27 research outputs found

    Genes Involved in Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation System Affect Salt-Sensitive Hypertension

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    The importance of excess salt intake in the pathogenesis of hypertension is widely recognized. Blood pressure is controlled primarily by salt and water balance because of the infinite gain property of the kidney to rapidly eliminate excess fluid and salt. Up to fifty percent of patients with essential hypertension are salt-sensitive, as manifested by a rise in blood pressure with salt loading. We conducted a two-stage genetic analysis in hypertensive patients very accurately phenotyped for their salt-sensitivity. All newly discovered never treated before, essential hypertensives underwent an acute salt load to monitor the simultaneous changes in blood pressure and renal sodium excretion. The first stage consisted in an association analysis of genotyping data derived from genome-wide array on 329 subjects. Principal Component Analysis demonstrated that this population was homogenous. Among the strongest results, we detected a cluster of SNPs located in the first introns of PRKG1 gene (rs7897633, p = 2.34E-05) associated with variation in diastolic blood pressure after acute salt load. We further focused on two genetic loci, SLC24A3 and SLC8A1 (plasma membrane sodium/calcium exchange proteins, NCKX3 and NCX1, respectively) with a functional relationship with the previous gene and associated to variations in systolic blood pressure (the imputed rs3790261, p = 4.55E-06; and rs434082, p = 4.7E-03). In stage 2, we characterized 159 more patients for the SNPs in PRKG1, SLC24A3 and SLC8A1. Combined analysis showed an epistatic interaction of SNPs in SLC24A3 and SLC8A1 on the pressure-natriuresis (p interaction = 1.55E-04, p model = 3.35E-05), supporting their pathophysiological link in cellular calcium homeostasis. In conclusions, these findings point to a clear association between body sodium-blood pressure relations and molecules modulating the contractile state of vascular cells through an increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentration

    Lanosterol Synthase Genetic Variants, Endogenous Ouabain, and Both Acute and Chronic Kidney Injury

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    Rationale & Objective Studies of humans and animals have suggested that endogenous ouabain (EO) and related genes are mediators of acute (AKI) and chronic kidney injury. We sought to examine the relationship among EO levels, genetic variants in lanosterol synthase (LSS; an enzyme that catalyzes synthesis of cholesterol, a precursor of EO), and both AKI and chronic kidney injury. Study Design 2 prospective observational cohort studies and a cross-sectional study of kidney tissue. Setting & Participants (1) A prospective cohort study of patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, (2) measurement of EO concentration in kidney tissue removed because of an adjacent tumor, and (3) a prospective cohort study of patients with newly diagnosed essential hypertension. Exposure Missense variant in LSS (A instead of C allele at rs2254524), which leads to a valine to leucine substitution at amino acid 642. Outcomes Development of postoperative AKI in the cardiovascular surgery cohort, EO concentration in kidney tissue, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) reductions in the essential hypertension cohort. Analytical Approach Logistic regression for analysis of postoperative AKI, analysis of variance for EO concentration in kidney tissue, and generalized linear models for changes in eGFR over time. Results AKI incidence following cardiovascular surgery was greater among those with the LSS rs2254524 AA genotype (30.7%) than in those with the CC genotype (17.4%; P=0.001). LSS rs2254524 AA kidneys had higher EO concentrations than CC kidneys (2.14±0.29 vs 1.25±0.08ng/g; P Limitations These associations do not necessarily represent causal relationships; LSS rs2254524 variants may have effects on other steroid hormones. Conclusions These findings support the potential value of LSS rs2254524 genotype–based risk stratification to identify patients at high risk for AKI before cardiovascular surgery, as well as predict accelerated eGFR in the setting of hypertension. These findings also suggest that LSS may in part drive EO-mediated kidney damage. EO may represent a new potential therapeutic target for the prevention of AKI and slowing of kidney damage in the setting of hypertension

    Endogenous Ouabain and Related Genes in the Translation from Hypertension to Renal Diseases

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    The endogenous ouabain (EO) is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal gland with cardio-tonic effects. In this article, we have reviewed and summarized the most recent reports about EO, particularly with regard to how it may interact with specific genetic backgrounds. We have focused our attention on the EO’s potential pathogenic role in several diseases, including renal failure, essential hypertension and heart failure. Notably, these reports have demonstrated that EO acts as a pro-hypertrophic and growth-promoting hormone, which might lead to a cardiac remodeling affecting cardiovascular functions and structures. In addition, a possible role of EO in the development of acute kidney injury has been hypothesized. During the last decays, many important improvements permitted a deeper understanding of EO’s metabolisms and functions, including the characteristics of its receptor and the effects of its activation. Such progresses indicated that EO has significant implications in the pathogenesis of many common diseases. The patho-physiological role of EO in the development of hypertension and other cardiac and renal complications have laid the basis for the development of a new selective compound that could selectively modulate the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in EO’s action. It is evident that the knowledge of EO has incredibly increased; however, many important areas remain to be further investigated

    Salt, endogenous ouabain and blood pressure interactions in the general population

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    OBJECTIVE: Experimental data show that ouabain is a modulator of the sodium-potassium pump, which plays an important role in sodium homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. We investigated the distribution of plasma ouabain in the general population in relation to blood pressure and other determinants of sodium homeostasis. METHODS: In 379 subjects enrolled in a Belgian population study, we measured plasma ouabain, clinical characteristics including blood pressure, serum and urinary electrolytes, urinary aldosterone excretion, various lifestyle factors, and the Gly460Trp polymorphism of the alpha-adducin gene. Our statistical methods included analysis of covariance and multiple linear regression. RESULTS: Plasma ouabain (median, 140 pmol/l) correlated independently and positively with male gender (n = 182, P = 0.002), smoking (n = 116, P = 0.05), urinary potassium excretion (mean 69 mmol/day, P < 0.0001), and mutation of the alpha-adducin gene (n = 161, P < 0.0001). Both before and after adjustment for covariables, continuous as well as categorical analyses revealed a significant interaction (P < or = 0.02) between plasma ouabain and urinary sodium excretion (mean 194 mmol/day) in relation to blood pressure (mean systolic blood pressure/diastolic blood pressure, 123/76 mmHg). In individuals with plasma ouabain values below the median, blood pressure increased by 2.2 mmHg systolic and 1.4 mmHg diastolic for each 50 mmol/day increment in urinary sodium excretion (P < or = 0.01). No association between blood pressure and urinary sodium excretion was found when plasma ouabain exceeded the median. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma ouabain behaves as a blood pressure modulating factor, possibly released in response to potassium, either inhibiting the pressor effect of an excessive salt intake or counteracting the depressor action of sodium depletion.status: publishe

    Left Ventricular Structure and Function in Relation to Steroid Biosynthesis Genes in a White Population

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    BACKGROUND Both endogenous ouabain (EO) and aldosterone are steroid hormones which might play a role in the pathogenesis of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and cardiac remodeling. Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B1) are two key enzymes in the pathway of steroid biosynthesis. METHODS We investigated in 532 individuals (mean age, 50.3 years; 51.5% women) randomly recruited from a white European population whether LV structure and function were related to genetic variations in CYP11A1 and HSD3B1. We measured LV structure by conventional echocardiography and LV diastolic function by Doppler imaging of the transmitral blood flow and the mitral annular movement. We genotyped tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2279357, rs11638442 and rs2073475 in CYP11A1, and rs2236780, rs3765945, and rs6203 in HSD3B1. RESULTS While adjusting for covariables and accounting for family clusters, LV mass index decreased (P = 0.07). CONCLUSIONS Pending confirmation in other studies, LV mass and LV diastolic function seem to be related to genetic variation in the steroid biosynthesis

    Na+ , K+ -ATPase activity in children with autism spectrum disorder: Searching for the reason(s) of its decrease in blood cells

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    Na+ , K+ -ATPase (NKA) activity, which establishes the sodium and potassium gradient across the cell membrane and is instrumental in the propagation of the nerve impulses, is altered in a number of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In the present work, we examined a wide range of biochemical and cellular parameters in the attempt to understand the reason(s) for the severe decrease in NKA activity in erythrocytes of ASD children that we reported previously. NKA activity in leukocytes was found to be decreased independently from alteration in plasma membrane fluidity. The different subunits were evaluated for gene expression in leukocytes and for protein expression in erythrocytes: small differences in gene expression between ASD and typically developing children were not apparently paralleled by differences in protein expression. Moreover, no gross difference in erythrocyte plasma membrane oxidative modifications was detectable, although oxidative stress in blood samples from ASD children was confirmed by increased expression of NRF2 mRNA. Interestingly, gene expression of some NKA subunits correlated with clinical features. Excess inhibitory metals or ouabain-like activities, which might account for NKA activity decrease, were ruled out. Plasma membrane cholesterol, but not phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidlserine, was slighty decreased in erythrocytes from ASD children. Although no compelling results were obtained, our data suggest that alteration in the erytrocyte lipid moiety or subtle oxidative modifications in NKA structure are likely candidates for the observed decrease in NKA activity. These findings are discussed in the light of the relevance of NKA in ASD. Autism Res 2018, 11: 1388-1403. © 2018 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. LAY SUMMARY: The activity of the cell membrane enzyme NKA, which is instrumental in the propagation of the nerve impulses, is severely decreased in erythrocytes from ASD children and in other brain disorders, yet no explanation has been provided for this observation. We strived to find a biological/biochemical cause of such alteration, but most queries went unsolved because of the complexity of NKA regulation. As NKA activity is altered in many brain disorders, we stress the relevance of studies aimed at understanding its regulation in ASD

    Left ventricular structure and function in relation to steroid biosynthesis genes in a white population

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    BackgroundBoth endogenous ouabain (EO) and aldosterone are steroid hormones which might play a role in the pathogenesis of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and cardiac remodeling. Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B1) are two key enzymes in the pathway of steroid biosynthesis.MethodsWe investigated in 532 individuals (mean age, 50.3 years; 51.5% women) randomly recruited from a white European population whether LV structure and function were related to genetic variations in CYP11A1 and HSD3B1. We measured LV structure by conventional echocardiography and LV diastolic function by Doppler imaging of the transmitral blood flow and the mitral annular movement. We genotyped tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2279357, rs11638442 and rs2073475 in CYP11A1, and rs2236780, rs3765945, and rs6203 in HSD3B1.ResultsWhile adjusting for covariables and accounting for family clusters, LV mass index decreased (P ≤ 0.049) across the CYP11A1 genotypes in rs2279357 (CC vs. CT vs. TT), rs11638442 (GG vs. GC vs. CC), and rs2073475 (GG vs. GA+AA). Carriers of the CYP11A1 TCG haplotype had lower (P ≤ 0.017) LV mass and LV mass index than noncarriers. Carriers of HSD3B1 GCC haplotype had lower peak early (Ea; P = 0.004) and higher peak late (Aa; P = 0.066) diastolic mitral annular velocities and therefore a lower Ea/Aa ratio (P = 0.041) as compared with noncarriers. Neither plasma endogenous ouabain nor 24-h urinary aldosterone were related to any of the SNPs or haplotypes (P ≥ 0.07).ConclusionsPending confirmation in other studies, LV mass and LV diastolic function seem to be related to genetic variation in the steroid biosynthesis.American Journal of Hypertension 2012; doi:10.1038/ajh.2012.69.status: publishe

    Association between hypertension and variation in the alpha- and beta-adducin genes in a white population

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    BACKGROUND: The substitution of tryptophan for glycine at amino acid 460 (Gly460Trp polymorphism) of the alpha-subunit of the heterodimeric cytoskeleton protein adducin increases renal sodium reabsorption and may be involved in the pathophysiology of essential hypertension. In the present study, we investigated in multivariate analyses whether the risk of hypertension was associated with the C1797T polymorphism of the beta-adducin gene. METHODS: A total of 1848 subjects randomly selected from a white population were genotyped. Study nurses measured blood pressure at the participants' homes. RESULTS: The frequencies of the alpha-adducin Trp and beta-adducin T alleles were 0.23 and 0.11, respectively. In men (N = 904), the beta-adducin T allele was not associated with hypertension [adjusted relative risk (RR) vs. CC homozygotes 0.94, P = 0.77], but T allele carriers had lower plasma renin activity (PRA) and 24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion (P 0.29). In 345 post-menopausal women and 190 users of oral contraceptives, the RRs of hypertension were 2.47 (CI 1.34-4.64, P = 0.003) and 2.56 (CI 0.83-7.86, P = 0.10), respectively. For systolic pressure in women, there was a significant interaction (P = 0.02) between the alpha- and beta-adducin polymorphisms. Only in female carriers of the mutated alpha-adducin Trp allele was the systolic pressure significantly higher in beta-adducin T allele carriers compared with CC homozygotes (+3.8 mm Hg, P = 0.02). Furthermore, in the presence of the mutated alpha-adducin Trp allele, the RRs associated with the beta-adducin T allele were 2.35 (P = 0.01) in all women, 2.92 (P = 0.03) in post-menopausal subjects, and 3.79 (P = 0.09) in users of oral contraceptives. CONCLUSIONS: The 1797T allele of the beta-adducin gene is associated with increased risk of hypertension in post-menopausal women and in users of oral contraceptives, particularly in the presence of the mutated alpha-adducin Trp allele. We hypothesize that inhibition of the renin-aldosterone system in men and absence of such a compensatory mechanism in women may explain, at least to some extent, the sexual dimorphism of the blood pressure phenotype in relation to the C1797T beta-adducin polymorphism.status: publishe

    Endogenous ouabain and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system: distinct effects on Na handling and blood pressure in human hypertension

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    Objective To evaluate whether the renin–angiotensin– aldosterone system (RAAS) and endogenous ouabain system differently affect renal Na handling and blood pressure. Methods Three hundred and one patients in whom we compared blood pressure, and renal Na tubular reabsorption in the basal condition and 2 h (T120) after saline infusion. Results Following multivariate-adjusted linear and quartiles analysis, baseline mean blood pressure (MBP) was significantly higher (113.7±1.33mmHg) in the fourth versus the first endogenous ouabain quartile (103.8±1.04mmHg) and the trend across the quartiles was highly significant (β=0.23, P=3.53e-04). In contrast, an inverse relationship was present in the renin activity (PRA) quartiles with MBP highest in the first (112.5±1.26) and lowest in the fourth PRA quartile (107.6±1.48, P=0.039). Following an acute saline load, changes in MBP and the slope of the pressure–natriuresis relationship were inversely related across the PRA quartiles. The fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) showed a negative linear trend going from the first to the third endogenous ouabain quartiles (2.35±0.17 and 1.90±0.14%, P=0.05). Patients in the fourth endogenous ouabain quartile (&gt;323 pmol/l) showed increased FENa T120 (2.78±0.18%, P&lt;0.01) and increased Na tubular rejection fraction (P=0.007) after Na load. After the saline load, there was a biphasic relationship between plasma endogenous ouabain and FENa favoring Na retention at low endogenous ouabain and Na excretion at high endogenous ouabain levels. Conclusion The RAAS and endogenous ouabain system are two independent and complementary systems having an inverse (RAAS) or a direct (endogenous ouabain system) relationship with hemodynamic parameters