61 research outputs found


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    The aim of this work was to: (i) review the current state of art about the strength of hip and lumbo-pelvic muscles in patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), (ii) examine and (iii) establish considerations of the findings of the studies. Several databases were searched from 1980 to 2009 containing keywords related to PFPS and strength of Core muscles. After application of inclusion/exclusion criteria, 12 studies were selected in the literature search. The results suggest that most part of the studies found indicated that PFPS group showed a decreased ability to generate force, mainly by hip abductors, extensors and external rotators and trunk lateral flexors. These results point to a demand for training of these muscles during rehabilitation. None of these studies demonstrated a causal relationship between strength and appearance of PFPS

    Políticas monetárias não convencionais : resultados e implicações a mercados emergentes e em desenvolvimento

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia, 2021.O presente trabalho busca relatar e verificar, em âmbito comparativo, a recente experiência das políticas monetárias não ortodoxas em economias avançadas e em desenvolvimento. Para isso, apresenta-se incialmente os fundamentos teóricos a respeito das políticas monetárias convencionais e não convencionais. Em seguida, são exploradas duas experiências em economias avançadas - da zona do euro e dos Estados Unidos e seus resultados empíricos principais: melhoria das expectativas de inflação, transmissão eficiente para o produto e suavização das rendimentos de 10 anos. Por fim, são analisadas as experiências recentes das economias emergentes, diferenciando uma análise geral e uma com enfoque nos emergentes europeus. Os resultados são similares àqueles observados na economias avançadas, com algumas ressalvas principais: melhores resultados quando implementadas isoladamente, com menor grau de informação que os desenvolvidos. Também foram elencadas algumas características desejáveis para os emergentes: ausência do esgotamento das políticas convencionais e alta credibilidade da autoridade monetária.This paper seeks to report and verify, in a comparative scope, the recent experience of unorthodox monetary policies in advanced and developing economies. For this, the theoretical foundations regarding conventional and unconventional monetary policies are initially presented. Then, two experiences in advanced economies - the eurozone and the United States - and their main empirical results are explored: improvement in inflation expectations, efficient transmission to output and smoothing of 10-year yields. Finally, the recent experiences of emerging economies are analyzed, differentiating a general analysis and one focusing on emerging European economies. The results are similar to those observed in advanced economies, with some main reservations: better results when implemented in isolation, with a lower level of information than developed ones. Some desirable characteristics for emerging countries were also listed: lack of exhaustion of conventional policies and high credibility of the monetary authorit

    What is the best questionnaire for monitoring the physical characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis in the brazilian population?

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    OBJETIVO: Mensurar a validade e a confiabilidade dos questionários WOMAC, IKDC, Lysholm em pacientes com osteoartrite no joelho e determinar a influência da idade no escore destes. MÉTODO: Cinquenta e sete pacientes com diagnóstico de OA primária de joelho completaram os questionários SF-36, WOMAC, Lysholm e IKDC. A validade foi testada mensurando a correlação (coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, "r") entre os questionários. A consistência interna foi mensurada através do α de Cronbach e a concordância através das representações gráficas de Altman-Bland e concordância- sobrevivência. Para determinar a influência da idade nos resultados correlacionamos esta com os escores dos três questionários de joelho através do coeficiente de determinação de Pearson (r²). RESULTADOS: O IKDC (0,62) e o WOMAC (0,642) apresentaram correlações moderadas para forte em relação ao resumo das capacidades físicas do SF-36, enquanto que o Lysholm apresentou correlações moderadas (0,555). O α de Cronbach apresentou valores de 0,811 para o IKDC, 0,959 para o WOMAC e 0,734 para o Lysholm. Apesar da forte correlação entre WOMAC e IKDC (0,843), WOMAC e Lysholm (0,759) e IKDC e Lysholm (0,858), as representações gráficas de Altman-Bland e concordância-sobrevivência demonstram que a concordância entre os três questionários é baixa. O IKDC, Lysholm e WOMAC apresentaram um coeficiente de determinação de Pearson (r²) de 0,004, 0,010 e 0,043 com a idade, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A idade não demonstrou ser fator limitante à utilização de nenhum dos questionários aplicados neste estudo. Os testes de concordância e das correlações com os componentes físicos do SF-36 sugerem que o WOMAC é mais adequado para avaliar as capacidades funcionais e limitações relacionadas aos aspectos físicos, enquanto que o IKDC parece ser mais adequado para avaliar as limitações funcionais relacionadas à dor.OBJECTIVE: To measure the validity and reliability of the WOMAC, IKDC and Lysholm questionnaires among patients with knee osteoarthritis and determine the influence of age on their scores. METHOD: Fifty-seven patients diagnosed with primary osteoarthritis of the knee answered the SF-36, WOMAC, IKDC and Lysholm questionnaires. Validity was tested by measuring the correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient, "r") between the questionnaires. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's α and concordance was measured through the Altman-Bland graphical representations and survival concordance. To determine the influence of age on the results, we correlated this variable with the scores from the three knee questionnaires using Pearson's coefficient of determination ("r2"). RESULTS: IKDC (0.62) and WOMAC (0642) showed moderate to strong correlations in relation to the summarized physical capacity score of the SF-36, while Lysholm showed moderate correlations (0.555). The Cronbach α values for IKDC, WOMAC and Lysholm were 0.811, 0.959 and 0.734, respectively. Despite the strong correlations between IKDC and WOMAC (0.843), Lysholm and WOMAC (0.759) and IKDC and Lysholm (0.858), the Bland-Altman graphical representations and survival concordance showed that the concordance between the three questionnaires was low. IKDC, Lysholm and WOMAC showed coefficients of determination (r2) with age of 0.004, 0.010 and 0.043, respectively. CONCLUSION: Age was not found to be a limiting factor for the use of any of the questionnaires applied in this study. The concordance tests and correlations with the physical components of SF-36 suggest that WOMAC is more appropriate for assessing physical capacities and limitations relating to physical traits, while IKDC seems more appropriate for assessing the functional limitations relating to pain

    Motor coordination during gait after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review of the literature

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    AbstractTo investigate the state of art about motor coordination during gait in patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Searches were carried out, limited from 1980 to 2010, in various databases with keywords related to motor coordination, gait and ACL injury. From the analysis of titles and applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria 24 studies were initially selected and, after reading the abstract, eight studies remained in the final analysis. ACL deficient patients tend to have a more rigid and less variable gait, while injured patients with ACL reconstruction have less rigid and more variable gait with respect to healthy individuals. The overall results suggest the existence of differences in motor coordination between the segments with intact and those with injured knee, regardless of ligament reconstruction. ACL injured patients present aspects related to the impairment of the capability to adapt the gait pattern to different environmental conditions, possibly leading to premature knee degeneration. However, the techniques used for biomechanical gait data processing are limited with respect to obtaining information that leads to the development of intervention strategies aimed at the rehabilitation of that injury, since it is not possible to identify the location within the gait cycle where the differences could be explained


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    The aim of this study was to compare the myoelectric activity and synergism of Core region muscles among exercises commonly prescribed for Core training. The myoelectric activity of seven men was collected and the activation ratio among lumbar erector spinae (LES), lumbar multifidus (MT), external oblique (EO) and rectus abdominis (RA) were compared among eight exercises. The results suggest that EO has higher activation during frontal bridge, side bridge and “bird dog” exercises, RA has higher activation during frontal and side bridge, while LES and MT demonstrated higher activation during “bird dog” and double leg and single leg back bridge. We concluded that to train all muscles groups in a synergic way, in different postures, it should be prescribed at least one variation of the exercises that presents the flexor, lateral flexor and extensor pattern


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    This study aims to compare the lower limb kinematics between two landing tasks, using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and parametric techniques. Ten male volleyball athletes performed bilateral vertical jumps with single leg or double leg landings. Hip, knee and ankle kinematics were used in the analysis. Statistical analysis was performed in the principal components coefficients (PCC) retained in the PCA and in the parametric variables. Only the first PCC presented differences in the three joints. The minimum peak showed differences in the ankle and knee, the maximum peak was different in the knee and hip and the mean angular displacement showed differences in the three joints. PCA described the differences presented by the parametric variables allowing the identification of the location where the variance between the landing tasks could be better explained


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    The frequency of myoelectric activation seems to be related to the recruitment of different motor units (Wakeling, 2009). Fast muscle fibers are responsible to the production of higher forces related to the slow fibers (Wakeling, 2009). Therefore, the pattern of activation of some muscles could be associated to the risk of injuries (Bealieau et al., 2008). However, it is not well described whether the muscular activation, in the time-frequency domain, used by males in tasks with different mechanical stresses would truly be related to the strategies of protection of the ACL. The aim of this research was to compare the instantaneous median frequency (IMF) of the EMG signal of lower limbs muscles between different landing tasks in males

    Influência da idade e do sexo na força isométrica do joelho e do quadril de indivíduos jovens e de meia idade praticantes recreacionais de atividades físicas

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    Muscle strength is an essential part of thefunctional assessment of health professionals to selectand analyze the effects of clinical interventions. This studyaimed to determine the influence of gender and age onisometric strength of hip and knee muscle groups. A totalof 127 subjects (50.4% men), aged from 20 to 49 years(stratified into three groups: 20–29 years; 30–39 years;and 40–49 years) participated in this study. A hand-helddynamometer was used to measure isometric normalizedtorque of the hip abductors, hip external rotators,knee extensors, and knee flexors muscles. Regressionsand a two-way analysis of variance were used to identifythe influence of age and gender on torque of each musclegroup. Age and gender were included in the regression model for all groups. Generally, men aged 20–29 and 30–39 werestronger than age-paired women. For participants aged 40–49,torque was similar for men and women for all muscle groups.There was no difference among age groups for women. Generally,young men were stronger than older men. The associationbetween age and gender in hip and knee strength was provedand liable of subgroup stratification after measurements with ahand-held isometric dynamometer| La fuerza muscular es un componente básico dela evaluación funcional de los profesionales de la salud paraseleccionar y analizar los efectos de las intervenciones clínicas.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia del sexo yde la edad en las mediciones de fuerza isométrica de los gruposmusculares de la cadera y la rodilla. En el estudio participaron127 sujetos (50,4% hombres), de entre 20 y 49 años de edad(estratificados en grupos: 20 a 29 años; 30 a 39 años; y 40 a 49 años).El torque isométrico normalizado de los abductores y rotadoresexternos de la cadera y de los extensores y flexores de la rodilla semidió con un dinamómetro manual. Se utilizaron regresiones y elanálisis de varianza (Anova) para identificar la influencia de la edady el sexo en el torque. Tanto la edad como el sexo se incluyeron en elmodelo para todos los grupos musculares. En general, los hombresde entre 20 y 29 años y los de 30 a 39 mostraron tener más fuerzaque las mujeres del mismo grupo de edad. Para los participantesde 40 a 49 años, el torque fue similar entre hombres y mujeres paratodos los grupos musculares. No hubo diferencias entre los gruposde edad en el grupo de mujeres. En general, los hombres más jóvenesdemostraron ser más fuertes que los hombres de mediana edad.La relación entre la edad y el sexo en la fuerza muscular de la caderay la rodilla se probó y demostró ser susceptible a la estratificacióndespués de las mediciones realizadas con el dinamómetro manual.A força muscular é um componente essencialda avaliação funcional de profissionais da saúde paraselecionar e analisar efeitos de intervenções clínicas.O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a influência do sexoe da idade sobre medidas de força isométrica de gruposmusculares do quadril e do joelho. Participaram da pesquisa127 sujeitos (50,4% homens), com idade de 20 a 49 anos(estratificados em grupos: 20 a 29 anos; 30 a 39 anos; e 40 a49 anos). O torque isométrico normalizado de abdutorese rotadores externos de quadril e extensores e flexores dejoelho foi medido com dinamômetro manual. Regressõese uma análise de variância (Anova) foram usados paraidentificar a influência da idade e do sexo sobre o torque.Tanto idade quanto sexo foram incluídos no modelo paratodos os grupos musculares. Em geral, homens de 20 a29 anos e de 30 a 39 anos demonstraram mais força doque mulheres da mesma faixa etária. Para participantes de40 a 49 anos, o torque foi similar entre homens e mulherespara todos os grupos musculares. Não houve diferençaentre as faixas etárias no grupo de mulheres. Em geral,homens mais jovens se mostraram mais fortes do quehomens mais velhos. A relação entre idade e sexo na forçamuscular do quadril e do joelho foi provada e se mostroupassível de estratificação após as medições feitas com odinamômetro manual

    Importância do treinamento da propriocepção e do controle motor na reabilitação após lesões músculo-esqueléticas

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    Proprioception and muscular control play a fundamental role in dynamic joint stability. After orthopedic injuries, some motor-sensory characteristics are effected and must be focused on in rehabilitation programs in order to successfully return to pre-injury activities. Certain specific proprioceptive exercises should be initiated immediately after surgery, or after the proper treatment of the acute phase of injuries in order to improve the proprioceptive acuity and the anticipatory and reactive muscular response, reestablishing dynamic joint stability. In this article we focus on the original concept of proprioception, its contribution to the maintenance of dynamic joint stability, the influence of injuries on the proprioceptive acuity, proprioceptive and neuromuscular control training.A propriocepção e o controle muscular possuem um papel fundamental na estabilidade articular dinâmica. Após lesões ortopédicas algumas características sensório-motoras são alteradas e devem ser focadas em programas de reabilitação, para que haja sucesso no retorno às atividades realizadas previamente a lesão. Desta forma, devem ser realizados exercícios proprioceptivos específicos desde início do período pós operatório ou após a fase aguda de lesões tratadas conservadoramente, com o objetivo de melhorar a acuidade proprioceptiva e a resposta muscular antecipatória e reativa, restabelecendo a estabilidade articular dinâmica. Neste artigo abordaremos o conceito original de propriocepção, a contribuição para a manutenção da estabilidade articular dinâmica, a influência da lesão na acuidade proprioceptiva e o treinamento da propriocepção e do controle neuromuscular

    Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and their local pharmacology

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are often used to reduce pain and inflammation from various types of injuries. Although these drugs are usually orally taken, localized administration has attracted the attention of medical professionals and researchers interested in proving the enhanced availability of these medicines close to the injuries. This review briefly analyzes the localized therapy, especially the intradermal one, as a promising alternative to the administration of NSAIDS.Os antiinflamatórios não-esteroidais (AINES) são geralmente usados para reduzir a dor e inflamação resultantes de diversos tipos de lesões. Apesar de normalmente serem administrados por via oral, seu uso local tem atraído a atenção de profissionais da área médica e de pesquisadores interessados em comprovar a disponibilidade aumentada desses medicamentos em locais próximos a área lesionada. A presente revisão enfatiza a terapia local, principalmente a via intradérmica, como uma alternativa altamente promissora para a administração de AINES