65 research outputs found


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    It would be a serious oversight to begin an issue of a French e-journal (albeit in English studies) devoted to gender without saying a word about the varying fortunes and reception of the term itself in French and English-speaking contexts. It is generally said that sexologist John Money was the first to propose this terminological distinction between biological and social sex in 1955 (in fact to study sexual indeterminacy), but it was not until the 1970s that English-speaking feminist theori..


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    Feminist scholarship over recent decades has been particularly valuable in bringing to the fore not only the specific ways in which 20th-century armed conflict challenged the shared, common-sense construction of warfare as “men's work”, but also the extent to which the shifting status of men and women's roles in wartime often seemed to operate as a double-edged weapon, or, to borrow Margaret and Patrice Higonnet's image, a “double helix” (Higonnet in Higonnet et al. 31) for women, simultaneou..

    Naomi the Poet and Nella the Housewife: Finding a Space to Write from

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    A première vue, Nella Last, obscure ménagère du nord de l’Angleterre, et Naomi Mitchison, célèbre romancière et essayiste, issue de l’aristocratie écossaise, n’avaient rien de commun. Les deux femmes ont cependant apporté chacune sa contribution au projet Mass-Observation, en tenant, de 1939 à 1945, leur journal des années de guerre. Après un rapide retour sur les circonstances de cette collaboration, le présent article, en proposant une lecture parallèle des deux documents publiés, s’attache d'abord à examiner l’impact de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale sur deux femmes britanniques de milieux très différents, afin de déceler ce que ces récits révèlent de l’intersection entre genre et classe sociale. Dans un deuxième temps, aborder la narration de leur vécu d'épouse et de mère en articulation avec les thèmes—prégnants en temps de guerre—de l'exil et de l'aliénation, permet de dégager une toute autre lecture de la situation de chacune.Northern housewife Nella Last and novelist and essayist Naomi Mitchison were from widely different social and cultural backgrounds but shared one common point: both kept wartime diaries for Mass-Observation from 1939 to 1945. This article, after briefly addressing the circumstances in which such different women came to be involved in the same project, examines the two published diaries in conjunction in order to shed light, first, on the effects of World War II on two British women from very different milieux, paying particular attention to what the two accounts reveal of the ways in which social class and gender intersect. Then, approaching the narrations in the light of the all-pervasive wartime themes of exile and alienation, we see emerge a very different reading of the experience of these two women as wives and mothers

    Penny Summerfield, Histories of the Self. Personal Narratives and Historical Practice

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    Throughout her distinguished career as a feminist cultural historian of the Second World War, Professor Summerfield’s work has been remarkable for its imaginative, rigorous use of the full range of autobiographical material–diaries, letters, oral history, memoirs and more–available to researchers whose interest is in how subjective experience shapes and is shaped by the wider societal and historical context. This “turn to the personal” (6), as exemplified in Summerfield’s work, has been conte..

    Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women

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    Luise Von Flotow’s latest publication comes fourteen years after her seminal Translation and Gender, and its title, explained in the opening words of her preface, “It is time to write about 'women and translation' again”, announces the author’s programmatic intent. In her introduction to the fifteen essays that make up the work, Von Flotow suggests that the new-found assertiveness and agency of feminist translators in the 1980s and 1990s has flagged somewhat over the last decade. The advent o..


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    Preface In 2004-05, the first meeting of the still embryonic gender group within Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes (EA 801) took place. It was quickly to expand and was christened, in modest imitation of Mallarmé’s Mardistes, Les Jeudis du [genre], referring to our bi-monthly Thursday seminars, which, from the start, aimed to involve not only those working habitually within women’s or gender studies, but any researchers interested in revisiting their own work from a gender perspective. Ten years, and c..

    Introduction : Femmes, conflits et pouvoir dans l’espace anglophone

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    Ce numéro propose une réflexion sur le rapport des femmes au pouvoir et aux conflits dans le monde anglophone, des femmes pétitionnaires dans l’Angleterre du XVIe siècle jusqu’aux femmes impliquées dans le Mouvement des droits civiques aux Etats-Unis et à la Secrétaire d’Etat américaine Hillary Clinton. Il confronte ces trois concepts de féminité, de conflit et de pouvoir selon trois axes qui se croisent et qui structurent l’ensemble : une réflexion sur la prise de pouvoir (ou la tentative d..

    Genome-wide association study identifies a variant in HDAC9 associated with large vessel ischemic stroke

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    Genetic factors have been implicated in stroke risk but few replicated associations have been reported. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in ischemic stroke and its subtypes in 3,548 cases and 5,972 controls, all of European ancestry. Replication of potential signals was performed in 5,859 cases and 6,281 controls. We replicated reported associations between variants close to PITX2 and ZFHX3 with cardioembolic stroke, and a 9p21 locus with large vessel stroke. We identified a novel association for a SNP within the histone deacetylase 9(HDAC9) gene on chromosome 7p21.1 which was associated with large vessel stroke including additional replication in a further 735 cases and 28583 controls (rs11984041, combined P = 1.87×10−11, OR=1.42 (95% CI) 1.28-1.57). All four loci exhibit evidence for heterogeneity of effect across the stroke subtypes, with some, and possibly all, affecting risk for only one subtype. This suggests differing genetic architectures for different stroke subtypes

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults

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    Ischemic stroke (IS) is among the leading causes of death in Western countries. There is a significant genetic component to IS susceptibility, especially among young adults. To date, research to identify genetic loci predisposing to stroke has met only with limited success. We performed a genome-wide association (GWA) analysis of early-onset IS to identify potential stroke susceptibility loci. The GWA analysis was conducted by genotyping 1 million SNPs in a biracial population of 889 IS cases and 927 controls, ages 15–49 years. Genotypes were imputed using the HapMap3 reference panel to provide 1.4 million SNPs for analysis. Logistic regression models adjusting for age, recruitment stages, and population structure were used to determine the association of IS with individual SNPs. Although no single SNP reached genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8), we identified two SNPs in chromosome 2q23.3, rs2304556 (in FMNL2; P = 1.2 × 10−7) and rs1986743 (in ARL6IP6; P = 2.7 × 10−7), strongly associated with early-onset stroke. These data suggest that a novel locus on human chromosome 2q23.3 may be associated with IS susceptibility among young adults

    Genetic overlap between diagnostic subtypes of ischemic stroke

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    Background and Purpose: Despite moderate heritability, the phenotypic heterogeneity of ischemic stroke has hampered gene discovery, motivating analyses of diagnostic subtypes with reduced sample sizes. We assessed evidence for a shared genetic basis among the 3 major subtypes: large artery atherosclerosis (LAA), cardioembolism, and small vessel disease (SVD), to inform potential cross-subtype analyses. Methods: Analyses used genome-wide summary data for 12 389 ischemic stroke cases (including 2167 LAA, 2405 cardioembolism, and 1854 SVD) and 62 004 controls from the Metastroke consortium. For 4561 cases and 7094 controls, individual-level genotype data were also available. Genetic correlations between subtypes were estimated using linear mixed models and polygenic profile scores. Meta-analysis of a combined LAA-SVD phenotype (4021 cases and 51 976 controls) was performed to identify shared risk alleles. Results: High genetic correlation was identified between LAA and SVD using linear mixed models (rg=0.96, SE=0.47, P=9×10-4) and profile scores (rg=0.72; 95% confid