4,952 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of the Medical Informed Consent Doctrine: Search for a Standard of Disclosure

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    Informed consent and its conceptual equivalents, e.g., right-to-know, are increasingly important. The author discusses the development of the informed consent doctrine in tort cases and attempts to evaluate the consistency of its application. He concludes that it is difficult to separate that which must be disclosed from that which need not be. He also argues that much remains to be done in achieving the objectives of the informed consent doctrine

    Psychosocial Risks of Storing and Using Human Tissues in Research

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    Dr. Merz argues that genetics technology makes it more compelling that researchers plan more carefully for the collection and disposition of information derived from subjects\u27 tissues and blood

    In Support of Huber

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    The author takes exception to two recent reviews of GALILEO\u27S REVENGE

    Review of: Carl F. Cranor, Regulating Toxic Substances

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    Review of: Carl F. Cranor, Regulating Toxic Substances (Oxford University Press 1993). Acknowledgments, appendices, bibliography, figures, foreword by The Honorable George E. Brown, Jr., index, notes, tables. LC 91-47046; ISBN 0-19- 507436-X. [272 pp. Cloth $45.00. 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016.

    Disease Genes Are Not Patentable: A Rebuttal of McGee

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    Dr. McGee presents a cogent argument for the patentability of the diagnosis of gene forms that are found to be associated with disease or other phenotypic manifestations. We’re convinced he’s wrong. An analogy will help explain why

    Continuous Czochralski Growth. Silicon Sheet Growth Development of the Large Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project

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    During the reporting period, a successful 100 kilogram run was performed. Six ingots of 13 cm diameter were grown, ranging in size from 15.5 kg to 17.7 kg. Melt replenishment methods included both poly rod and lump feed material. Samples from each ingot were prepared for solar cell fabrication and analyses, impurity analysis, and structural studies. The furnace was converted to the 14-inch hot zone and preliminary heat runs were performed. Two sucessful runs were demonstrated, by growing 25 kg ingots from 30 kg melts. Also, a 100 kg run was attempted, utilizing the 14 inch crucible hot zone, but was prematurely terminated due to excessive monoxide which accumulated on the viewports and a seed failure

    Continuous Czochralski Growth. Silicon Sheet Growth Development of the Large Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project

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    The JPL Continuous Czochralski Growth Facility is now essentially complete and is functional. In this reporting period, a silicon lump recharging device was designed, and a prototype was built which performed well in simulated recharge tests. The large chamber (designed to accommodate a 14-inch hot zone) was put into operation initially with the standard hot zone in order to compare performance with previous experience. Some modifications were made to the hot zones in the larger chamber due to considerably larger radiative heat losses. Several short (one-ingot) runs were performed and four continuous runs were attempted. The largest continuous run lasted 64 hours and produced 57 kilograms of ingot

    Gyrokinetic Large Eddy Simulations

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    The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is adapted to the study of plasma microturbulence in a fully three-dimensional gyrokinetic system. Ion temperature gradient driven turbulence is studied with the {\sc GENE} code for both a standard resolution and a reduced resolution with a model for the sub-grid scale turbulence. A simple dissipative model for representing the effect of the sub-grid scales on the resolved scales is proposed and tested. Once calibrated, the model appears to be able to reproduce most of the features of the free energy spectra for various values of the ion temperature gradient

    Development of high energy density primary batteries 200 watt hours per pound total battery weight minimum Final report, 10 Jun. 1964 - 9 Jun. 1965

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    High energy density lithium-anode primary cells developed with energy-to-weight ratios over 200 watt hours per poun
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