1,697 research outputs found

    Dynamic Properties of Force Fields

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    Molecular-dynamics simulations are increasingly used to study dynamic properties of biological systems. With this development, the ability of force fields to successfully predict relaxation timescales and the associated conformational exchange processes moves into focus. We assess to what extent the dynamic properties of model peptides (Ac-A-NHMe, Ac-V-NHMe, AVAVA, A10) differ when simulated with different force fields (AMBER ff99SB-ILDN, AMBER ff03, OPLS-AA/L, CHARMM27, and GROMOS43a1). The dynamic properties are extracted using Markov state models. For single-residue models (Ac-A-NHMe, Ac-V-NHMe), the slow conformational exchange processes are similar in all force fields, but the associated relaxation timescales differ by up to an order of magnitude. For the peptide systems, not only the relaxation timescales, but also the conformational exchange processes differ considerably across force fields. This finding calls the significance of dynamic interpretations of molecular-dynamics simulations into question

    Peluang Usaha dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga Pedagang Warung di Perumahan Karyawan PT. Astra Agro Lestari Kecamatan Koto Gasib Kabupaten Siak

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    There are some strategies should be considered and done by sellers to maintain a sale business such as customer satisfaction strategy, marketplace strategy, product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and marketing strategy in competition world. These strategies are done by sellers to maintain their stall business to increase their income. Yet the arguments have to be proven through a research to get an accurate answer. The questions of the research are 1) what kinds charakteristik by the sellers at the residence of PT Astra Agro Lestari and 2) how is the strategy implemented by the owners of stall around the residence of PT Astra Agro Lestari which is in desa Pangkalan Pisang, kecamatan Koto Gasib kabupaten Siak to keep selling. The population of the research is the sellers who sell at employee residence area of PT Astra Agro Lestari numbered 44 sellers. The technique of sampling used is purposive sampling with the sample is only 25 sellers who have sold for 5 years. The technique of collecting data is questionnaire. The data got of the research was descriptive quantitative. Generally, the result of the research found by the writer is there are some sellers who do not understand about strategies in selling, so it is expected to implement the strategies to maintain the selling business in gaining income and fulfilling family needs.Keywords : Seller, Strategy, Produc

    Just transition: Employment projections for the 2.0 °c and 1.5 °c scenarios

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This section provides the input data for two different employment development calculation methods: The quantitative analysis, which looks into the overall number of jobs in renewable and fossil fuel industries and the occupational analysis which looks into specific job categories required for the solar and wind sector as well as the oil, gas, and coal industry. Results are given with various figures and tables

    Electromagnetic Simulation and Design of a Novel Waveguide RF Wien Filter for Electric Dipole Moment Measurements of Protons and Deuterons

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    The conventional Wien filter is a device with orthogonal static magnetic and electric fields, often used for velocity separation of charged particles. Here we describe the electromagnetic design calculations for a novel waveguide RF Wien filter that will be employed to solely manipulate the spins of protons or deuterons at frequencies of about 0.1 to 2 MHz at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY at J\"ulich. The device will be used in a future experiment that aims at measuring the proton and deuteron electric dipole moments, which are expected to be very small. Their determination, however, would have a huge impact on our understanding of the universe.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Just Transition: Implications for the Corporate Sector and Financial Institutions in Australia

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    The era of coal-fired power is coming to an end. Solar and wind energy are the least-cost source of new electricity generation in two-thirds of the world (Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2019) and growing rapidly at the expense of coal power. Under the Paris Agreement, almost all nations have signed commitments that require net zero emissions by 2050. Over 130 financial institutions globally have announced exit dates from financing, investing in or insuring thermal coal (Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis [IEEFA]), 2020) and close to 1000 companies have set or committed to set targets aligned with the Paris Agreement under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The International Energy Agency (IEA) has highlighted that COVID-19 has caused a plunge in energy demand ‘seven times greater than the global financial crisis’, impacting heavily on coal, oil and gas whilst renewable energy is proving so far to be more resilient (IEA, 2020). The full impact of COVID-19 will be determined by the recovery paths taken around the world, but if low thermal coal demand persists as economies reopen, coal retirements are likely to accelerate. The question is no longer ‘if’ there will be a transition from coal to renewable energy but ‘when’ and ‘how’. For coal producing countries such as Australia, the challenge is how to avoid a ‘disruptive’ transition with social and economic dislocation in coal regions, while at the same time positioning ourselves to maximise the economic opportunities

    Social Access Solar Gardens for Australia

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