field campaign where eight NASA Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sites were co-located with EPA Air Quality System (AQS) monitoring sites in California’s Central Valley from November 2012 to April 2013. With this spatiotemporally rich data we found that linear calibration models (R2 = 0.35, RMSE = 10.38 μg/m3) were significantly improved when spatial (R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 9.54 μg/m3), temporal (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 8.30 μg/m3), and spatiotemporal (R2 = 0.65, RMSE = 7.58 μg/m3) functions were included. As a use-case we applied the best spatiotemporal model to convert space-borne MultiAngle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) AOD observations to predict PM2.5 over the region (R2 = 0.60, RMSE = 8.42 μg/m3). Our results imply that simple AERONET AOD-PM2.5 calibrations are robust and can be reliably applied to space-borne AOD observations, resulting in PM2.5 prediction surfaces for use in downstream applications

    Satellite Mapping of PM2.5 Episodes in the Wintertime San Joaquin Valley: A "Static" Model Using Column Water Vapor

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    The use of satellite Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) from imaging spectrometers has been successful in quantifying and mapping high PM2.5 (particulate matter mass <2.5m diameter) episodes for pollution abatement and health studies. However, some regions have high PM2.5 but poor estimation success. The challenges in using Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) from imaging spectrometers to characterize PM2.5 worldwide was especially evident in the wintertime San Joaquin Valley (SJV). The SJV's attendant difficulties of high-albedo surfaces and very shallow, variable vertical mixing also occur in other significantly polluted regions around the world. We report on more accurate PM2.5 maps for the whole-winter period in the SJV, Nov 14, 2012?Dec 11, 2013. Intensive measurements by including NASA aircraft were made for several weeks in that winter, the DISCOVER-AQ California mission.We found success with a relatively simple method based on calibration and checking with surface monitors and a characterization of vertical mixing, and incorporating specific understandings of the region's climatology. We estimate PM2.5 to within ~7gm?3 RMSE and with R values of ~0.9, based on remotely sensed MAIAC (Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction) observations, and that certain further work will improve that accuracy. Mapping is at 1km resolution. This allows a time sequence of mapped aerosols at 1km for cloud-free days. We describe our technique as a "static estimation". Estimation procedures like this one, not dependent on well-mapped source strengths or on transport error, should help full source-driven simulations by deconstructing processes. They also provide a rapid method to create a long-term climatology.Essential features of the technique are (a) daily calibration of the AOT to PM2.5 using available surface monitors, and (b) characterization of mixed-layer dilution using column water vapor (CWV, otherwise "precipitable water"). We noted that on multi-day timescales both water vapor and particles share near-surface sources and both fall to very low values with altitude; indeed, both are largely removed by precipitation. The existence of layers of H2O or aerosol not within the mixed layer adds complexity, but mixed-effects statistical regression captures essential proportionality of PM2.5 and the ratio variable (AOT/CWV). Accuracy is much higher than previous statistical models, and can be extended to the whole Aqua-satellite data record. The maps and time-series we show suggest a repeated pattern for large valleys like the SJV ? progressive stabilization of the mixing height after frontal passages: PM2.5 is somewhat more determined by day-by-day changes in mixing than it is by the progressive accumulation of pollutants (revealed as increasing AOT)

    Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixture Properties for Air Quality Assessment in Mongolia

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    Ulaanbaatar (UB), the capital city of Mongolia, has extremely poor wintertime air quality with fine particulate matter concentrations frequently exceeding 500 &mu;g/m3, over 20 times the daily maximum guideline set by the World Health Organization. Intensive use of sulfur-rich coal for heating and cooking coupled with an atmospheric inversion amplified by the mid-continental Siberian anticyclone drive these high levels of air pollution. Ground-based air quality monitoring in Mongolia is sparse, making use of satellite observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) instrumental for characterizing air pollution in the region. We harnessed data from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Version 23 (V23) aerosol product, which provides total column AOD and component-particle optical properties for 74 different aerosol mixtures at 4.4 km spatial resolution globally. To test the performance of the V23 product over Mongolia, we compared values of MISR AOD with spatially and temporally matched AOD from the Dalanzadgad AERONET site and find good agreement (correlation r = 0.845, and root-mean-square deviation RMSD = 0.071). Over UB, exploratory principal component analysis indicates that the 74 MISR AOD mixture profiles consisted primarily of small, spherical, non-absorbing aerosols in the wintertime, and contributions from medium and large dust particles in the summertime. Comparing several machine learning methods for relating the 74 MISR mixtures to ground-level pollutants, including particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 2.5 &mu;m ( PM 2.5 ) and 10 &mu;m ( PM 10 ), as well as sulfur dioxide ( SO 2 ), a proxy for sulfate particles, we find that Support Vector Machine regression consistently has the highest predictive performance with median test R 2 for PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and SO 2 equal to 0.461, 0.063, and 0.508, respectively. These results indicate that the high-dimensional MISR AOD mixture set can provide reliable predictions of air pollution and can distinguish dominant particle types in the UB region

    A Spatially Resolved and Environmentally Informed Forecast Model of West Nile Virus in Coachella Valley, California

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    Abstract West Nile virus (WNV) is the most significant arbovirus in the United States in terms of both morbidity and mortality. West Nile exists in a complex transmission cycle between avian hosts and the arthropod vector, Culex spp. mosquitoes. Human spillover events occur when humans are bitten by an infected mosquito and predicting these rates of infection and therefore the risk to humans may be associated with fluctuations in environmental conditions. In this study, we evaluate the hydrological and meteorological drivers associated with mosquito biology and viral development to determine if these associations can be used to forecast seasonal mosquito infection rates with WNV in the Coachella Valley of California. We developed and tested a spatially resolved ensemble forecast model of the WNV mosquito infection rate in the Coachella Valley using 17 years of mosquito surveillance data and North American Land Data Assimilation System‐2 environmental data. Our multi‐model inference system indicated that the combination of a cooler and dryer winter, followed by a wetter and warmer spring, and a cooler than normal summer was most predictive of the prevalence of West Nile positive mosquitoes in the Coachella Valley. The ability to make accurate early season predictions of West Nile risk has the potential to allow local abatement districts and public health entities to implement early season interventions such as targeted adulticiding and public health messaging before human transmission occurs. Such early and targeted interventions could better mitigate the risk of WNV to humans