1,587 research outputs found

    I dove e le scene: una lettura geografica delle rappresentazioni spaziali negli allestimenti operistici

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    The contribution moves from geographical interests and aims focusing on the rep- resentation of space in the scenic installations of opera. The melodrama represents an artistic expression that signifies the Western cultural dimension starting at least from the late Sixteenth century. Finding syntheses among music, words and drama, opera continues today to draw nourishment from its reproduction and re-proposal in scenic solutions, directorial visions and new productions. Through the critical comparison between pairs of alternative sets of three works that characterise the Italian musical production – Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti, La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi and Turandot by Giacomo Puccini –, we want to reveal the terms in which the geograph- ical discourse meets cultural instances in the reading of the landscape.À partir d’un point de vue gĂ©ographique, la contribution se base sur la reprĂ©sentation de l’espace dans les installations scĂ©niques de l’opĂ©ra. Le mĂ©lodrame reprĂ©sente une forme artistique expressif de la dimension culturelle occidentale au moins Ă  partir de la fin du XVIe siĂšcle. À la recherche d’une synthĂšse entre musique, paroles et thĂ©Ăątre, l’opĂ©ra continue de s’alimenter de sa reproduction et de sa capacitĂ© Ă  proposer so- lutions scĂ©niques, des visions des metteurs en scĂšne et de nouvelles productions. Par la comparaison critique de trois couples de mise en scĂšne alternatifs de ouvrages qui caractĂ©risent la production musicale italienne – Lucia di Lammermoor de Gaetano Do- nizetti, La Traviata de Giuseppe Verdi et Turandot de Giacomo Puccini – nous souhai- tons rĂ©flĂ©chir sur les termes du dialogue gĂ©ographique entre instances culturelles dans la lecture du paysage

    Neoconstituzionalismo e democrazia

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    [Resumen] El universalismo de los derechos fundamentales es el paradigma del cosmopolitismo contemporĂĄneo. La teorĂ­a jurĂ­dica y la filosofĂ­a polĂ­tica fundan sobre el principio de los derechos inviolables del individuo los propios proyectos institucionales y los modelos morales. Sin embargo, la centralidad del principio de los derechos, y su estrecha relaciĂłn con el papel esencial que ocupa la constituciĂłn en la teorĂ­a universalista plantea el problema de la compatibilidad con el carĂĄcter ÂŽpositivo` del derecho moderno y con el valor de la democracia. Este trabajo se confronta con algunos de los teĂłricos mĂĄs representativos de esta aproximaciĂłn, llamados por muchos ÂŽNeoconstitucionalismo` y, en particular, con los trabajos de Gustavo Zagrebelsky y de Luigi Ferrajoli a travĂ©s del anĂĄlisis de las contradicciones que se hacen visibles respecto a los presupuestos del iuspositivismo y del principio democrĂĄtico.[Abstract] The Universalism of Human Rights is the Paradigm of the contemporary Cosmopolitanism. Legal Theory and Political Philosophy ground on the Principle of the individual inviolable Rights their institutional Projects and their moral Patterns. The central Role of the Principle of Rights and its closed Relation with the essential Position that Constitution occupies in the universalistic Theories involve the Problem of Compatibility with the Features of ‘Artificiality’ and ‘Positivity’ of the modern Law and with the Value of Democracy

    The role of the committee of the regions (CoR) to implement the Green Deal at the local level: an overview of Italy

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    The contribution focuses on the role of cities in the implementation of the so-called Green Deal, the ambitious program proposed by the European Commission, in accordance with the objectives set by the Paris Agreements, to implement the use of clean energy resources, favour the circular economy, restore biodiversity and reduce pollution. The Plan, which for the seven-year period 2021–2027 has a budget of economic resources of 100 billion Euro, aims to involve in transcalar perspective all territorial and administrative levels of the Member States and thus contribute to the achievement, in 2050, of climate neutrality. The main objective of the work is then to concentrate, with descriptive intent, on the policies that, in Italy, are being activated at local level in coherence with the European perspectives. In particular, reference will be made to the initiatives proposed and sponsored in Italy by the Committee of the Regions of which a critical overview is proposed. A further reflection will be dedicated to how digital innovation is called to support the macro-policies of energy transition in the EU

    Macroeconomics of Education.

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    The human Cranio Facial Development Protein 1 (Cfdp1) gene encodes a protein required for the maintenance of higher-order chromatin organization

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    The human Cranio Facial Development Protein 1 (Cfdp1) gene maps to chromosome 16q22.2-q22.3 and encodes the CFDP1 protein, which belongs to the evolutionarily conserved Bucentaur (BCNT) family. Craniofacial malformations are developmental disorders of particular biomedical and clinical interest, because they represent the main cause of infant mortality and disability in humans, thus it is important to understand the cellular functions and mechanism of action of the CFDP1 protein. We have carried out a multi-disciplinary study, combining cell biology, reverse genetics and biochemistry, to provide the first in vivo characterization of CFDP1 protein functions in human cells. We show that CFDP1 binds to chromatin and interacts with subunits of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex. An RNAi-mediated depletion of CFDP1 in HeLa cells affects chromosome organization, SMC2 condensin recruitment and cell cycle progression. Our findings provide new insight into the chromatin functions and mechanisms of the CFDP1 protein and contribute to our understanding of the link between epigenetic regulation and the onset of human complex developmental disorders

    The true story of Yeti, the "abominable" heterochromatic gene of drosophila melanogaster

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    The Drosophila Yeti gene (CG40218) was originally identified by recessive lethal mutation and subsequently mapped to the deep pericentromeric heterochromatin of chromosome 2. Functional studies have shown that Yeti encodes a 241 amino acid protein called YETI belonging to the evolutionarily conserved family of Bucentaur (BCNT) proteins and exhibiting a widespread distribution in animals and plants. Later studies have demonstrated that YETI protein: (i) is able to bind both subunits of the microtubule-based motor kinesin-I; (ii) is required for proper chromosome organization in both mitosis and meiosis divisions; and more recently (iii) is a new subunit of dTip60 chromatin remodeling complex. To date, other functions of YETI counterparts in chicken (CENtromere Protein 29, CENP-29), mouse (Cranio Protein 27, CP27), zebrafish and human (CranioFacial Development Protein 1, CFDP1) have been reported in literature, but the fully understanding of the multifaceted molecular function of this protein family remains still unclear. In this review we comprehensively highlight recent work and provide a more extensive hypothesis suggesting a broader range of YETI protein functions in different cellular processes

    Community Development and Social Participation

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    The paper presents the reslt of the action research project issued in Palermo (Southern Italy), in disadvantaged urban suburbs, methodologically based on Kurt Lewin's field theory - that is a three-step spiral process of planning which involves recoinnaissance; talking actions; and fact-finding about the results of the action - in order to develop the social participation and the social change. The principal aim of the project was the empowerment of participants, obtaining their collaboration through participation, giving them acquisition of knowledge for a real social change
