71,036 research outputs found

    Localization of Two-Dimensional Quantum Walks

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    The Grover walk, which is related to the Grover's search algorithm on a quantum computer, is one of the typical discrete time quantum walks. However, a localization of the two-dimensional Grover walk starting from a fixed point is striking different from other types of quantum walks. The present paper explains the reason why the walker who moves according to the degree-four Grover's operator can remain at the starting point with a high probability. It is shown that the key factor for the localization is due to the degeneration of eigenvalues of the time evolution operator. In fact, the global time evolution of the quantum walk on a large lattice is mainly determined by the degree of degeneration. The dependence of the localization on the initial state is also considered by calculating the wave function analytically.Comment: 21 pages RevTeX, 4 figures ep

    Binding between two-component bosons in one dimension

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    We investigate the ground state of one-dimensional few-atom Bose-Bose mixtures under harmonic confinement throughout the crossover from weak to strong inter-species attraction. The calculations are based on the numerically exact multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree method. For repulsive components we detail the condition for the formation of a molecular Tonks-Girardeau gas in the regime of intermediate inter-species interactions, and the formation of a molecular condensate for stronger coupling. Beyond a critical inter-species attraction, the system collapses to an overall bound state. Different pathways emerge for unequal particle numbers and intra-species interactions. In particular, for mixtures with one attractive component, this species can be viewed as an effective potential dimple in the trap center for the other, repulsive component.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Negative Refraction Gives Rise to the Klein Paradox

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    Electromagnetic negative refraction in metamaterials has attracted increasingly great interest, since its first experimental verification in 2001. It potentially leads to the applications superior to conventional devices including compact antennas for mobile stations, imaging beyond the diffraction limit, and high-resolution radars, not to mention the anamolous wave propagation in fundamental optics. Here, we report how metamaterials could be used to simulate the "negative refraction of spin-zero particles interacting with a strong potential barrier", which gives rise to the Klein paradox--a counterintuitive relativistic process. We address the underlying physics of analogous wave propagation behaviours in those two entirely different domains of quantum and classical.Comment: 4 journal pages, 2 figure

    Order-by-disorder in classical oscillator systems

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    We consider classical nonlinear oscillators on hexagonal lattices. When the coupling between the elements is repulsive, we observe coexisting states, each one with its own basin of attraction. These states differ by their degree of synchronization and by patterns of phase-locked motion. When disorder is introduced into the system by additive or multiplicative Gaussian noise, we observe a non-monotonic dependence of the degree of order in the system as a function of the noise intensity: intervals of noise intensity with low synchronization between the oscillators alternate with intervals where more oscillators are synchronized. In the latter case, noise induces a higher degree of order in the sense of a larger number of nearly coinciding phases. This order-by-disorder effect is reminiscent to the analogous phenomenon known from spin systems. Surprisingly, this non-monotonic evolution of the degree of order is found not only for a single interval of intermediate noise strength, but repeatedly as a function of increasing noise intensity. We observe noise-driven migration of oscillator phases in a rough potential landscape.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures; comments are welcom

    Quantum Chinos Game: winning strategies through quantum fluctuations

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    We apply several quantization schemes to simple versions of the Chinos game. Classically, for two players with one coin each, there is a symmetric stable strategy that allows each player to win half of the times on average. A partial quantization of the game (semiclassical) allows us to find a winning strategy for the second player, but it is unstable w.r.t. the classical strategy. However, in a fully quantum version of the game we find a winning strategy for the first player that is optimal: the symmetric classical situation is broken at the quantum level.Comment: REVTEX4.b4 file, 3 table

    On the observability of bow shocks of Galactic runaway OB stars

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    Massive stars that have been ejected from their parent cluster and supersonically sailing away through the interstellar medium (ISM) are classified as exiled. They generate circumstellar bow shock nebulae that can be observed. We present two-dimensional, axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of a representative sample of stellar wind bow shocks from Galactic OB stars in an ambient medium of densities ranging from n_ISM=0.01 up to 10.0/cm3. Independently of their location in the Galaxy, we confirm that the infrared is the most appropriated waveband to search for bow shocks from massive stars. Their spectral energy distribution is the convenient tool to analyze them since their emission does not depend on the temporary effects which could affect unstable, thin-shelled bow shocks. Our numerical models of Galactic bow shocks generated by high-mass (~40 Mo) runaway stars yield Hα\alpha fluxes which could be observed by facilities such as the SuperCOSMOS H-Alpha Survey. The brightest bow shock nebulae are produced in the denser regions of the ISM. We predict that bow shocks in the field observed at Ha by means of Rayleigh-sensitive facilities are formed around stars of initial mass larger than about 20 Mo. Our models of bow shocks from OB stars have the emission maximum in the wavelength range 3 <= lambda <= 50 micrometer which can be up to several orders of magnitude brighter than the runaway stars themselves, particularly for stars of initial mass larger than 20 Mo.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. Accepted to MNRAS (2016

    Notched fatigue of single crystal PWA 1480 at turbine attachment temperatures

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    The focus is on the lower temperature, uncoated and notched features of gas turbine blades. Constitutive and fatigue life prediction models applicable to these regions are being developed. Fatigue results are presented which were obtained thus far. Fatigue tests are being conducted on PWA 1480 single crystal material using smooth strain controlled specimens and three different notched specimens. Isothermal fatigue tests were conducted at 1200, 1400, and 1600 F. The bulk of the tests were conducted at 1200 F. The strain controlled tests were conducted at 0.4 percent per second strain rate and the notched tests were cycled at 1.0 cycle per second. A clear orientation dependence is observed in the smooth strain controlled fatigue results. The fatigue lifes of the thin, mild notched specimens agree fairly well with this smooth data when elastic stress range is used as a correlating parameter. Finite element analyses were used to calculate notch stresses. Fatigue testing will continue to further explore the trends observed thus far. Constitutive and life prediction models are being developed

    Asymmetric supernova remnants generated by Galactic, massive runaway stars

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    After the death of a runaway massive star, its supernova shock wave interacts with the bow shocks produced by its defunct progenitor, and may lose energy, momentum, and its spherical symmetry before expanding into the local interstellar medium (ISM). We investigate whether the initial mass and space velocity of these progenitors can be associated with asymmetric supernova remnants. We run hydrodynamical models of supernovae exploding in the pre-shaped medium of moving Galactic core-collapse progenitors. We find that bow shocks that accumulate more than about 1.5 Mo generate asymmetric remnants. The shock wave first collides with these bow shocks 160-750 yr after the supernova, and the collision lasts until 830-4900 yr. The shock wave is then located 1.35-5 pc from the center of the explosion, and it expands freely into the ISM, whereas in the opposite direction it is channelled into the region of undisturbed wind material. This applies to an initially 20 Mo progenitor moving with velocity 20 km/s and to our initially 40 Mo progenitor. These remnants generate mixing of ISM gas, stellar wind and supernova ejecta that is particularly important upstream from the center of the explosion. Their lightcurves are dominated by emission from optically-thin cooling and by X-ray emission of the shocked ISM gas. We find that these remnants are likely to be observed in the [OIII] lambda 5007 spectral line emission or in the soft energy-band of X-rays. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of observed Galactic supernova remnants such as 3C391 and the Cygnus Loop.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Life prediction and constitutive models for engine hot section

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    The purpose of this program is to develop life prediction models for coated anisotropic materials used in gas turbine airfoils. In the program, two single crystal alloys and two coatings are being tested. These include PWA 1480, Alloy 185, overlay coating (PWA 286), and aluminide coating (PWA 273). Constitutive models are also being developed for these materials to predict the time independent (plastic) and time dependent (creep) strain histories of the materials in the lab tests and for actual design conditions. This nonlinear material behavior is particularly important for high temperature gas turbine applications and is basic to any life prediction system. Some of the accomplishments of the program are highlighted