150 research outputs found

    Problemática de la taxonomía del género cannabis

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    Se considera el cáñamo como una de las plantas más extendidas, sin embargo existe hoy un consenso entre los botánicos que están de acuerdo con una sola especie Cannabis sativa L. Hay que reconocer qué variedades de otros epititos específicos están todavía usadas por algunos autores, especialmente C. ruderalis Janisch. y C. indica Lam.Hemp is considered as one of the widespread plants. Although a consensus of botanists today agree that only one species, Cannabis sativa L. It should be reconized, that a variety of other specific epithets, specially C. ruderalis Janisch. and C. indica Lam., are still used by sorne authors

    Valorization of two biological materials in the treatment of tannery effluents by filtration

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    The present study aims at the valorization of two natural materials such as marine sand and wood sawdust in the treatment of tannery effluents taken directly from an industrial unit located in the Dokkarat, district of Fez. The technique used is that of column filtration. Physicochemical characterization such as COD,,  Cr, etc. as well as microbiological analysis such as total germs (TG), Total Coliforms (TC), Faecal Coliforms (FC), etc. of the effluent, before and after filtration by the two supports used, were performed. The two filtering materials were previously characterized by DRX, IR-FTIR and SEM-EDX. The results obtained show that the latter two are effective in the treatment of the effluent, especially with the wood sawdust filter. Indeed, the removal rate (RR) of COD,, SS, EC,  and Cr is in the order of 90.79%, 86.04%, 83.3%, 80%, 96.7% and 84.07% for the sawdust filter, while for the marine sand filter these values are of 81.5%, 79.9%, 79.2%, 66.6%, 94.4% and 56.15%, respectively

    Morphometry, Oil Yield and Fatty Acid Profile of Cannabis Achenes from the Chefchaouen Region

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    The achenes evaluated had average dimensions of 4. 242 ± 0. 329 mm long, 3. 38 ± 0. 294 mm wide, 2.75 ± 0. 227 mm thick. They contained an average moisture of 7. 614 ± 1. 623 and an average mass of 0.01808 ± 0. 0038 g. No significant differences in the yields of the oil obtained by hexane and press extraction (p-value>0. 05), they varied respectively from 31. 36 % ± 0. 05 to 36. 86 % ± 1. 79 and 21. 47% ± 2. 45 to 25. 04 % ± 0. 46. Among the fatty acids in the mechanically extracted vegetable oil from the five achene varieties, the order of abundance of the identified components was the same. The linoleic acids they account for more than 86 % of the total α-predominant fatty acids are linoleic and fatty acids. PUFA/SFA ratio ranged from 5. 5 ± 1. 58 to 8. 96 ± 0. 23. The n-6/n-3 ratio varied from 1. 53 ± 0. 02 to 1. 78 ± 0. 0. The quotients recorded in our study are likely to be of nutritional interest since a ratio between 1/1 and 2/1 is considered ideal

    Composición en ácidos grasos del aceite de los aquenios de cinco variedades climáticas marroquíes de Cannabis.

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    The fatty acid composition of achene oil from five Cannabis climatic cultivars cultivated in the nort of Morrocco is determined. Linoleic acid predominated (40 to 45%), followed by linolenic (12 to 17%) and oleic (7 to 10%) acids. Differences in the fatty acid composition of oils are attributed to environmental factors.Se estudia la composición en ácidos grasos del aceite de los aquenios de cinco variedades climáticas del cáñamo (Cannabis sativa L) cultivadas en el norte de Marruecos. Predomina el ácido linoleico (40 a 45%) seguido por el linolénico (12 a 17%) y el oleico (7 a 10%). Las diferencias en la composición de los ácidos grasos del aceite se atribuyen a factores ambientales

    Potential inhibition of ALDH by argan oil compounds, computational approach by docking, ADMET and molecular dynamics

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    Actuellement, les choix pour traiter l'alcoolisme sont limités, le disulfirame étant la principale option, malgré son lien notable avec les effets indésirables (Chick et al., 1992 ; Ho et al., 2007 ; Hughes et Cook, 1997 ; Kleczkowska et al., 2021) . Ainsi, l'objectif principal de cette étude est d'explorer des voies de traitement alternatives. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons examiné l'impact de l'huile d'argan et de composés spécifiques, reconnus pour leur présence importante dans l'huile, sur le métabolisme de l'alcool. Cette exploration impliquait d'évaluer l'affinité et la stabilité de ces molécules avec l'ALDH, une enzyme cruciale dans le métabolisme de l'alcool, en utilisant des outils informatiques tels que "AutoDock Vina, ( Morris et al., 2008) ", "Desmond" et des logiciels similaires (Daina et al. , 2017 ; Pires et al., 2015) et en examinant l'influence de l'huile d'argan sur les changements temporels du taux d'alcoolémie en utilisant un kit de mesure du taux d'alcoolémie. Les résultats des deux segments étaient encourageants, car l'affinité collective des molécules avec l'ALDH dépassait celle de la molécule de référence « disulfirame ». Notamment, l'alpha-tocophérol et le spinastérol ont présenté une stabilité supérieure. En phase pratique, l'huile d'argan, associée à ces molécules, a réduit significativement le taux d'alcoolémie par rapport au groupe témoin. Il reste encore à accomplir une utilisation plus complète de ces résultats pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets positifs du pétrole. Cela pourrait normalement ouvrir la voie à de futures recherches visant à explorer l'huile comme traitement viable contre l'alcoolisme

    In silico evaluation of antiviral activity of flavone derivatives and commercial drugs against SARS-CoV-2 main protease (3CLpro).

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    In this paper the in silco evaluation of the antiviaral activity against the current spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) of several anti-viral components such as Chloroquine, Simeprevir, Lopinavir and a series of five natural and synthesized flavone derivative was investigated.Results of the molecular docking revealed that among of the five flavones studied and Chloroquine, Simeprevir and Lopinavir, three compounds correlate with a high affinity for the same binding sites with the major protein 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) and a small negative binding energy compared with the control N3 molecule in protein 6LU7 and the control WK1 molecule in protein 2OP9. This may disrupt the 3CLpro main protease function and efficiency

    Insights of Auric Ion Adsorption in the Presence of Ferric and Hexavalent Chromium Species on Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxides

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    This study reports the synthesis of Mg/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) by the co-precipitation technique. The produced LDH was then employed as an adsorbent for auric ion (AuCl4-) in the presence of ferric (Fe3+) and dichromate (Cr2O72-) species in an aqueous solution. An adsorption test examined the effects of single and ternary (Au/Fe/Cr) system solutions. The adsorbent underwent characterization by the utilization of FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), powder XRD (X-ray diffraction), and FE-SEM (Field emission scanning electron microscopy) techniques. The experimental results revealed that the adsorption of AuCl4- without any competing species reached its maximum efficiency at a solution acidity of pH 3. The results of the kinetic investigation indicate that the adsorbent exhibited behavior consistent with a pseudo-second-order reaction. The rate constant (k) values obtained were 2.88 x 10-3 and 3.51 x 10-3 g/(mg.min) for the single and ternary solutions. Based on the Langmuir isotherm model, the adsorption capacities for single and ternary solutions were determined to be 21.75 mg g-1 and 27.78 mg g-1, respectively. The adsorbent exhibited a layered structure characterized by hexagonal platelet-type images

    17.4 Efficient in vivo gene delivery using chitosan/DNA nanoparticles for applications in cartilage repair

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    Mineralization potentials of sorne rnediterranean soils

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    Las potencialidades de mineralización de algunos suelos mediterráneos desarrollándose bajo poblaciones de Quercus suber L., Quercus ilex y del Eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis, están estimadas mediante el test de mineralización del nitrógeno en anaerobiosis (41), test que se ha comprobado adecuado para la estimación del impacto de perturbaciones tales como la deforestación seguida por la reforestación con especies exóticas. Las variaciones en la acumulación del amonio muestran que los procesos de la mineralización de la materia orgánica dependen del efecto conjunto de las características estructurales del suelo (Arena y Arcilla) y de la razón C/N.Mineralization potentials of sorne mediterranean soils developped under Querclls suber, Quercus ilex and Eucalyptus camaldulensis coppice are estimated by the anaerobic nitrogen mineralization test (41), which is adequate for the' estimation of the disturbances impact such as c1earcutting and new species introduction. The variations of arnmonium accumulation show that processes of soil organic matter mineralization, depends on the soil's structural caracteristics (sand and cIay) and C/N ratio

    Contribución al conocimiento de la medicina rifeña tradicional III: Fitoterapia de la diabetes en la provincia de Chefchaouen (norte de Marruecos)

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    Continuous and intensively ethnobotanical surveies were carried out in the Rif (North om Morocco) since 1992 withaims to study diferents aspects of Cannabis crops and recense flora with ethnobotanical interest. This paper deal withresults about plant species commonly used to treating diabets in three villages of Chefchaouen province. Analysed datacorrespond to a period from1995 to 1997. Thirty eight species from twenty four botanical families were catalogued withhypoglycemiant properties.Desde 1992 se lleva a cabo en el Rif estudios etnobotánicos con el fin de estudiar aspectos del cultivo del cáñamoy catalogar las especies de interés etnobotánico. En el presente trabajo se presentan las especies usadas en tratamientostradicionales en la provincia de Chefchaouen. Treinta y ocho especies que pertenecen a veinticuatro familiasbotánicas son catalogadas como plantas con propiedades sobre la glucemia