177 research outputs found

    Perioperative Risks of the Patient with Heart Failure

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    Perioperative Risks of the Patient with Heart Failure Gabrielle Metoyer Department of Nursing, Otterbein University NURS 6810 – Advanced Pathophysiology Dr. Deanna Batross and Dr. Shivani Bhatnagar August 5, 2022 Abstract According to the CDC (2020), heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in your body. Heart failure is an epidemic disease affecting 1-2% of the population worldwide (Schwinger, 2020). It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide with an estimated 6.5 million adults with heart failure in the United States (Lo et al., 2021). Medical advances have increased the survival of those diagnosed with heart failure (Lerman, et al., 2019a) leading to an increased prevalence of those with cardiovascular risk factors undergoing non-cardiac surgeries (Smilowitz et. al., 2018). Patients with existing heart failure undergoing surgery are at an increased risk for major cardiovascular complications such as death, myocardial infarctions, and stroke (Smilowitz, et al., 2018). The attached poster explores defining heart failure, the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, and treatment of heart failure. Due to the increased risks of morbidity and mortality associated with patients with heart failure in the perioperative period, nursing and perioperative considerations are also discussed. References Heart Failure. (2020). CDC. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/heart_failure.htm Lerman, B. J., Popat, R. A., Assimes, T. L., Heidenreich, P. A., & Wren, S. M. (2019a). Association between heart failure and postoperative mortality among patients undergoing ambulatory noncardiac surgery. JAMA Surg, 154(10), 907-914. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2019.2110 Lo, P. H., Chang, C. C., Yeh, C. C., Sung, L. C., Cherng, Y. G., Chen, T. L., & Liao, C. C. (2021). Adverse outcomes after non-cardiac surgeries in patients with heart failure: A propensity-score matched study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(7), 1501. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10071501 Schwinger, R. (2021). Pathophysiology of heart failure. Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, 11(1), 263-276. https://dx.doi.org/10.21037/cdt-10-302 Smilowitz, N. R., Gupta, N., Guo, Y., Beckman, J. A., Bangalore, S., Berger, J. S. (2018). Trends in cardiovascular risk factor and disease prevalence in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Heart (British Cardiac Society), 104(14), 1180-1186. https://doi.org/10.1136/heartjnl-201731239

    Identifying Bridge Users: the Knowledge Transfer Agents in Enterprise Collaboration Systems

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    In recent years enterprise collaboration systems (ECS) integrated with social network capabilities have become popular tools for supporting knowledge management (KM) strategies and organizational learning. Increased usage has resulted in higher interest in understanding and classifying the roles that ECS users adopt online. Previous research has investigated user role identification by considering: the degree of participation in an ECS, the user interactions with shared content, the user role in the ECS network, and the user KM-role observed within an interaction. Although all of these factors provide insights into ECS user engagement, they fail to fully consider the knowledge sharing perspective. In this paper, we define bridge users within the context of KM and present a framework for identifying them using semantic analysis of user-generated content. Further, we present results and observations from tests of our pipeline on the ECS of a large multinational engineering company with more than 100k users

    Związek między teoriami pośrednimi, wytrwałością i osiągnięciami naukowymi u dzieci w wieku szkolnym

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    Research on implicit theories of intelligence has focused on academic achievement, elucidating the benefits of adopting a growth mindset for students of all ages. However, few studies investigated the advantage of having a growth mindset of personality or having grit on academic performance. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of grit and implicit theories of intelligence and personality on academic performance in fifth and sixth-grade boys and girls. Our hypothesis was that a relatively higher grit and/or a growth mindset would result in better academic success. Students were tested in their respective classrooms using questionnaires for grit, mindset of intelligence and mindset of personality. Quarter grades and standardized scores were obtained for all students. The results of this study reveal a benefit to having a growth mindset of personality on English and Reading. A growth mindset of intelligence correlated positively with Math, English and standardized scores of Math and Language. Grit did not affect academic performance. Our results suggest that educational institutions would benefit from mindset interventions promoting a growth mindset of intelligence and personality in their students.Badania nad teoriami pośrednimi koncentrowały się do tej pory głównie na osiągnięciach naukowych, wyjaśniały korzyści wynikające z nastawienia na rozwój w ocenie uczniów w każdym wieku. Niewiele badań dotyczyło jednak korzyści wynikających z pojmowania osobowości w sposób wzrostowy lub tych związanych z wytrwałością w nauce. Dlatego niniejsze studium koncentruje się na zbadaniu związku między wytrwałością, teoriami pośrednimi i osobowością, w kontekście ich wpływu na wyniki w nauce u chłopców i dziewcząt w piątej i szóstej klasie szkoły podstawowej. Badanie zakładało, że relatywnie większa wytrwałość i nastawienie na rozwój przełoży się na sukces naukowy. Uczniowie badani byli za pomocą kwestionariuszy dotyczących wytrwałości, nastawienia na rozwój inteligencji i nastawienia na rozwój osobowości; następnie poddano analizie ich oceny kwartalne i ustandaryzowane wyniki w nauce. Badanie wskazuje na korzystny wpływ, jaki nastawienie na rozwój osobowości wywarło na wyniki z języka angielskiego i czytania. Nastawienie na rozwój inteligencji natomiast koreluje dodatnio z matematyką, angielskim i ustandaryzowanymi wynikami z matematyki i języka. Wytrwałość nie miała wpływu na wyniki w nauce. Nasze wyniki sugerują, że instytucje edukacyjne skorzystałyby z promowania nastawienia na rozwój inteligencji i osobowości u swoich uczniów

    Geospatial Technology to Enhance Spatial Thinking and Facilitate Processes of Reasoning

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    Research on spatial thinking in geography education supports the belief that spatial thinking is crucial to academic and career success in geography and other spatially-dependent sciences. It also supports the belief that spatial thinking is malleable, it can be improved upon through education and training. Tools purported to facilitate the training of spatial thinking include geospatial technologies (GST) such as Virtual Globes and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of GST as an instructional tool on the development of spatial skills and the acquisition of a spatially-dependent geography concept, central place theory, within an authentic classroom context. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare three groups: an intervention group using GST, a comparison group using traditional paper-and-pencil maps, and a control group. Groups were tested on spatial skills, spatial attitudes, and content knowledge. Results indicate that practice with GST had no effect on spatial skills. Instruction using GST, however, had a significant positive effect on gains in content knowledge as compared to the paper-and-pencil group. Results also indicate that individuals with a high starting level of spatial skill have greater gains in spatial relations content knowledge than their low or average spatial skill counterparts, especially within the GST intervention group. These findings support the inclusion of GST in geography education. Geospatial technologies promote the acquisition of spatially-dependent content for some groups of students. Instruction utilizing GST may, with repeated exposure, facilitate the development of spatial thinking