75 research outputs found

    Index statistical properties of sparse random graphs

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    Using the replica method, we develop an analytical approach to compute the characteristic function for the probability PN(K,λ)\mathcal{P}_N(K,\lambda) that a large N×NN \times N adjacency matrix of sparse random graphs has KK eigenvalues below a threshold λ\lambda. The method allows to determine, in principle, all moments of PN(K,λ)\mathcal{P}_N(K,\lambda), from which the typical sample to sample fluctuations can be fully characterized. For random graph models with localized eigenvectors, we show that the index variance scales linearly with N1N \gg 1 for λ>0|\lambda| > 0, with a model-dependent prefactor that can be exactly calculated. Explicit results are discussed for Erd\"os-R\'enyi and regular random graphs, both exhibiting a prefactor with a non-monotonic behavior as a function of λ\lambda. These results contrast with rotationally invariant random matrices, where the index variance scales only as lnN\ln N, with an universal prefactor that is independent of λ\lambda. Numerical diagonalization results confirm the exactness of our approach and, in addition, strongly support the Gaussian nature of the index fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Condensation of degrees emerging through a first-order phase transition in classical random graphs

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    Due to their conceptual and mathematical simplicity, Erd\"os-R\'enyi or classical random graphs remain as a fundamental paradigm to model complex interacting systems in several areas. Although condensation phenomena have been widely considered in complex network theory, the condensation of degrees has hitherto eluded a careful study. Here we show that the degree statistics of the classical random graph model undergoes a first-order phase transition between a Poisson-like distribution and a condensed phase, the latter characterized by a large fraction of nodes having degrees in a limited sector of their configuration space. The mechanism underlying the first-order transition is discussed in light of standard concepts in statistical physics. We uncover the phase diagram characterizing the ensemble space of the model and we evaluate the rate function governing the probability to observe a condensed state, which shows that condensation of degrees is a rare statistical event akin to similar condensation phenomena recently observed in several other systems. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the exactness of our theoretical results.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Level compressibility for the Anderson model on regular random graphs and the eigenvalue statistics in the extended phase

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    We calculate the level compressibility χ(W,L)\chi(W,L) of the energy levels inside [L/2,L/2][-L/2,L/2] for the Anderson model on infinitely large random regular graphs with on-site potentials distributed uniformly in [W/2,W/2][-W/2,W/2]. We show that χ(W,L)\chi(W,L) approaches the limit limL0+χ(W,L)=0\lim_{L \rightarrow 0^+} \chi(W,L) = 0 for a broad interval of the disorder strength WW within the extended phase, including the region of WW close to the critical point for the Anderson transition. These results strongly suggest that the energy levels follow the Wigner-Dyson statistics in the extended phase, consistent with earlier analytical predictions for the Anderson model on an Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph. Our results are obtained from the accurate numerical solution of an exact set of equations valid for infinitely large regular random graphs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical mechanics of the spherical hierarchical model with random fields

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    We study analytically the equilibrium properties of the spherical hierarchical model in the presence of random fields. The expression for the critical line separating a paramagnetic from a ferromagnetic phase is derived. The critical exponents characterising this phase transition are computed analytically and compared with those of the corresponding DD-dimensional short-range model, leading to conclude that the usual mapping between one dimensional long-range models and DD-dimensional short-range models holds exactly for this system, in contrast to models with Ising spins. Moreover, the critical exponents of the pure model and those of the random field model satisfy a relationship that mimics the dimensional reduction rule. The absence of a spin-glass phase is strongly supported by the local stability analysis of the replica symmetric saddle-point as well as by an independent computation of the free-energy using a renormalization-like approach. This latter result enlarges the class of random field models for which the spin-glass phase has been recently ruled out.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Localization and universality of eigenvectors in directed random graphs

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    Although the spectral properties of random graphs have been a long-standing focus of network theory, the properties of right eigenvectors of directed graphs have so far eluded an exact analytic treatment. We present a general theory for the statistics of the right eigenvector components in directed random graphs with a prescribed degree distribution and with randomly weighted links. We obtain exact analytic expressions for the inverse participation ratio and show that right eigenvectors of directed random graphs with a small average degree are localized. Remarkably, the critical mean degree for the localization transition is independent of the degree fluctuations. We also show that the dense limit of the distribution of the right eigenvectors is solely determined by the degree fluctuations, which generalizes standard results from random matrix theory. We put forward a classification scheme for the universality of the eigenvector statistics in the dense limit, which is supported by an exact calculation of the full eigenvector distributions. More generally, this paper provides a theoretical formalism to study the eigenvector statistics of sparse non-Hermitian random matrices.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure

    Analytic solution of the resolvent equations for heterogeneous random graphs: spectral and localization properties

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    The spectral and localization properties of heterogeneous random graphs are determined by the resolvent distributional equations, which have so far resisted an analytic treatment. We solve analytically the resolvent equations of random graphs with an arbitrary degree distribution in the high-connectivity limit, from which we perform a thorough analysis of the impact of degree fluctuations on the spectral density, the inverse participation ratio, and the distribution of the local density of states. We show that all eigenvectors are extended and that the spectral density exhibits a logarithmic or a power-law divergence when the variance of the degree distribution is large enough. We elucidate this singular behaviour by showing that the distribution of the local density of states at the center of the spectrum displays a power-law tail determined by the variance of the degree distribution. In the regime of weak degree fluctuations the spectral density has a finite support, which promotes the stability of large complex systems on random graphs.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure