7 research outputs found

    Acolhimento e características maternas associados à oferta de líquidos a lactentes

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the maternal characteristics and welcoming actions towards mothers of infants aged less than six months associated with early liquid offer. METHODS: Cross-sectional study performed in 2007, with a representative sample of mothers of infants aged less than six months (n=1,057), users of Primary Health Care (PHC) Units, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to estimate the association between explanatory variables and liquid offer, with weighing and design effect and controlled for infant age. RESULTS: Of all mothers, 32% did not receive the welcoming card in the maternity hospital, 47% did not receive guidance on breastfeeding at their first visit to the PHC unit after childbirth and 55% reported they had offered liquids to their infants. Women without at least six months of previous breastfeeding experience were more likely to offer liquids than those with such experience (OR=1.57; 95% CI: 1.16;2.13). Mothers who had not received guidance on breastfeeding at their first visit to the UBS after childbirth were 58% more likely to offer liquids than those who had received it. Liquid offer was positively associated with adolescence among women with a partner (OR=2.17; 95% CI: 1.10;4.30) and negatively associated with adolescence among those without a partner (OR=0.31; 95% CI: 0.11;0.85). Among women with less than eight years of education, those who had not received guidance on breastfeeding after childbirth were 1.8 times more likely to offer liquids than others who had received it. CONCLUSIONS: Age, marital status and previous breastfeeding experience are maternal characteristics associated with liquid offer to infants aged less than six months. Receiving early guidance on breastfeeding could reduce liquid offer to infants.OBJETIVO: Identificar características maternas y acciones de acogimiento en las madres de niños menores de seis meses asociadas a la oferta precoz de líquidos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en 2007 con muestra representativa de madres de niños menores de seis meses (n=1.057) usuarias de unidades básicas de salud en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil. Para estimar la asociación entre las variables explicativas y la oferta de líquidos se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística multivariada con ponderación, efecto de diseño y controlado por la edad del niño. RESULTADOS: De las madres, 32% no recibieron la tarjeta de acogimiento en la maternidad, 47% no recibieron orientación sobre amamantamiento en la primera ida a la USB posterior al parto y 55% relataron la oferta de líquidos a los lactantes. Mujeres sin experiencia anterior en amamantar por al menos seis meses presentaron oportunidad de oferta de líquidos mayor que aquellas con experiencia (OR=1,57;IC 95%:1,16;2.13). Las que no recibieron orientación sobre amamantamiento en la primera ida a la unidades de salud posterior al parto tuvieron oportunidad 58% mayor de ofrecer líquidos que aquellas que recibieron orientación. La oferta de líquidos se mostró positivamente asociada con la adolescencia entre mujeres con compañero (OR=2,17; IC 95%: 1,10;4,30) y negativamente asociada con la adolescencia entre aquellas sin compañero (OR=0,31; IC 95%: 0,11;0,85). Entre mujeres con menos de ocho años de estudio, las que no recibieron orientación sobre amamantamiento posterior al nacimiento del niño presentaron oportunidad de oferta de líquidos 1,8 veces mayor que aquellas que recibieron orientación. CONCLUSIONES: Edad, situación conyugal y experiencia anterior en amamantar son características maternas asociadas a la oferta de líquidos para niños menores de seis meses. El recibimiento de orientación precoz sobre amamantamiento materno puede reducir el ofrecimiento de líquidos a los lactantes.OBJETIVO: Identificar características maternas e ações de acolhimento às mães de crianças menores de seis meses associadas à oferta precoce de líquidos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em 2007 com amostra representativa de mães de crianças menores de seis meses (n = 1.057) usuárias de unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Para estimar a associação entre as variáveis explicativas e a oferta de líquidos utilizou-se um modelo de regressão logística multivariado com ponderação, efeito de desenho e controlado pela idade da criança. RESULTADOS: Das mães, 32% não recebeu o cartão de acolhimento na maternidade, 47% não recebeu orientação sobre amamentação na primeira ida à UBS após o parto e 55% relatou a oferta de líquidos aos lactentes. Mulheres sem experiência pregressa em amamentar por pelo menos seis meses apresentaram chance de oferta de líquidos maior que aquelas com experiência (OR = 1,57; IC 95%: 1,16;2,13). As que não receberam orientação sobre amamentação na primeira ida à UBS após o parto tiveram chance 58% maior de oferecer líquidos que aquelas que receberam orientação. A oferta de líquidos mostrou-se positivamente associada com a adolescência entre mulheres com companheiro (OR = 2,17; IC 95%: 1,10;4,30) e negativamente associada com a adolescência entre aquelas sem companheiro (OR = 0,31; IC95%: 0,11;0,85). Entre mulheres com menos de oito anos de estudo, as que não receberam orientação sobre amamentação após o nascimento da criança apresentaram chance de oferta de líquidos 1,8 vez maior que aquelas que receberam orientação. CONCLUSÕES: Idade, situação conjugal e experiência pregressa em amamentar são características maternas associadas à oferta de líquidos para crianças menores de seis meses. O recebimento de orientação precoce sobre aleitamento materno pode reduzir o oferecimento de líquidos aos lactentes

    Infant Feeding Decision-Making and the Influences of Social Support Persons Among First-Time African American Mothers

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    BACKGROUND: While breast milk is considered the gold standard of infant feeding, a majority of African American mothers are not exclusively breastfeeding their newborn infants. PURPOSE: The overall goal of this critical ethnographic research study was to describe infant feeding perceptions and experiences of African American mothers and their support persons. METHODS: Twenty-two participants (14 pregnant women and eight support persons) were recruited from public health programs and community based organizations in northern California. Data were collected through field observations, demographic questionnaires, and multiple in-person interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. RESULTS: Half of the mothers noted an intention to exclusively breastfeed during the antepartum period. However, few mothers exclusively breastfed during the postpartum period. Many participants expressed guilt and shame for not being able to accomplish their antepartum goals. Life experiences and stressors, lack of breastfeeding role models, limited experiences with breastfeeding and lactation, and changes to the family dynamic played a major role in the infant feeding decision making process and breastfeeding duration. CONCLUSION: Our observations suggest that while exclusivity goals were not being met, a considerable proportion of African American women were breastfeeding. Future interventions geared towards this population should include social media interventions, messaging around combination feeding, and increased education for identified social support persons. Public health measures aimed at reducing the current infant feeding inequities would benefit by also incorporating more culturally inclusive messaging around breastfeeding and lactation