2,248 research outputs found

    Surface acoustic wave modulation of single photon emission from GaN/InGaN nanowire quantum dots

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    On-chip quantum information processing requires controllable quantum light sources that can be operated on-demand at high-speeds and with the possibility of in-situ control of the photon emission wavelength and its optical polarization properties. Here, we report on the dynamic control of the optical emission from core-shell GaN/InGaN nanowire (NW) heterostructures using radio frequency surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The SAWs are excited on the surface of a piezoelectric lithium niobate crystal equipped with a SAW delay line onto which the NWs were mechanically transferred. Luminescent quantum dot (QD)-like exciton localization centers induced by compositional fluctuations within the InGaN nanoshell were identified using stroboscopic micro-photoluminescence (micro-PL) spectroscopy. They exhibit narrow and almost fully linearly polarized emission lines in the micro-PL spectra and a pronounced anti-bunching signature of single photon emission in the photon correlation experiments. When the nanowire is perturbed by the propagating SAW, the embedded QD is periodically strained and its excitonic transitions are modulated by the acousto-mechanical coupling, giving rise to a spectral fine-tuning within a ~1.5 meV bandwidth at the acoustic frequency of ~330 MHz. This outcome can be further combined with spectral detection filtering for temporal control of the emitted photons. The effect of the SAW piezoelectric field on the QD charge population and on the optical polarization degree is also observed. The advantage of the acousto-optoelectric over other control schemes is that it allows in-situ manipulation of the optical emission properties over a wide frequency range (up to GHz frequencies).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.0791

    An analysis of the Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

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    BACKGROUND: The Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England commenced in 1993 with the aim of exposing selected surgical trainees to research techniques and methodology, with the hope of having an impact on surgical research and increasing the cadre of young surgeons who might decide to pursue an academic career in surgery. Over 11 million pounds sterling (approximately US 20 million dollars) has been invested in 264 fellowships. The College wished to evaluate the impact of the Scheme on the careers of research fellows, surgical research, and patient care. As the 10th anniversary of the Scheme approached. STUDY DESIGN: Two-hundred and sixty research fellows whose current addresses were available were sent a questionnaire. Two-hundred and thirty-eight (91.5%) responded. RESULTS: Three-quarters of the research fellows conducted laboratory-based research, with most of the remainder conducting patient-based clinical research. One-third of the fellows who have reached consultant status have an academic component to their post. The total number of publications based on fellowship projects was 531, with a median impact factor of 3.5. Almost all fellows had been awarded a higher degree or were working toward this. Half of the fellows received subsequent funding for research, mostly awarded by national or international funding bodies. CONCLUSIONS: The Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England has successfully supported many trainee surgeons in the initial phase of their research career. It has helped surgical research by increasing the pool of surgeons willing to embark on an academic career. Indirectly, patient care has benefited by promoting an evidence-based culture among young surgeons. Such schemes are relevant to surgical training programs elsewhere if more young surgeons are to be attracted into academic surgery

    Carrier and Light Trapping in Graded Quantum Well Laser Structures

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    We investigated the carrier and light trapping in GaInAs/AlGaAs single quantum well laser structures by means of time resolved photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy. The influence of the shape and depth of the confinement potential and of the cavity geometry was studied by using different AlGaAs/GaAs short-period superlattices as barriers. Our results show that grading the optical cavity improves considerably both carrier and light trapping in the quantum well, and that the trapping efficiency is enhanced by increasing the graded confining potential.Comment: PDF-format, 15 pages (including 4 figures), Applied Physics Letters (June 2000

    Neutron activation as an independent indicator of expected total yield in the production of 82Sr and 68Ge with 66 MeV protons

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    Introduction A method based on neutron activation is being developed to assist in resolving discrepancies between the expected yield and actual yield of radionuclides produced with the vertical-beam target station (VBTS) at iThemba LABS. The VBTS is routinely employed for multi-Ci batch productions of the radionuclide pairs 22Na/68Ga and 82Sr/68Ga using standardized natMg/natGa and natRb/natGa tandem targets, respectively [1]. The metal-clad target discs are bombarded with a primary beam of 66 MeV protons at an intensity of nominally 250 µA. The encapsulation materials are either Nb (for Mg and Ga) or stainless steel (for Rb) which serve to contain the molten target materials during bombardment and act as a barrier to the high-velocity cooling water which surrounds the targets in a 4π geometry. The natRb/natGa targets are typically bombarded according to a two-week cycle while natMg/natGa targets are bombarded on an ad-hoc basis, depending on a somewhat unpredictable 22Na demand. A too-large deviation between expected yield and actual yield has at times plagued this programme. These deviations can manifest both as an apparent loss or an apparent gain (relative to the expected yield) by up to about 15% in either direction. The resulting uncertainty of up to 30% (in the worst case) from one production batch to another can be costly and is unacceptable in a large-scale production regimen. This phenomenon is believed to be brought about by two types of problems: (1) Production losses, e.g. during the radio-chemical separation process or incomplete recovery of activated target material during the decapsulation step. (2) Incorrect values obtained for the accumulated proton charge. A problem of type (1) will always result in a loss of yield. A problem of type (2) can manifest as an apparent loss or gain. In an effort to get a handle on this second type of problem, neutron activation of suitable material samples, embedded in a target holder, is being investigated as an independent indicator of the total yield. For this purpose, samples of Co, Mn, Ni and Zn were activated during production runs and Co was found to be the most appropriate. Preliminary results will be presented after first discussing why the determination of the accumulated pro-ton charge is a problem with the VBTS. Materials and Methods The VBTS consists of a central region in which a target holder is located during bombardment as well as two half-cylindrical radiation shields which completely surround the target. The shields can be moved away from the central region on dedicated rails, e.g. when repairs or maintenance is required. FIGURE 1 shows the VBTS with the shields moved to the “open” position. As some components of the station are located below the vault floor, with the target position near floor level, it proved difficult to electrically isolate the VBTS as was done for the two horizontal-beam target stations at iThemba LABS [1]. The VBTS does not act as a Faraday cup like the other target stations. Instead, the beam current and accumulated charge is measured by means of a calibrated capacitive probe [1,2]. There appears to be a variation in the response of the capacitive probe, sensitive to the beam microstructure, in particular a dependence on the beam packet length. This problem is not yet fully resolved. FIGURE 2 (a) shows the beamstop of a VBTS target holder with several Co samples mounted on the outside as well as one each of Ni, Mn and Zn. The samples are small “tablets” with a 10 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. The reactions of interest are 59Co(n,γ)60Co, 59Co(n,3n)57Co, nat-Ni(n,X)60Co, natNi(n,X)57Co, natZn(n,X)65Zn and 55Mn(n,2n)54Mn. The relevant half-lives are 60Co(5.271 a), 57Co(271.8 d), 65Zn(244.3 d) and 54Mn(312.2 d). The half-life should be long compared to the two-week cycle in order to reduce the dependence on the exact beam history, which is very fragmented over any production period. In this respect, 60Co is considered to be particularly attractive as its long half-life of more than 5 years leads to a negligible effect by the beam history. Note that the tandem targets, shown in FIGURE 2 (b), are mounted just upstream of the beamstop – in fact, the targets and beamstop form a single unit before being fitted into the target holder. At the end of bombardment, all samples were assayed for their characteristic γ-emissions using standard off-line γ-ray spectrometry with an HPGe detector connected to a Genie 2000 MCA. Calculations of the neutron fluence density in the central sample volume on the beamstop were also performed using the Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNPX. For these calculations, the entire VBTS, a Rb/Ga target and the vault walls were included in the model. Results and Conclusion All samples activated significantly – copious amounts of 60Co were detected in the Co discs after a two-week run. The neutron fluence density for the case of a 250 µA, 66 MeV proton beam on a natRb/natGa tandem target is shown in FIGURE 3. The dominance of low-energy neutrons is evident, which is in part due to the large amount of paraffin-wax shielding material in close proximity to the target. While reactions such as the (n,2n) and (n,3n) would be sensitive to the more energetic part of the neutron spectrum, the (n,γ) capture reaction benefits from the large low-energy component. This explains the copious amounts of 60Co formed. It was therefore decided to only retain the central Co sample for subsequent bombardments, as shown in FIGURE 4. The first results are shown in TABLE 1. The accumulated charge as obtained from the capacitive probe (Q), the specific 60Co activity (A) at the end of bombardment (EOB), and their ratio (A/Q) are presented in the table, together with the deviation of individual ratios relative to their average for the case of the Mg/Ga tandem tar-gets only. Note that all samples were counted until the statistical uncertainties were negligible. Any systematic uncertainties are ignored at this stage as they are considered to remain the same from one batch production to another. For the sake of argument, the average value of the ratio is taken as the expected value. A positive deviation of the A/Q value is then indicative of a too-small value of the accumulated charge obtained from the capacitive probe, leading to a corresponding overproduction. Likewise, a negative value is indicative of a too-large value of the accumulated charge, leading to a corresponding underproduction. It is certainly true that the data in TABLE 1 are currently very limited. It is envisaged, however, that with time the growing database of values will assist in reducing the uncertainty in determining the accumulated charge and reduce the discrepancies between predicted and actual yields significantly. TABLE 1 illuminates the underlying problem satisfactorily. The four Mg/Ga tandem target bombardments, on identical targetry, were performed successively. The neutron activation correlates well the with actual yields, pointing directly to the current integration as the main source of error. The method already proves to be useful. An indication of an over or underprediction can be obtained prior to the target processing by recovering and measuring the Co disc. This in-formation can be used to make a decision concerning the present batch production and/or the subsequent one. One can either add beam to the present production target and/or in-crease/reduce the total beam on the subsequent production target to compensate for an expected overproduction or shortfall. In conclusion, we would like to stress that the capacitive probes show great promise and that better understanding and/or possibly some development of their signal processing algorithm may improve their ability to measure the accumulated charge to the desired accuracy. Segmented capacitive probes used at iThemba LABS and elsewhere for beam position measurement [1,3] are not affected by beam microstructure as only the ratios of the signal strengths on the different sectors are important. In this case, changes in response affect all sec-tors equally and the ratios are unaffected

    Prevention of neonatal pneumonia and sepsis via maternal immunisation

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