112 research outputs found

    What Drives Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Public Sector? Evidence from Germany's Federal Labor Agency

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    Along with the introduction of private sector management tools, public servants are expected to act more entrepreneurially—as public managers. However, research lacks quantitative evidence on what drives entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in this context. Our article examines the antecedents of department-level EO in public sector organizations. By integrating different research streams into one study, we combine partly opposing discourses. This deductive study develops and empirically tests hypotheses on antecedents identified from private sector corporate entrepreneurship literature and from the current debate on new public management and public value management. It uses data from 250 middle managers of Germany's Federal Labor Agency to do so. Contrary to expectations, the influence of management support, work discretion, and resources is only limited. Furthermore, a focus on key performance indicators and goal ambiguity does not seem to impede EO. Instead, a multitude of expectations, middle managers' localism, and position tenure have the greatest impact on department-level EO. As a result, this study provides insights into the strong role of antecedents outside of administration. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for both theory and practic

    Public Value - oder: was heißt Wertschöpfung zum Gemeinwohl?

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    In der internationalen verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion wie auch von Praktikern wurde in den letzten Jahren die von Mark Moore (1995) entwickelte Idee des "Public Value" intensiv diskutiert. Damit wird die Schaffung von Gemeinwohlwert (Public Value) als Maßstab fĂŒr das Handeln öffentlicher Institutionen wieder stĂ€rker betont. Die Ideen des New Public Management (NPM) werden dabei weiterentwickelt und teilweise korrigiert. In diesem Beitrag wird die Frage untersucht, was unter "Wertschöpfung" durch Behörden und öffentliche Verwaltungen zu verstehen ist. Der Grundgedanke besteht darin, erst dann von Wertschöpfung zum Gemeinwohl als Public Value zu sprechen, wenn damit verbundene AktivitĂ€ten zu einer entsprechenden Bewertung auf der individuell- psychologischen Ebene fĂŒhren. Auf der Basis bedĂŒrfnistheoretischer Annahmen werden vier Wertschöpfungsdimensionen abgeleitet.Recently, the concept of "public value" developed by Mark Moore (1995) has been subjected to a lively discussion in administrative sciences. The term emphasizes the creation of common welfare as the ultimate objective for the public sector. In doing so, the ideas of New Public Management are extended and partly readjusted. In this paper I explore the notion of "value creation" in public sector institutions. The main idea is, that value is only “created” when activities impact psychologically at the individual level. Based on needs theory four dimensions of value creation are developed

    Public Value at Cross Points: A Comparative Study on Employer Attractiveness of Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations

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    A commonly held assumption is that public service motivation (PSM) positively affects individuals’ attraction to government, but there are also private and nonprofit organizations that are beneficial to the common good. Therefore, the goal of this study is to shed light on an understudied topic in Public Administration, namely, how the public value of public, private, and nonprofit organizations affects their attractiveness to citizens and how PSM moderates this relationship. We find that employer attractiveness is strongly influenced by organizations’ public value regardless sectoral affiliation. This attribution of public value interacts with citizens’ PSM. For high-PSM individuals, the relationship between public value and attractiveness is stronger than for low-PSM individuals. Furthermore, high PSM exercises an asymmetric effect, punishing organizations with low public value more strongly in the private sector. These results highlight important implications for HR practitioners in all three sectors seeking to attract and retain highly motivated employees

    Doing good, feeling good? Entrepreneurs' social value creation beliefs and work-related well-being

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    Entrepreneurs with social goals face various challenges; insights into how these entrepreneurs experience and appreciate their work remain a black box though. Drawing on identity, conservation of resources, and person–organization fit theories, this study examines how entrepreneurs’ social value creation beliefs relate to their work-related well-being (job satisfaction, work engagement, and lack of work burnout), as well as how this process might be influenced by social concerns with respect to the common good. Using data from the German Public Value Atlas 2015 and 2019 and the Swiss Public Value Atlas 2017, a three-study design analyzes three samples of entrepreneurs in Germany and Switzerland. Study 1 reveals that entrepreneurs report higher job satisfaction when they believe their organization creates social value. Study 2 indicates that these beliefs relate negatively to work burnout; entrepreneurs’ perceptions of having meaningful work mediate this relationship. Study 3 affirms and extends these results by showing that a sense of work meaningfulness mediates the relationship between social value creation beliefs and work engagement and that this mediating role is more prominent among entrepreneurs with strong social concerns. This investigation thus identifies a critical pathway—the extent to which entrepreneurs experience their work activities as important and personally meaningful—that connects social value creation beliefs with enhanced work-related well-being, as well as how this process might vary with a personal orientation that embraces the common good

    Rapid establishment of teat order and allonursing in wild boar (Sus scrofa)

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    Transfer of milk is the fundamental common characteristic of mammalian reproduction, but species differ considerably with respect to nursing strategies. The consequences of teat orders and allonursing have been studied intensively in domestic pigs. However, whether similar nursing strategies also exist in wild boar, the ancestor of domestic pigs is so far not known. The occurrence of allonursing in wild boar is only described anecdotally, and the question whether a teat order is established has not yet been investigated. Studying suckling behaviour of 29 piglets from six primiparous wild boar females in a semi‐natural environment we found a surprisingly fast development of a rigid teat order among littermates, which established within 2.2 hr after birth. This suggests strong fitness benefits of this phenomenon that may ultimately explain the evolution and maintenance of this trait. We further found a strong synchrony of oestrus and delivery among the females of a group, as well as the occurrence of allonursing. By determining the amount of allonursing for the first time quantitatively, we demonstrate the importance of this trait and its presumably pivotal role for juvenile survival under truly natural conditions

    Prosociality in business: a human empowerment framework

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    This study introduces a human empowerment framework to better understand why some businesses are more socially oriented than others in their policies and activities. Building on Welzel’s theory of emancipation, we argue that human empowerment—comprised of four components: action resources, emancipative values, social movement activity, and civic entitlements—enables, motivates, and entitles individuals to pursue social goals for their businesses. Using a sample of over 15,000 entrepreneurs from 43 countries, we report strong empirical evidence for two ecological effects of the framework components on prosociality. We find that human empowerment (1) lifts entrepreneurs’ willingness to choose a social orientation for their business, and (2) reinforces the gender effect on prosociality in business activity. We discuss the human empowerment framework’s added value in understanding how modernization processes fully leverage the potential of social business activities for societies

    Modelling Co-Creation Ecosystem for Public Open Spaces

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    Co-creation can be defined as the involvement of citizens in the initiation and/or the design process of public services in order to (co)create beneficial outcomes and value for society. Mediated public open spaces are ideal environments for co-creation to emerge due to the involvement of the community and ICT in the knowledge creation. The aims of the research presented in the chapter are two-fold: to conduct a mapping activity in order to collect the insights on civic technologies promoting the creation of open public spaces through the use of ICT and to define the critical dimensions in designing cocreative ecosystems. The mapping strategy was conducted by evaluating the civic technologies in Lithuania and Bulgaria. The insights from the empirical exercise allow to draw managerial and organizational recommendations for strengthening the collective efforts of citizens, IT developers, public and governmental institutions in creating open, inclusive and reflective open public spaces

    Stress and its influence on reproduction in pigs: a review

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    The manifestations of stress, defined as a biological response to an event that the individual perceives as a threat to its homeostasis, are commonly linked to enhanced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activation of the sympathetic adreno-medullary (SA) system. Activation of the HPA system results in the secretion of peptides from the hypothalamus, principally corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and beta-endorphin. ACTH induces the secretion of corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex, which can be seen in pigs exposed to acute physical and/or psychological stressors. The present paper is a review of studies on the influence of stressors on reproduction in pigs. The effects of stress on reproduction depend on the critical timing of stress, the genetic predisposition to stress, and the type of stress. The effect of stress on reproduction is also influenced by the duration of the responses induced by various stressors. Prolonged or chronic stress usually results in inhibition of reproduction, while the effects of transient or acute stress in certain cases is stimulatory (e.g. anoestrus), but in most cases is of impairment for reproduction. Most sensitive of the reproductive process are ovulation, expression of sexual behaviour and implantation of the embryo, since they are directly controlled by the neuroendocrine system
