10 research outputs found

    Constrained nonlinear optimization for extreme scenarii evaluation in reservoir characterization.

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    International audienceThe goal of reservoir characterization is the estimation of unknown reservoir parameters (the history matching problem), by integrating available data in order to take decisions for production scheme and to predict the oil production of the field in the future (the forecast problem). The reservoir parameters could be classified in two classes: • those related to the geological modeling (spatial distribution of porosity, permeability, faults), • and those related to the fluid flow modeling (relative permeability curves, productivity index of the wells). Those parameters could not be directly determined by measurements (or only locally using well logs), this is the reason why this parameter estimation problem is formulated as an inverse problem with forward simulators that compute synthetic measurable data from those parameters. Observed data are well data acquired at production/injection wells (bottom-hole pressure, gas-oil ratio, oil rate) at different calendar times during the production of the field. The main contribution of this work is the integration of nonlinear optimization methodology to predict the oil production of a field and to give a confidence interval on this prediction. We believe that applying non linear optimization methods will increase accuracy and then give more reliable production forecast than approaches with simplified models of forward operators (linear approximations or response surfaces). The first and second sections of this paper are respectively dedicated to the history matching problem and to the forecast problem. In the third section, we described the optimization methods used to solve both problems. Then, in the last section the previous methodology is applied to a 3D synthetic reservoir application (the PUNQ test case)

    Control and Cybernetics

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    Local quadratic convergence of SQP for elliptic optimal control problems with mixed control-state constraints ∗ b

    Local quadratic convergence of SQP for elliptic optimal control problems with mixed control-state constraints

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    Semilinear elliptic optimal control problems with pointwise control and mixed control-state constraints are considered. Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are given. The equivalence of the SQP method and Newton's method for a generalized equation is discussed. Local quadratic convergence of the SQP method is proved

    Partial role of nitric oxide in infarct size limiting effect of quercetin and rutin against ischemia-reperfusion injury in normal and diabetic rats

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    207-210Reperfusion injury is remarkable clinical issue that needs to be resolved as ischemia-reperfusion is a common phenomenon encountered in numerous clinical situations. The present communication report the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in cardioprotection offered by flavonoids (rutin and quercetin) against myocardial ischemia reperfusion. Rutin produced better cardioprotection than quercetin in normal and diabetic rats. The observed cardioprotection offered with quercetin and rutin was partially abolished by prior administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME (N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester) in both normal and diabetic rats. L-NAME abolished the cardioprotective actions of rutin more strongly than the cardioprotective actions of quercetin. However, mechanistic study with NOS inhibitor implied the possible partial role of nitric oxide in infarct size limiting effect of quercetin and ruti

    N-heterocyclic carbene supported heavier group 14 elements: Recent progress and challenges

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    N-heterocyclic carbenes have been used as potential ligands/reagents to isolate the hitherto unknown p-block compounds with unusual structural features. The amphoteric nature of low valent p-block elements (E) often leads to the formation of highly reactive carbene-E bond. The heavier main group metal–carbene bond is exceptionally long due to its strong polarity. The present review summarizes the longstanding challenges in the development of molecules having a direct “link” between N-heterocyclic carbene carbon and heavier group 14 elements such as germanium, tin and lead. Structural parameters such as bond length between carbene carbon and the metal, geometry of the metal, oxidation state of the metal, the changes in the chemical shift value in multi nuclear (13C and 119Sn) NMR and the reaction chemistry of carbene-germanium/tin adducts are discussed here

    Matrix metal oxide films formed on porous anodic alumina

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    The metal oxide films of SnxZnyOz and SnxMoyOz systems deposited onto anodic alumina matrixes by chemical and ion layering from an aqueous solutions were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and electron probe X-ray microanalysis. The obtained matrix films had reproducible composition and structure and possessed certain morphological characteristics and properties

    Formation of multicomponent matrix metal oxide films in anodic alumina matrixes by chemical deposition

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    The metal oxide films of SnxZnyOz, and SnxMoxOz, systems deposited onto anodic alumina matrixes by chemical and ion layering from an aqueous solutions were characterized by scanning election microscopy. Raman spectroscopy, electron probe X-ray microanalysis and IR spectroscopy. The obtained matrix films had reproducible composition and structure and possessed certain morphological characteristics and properties

    Insect pathogenicity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads: phylogenetic distribution and comparative genomics.

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    Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas occupy diverse environments. The Pseudomonas fluorescens group is particularly well-known for its plant-beneficial properties including pathogen suppression. Recent observations that some strains of this group also cause lethal infections in insect larvae, however, point to a more versatile ecology of these bacteria. We show that 26 P. fluorescens group strains, isolated from three continents and covering three phylogenetically distinct sub-clades, exhibited different activities toward lepidopteran larvae, ranging from lethal to avirulent. All strains of sub-clade 1, which includes Pseudomonas chlororaphis and Pseudomonas protegens, were highly insecticidal regardless of their origin (animals, plants). Comparative genomics revealed that strains in this sub-clade possess specific traits allowing a switch between plant- and insect-associated lifestyles. We identified 90 genes unique to all highly insecticidal strains (sub-clade 1) and 117 genes common to all strains of sub-clade 1 and present in some moderately insecticidal strains of sub-clade 3. Mutational analysis of selected genes revealed the importance of chitinase C and phospholipase C in insect pathogenicity. The study provides insight into the genetic basis and phylogenetic distribution of traits defining insecticidal activity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads. Strains with potent dual activity against plant pathogens and herbivorous insects have great potential for use in integrated pest management for crops