193 research outputs found

    Optimization of the energy for Breast monochromatic absorption X-ray Computed Tomography

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    The limits of mammography have led to an increasing interest on possible alternatives such as the breast Computed Tomography (bCT). The common goal of all X-ray imaging techniques is to achieve the optimal contrast resolution, measured through the Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), while minimizing the radiological risks, quantified by the dose. Both dose and CNR depend on the energy and the intensity of the X-rays employed for the specific imaging technique. Some attempts to determine an optimal energy for bCT have suggested the range 22keV\u201334keV, some others instead suggested the range 50keV\u201360keV depending on the parameters considered in the study. Recent experimental works, based on the use of monochromatic radiation and breast specimens, show that energies around 32keV give better image quality respect to setups based on higher energies. In this paper we report a systematic study aiming at defining the range of energies that maximizes the CNR at fixed dose in bCT. The study evaluates several compositions and diameters of the breast and includes various reconstruction algorithms as well as different dose levels. The results show that a good compromise between CNR and dose is obtained using energies around 28keV

    Energy response of GR-200A thermoluminescence dosemeters to CO-60 and to monoenergetic synchrotron radiation in the energy range 28-40 KEV

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    7noThe response of LiF:Mg,Cu,P thermoluminescence dosemeters (type GR-200A) to monoenergetic radiation of energy 28, 35, 38 and 40 keV was evaluated with respect to irradiation with a calibrated 60Co gamma-ray source. High-precision measurements of the relative air kerma response performed at the SYRMEP beamline of the ELETTRA synchrotron radiation facility (Trieste, Italy) showed a significant deviation of the average response to low-energy X-rays from that to 60Co, with an over-response from 6 % (at 28 keV) to 22 % (at 40 keV). These data are not consistent with literature data for these dosemeters, where model predictions gave deviation from unity of the relative air kerma response of about 10 %. The authors conclude for the need of additional determinations of the low-energy relative response of GR-200A dosemeters, covering a wider range of monoenergetic energies sampled at a fine energy step, as planned in future experiments by their group at the ELETTRA facility.Published online first 02 March 2015partially_openembargoed_20160302F. Emiro; F. Di Lillo; G. Mettivier; C. Fedon; R. Longo; G. Tromba; P. RussoF., Emiro; F., Di Lillo; G., Mettivier; Fedon, Christian; Longo, Renata; G., Tromba; P., Russ

    Patient-specific Monte Carlo-based organ dose estimates in spiral CT via optical 3D body scanning and adaptation of a voxelized phantom dataset: proof-of-principle

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    : Objective. We present a method for personalized organ dose estimates obtained before the CT exam, via 3D optical body scanning and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.Approach. A voxelized phantom is derived by adapting a reference phantom to the body size and shape measured with a portable 3D optical scanner, which returns the 3D silhouette of the patient. This was used as an external rigid envelope for incorporating a tailored version of the internal body anatomy derived from a phantom dataset (National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA) matched for gender, age, weight, and height. The proof-of-principle was conducted on adult head phantoms. The Geant4 MC code provided estimates of the organ doses from 3D absorbed dose maps in voxelized body phantom.Main results. We applied this approach for head CT scanning using an anthropomorphic voxelized head phantom derived from 3D optical scans of mannequins. We compared the estimates of head organ doses with those provided by the NCICT3.0 software (NCI, NIH, USA). Head organ doses differed up to 38% using the proposed personalized estimate and MC code, with respect to corresponding estimates calculated for the standard (non-personalized) reference head phantom. Preliminary application of the MC code to chest CT scans is shown. Real-time pre-exam personalized CT dosimetry is envisaged with adoption of a GPU-based fast MC code.Significance. The developed procedure for personalized organ dose estimates before the CT exam, introduces a new approach for realistic description of size and shape of patients via voxelized phantoms specific for each patient

    Models of breast lesions based on three-dimensional X-ray breast images

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    This paper presents a method for creation of computational models of breast lesions with irregular shapes from patient Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) images or breast cadavers and whole-body Computed Tomography (CT) images. The approach includes six basic steps: (a) normalization of the intensity of the tomographic images; (b) image noise reduction; (c) binarization of the lesion area, (d) application of morphological operations to further decrease the level of artefacts; (e) application of a region growing technique to segment the lesion; and (f) creation of a final 3D lesion model. The algorithm is semi-automatic as the initial selection of the region of the lesion and the seeds for the region growing are done interactively. A software tool, performing all of the required steps, was developed in MATLAB. The method was tested and evaluated by analysing anonymized sets of DBT patient images diagnosed with lesions. Experienced radiologists evaluated the segmentation of the tumours in the slices and the obtained 3D lesion shapes. They concluded for a quite satisfactory delineation of the lesions. In addition, for three DBT cases, a delineation of the tumours was performed independently by the radiologists. In all cases the abnormality volumes segmented by the proposed algorithm were smaller than those outlined by the experts. The calculated Dice similarity coefficients for algorithm-radiologist and radiologist-radiologist showed similar values. Another selected tumour case was introduced into a computational breast model to recursively assess the algorithm. The relative volume difference between the ground-truth tumour volume and the one obtained by applying the algorithm on the synthetic volume from the virtual DBT study is 5% which demonstrates the satisfactory performance of the proposed segmentation algorithm. The software tool we developed was used to create models of different breast abnormalities, which were then stored in a database for use by researchers working in this field

    Monte Carlo and experimental evaluation of a Timepix4 compact gamma camera for coded aperture nuclear medicine imaging with depth resolution

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    Purpose: We designed a prototype compact gamma camera (MediPROBE4) for nuclear medicine tasks, including radio-guided surgery and sentinel lymph node imaging with a 99mTc radiotracer. We performed Monte Carlo (MC) simulations for image performance assessment, and first spectroscopic imaging tests with a 300 μm thick silicon detector. Methods: The hand-held camera (1 kg weight) is based on a Timepix4 readout circuit for photon-counting, energy-sensitive, hybrid pixel detectors (24.6 × 28.2 mm2 sensitive area, 55 μm pixel pitch), developed by the Medipix4 Collaboration. The camera design adopts a CdTe detector (1 or 2 mm thick) bump-bonded to a Timepix4 readout chip and a coded aperture collimator with 0.25 mm diameter round holes made of 3D printed 1-mm thick tungsten. Image reconstruction is performed via autocorrelation deconvolution. Results: Geant4 MC simulations showed that, for a 99mTc source in air, at 50 mm source-collimator distance, the estimated collimator sensitivity (4 × 10-4) is 292 times larger than that of a single hole in the mask; the system sensitivity is 0.22 cps/kBq (2 mm CdTe); the lateral spatial resolution is 1.7 mm FWHM. The estimated axial longitudinal resolution is 8.2 mm FWHM at 40 mm distance. First experimental tests with a 300 μm thick Silicon pixel detector bump-bonded to a Timepix4 chip and a high-resolution coded aperture collimator showed time-over-threshold and time-of-arrival capabilities with 241Am and 133Ba gamma-ray sources. Conclusions: MC simulations and validation lab tests showed the expected performance of the MediPROBE4 compact gamma camera for gamma-ray 3D imaging

    A new method for spatial mode shifting of stabilized optical cavities for the generation of dual-color X-rays

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    We propose an innovative method to shift the transversal position of the focal point of an optical cavity keeping it actively frequency stabilized. Our cavity is a 4 mirrors bow-tie cavity and the spatial shift of the resonant mode is obtained by properly rotating the two curved mirrors by piezo actuators. This method allows us to move the transversal position of the cavity focal point of 135 µm in a time of 50 ms, keeping the resonance condition of the cavity by means of the Pound–Drever–Hall technique. We propose to use this technique for the generation of 2-color X-rays via Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS). This technique exploits the large average power stored in the high finesse cavity by shifting the laser beam with respect to the electron beam trajectory, hence controlling the spatial superposition of the electron and photon beams in the interaction region. Arranging two cavities assembled one on top of the other, with different collision angle with the electron beam, allows the generation of X-ray bursts of different energies just by swiftly moving the two cavities, switching the two focal points onto the electron beam trajectory, thus activating in sequence two different ICS spectral lines

    Phase-contrast breast CT: the effect of propagation distance

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    X-ray phase imaging has the potential to dramatically improve soft tissue contrast sensitivity, which is a crucial requirement in many diagnostic applications such as breast imaging. In this context, a program devoted to perform in-vivo phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast computed tomography is ongoing at the Elettra facility (Trieste, Italy). The used phase-contrast technique is the propagation-based configuration, which requires a spatially coherent source and a sufficient object-to-detector distance. In this work the effect of this distance on image quality is quantitatively investigated scanning a large breast surgical specimen at 3 object-to-detector distances (1.6, 3, 9 m) and comparing the images both before and after applying the phase-retrieval procedure. The sample is imaged at 30 keV with a 60 \ub5m pixel pitch CdTe single-photon-counting detector, positioned at a fixed distance of 31.6~m from the source. The detector fluence is kept constant for all acquisitions. The study shows that, at the largest distance, a 20-fold SNR increase can be obtained by applying the phase-retrieval procedure. Moreover, it is shown that, for phase-retrieved images, changing the object-to-detector distance does not affect spatial resolution while boosting SNR (4-fold increase going from the shortest to the largest distance). The experimental results are supported by a theoretical model proposed by other authors, whose salient results are presented in this paper

    Effective Neutralizing Antibody Response Against SARS-CoV-2 Virus and Its Omicron BA.1 Variant in Fully Vaccinated Hematological Patients

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    SARS-CoV-2 and its variants cause CoronaVIrus Disease 19 (COVID-19), a pandemic disease. Hematological malignancies increase susceptibility to severe COVID-19 due to immunosuppression. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies protect against severe COVID-19. This retrospective real-life study aimed to evaluate seropositivity and neutralizing antibody rates against SARS-CoV-2 and its Omicron BA.1 variant in hematological patients. A total of 106 patients with different hematologic malignancies, who have mostly received three or more vaccine doses (73%), were included in this study. Serum was collected between May and June 2022. The primary endpoint was anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody response against ancestral (wild type; wt) and Omicron BA.1 virus, defined as a neutralizing antibody titer ≥ 1:10. Adequate neutralizing antibody response was observed in 75 (71%) and 87 (82%) of patients for wt and Omicron BA.1 variants, respectively.However, patients with B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and/or those treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in the prior 12 months showed a lower seropositivity rate compared to other patients against both Omicron BA.1 variant (73% vs 91%; P = 0.02) and wt virus (64% vs 78%; P = 0.16). Our real-life experience confirmed that full vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 induces adequate neutralizing antibody protection for both the wt virus and Omicron BA.1 variants, even in hematological frail patients. However, protective measures should be maintained in hematological patients, especially those with B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, because these subjects could have a reduced neutralizing antibody production