192 research outputs found
Bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne jako kategoria badawcza: teoretyczny i metodologiczny aspekt badań
This article is devoted to the problems of providing economic security in the Russian Federation. Methodological approaches to research of economic security characteristics as an economic category are considered in this article as independent scientific fields. The special attention is paid to the analysis of scientific definitions of economic security within each of methodological approaches. The definition “economic security” is concretized on the basis of differentiation this definition from a methodological position of the research. The analysis of economic security evaluation criteria is carried out, and also measures to its providing for Russia are systematized at the federal, the regional and the local levels.W artykule zostaną omówione problemy dotyczące fenomenu bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Badanie tego zjawiska w aspekcie zarówno teoretycznym, jak i praktycznym jest szczegółowym przedmiotem analizy dokonanej przez autora. We współczesnych warunkach globalizacji ekonomicznej świata oraz integracji państw z międzynarodowym systemem ekonomicznym, pojawiają się problemy bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Poziom rozwoju ekonomicznego państw determinuje ich potencjalne możliwości w zakresie bezpieczeństwa. Bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne państw jest zależne od poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego danego kraju i jego regionów. Jest ono gwarantem niezależności ekonomicznej państwa oraz rozwoju warunków społecznych współczesnych społeczeństw
Synthesis and applications of theranostic oligonucleotides carrying multiple fluorine atoms
The use of various oligonucleotide (ON) syntheses and post-synthetic strategies for targeted chemical modification enables improving their efficacy as potent modulators of gene expression levels in eukaryotic cells. However, the search still continues for new approaches designed for increasing internalization, lysosomal escape, and tissue specific delivery of ON. In this review we emphasized all aspects related to the synthesis and properties of ON derivatives carrying multifluorinated (MF) groups. These MF groups have unique physico-chemical properties because of their simultaneous hydrophobicity and lipophobicity. Such unusual combination of properties results in the overall modification of ON mode of interaction with the cells and making multi-fluorination highly relevant to the goal of improving potency of ON as components of new therapies. The accumulated evidence so far is pointing to high potential of ON probes, RNAi components and ON imaging beacons carrying single or multiple MF groups for improving the stability, specificity of interaction with biological targets and delivery of ONs in vitro and potentially in vivo
Decentralized Saddle-Point Problems with Different Constants of Strong Convexity and Strong Concavity
Large-scale saddle-point problems arise in such machine learning tasks as
GANs and linear models with affine constraints. In this paper, we study
distributed saddle-point problems (SPP) with strongly-convex-strongly-concave
smooth objectives that have different strong convexity and strong concavity
parameters of composite terms, which correspond to min and max variables, and
bilinear saddle-point part. We consider two types of first-order oracles:
deterministic (returns gradient) and stochastic (returns unbiased stochastic
gradient). Our method works in both cases and takes several consensus steps
between oracle calls
Anisotropic creep and damage in structural elements under cyclic loading
A method is described to calculate creep and damage in structural elements under cyclic loading. Materials exhibiting anisotropic creep-damage behavior are considered. The results of calculating the deformation and fracture of structural elements at a plane stress state are presented
Структура лесного фонда зеленой зоны Екатеринбурга
Земли государственного лесного фонда муниципального образования г. Екатеринбург составляют 28113,5 га. В статье представлены результаты оценки текущего состояния лесного фонда. Лесные участки характеризуются высоким процентом лесопокрытой площади – 99; преобладают насаждения естественного происхождения, удельный вес сомкнувшихся лесных культур составляет 656 га, или 2,5 %; не покрытые лесом площади занимают 1,5 %, несомкнувшиеся лесные культуры – 0,2 %, фонд лесовосстановления невелик, составляет 167 га. Нелесные земли занимают 12 % от общей площади земель лесного фонда зеленой зоны. Основными лесообразующими видами являются сосна обыкновенная (Pinus sylvestris L.) и береза повислая (Betula pendula Roth.), доля участия соответственно 74 и 24 % от общей площади зеленой зоны. Преобладают насаждения первого и второго класса бонитета, что говорит об их высокой производительности. На момент анализа средний класс бонитета составляет 2,3 – это дает основание отнести насаждения зеленой зоны МО г. Екатеринбурга в целом к насаждениям относительно высокой производительност
Decentralized Optimization Over Slowly Time-Varying Graphs: Algorithms and Lower Bounds
We consider a decentralized convex unconstrained optimization problem, where
the cost function can be decomposed into a sum of strongly convex and smooth
functions, associated with individual agents, interacting over a static or
time-varying network. Our main concern is the convergence rate of first-order
optimization algorithms as a function of the network's graph, more
specifically, of the condition numbers of gossip matrices. We are interested in
the case when the network is time-varying but the rate of changes is
restricted. We study two cases: randomly changing network satisfying Markov
property and a network changing in a deterministic manner. For the random case,
we propose a decentralized optimization algorithm with accelerated consensus.
For the deterministic scenario, we show that if the graph is changing in a
worst-case way, accelerated consensus is not possible even if only two edges
are changed at each iteration. The fact that such a low rate of network changes
is sufficient to make accelerated consensus impossible is novel and improves
the previous results in the literature
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