1,989 research outputs found

    Ride Dynamics Ride Safety - Driver's Place

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    Technische Lösungen zur Verminderung von Vibrationsbelastungen werden von den Herstellern zunehmend eingesetzt. Vor allem die Möglichkeiten geregelter Systeme werden vermehrt genutzt. Neben geregelten Sitzfederungen sind geregelte Kabinenfederungen bei Traktoren inzwischen auf Wunsch lieferbar. Ziel dieser Systeme ist es Gesundheitsgefahren zu vermindern und dabei die mögliche Einsatzzeit die auf Grund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen durch Vibrationen limitiert ist zu erhöhen.Technical solutions to reduce vibrations are more and more implemented by the manufacturers. Mainly actively controlled systems are being used increasingly. Next to controlled seat suspensions the manufacturers offer controlled cabin suspension systems. The goal of these systems is to reduce health risks while increasing operational times, which are limited by regulations, regarding the maximal exposition time to vibrations

    Ride Dynamics - Ride Safety - Driver's Place

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    Neue Sensorik und Algorithmen zur Auswertung insbesondere von Bilddaten führten 2018 zu einer Vielzahl von neuen oder verbesserten Assistenzsystemen im Traktor. Diese können auch als erste Schritte zum autonomen Fahren gesehen werden, wobei durch die Komplexität und Vielzahl der Aufgaben noch großer Forschungsbedarf besteht. Da der Mensch im Traktor wenigstens mittelfristig nicht zu ersetzen ist, sind neben den Unterstützungssystemen auch Komfort und Ergonomiethemen weiterhin von großer Bedeutung.New sensors and algorithms especially for image processing lead in 2018 to numerous new assistance systems for tractors. These can be seen as the first steps towards autonomous driving. Due the complexity and the multitude of task carried out by tractors, there is still a lot of research needed in this field. As the human will not be replaced in the medium-term by automatic systems, the areas of research focusing on comfort and ergonomics will continue to be important

    Ride Dynamics – Ride Safety – Driver's Place

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    Systeme zur Beeinflussung von sicherheits- und komfortrelevanten Schwingungen sind weiterhin Gegenstand intensiver Forschung. Je spezieller die Anforderungen an die Fahrzeuge werden, so z.B. der Wunsch nach größeren Transportgeschwindigkeiten, desto komplexere Systeme finden Anwendung. Neben den bekannten Systemen wie Fahrwerks-, Kabinen- und Sitzfederung ist der Trend zu Systemen zu beobachten, die das gesamte Gespann aus Traktor und Anhänger betrachten.Systems influencing vibrations with regard to safety and comfort issues are still in the focus of current research. Specialized demands like high transportation velocities can only be fulfilled by using more complex systems. Next to the known full-, cabin- and seat suspension a tendency towards systems, that take the entire tractor/trailer combination into account, can be seen

    Ride Dynamics Ride Safety - Driver's Place

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    Die Bestrebung das Fahrverhalten bzw. die Fahrdynamik von Traktoren weiter zu verbessern – insbesondere um die Traktion zwischen Rad und Untergrund bei der Feldarbeit zu optimieren – stellt einen wichtigen Bestandteil der aktuellen Forschung dar. Das gilt in besonderer Weise auch im Hinblick auf die Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und des Schadstoffausstoßes. Daneben werden auch der Fahrkomfort und die Fahrsicherheit von Nutzfahrzeugen in aktuellen Untersuchungen thematisiert. Wichtige Punkte hierbei sind die Weiterentwicklung der z.T. noch unbefriedigenden Bewertungsmöglichkeiten von Ganzkörpervibrationen und der damit verbundenen Gesundheitsrisiken sowie der Möglichkeiten zur Erhöhung der Fahrzeugstabilität bzw. der Vermeidung von Instabilitäten während der Fahrt.The goal of improving the handling and the driving dynamics of tractors – especially to increase traction between the wheel and the underground during field work – is an important part of current research (mainly with regard to reducing energy consumption and exhaust emissions). Driving comfort and safety of commercial vehicles are also in the focus of current research activities. Important issues are the further development of partly unsatisfying valuation methods of whole body vibrations and the involved health risks as well as the possibilities to increase vehicle stability while driving

    Computed tomographic study analysing functional biomechanics in the thoracolumbar spine of horses with and without spinal pathology

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    To better understand physiological and pathological movement patterns in the equine thoracolumbar spine, investigation of the biomechanics on a segmental level requires a constant moment. A constant moment along the spinal column means that the same torque acts on each vertebral segment, allowing the range of motion of different segments to be compared. The aims of this study were to investigate the range of motion of the equine thoracolumbar spine in horses with and without spinal pathology and to examine whether the pressure between the spinous processes depends on the direction of the applied moment. Thoracolumbar spine specimens (T8-L4) of 23 horses were mounted in a custom-made mechanical test rig to investigate spinal biomechanics during lateral bending, axial rotation, flexion and extension using computed tomographic imaging. Results were compared between horses with spondylosis, overriding spinous processes and specimens free of gross pathology. The interspinous space pressure was additionally determined using a foil sensor. The median lateral bending between T9 and L3 was 3.7°–4.1° (IQR 5.4°–8.0°). Maximum rotational movement with inconsistent coupled motion was observed at T9–T16 (p < 0.05). The dorsoventral range of motion was greatest in segments T9–T11 (p < 0.05). Spondylosis and overriding spinous processes restricted spinal mobility, depending on the severity of the condition. There was no significant difference in interspinous pressure during motion (p = 0.54). The biomechanical study confirmed that the range of motion of intervertebral joints depends on the anatomical position of the joint and the direction of the moment applied. Restricted mobility was evident in the presence of different grades of overriding spinous processes or spondylosis. A better understanding of equine spinal biomechanics in horses with spinal pathology facilitates individual rehabilitation

    Opportunities and Alternatives of Modern Radiation Oncology and Surgery for the Management of Resectable Brain Metastases.

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    Postsurgical radiotherapy (RT) has been early proven to prevent local tumor recurrence, initially performed with whole brain RT (WBRT). Subsequent to disadvantageous cognitive sequalae for the patient and the broad distribution of modern linear accelerators, focal irradiation of the tumor has omitted WBRT in most cases. In many studies, the effectiveness of local RT of the resection cavity, either as single-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or hypo-fractionated stereotactic RT (hFSRT), has been demonstrated to be effective and safe. However, whereas prospective high-level incidence is still lacking on which dose and fractionation scheme is the best choice for the patient, further ablative techniques have come into play. Neoadjuvant SRS (N-SRS) prior to resection combines straightforward target delineation with an accelerated post-surgical phase, allowing an earlier start of systemic treatment or rehabilitation as indicated. In addition, low-energy intraoperative RT (IORT) on the surgical bed has been introduced as another alternative to external beam RT, offering sterilization of the cavity surface with steep dose gradients towards the healthy brain. This consensus paper summarizes current local treatment strategies for resectable brain metastases regarding available data and patient-centered decision-making
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