41 research outputs found

    Apport de l'IRM dans la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob: Ă  propos d'un cas

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    La maladie de Creutzfeld-Jacob (MCJ) est une affection trÚs rare et fatale qui atteint le systÚme nerveux central. Elle est caractérisée par une détérioration mentale aboutissant à une démence progressive, une symptomatologie pyramidale et extra-pyramidale ainsi que des myolclonies. Un diagnostic précoce est essentiel pour prévenir la transmission interhumaine. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient ùgé de 62 ans chez qui le diagnostic de MCJ sporadique a été retenu, en se basant sur le tableau clinique fait de syndrome démentiel avec myoclonies précédées de troubles du comportement, des hallucinations et de dépression, et sur les données de l'IRM encéphalique qui a montré des hyper signaux au niveau du striatum et au niveau cortical en séquences pondérées Flair et diffusion

    Une pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse révélant un syndrome des antisynthétases: à propos de 2 cas

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    Le syndrome des antisynthĂ©tases (SAS) est une myopathie inflammatoire frĂ©quemment associĂ©e Ă  une atteinte pulmonaire, surtout parenchymateuse (pneumopathie infiltrante diffuse). Les manifestations extrathoraciques associĂ©es Ă  l'atteinte pulmonaire peuvent orienter le diagnostic: myalgies, polyarthralgies, syndrome de Raynaud, hyperkĂ©ratose Ă©rythĂ©mateuse palmaire fissuraire et fiĂšvre. Devant un tableau clinique et radiologique Ă©vocateur, la prĂ©sence d'anticorps anti-ARN-t synthĂ©tases permet de confirmer notamment les anti-Jo-1. L'atteinte pulmonaire constitue un facteur pronostic majeur d'oĂč l'indication une thĂ©rapie immunosuppressive intensive fondĂ©e sur la corticothĂ©rapie, les immunosuppresseurs ou l'association des deux. Une meilleure sensibilisation pour cette affection Ă  rĂ©vĂ©lation pulmonaire permettra d'adopter une prise en charge rapide et adĂ©quate, et d'amĂ©liorer par consĂ©quent le pronostic

    Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance and serotype distribution of group B streptococcus isolated among pregnant women and newborns in Rabat, Morocco

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    PURPOSE: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is an important cause of neonatal sepsis worldwide. Data on the prevalence of maternal GBS colonization, risk factors for carriage, antibiotic susceptibility and circulating serotypes are necessary to tailor adequate locally relevant public health policies. METHODOLOGY: A prospective study including pregnant women and their newborns was conducted between March and July 2013 in Morocco. We collected clinical data and vagino-rectal and urine samples from the recruited pregnant women, together with the clinical characteristics of, and body surface samples from, their newborns. Additionally, the first three newborns admitted every day with suspected invasive infection were recruited for a thorough screening for neonatal sepsis. Serotypes were characterized by molecular testing. RESULTS: A total of 350 pregnant women and 139 of their newborns were recruited. The prevalence of pregnant women colonized by GBS was 24 %. In 5/160 additional sick newborns recruited with suspected sepsis, the blood cultures were positive for GBS. Gestational hypertension and vaginal pruritus were significantly associated with a vagino-rectal GBS colonization in univariate analyses. All of the strains were susceptible to penicillin, while 7 % were resistant to clindamycin and 12 % were resistant to erythromycin. The most common GBS serotypes detected included V, II and III. CONCLUSION: In Morocco, maternal GBS colonization is high. Penicillin can continue to be the cornerstone of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis. A pentavalent GBS vaccine (Ia, Ib, II, III and V) would have been effective against the majority of the colonizing cases in this setting, but a trivalent one (Ia, Ib and III) would only prevent 28 % of the cases

    Visceral leishmaniasis in 26 HIV-negative adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Visceral leishmaniasis is a notifiable parasitic disease that had increased in incidence in our region on the past few years. It is common in children. In adults, it occurs more on a background of immunodeficiency, and frequently with incomplete clinical manifestations, making the diagnosis complicated.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The aim of our study is to reveal different features of visceral leishmaniasis in adults, through the analysis of its epidemiological, clinical and biological parameters, in a group of 26 patients. No one was infected with HIV or under immunosuppressive therapy Clinical presentation was generally conservative, but there was few differences in adults compared to children, concerning both the clinical symptoms and the laboratory parameters. Diagnosis was provided by direct examination of bone marrow smears in 24 cases (sensitivity 92%), and anti-leishmanial serology in the others.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We should think to the diagnosis of VL even if the patient is not known immunocompromised, and even if the clinical is incomplete, to avoid a delay of care which can lead to serious complications.</p

    Unusual sites of hydatid disease: report of two cases of dumbbell formations

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    Hydatidosis is a zoonosis caused by&nbsp;Echinococcus granulosus. Humans are accidentally contaminated by ingesting the parasiteÂŽs eggs mainly released through the faeces from infected dogs. Hydatidosis affects the bone in 0.5 to 2% of cases, with 44% of these cases involving in the spine. Vertebral hydatidosis is rare and it represents the most frequent and most dangerous form of bone involvement. This manifestation is extremely delicate, difficult to correctly identify and manage. The authors report two cases of vertebral hydatidosis revealed by medullar compression and increasing lumbar-radicular pain and functional impotence of lower limbs. Imaging showed multicystic bony lesions in lumbar spine. The extension into the spinal canal and to the perivertebral soft tissue were involved in both cases. We present those two cases to highlight the role of radiological exploration for diagnosis especially with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the importance of monitoring this dangerous pathology

    Syndrome de la queue de cheval révélant une hydatidose vertébro-médullaire

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    LŽhydatidose est une anthropozoonose due au développement chez lŽhomme de la forme larvaire de lŽEchinococcus granulosus. Elle sévit surtout dans les régions rurales et dŽélevages au niveau du bassin méditerranéen, lŽAmérique du sud, proche et moyen orient. La localisation vertébrale est rare mais représente la forme la plus grave des localisations osseuses de lŽhydatidose. Elle touche préférentiellement le rachis dorsal. Cette atteinte est grave vu le risque de compression médullaire. Nous illustrons le cas dŽune patiente de 60 ans, admise pour lombo-radiculalgies paralysantes bilatérales mal systématisées, dŽévolution progressive, associées à une impériosité mictionnelle. LŽIRM a retrouvé une hydatidose vertébrale lombaire infiltrant les structures endo et extra-canalaires et comprimant les racines de la queue de cheval. La patiente a été opérée par voie postérieure et lŽévolution a été favorable

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum occurring in the SARS-COV-2 infection

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    We report the case of a 23 year old female admitted for management of infection by the SARS-COV-2. The chest CT found a spontaneous pneumomediastinum that resorbed over 7 days with a good clinical outcome. We will discuss the mechanism underlying the occurrence of spontaneous pneumomediastinum during a COVID-19 pneumonia

    Design and Study of a Digital Energy Building: Case of Morocco

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    International audienceIn the industrial revolution that followed, the aim of the industry is not only to improve and meet its urgent needs, but also to improve the standard of living of society and make life easier for consumers. Therefore, economic growth must always be closely linked to the industrial revolution. The medical industry, energy conservation and, in particular, production technologies will be transformed through new value chain models. Globalization, urbanization, vital changes and the energy transformation are all shifting forces that assess the dynamics of technology to better identify solutions in the moving world. In recent years, successive revolutions have made remarkable contributions to a person&#39;s quality of life, safety, industrial economy, comfort and health. This work aims to improve the energy consumption of the building. To achieve this goal, digital twins were created to faithfully reflect the behavior and characteristics of future or current buildings. To replicate copies of future or existing buildings, we chose to use Autodesk REVIT solution to meet some limitations. These have a great influence on the energy behavior of the building