70,119 research outputs found

    Cross Calibration of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes with Fermi

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    An updated model for the synchrotron and inverse Compton emission from a population of high energy electrons of the Crab Nebula is used to reproduce the measured spectral energy distribution from radio to high energy gamma-rays. By comparing the predicted inverse Compton component with recent Fermi measurements of the nebula's emission, it is possible to determine the average magnetic field in the nebula and to derive the underlying electron energy distribution. The model calculation can then be used to cross calibrate the Fermi observations with ground based air shower measurements. The resulting energy calibration factors are derived and can be used for combining broad energy measurements taken with Fermi in conjunction with ground based measurements.Comment: 2009 Fermi Symposium, eConf Proceedings C091122, 5 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Extension of the spin-1/2 frustrated square lattice model: the case of layered vanadium phosphates

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    We study the influence of the spin lattice distortion on the properties of frustrated magnetic systems and consider the applicability of the spin-1/2 frustrated square lattice model to materials lacking tetragonal symmetry. We focus on the case of layered vanadium phosphates AA'VO(PO4)2 (AA' = Pb2, SrZn, BaZn, and BaCd). To provide a proper microscopic description of these compounds, we use extensive band structure calculations for real materials and model structures and supplement this analysis with simulations of thermodynamic properties, thus facilitating a direct comparison with the experimental data. Due to the reduced symmetry, the realistic spin model of layered vanadium phosphates AA'VO(PO4)2 includes four inequivalent exchange couplings: J1 and J1' between nearest-neighbors and J2 and J2' between next-nearest-neighbors. The estimates of individual exchange couplings suggest different regimes, from J1'/J1 and J2'/J2 close to 1 in BaCdVO(PO4)2, a nearly regular frustrated square lattice, to J1'/J1 ~ 0.7 and J2'/J2 ~ 0.4 in SrZnVO(PO4)2, a frustrated square lattice with sizable distortion. The underlying structural differences are analyzed, and the key factors causing the distortion of the spin lattice in layered vanadium compounds are discussed. We propose possible routes for finding new frustrated square lattice materials among complex vanadium oxides. Full diagonalization simulations of thermodynamic properties indicate the similarity of the extended model to the regular one with averaged couplings. In case of moderate frustration and moderate distortion, valid for all the AA'VO(PO4)2 compounds reported so far, the distorted spin lattice can be considered as a regular square lattice with the couplings (J1+J1')/2 between nearest-neighbors and (J2+J2')/2 between next-nearest-neighbors.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Shocked Surface Layers of O-Ne-Mg Cores

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    We demonstrate that rapid expansion of the shocked surface layers of an O-Ne-Mg core following its collapse can result in r-process nucleosynthesis. As the supernova shock accelerates through these layers, it makes them expand so rapidly that free nucleons remain in disequilibrium with alpha-particles throughout most of the expansion. This allows heavy r-process isotopes including the actinides to form in spite of the very low initial neutron excess of the matter. We estimate that yields of heavy r-process nuclei from this site may be sufficient to explain the Galactic inventory of these isotopes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Heavy Meson Production in NN Collisions with Polarized Beam and Target -- A new facility for COSY

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    The study of near--threshold meson production in pp and pd collisions involving polarized beams and polarized targets offers the rare opportunity to gain insight into short--range features of the nucleon--nucleon interaction. The Cooler Synchrotron COSY at FZ--J\"ulich is a unique environment to perform such studies. Measurements of polarization observables require a cylindrically symmetrical detector, capable to measure the momenta and the directions of outgoing charged hadrons. The wide energy range of COSY leads to momenta of outgoing protons to be detected in a single meson production reaction between 300 and 2500 MeV/c. Scattering angles of protons to be covered extend to about 4545^{\circ} in the laboratory system. An azimuthal angular coverage of the device around 98% seems technically achievable. The required magnetic spectrometer could consist of a superconducting toroid, providing fields around 3 T.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Czechoslovak Journal of Physic

    Properties of Intercalated 2H-NbSe2, 4Hb-TaS2 and 1T-TaS2

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    The layered compounds 2H-NbSe, 24Hb-TaS, 2and 1T-TaS2 have been intercalated with organic molecules; and the resulting crystal structure, heat capacity, conductivity, and superconductivity have been studied. The coordination in the disulfide layers was found to be unchanged in the product phase. Resistance minima appear and the superconducting transition temperature is reduced in the NbSe2 complex. Conversely, superconductivity is induced in the 4Hb-TaS2 complex. Corresponding evidence of a large change of the density of states, negative for 2H-NbSe2 and positive for 4Hb-TaS2, was also observed upon intercalation. The transport properties of all the intercalation complexes show a pronounced dependence upon the coordination of the transition metal

    The Bulk Channel in Thermal Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the thermal correlator of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. Our goal is to constrain the spectral function in that channel, whose low-frequency part determines the bulk viscosity. We focus on the thermal modification of the spectral function, ρ(ω,T)ρ(ω,0)\rho(\omega,T)-\rho(\omega,0). Using the operator-product expansion we give the high-frequency behavior of this difference in terms of thermodynamic potentials. We take into account the presence of an exact delta function located at the origin, which had been missed in previous analyses. We then combine the bulk sum rule and a Monte-Carlo evaluation of the Euclidean correlator to determine the intervals of frequency where the spectral density is enhanced or depleted by thermal effects. We find evidence that the thermal spectral density is non-zero for frequencies below the scalar glueball mass mm and is significantly depleted for mω3mm\lesssim\omega\lesssim 3m.Comment: (1+25) pages, 6 figure

    RSFQ devices with selective dissipation for quantum information processing

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    We study the possibility to use frequency dependent damping in RSFQ circuits as means to reduce dissipation and consequent decoherence in RSFQ/qubit circuits. We show that stable RSFQ operation can be achieved by shunting the Josephson junctions with an RCRC circuit instead of a plain resistor. We derive criteria for the stability of such an arrangement, and discuss the effect on decoherence and the optimisation issues. We also design a simple flux generator aimed at manipulating flux qubits

    Stochastic Description of a Bistable Frustrated Unit

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    Mixed positive and negative feedback loops are often found in biological systems which support oscillations. In this work we consider a prototype of such systems, which has been recently found at the core of many genetic circuits showing oscillatory behaviour. Our model consists of two interacting species A and B, where A activates not only its own production, but also that of its repressor B. While the self-activation of A leads already to a bistable unit, the coupling with a negative feedback loop via B makes the unit frustrated. In the deterministic limit of infinitely many molecules, such a bistable frustrated unit is known to show excitable and oscillatory dynamics, depending on the maximum production rate of A which acts as a control parameter. We study this model in its fully stochastic version and we find oscillations even for parameters which in the deterministic limit are deeply in the fixed-point regime. The deeper we go into this regime, the more irregular these oscillations are, becoming finally random excitations whenever fluctuations allow the system to overcome the barrier for a large excursion in phase space. The fluctuations can no longer be fully treated as a perturbation. The smaller the system size (the number of molecules), the more frequent are these excitations. Therefore, stochasticity caused by demographic noise makes this unit even more flexible with respect to its oscillatory behaviour.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Cancer therapeutic potential of combinatorial immuno- and vaso-modulatory interventions

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    Currently, most of the basic mechanisms governing tumor-immune system interactions, in combination with modulations of tumor-associated vasculature, are far from being completely understood. Here, we propose a mathematical model of vascularized tumor growth, where the main novelty is the modeling of the interplay between functional tumor vasculature and effector cell recruitment dynamics. Parameters are calibrated on the basis of different in vivo immunocompromised Rag1-/- and wild-type (WT) BALB/c murine tumor growth experiments. The model analysis supports that tumor vasculature normalization can be a plausible and effective strategy to treat cancer when combined with appropriate immuno-stimulations. We find that improved levels of functional tumor vasculature, potentially mediated by normalization or stress alleviation strategies, can provide beneficial outcomes in terms of tumor burden reduction and growth control. Normalization of tumor blood vessels opens a therapeutic window of opportunity to augment the antitumor immune responses, as well as to reduce the intratumoral immunosuppression and induced-hypoxia due to vascular abnormalities. The potential success of normalizing tumor-associated vasculature closely depends on the effector cell recruitment dynamics and tumor sizes. Furthermore, an arbitrary increase of initial effector cell concentration does not necessarily imply a better tumor control. We evidence the existence of an optimal concentration range of effector cells for tumor shrinkage. Based on these findings, we suggest a theory-driven therapeutic proposal that optimally combines immuno- and vaso-modulatory interventions