218 research outputs found

    The effective and efficient management of school fees: Implications for the provision of quality education

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    The Amended National Norms and Standards for School Funding (ANNSSF) policy of 2006 introduced a funding model to address equity in public schooling. Schools are ranked into one of five quintiles of which quintile 1 represents the poorest schools and quintile 5 the most affluent. The ANNSSF policy proposes that the state provide more funding for recurrent resources to poorer schools (quintiles 1, 2 and 3) than to quintiles 4 and 5 schools. Since affluent schools receive reduced state funding, school governing bodies (SGBs) are obliged to supplement state funding if they wish to continue providing quality education and improving learner achievement. Although intensive fundraising initiatives and sponsorships are viable solutions, the declining South African economy has prompted corporates to apply austerity measures such as limiting sponsorships to schools. Thus, SGBs are compelled to charge parents school fees as a means of supplementing state subsidies. In the study reported on here, qualitative research with an interpretivist paradigm to explore how SGBs manage school fees to sustain the provision of quality education was used. The findings reveal that, if school fees are effectively and efficiently managed, SGBs can continue employing additional staff above the post provisioning norms, reduce class sizes and procure state-of-the-art resources, resulting in high learner achievement. Keywords: budgets; class size; management; school fee exemptions; school fees; teacher-learner rati

    Development of Control Algorithm and a Simulation Tool for Self-Assembly of Microsystems Based on Swarm Technology

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    Chunxel Technology is a novel concept of constructing 3-dimensional structures using a group of intelligent, autonomous, and cooperating micro robots. Chunxels are small robotic modules, cubical in shape, which are immersed in a tank containing a viscous fluid. The chunxels are propelled by the electromagnetic forces created by passing direct current through a set of large coils placed on each face of the tank and small coils embedded in the micro device. The chunxels follow a set of rules which mimic a swarm behavior and selfassemble in the liquid to form a 3-D structure. Swarm behavior is a dynamic problem and in order to ensure the completion of the task in reasonable time by the swarm it is necessary to have a robust control algorithm and a navigation strategy. The objective of this research was to develop such a control algorithm which when followed would assure the successful completion of the task given to the chunxels. Also in order to understand the dynamics of the swarm and verify the control strategy it was important to simulate this process so that the chunxels can be programmed accordingly. This thesis presents the development of the control algorithm for the swarm and the simulation tool used to test this algorithm. The final phase of this thesis concentrates on optimizing the various parameters of the chunxel device that affect the motion of the chunxel inside the tank

    Principals’ perspectives and experiences of their instructional leadership functions to enhance learner achievement in public schools

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    School principals are faced with new demands, more complex decisions and additional responsibilities than ever before. Their day is usually filled with diverse administrative and management functions such as procuring resources, managing learner discipline, resolving conflicts with parents and dealing with unexpected teacher and learner crises. However, it is imperative for school principals to accentuate their role as instructional leaders by emphasising best teaching practices and keeping their schools focused on curriculum, teaching, and assessment to meet learner needs and enhance learner achievement. Using open-ended questionnaires and personal interviews with eight school principals, this study investigated how the principals perceived and experienced their functions as instructional leaders to improve learner performance. Findings revealed that many school principals repudiated claims that their primary function was to manage teaching and learning. However, those school principals that place high priority on curricular matters undoubtedly influence teacher and learner performance positively

    Empowering principals to lead and manage public schools effectively in the 21st century

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    Globally, education systems have been affected by radical social, political and  economic changes. Although school principals play a pivotal role in improving student learning and attaining educational outcomes, they work under strenuous conditions to deal with multifaceted transformational issues. Principals experience great difficulty in coping with numerous changes, partly because they are  inadequately prepared for their leadership position, or simply lack the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead and manage schools effectively and efficiently. Fundamentally, principals should be empowered to effectively deal with challenges facing them in the 21st century. Using qualitative research, this study explored the importance of promoting a culture of professional development that will prepare principals to confront education challenges and obstacles facing them. Fifteen principals were selected to determine their perceptions and experiences of how they were prepared and professionally developed to lead and manage schools. Findings revealed that in South Africa, there is no formal preparation for aspiring or practicing principals taking on leadership and management positions, and very few in-service professional development programmes are available. There is a dire need for education authorities to introduce compulsory training and development programmes for aspiring and practicing school leaders to lead and manage their schools successfully.Keywords: change management; continuing professional development; curriculum leadership; instruction; principalship; professionalization; qualifications; trainin

    A critical analysis of the learners’ constitutional rights to basic education in South Africa

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    Globally, several countries propose to make primary education compulsory and freely available to all. Although there has been steady growth in learner enrolment in South African public schools since 1994, the socioeconomic status of parents, racial and religious discrimination, high cost of school fees and schools’ language policies have prevented poor learners from accessing basic education, especially in public schools located within affluent areas. This paper critically examines legislation and policies relating to children’s constitutional rights to education. The government’s mandate to redress past injustices and concentrate on social justice and equity in public education is hampered by the failure of many schools correctly interpreting or consistently applying legislation and regulations relating to learner admissions. It has been found that the admission policies drawn up by school governing bodies (SGB) covertly prevent poor learners from enrolling at affluent schools. Although school admissions have been contested in various court cases, governing bodies of affluent schools continue to practice unfairness in opening its doors to all children. To ensure that social justice and equity prevail in school education, the Department of Education should revise policies or amend existing legislation encouraging SGBs to provide learner access without any prejudice.https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.82.3.232

    Financial accountability: the principal or the school governing body?

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    The Schools Act 84 of 1996 prescribes how a school should manage its funds. It also provides guidelines for the school governing body and the principal on their roles and responsibilities in managing the finances of the school. However, there are school governing bodies and principals that have little knowledge of the contents of the Schools Act or are simply interpreting it incorrectly and this has led to many schools being victims of mismanagement or misappropriation of funds in the form of embezzlement, fraud and theft. Although the Department of Education provides training for school governing bodies in financial management, financial problems in many schools have not abated. The principal or members of the school governing body (SGB) may choose to sweep these financial problems under the carpet for fear of being implicated. In instances where financial problems have been taken up with school districts in the Department of Education, many of these problems remain unresolved. Who is accountable for the school's finances, the principal or the governing body of the school? In the case Schoonbee and others v MEC for Education, Mpumalanga and Another (unreported case No. 33750/01) (T), the issue of accountability was raised. Should the principal or the SGB be held responsible and accountable for the school funds? The decision in this case has far-reaching implications for the various role players in school financial management. This article explores the role functions of the SGB and the principal and determines to what extent these parties are accountable for the financial school management. Guidelines have been developed that will ensure schools are managing their funds effectively and efficiently. South African Journal of Education Vol.24(2) 2004: 126-13

    The functions of school governing bodies in managing school finances

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    In the Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 school governing bodies are mandated to manage the funds of schools. The Act also provides guidelines for the school governing body and the principal on their roles and responsibilities in managing the finances of the school. However, some members of school governing bodies and principals either have little knowledge of the Schools Act or simply interpret it incorrectly, which results in many schools experiencing financial mismanagement. Although the provincial department of education provides financial management training for school governing bodies, many schools still encounter problems in this area. When financial problems are referred to the department of education, many remain unresolved. The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of stakeholders on the financial functions of school governing bodies, to explore the functions of a school governing body in managing a school's finances and, based on the findings of the research, to develop guidelines for principals and school governing bodies to enable them to manage their school funds efficiently and effectively. The research design was based on qualitative research because of its exploratory, descriptive and contextual nature. The collection of the data was done by means of focus group interviews. Themes forthcoming from the study revealed a misconception amongst various stakeholders regarding the functions of the school governing body in managing the school's funds

    The management of user fees and other fundraising initiatives in self-managing public schools

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    In view of redressing past imbalances created by the apartheid regime and achieving equity in funding public schools, the post-1994 government introduced the Norms and Standards for School Funding policy that severely reduces state funding to schools located within affluent areas. However, the South African Schools Act, No. 84 of 1996 makes provision for school governing bodies (SGBs), responsible for financial and physical resource management of schools, to supplement state funding. In order to ensure that effective teaching and learning takes place, self-managed SGBs secure funding from parents, corporates and the broader community through school (user) fees, donations and unconventional fundraising projects. These additional funds enable SGBs to provide schools with state-of-the-art physical resources, and to employ teaching and non-teaching staff not provided for in the post-provisioning norms determined by the department of education. Using quantitative research, this study aimed to determine how self-managed SGBs manage funds through user fees and other fundraising initiatives. Findings revealed that governing bodies of most self-managed schools were able to secure substantial funding from school fees and other fundraising initiatives, and managed the funds effectively and efficiently.Keywords: financial management; norms and standards; quintiles; resource management; school fees; school funding; self-managemen

    Stranding of baleen whale Balaenoptera sp. at Satpati Landing Centre, Thane District, Maharashtra

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    A baleen whale was found washed ashore at Satpati Landing Centre, Thane District, Maharashtra on 01.04.2011 (Fig. 1). Total length was about 12 m and weight was approximately 10 t.Detailed morphometric measurements could not be taken as the whale was in highly putrefied condition

    South African Principalship, Agency & Intersectionality Theory

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    Gender bias towards South African female principals remains a problem and compelling issue for research. The Constitution policy addresses gender equality, yet women still do not experience equal rights in practice. This study uses a theory of intersectionality to examine two Black South African women’s leadership experiences in their roles as principals in two South African schools. The goal of the paper is to examine how these women negotiate obstacles in their work that may constrain their agency as leaders in South African schools. The project involves semi-structured interviews and the results provide a significant contribution to the small body of literature around female principals experiences in the role of the principalship in South Africa. The following themes emerged to illustrate the challenges these women face and the actions they take with which to negotiate these challenges: gender discrimination; lack of respect by parents; stereotyping of the women in motherhood roles; violence; and, lack of funding and resources