8 research outputs found

    Characterization And Modeling Of Antireflective Coatings Of Si O 2, Si3 N4, And Si Ox Ny Deposited By Electron Cyclotron Resonance Enhanced Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    In this work the optical transmission spectra of silicon oxide (Si O2), silicon nitrides (Si3 N4), silicon-rich oxynitrides (Si Ox Ny), and antireflective coatings (ARCs), deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance enhanced plasma chemical vapor deposition onto a silicon substrate at room temperature, are studied. Simulations carried out with the MATHEMATICA program, from 0 to 1000 nm thick coatings, showed maximum transmittance in the three basic colors at 620, 480, and 560 nm for the Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs, respectively. However, a highly significant transmittance over a broad spectral range from visible (VIS) to near the infrared region, with optical gain in the three basic colors above 20%, is observed only at thicknesses of 80, 70, and 60 nm, respectively, for Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs. Among the three evaluated films, the highest transmittance in the broad spectral band in the VIS range was observed for 60 nm thick Si3 N4 films. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of these films reveal high structural quality and the presence of Si-O, Si-H, N-H, and Si-N bonds, independent of thickness and deposition parameters. © 2006 American Vacuum Society.242823827White, M., Lampe, D., Blaha, F., Mack, I., (1974) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-9, p. 1Furumiya, M., Ohkubo, H., Muramatsu, Y., Kurosawa, S., Okamoto, F., Fujimoto, Y., Nakashiba, Y., (2001) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 48, p. 2221Popov, O.A., Waldron, H., (1989) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 7, p. 914Heavens, O.S., (1991) Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, , Dover, New YorkAroutiounian, V.M., Maroutyan, K.R., Zatikyan, A.L., Touryan, K.J., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 403, p. 517Edwards, D.F., (1985) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, , edited by E. D.Palik (Academic, Washington, D.CGreen, M.L., Gusev, E.P., Degraeve, R., Garfunkel, E.L., (2001) J. Appl. Phys., 90, p. 2057Alayo, M.I., Pereyra, I., Scopel, W.L., Fantini, M.C.A., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 402, p. 154Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., Chao, S.S., (1987) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 5, p. 1998Lucovsky, G., Richard, P.D., Tsu, D.V., Lin, S.Y., Markunas, J., (1986) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 4, p. 681Joseph, E.A., Gross, C., Liu, H.Y., Laaksonen, R.T., Celii, F.G., (2001) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19, p. 2483Wu, X., Ossadnik, Ch., Eggs, Ch., Veprek, S., Phillipp, F., (2002) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 20, p. 1368Diniz, J.A., Do Couto, A.L., Danilov, I., Tatsch, P.J., Swart, J.W., (1999) Proceedings of the XIV International Conference of Microelectronics and Packaging, p. 164Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., (1986) Phys. Rev. B, 33, p. 7069Denisse, C.M.M., Troost, K.Z., Oude Elferink, J.B., Habraken, F.H.P.M., Van Der Weg, W.F., (1986) J. Appl. Phys., 60, p. 253

    Laser Reflectometry Applied To The In-situ Etching Control In An Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma System

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    ECR BCl3 etching of InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs quantum well laser structures was performed to produce vertical walls with good morphology. Laser reflectometry shows a reduced etching rate for p+-InGaP material. Etching thickness control within 200 angstrom is achieved for InGaP layers.261661

    High Performance Active Pixel Sensors Fabricated In A Standard 2.0 μm Cmos Technology

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    This paper reports the development of a CMOS Active Pixel sensor using a good performance readout circuit. The sensor element is a photodiode implemented with n-well. Using a CMOS process based on the 2μm technology, the sensor was entirely developed in our research center. The parameters used in the CMOS process were SiO2 thickness of Tox= 30nm, junction depths (X Jn and XJp) of 0.45μm and gate of n+ poli-Si. Under this conditions threshold voltages of Vtn=0.8V and Vtp=-0.7V were obtained for VDS=0.1V. Each detector pixel in the array occupies a 130×130μm2 area with a fill-factor ∼22%, consumed power for pixel ∼2mW, dark current density 3μA/cm 2 in 25°C. Pspice simulated results are in agreement with the experimental measurements in our APS structures under different illumination levels. © 2004 IEEE.276280Fossum, E.R., Architectures for focal-plane image processing (1989) Opt. Eng., 28, pp. 865-871. , AugustKemeny, S.E., Eid, E.S., Mendis, S., Fossum, E.R., Update on focal-plane image processing research (1991) Proc. SPIE, 1447, pp. 243-250. , Charge-Coupled Device and Solid-State Optical Sensor II,FebruaryChiang, A.M., Burke, B.E., A high speed digitally programmable CCD transversal filter (1983) IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 18, pp. 745-753. , SeptemberFossum, E.R., Active pixel sensors: Are CCD's dinosaurs? (1993) Proc. SPIE, 1900, pp. 2-14. , Charge-Coupled Devices and Solid-State Optical Sensors III,FebruaryRenshaw, D., Denyer, P., Wang, G., Lu, M., ASIC vision (1990) Proc. IEEE Custon Integrated Circuits Conf., pp. 7.3.1-7.3.4. , maySchroder, D.K., (1990) Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, , Arizona State University, John WileyRezende, S.M., (1996) A Fisica de Materiais e Dispositivos Eletrônicos, pp. 322-323. , Edt. Universitaria da UFPE Recife-PE, BrasilWeckler, G., Operation of p-n junction photodetectores in a photon flux integrating mode (1967) IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 2, pp. 65-73Fry, P.W., Noble, P.J.W., Rycroft, R.J., Fixed-pattern noise in photomatrices (1970) IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 5, pp. 250-254. , OctoberYonemoto, K., Sumi, H., A CMOS image sensor with a simple fixed-pattern-noise reduction technology and a hole accumulation diode (2000) IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 35, pp. 2038-2043. , DecemberShcherback, I., Belenky, A., Yadid-Pecht, O., Empirical dark current modeling for complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor (2002) Optical Engineering, 41, pp. 1216-1219. , JuneCavadore, C., (1998) Conception et Caractérisation de Capteurs D'images À Pixel Actifs CMOS-APS, p. 125. , Ph.D Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Franc

    Ingaas/gaas/ingap Quantum Well Laser With Etched Mirrors Obtained By Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma

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    InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers with InGaP cladding layer were grown by chemical beam epitaxy (CBE). Low transparency current of J tr = 150 A/cm 2 and optical loss of 50 cm -1 were obtained for broad-area lasers with conventional cleaved facets. Lasers with mirrors obtained by electron cyclotron resonance plasma (ECR) etching were fabricated. Threshold current of 200 and 325 mA were obtained for lasers 40 μm wide and cavity length of 300 and 200 μm, respectively.1131

    Growth And Characterization Of Silicon Nanocrystals Obtained By Ion Implantation

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    Experimental results on visible and near infrared photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), from Si nanocrystals (nc-Si) embedded in a SiO2 matrix, are reported herein. The samples containing nc-Si was obtained by ion implantation and annealing of thermally grown SiO 2, on a (100) silicon wafer. PL was measured for two groups of samples. One group consists of samples obtained by different implantation doses and annealing times. Another group consists of samples obtained by an unique dose and annealing time, subsequently treated with post-annealing gas treatments. For the first group, a peak at 663nm (1.87eV) was observed for all implantation doses and annealing times. Samples of the second group, treated with post-annealing at 450°C in environments of N2, H2 and forming gas (FG) showed an increasing of luminescence peak centered at 790nm (1.57eV). The post-annealing treatments showed that H2 gas has a better performance for enhancing the PL intensity.PV 2005-08297303Canham, L.T., (1990) Appl. Phys. Lett., 57, p. 1046Pavesi, L., Dal Negro, L., Mazzoleni, C., Franzo, G., Priolo, F., (2000) Nature, 408, p. 440Iwayama, T.S., Kurumado, N., Hole, D.E., Townsend, P.D., (1998) J. Appl. Phys., 83, p. 6018Pavesi, L., Gaburro, Z., Dal Negro, L., Bettotti, P., Vijaya Prakash, G., Cazzanelli, M., Oton, C.J., (2003) Optic and Laser in Engineering, 39, p. 345Prokes, S.M., (1996) J. Mater. Res., 11, p. 305Calcott, P.D.J., Nash, K.J., Canham, L.T., Kane, M.J., Brumhead, D., (1993) J. Lumin., 57, p. 257Cheylan, S., Elliman, R.G., (1999) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B, 148, p. 986Bellekom, S., (1999) Sensors and Actuators A Physical, 76, p. 178Jeong, J.Y., Im, S., Oh, M.S., Kim, H.B., Chae, K.H., Whang, C.N., Song, J.H., (1999) J. of Luminescence, 80, p. 285López, M., Garrido, B., García, C., Pellegrino, P., Pérez-Rodriguez, A., Morante, J.R., Bonafos, C., Claverie, A., (2002) Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, p. 1637López, M., Garrido, B., García, C., Pellegrino, P., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Morante, J.R., Bonafos, C., Claverie, A., (2002) Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, p. 1637Pai, P.G., Chao, S.S., Takagi, Y., (1986) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 4, p. 689Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., (1986) Phys. Ver. B, 33, p. 7069Banerji, N., Serra, J., Gonzáles, P., Chiussi, S., Parada, E., León, B., Pérez-Amor, M., (1998) Thin Solid Films, 317, p. 21

    High Sensitivity Obtained By Three-color Detector Aps-cmos Using Antireflective Coating

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    In this work we report the results of the fabrication and simulation of antireflective coating (ARC) of SiO2 deposited on a silicon substrate, to various thickness. We found that for a thickness of 100nm of SiO2 ARC we have high transmittance on a broad spectral range 500-1000nm. We also obtained maximum transmittance in the three basic colors for the thickness value of 70nm, with values that oscillate between 80 e 85 %. However the values are almost punctual and are in small spectral range of +/- 30nm. The film thickness between 100 and 420 nm were found by ellipsometry by using a fixed refractive index of 1.46. The ARCs were obtained from the plasma source of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance-Chemical Vapor Deposition (ECR-CVD), at room temperature. Spectroscopic properties of SiO2 films, studied through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), revealed a high structural quality and the presence of Si-O bonds.3201206White, M., Lampe, D., Blaha, F., Mack, I., (1974) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits SC-9, p. 1Furumiya, M., Ohkubo, H., Muramatsu, Y., Kurosawa, S., Okamoto, F., Fujimoto, Y., Nakashiba, Y., (2001) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 48 (10), p. 2221Fossum, E.R., (1997) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 44 (10), p. 1689Mestanza, S.N.M., Manera, L.T., De Sousa, A.C.T., Silva, I.F., Doi, I., Swart, J.W., (2003) Proc. 2003 Electrochemical Society Workshop on Microelectronics and Devices, 2003 (9), p. 428Popov, O.A., Waldron, H., (1989) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A7 (3), p. 914Heavens, O.S., (1991) Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, p. 56. , Dover Publications, New YorkAroutiounian, V.M., Maroutyan, K.R., Zatikyan, A.L., Touryan, K.J., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 403, p. 517Edwards, D.F., (1985) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, p. 555. , E. D. Palik, Editor, Academic Press, Washington, D.CPliskin, W.A., (1977) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 14 (5), p. 106

    Structure and Properties of Nanoparticles Formed by Ion Implantation

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    This chapter broadly describes the formation, basic microstructure, and fundamental optoelectronic properties of nanocomposites synthesized by ion implantation. It is not meant as a complete literature survey and by no means includes all references on a subject that has seen a considerable amount of research effort in the past 15 years. However, it should be a good starting point for those new to the field and in a concise way summarize the main lines of research by discussing the optical, magnetic, and smart properties of these nanoparticles and the dependence of these properties on the overall microstructure. The chapter concludes with an outlook for the future