414 research outputs found

    Role of plant sensory perception in plant-animal interactions

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    Plants actively gather information about their environments via a range of sensory modalities and respond in ways that profoundly influence their interactions with other organism

    Evidence of Local Adaptation in Plant Virus Effects on Host-Vector Interactions

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    Recent research suggests that plant viruses, and other pathogens, frequently alter host-plant phenotypes in ways that facilitate transmission by arthropod vectors. However, many viruses infect multiple hosts, raising questions about whether these pathogens are capable of inducing transmission-facilitating phenotypes in phylogenetically divergent host plants and the extent to which evolutionary history with a given host or plant community influences such effects. To explore these issues, we worked with two newly acquired field isolates of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)—a widespread multi-host plant pathogen transmitted in a non-persistent manner by aphids—and explored effects on the phenotypes of different host plants and on their subsequent interactions with aphid vectors. An isolate collected from cultivated squash fields (KVPG2-CMV) induced in the native squash host (Cucurbita pepo) a suite of effects on host-vector interactions suggested by previous work to be conducive to transmission (including reduced host-plant quality for aphids, rapid aphid dispersal from infected to healthy plants, and enhanced aphid attraction to the elevated emission of a volatile blend similar to that of healthy plants). A second isolate (P1-CMV) collected from cultivated pepper (Capsicum annuum) induced more neutral effects in its native host (largely exhibiting non-significant trends in the direction of effects seen for KVPG2-CMV in squash). When we attempted cross-host inoculations of these two CMV isolates (KVPG2-CMV in pepper and P1-CMV in squash), P1-CMV was only sporadically able to infect the novel host; KVPG2-CMV infected the novel pepper host with somewhat reduced success compared with its native host and reached virus titers significantly lower than those observed for either strain in its native host. Furthermore, KVPG2-CMV induced changes in the phenotype of the novel host, and consequently in host-vector interactions, dramatically different than those observed in the native host and apparently maladaptive with respect to virus transmission (e.g., host plant quality for aphids was significantly improved in this instance, and aphid dispersal was reduced). Taken together, these findings provide evidence of adaption by CMV to local hosts (including reduced infectivity and replication in novel versus native hosts) and further suggest that such adaptation may extend to effects on host-plant traits mediating interactions with aphid vectors. Thus, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that virus effects on host-vector interactions can be adaptive, and they suggest that multi-host pathogens may exhibit adaptation with respect to these and other effects on host phenotypes, perhaps especially in homogeneous monoculture

    Olfactory Cues from Plants Infected by Powdery Mildew Guide Foraging by a Mycophagous Ladybird Beetle

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    Powdery mildews (Erysiphales) are economically important plant pathogens that attack many agricultural crops. Conventional management strategies involving fungicide application face challenges, including the evolution of resistance and concerns over impacts on non-target organisms, that call for investigation of more sustainable alternatives. Mycophagous ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feed on powdery mildew and have considerable potential as biological control agents; however, the foraging ecology and behavior of these beetles is not well understood. Here we document the olfactory cues presented by squash plants (Cucurbita moschata) infected by powdery mildew (Podosphaera sp.) and the behavioral responses of twenty-spotted ladybird beetles (Psyllobora vigintimaculata) to these cues. Volatile analyses through gas chromatography revealed a number of volatile compounds characteristic of infected plants, including 3-octanol and its analogues 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone. These compounds are typical “moldy” odorants previously reported in volatiles collected from other fungi. In addition, infected plants exhibited elevated emissions of several compounds also observed in collections from healthy leaves, including linalool and benzyl alcohol, which are reported to have anti-fungal properties. In Y-tube choice assays, P. vigintimaculata beetles displayed a significant preference for the odors of infected plants compared to those of healthy plants. Moreover, beetles exhibited strong attraction to one individual compound, 1-octen-3-ol, which was the most abundant of the characteristic fungal compounds identified. These results enhance our understanding of the olfactory cues that guide foraging by mycophagous insects and may facilitate the development of integrated disease-management strategies informed by an understanding of underlying ecological mechanisms

    Dynamics of short- and long-term association between a bacterial plant pathogen and its arthropod vector

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    The dynamics of association between pathogens and vectors can strongly influence epidemiology. It has been proposed that wilt disease epidemics in cucurbit populations are sustained by persistent colonization of beetle vectors (Acalymma vittatum) by the bacterial phytopathogen Erwinia tracheiphila. We developed a qPCR method to quantify E. tracheiphila in whole beetles and frass and used it to assess pathogen acquisition and retention following variable exposure to infected plants. We found that (i) E. tracheiphila is present in frass in as little as three hours after feeding on infected plants and can be transmitted with no incubation period by vectors given brief exposure to infected plants, but also by persistently colonized vectors several weeks following exposure; (ii) duration of exposure influences rates of long-term colonization; (iii) frass infectivity (assessed via inoculation experiments) reflects bacterial levels in frass samples across time; and (iv) vectors rarely clear E. tracheiphila infections, but suffer no apparent loss of fitness. These results describe a pattern conducive to the effective maintenance of E. tracheiphila within cucurbit populations

    Distribution of the two social forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) in the native South American range

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    Polygyne (multiple queen) colony social organization in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren is always associated with the presence of a particular class of alleles at the gene Gp-9. We used diagnostic polymerase chain reaction assays capable of distinguishing these alleles to determine the location of polygyne populations in the native South American range of this species. We found that polygyny occurs in a mosaic pattern with respect to the more common monogyne (single queen) social form, a pattern superficially similar to that seen in the introduced range in the United States. However, polygyny appears to be relatively restricted in its geographical prevalence in the native range compared with the introduced range. This difference may stem from higher dispersal rates in the introduced range, which are associated with greater opportunities for human-mediated transport of mated queens or colony fragments. On the basis of our distributional data and results from other studies, the southern part of the native range of S. invicta, particularly northeastern Argentina, is emerging as the most likely geographic source of the founders of the U.S. population

    Habitat protection and removal of encroaching shrubs support the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

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    Livestock overgrazing causes environmental degradation, species invasion, biodiversity loss, and productivity decline, with profound consequences for ecological sustainability and human livelihoods. Habitat protection can mitigate such impacts, but we know little about how the long-term recovery of plant communities from livestock overgrazing depends on the presence of encroaching shrubs. Here, we explored how shrub encroachment mediates the effects of habitat protection (i.e., livestock exclusion and creation of UNESCO protected areas) on biodiversity recovery and ecosystem functioning (i.e., biomass productivity). We leveraged a long-term (15–25 years) experiment of livestock exclusion and complemented it with the removal of an encroaching shrub species in pasture areas and protected areas. We reveal that habitat protection has positive effects on patterns of recovery. Yet, the effects of habitat protection are mediated by shrub encroachment. Encroaching shrubs have net positive effects on plant diversity in pasture areas but inhibit biodiversity recovery in protected areas. The combination of habitat protection and the removal of encroaching shrubs best enhances the recovery of plant diversity and biomass productivity. A potential underlying mechanism is the shift in plant interactions from facilitation for recruitment and associated resistance to competition for water. Understanding species interactions is key to guiding conservation and restoration actions which can turn degraded ecosystems back into functional, species-rich communities

    Development and Evaluation of a Trapping System for Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the United States

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    Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), commonly known as the Asian longhorned beetle, is an invasive wood-boring pest that infests a number of hardwood species and causes considerable economic losses in North America, several countries in Europe, and in its native range in Asia. The success of eradication efforts may depend on early detection of introduced populations; however, detection has been limited to identification of tree damage (oviposition pits and exit holes), and the serendipitous collection of adults, often by members of the public. Here we describe the development, deployment, and evaluation of semiochemical-baited traps in the greater Worcester area in Massachusetts. Over 4 yr of trap evaluation (2009-2012), 1013 intercept panel traps were deployed, 876 of which were baited with three different families of lures. The families included lures exhibiting different rates of release of the male-produced A. glabripennis pheromone, lures with various combinations of plant volatiles, and lures with both the pheromone and plant volatiles combined. Overall, 45 individual beetles were captured in 40 different traps. Beetles were found only in traps with lures. In several cases, trap catches led to the more rapid discovery and management of previously unknown areas of infestation in the Worcester county regulated area. Analysis of the spatial distribution of traps and the known infested trees within the regulated area provides an estimate of the relationship between trap catch and beetle pressure exerted on the traps. Studies continue to optimize lure composition and trap placemen

    Herbivory and inbreeding affect growth, reproduction, and resistance in the rhizomatous offshoots of Solanum carolinense (Solanaceae)

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    Resource sharing within clonal plant networks can occur via the translocation of water, nutrients, and photoassimilates through rhizomes and stolons. Similar mechanisms may mediate the sharing of information (e.g., about herbivory or other environmental stressors) among ramets via molecular or biochemical signals. The storage of such information in belowground structures could facilitate the transmission of appropriate phenotypic responses across growing seasons in perennial species. However, few previous studies have explored the potential transfer of ecologically relevant information within such networks. This study addresses the effects of foliar herbivory and belowground overwintering on the growth and flowering, physical defenses, and herbivore resistance in the clonally spreading species Solanum carolinense L. (Solanaceae). We used rhizomes from inbred and outbred plants that were repeatedly exposed to feeding damage by Manduca sexta L. (Sphingidae) caterpillars and rhizomes from undamaged control plants. These rhizomes were either planted immediately or exposed to overwintering conditions and allowed to produce new ramets (rhizomatous offshoots). We then assessed offshoot emergence, flowering, physical defense traits, and herbivore performance. Relative to controls, offshoots of herbivore-damaged plants exhibited greater spine and trichome densities, and reduced performance of M. sexta larvae. However, they also emerged and flowered significantly later, and produced fewer flowers than offshoots of undamaged plants. Inbreeding also negatively affected offshoot emergence, flowering, trichome production, and herbivore resistance. These effects of parental herbivory were more pronounced in outbred offshoots, indicating that inbreeding may compromise the trans-seasonal induction of plant defenses. Finally, exposure to overwintering conditions increased trichome production and reduced caterpillar performance on offshoots. Together, these results show that induced defenses can be transmitted through rhizomes and affect offshoot growth, flowering, defensive traits, and herbivore resistance. They also document fitness-related costs associated with defense induction in offshoots and suggest that the transfer of defenses across seasons can be compromised by inbreeding