79 research outputs found

    Staatliche Anerkennung. Entwicklungslinien eines schwierigen Themas

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    Der Beitrag zeigt, dass das Thema der Staatlichen Anerkennung eng mit der Geschichte sozialpädagogischer und sozialarbeiterischer Berufe und damit auch mit der Geschichte der unterschiedlichen fach-/hochschulischen bzw. universitären Studiengänge und -orte zusammenhängt. Damit wird zugleich verdeutlicht, dass die Diskussion um die Staatliche Anerkennung verschiedene Facetten der Berufs-, Institutionen-, Disziplin-und Professionsgeschichte berührt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Entgrenzung in Bildung und Erziehung: Einleitung in den Thementeil

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    Der 28. DGfE-Kongress (13.– 16.3.2022) wird den Blick auf „Ent- und Begrenzungen in ihrer Bedeutung für Prozesse von Bildung, Erziehung und Sozialisation“ und die „Festlegung, Bearbeitung und Überschreibung von Grenzen“ richten. Der Thementeil, in den hier kurz eingeführt wird, widmet sich diesen Fragen in acht sehr weitgefächerten Beiträgen aus den Teildisziplinen des Faches

    Moderately HRT vs. CRT for localized prostate cancer using image-guided VMAT with SIB: evaluation of acute and late toxicities

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    Purpose: This retrospective study aims at investigating the effects of moderately hypofractionated radiation therapy (HRT) on acute and late toxicities as well as on early biochemical control and therapeutic efficiency compared to conventional radiation therapy (CRT) in prostate cancer. Patients and methods: We analyzed 55 HRT patients irradiated with the total dose of 60 Gy in 20 fractions delivered over 4 weeks. These patients were compared to a control group of 55 patients who received CRT with a total of <78 Gy in 37–39 fractions delivered over circa 8 weeks. External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) was conducted using daily image-guided (cone beam CT) volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and a simultaneously integrated boost (SIB) for both groups to protect the rectum. Acute toxicities were evaluated according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5, whereas chronic toxicities were assessed in accordance with LENT-SOMA. Patient traits were compared by implementing t‑tests and Wilcoxon–Whitney tests for continuous variables, whereas discrete characteristics were evaluated by applying two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests. In addition, we calculated average treatment effects (ATE). Thereby, propensity score matching (PSM) based on nearest-neighbor matching considering age, comorbidities, and risk stratification as covariates was applied. The statistical analysis was conducted using Stata 14.2 (StataCorp LLC, TX, USA). Results: As confirmed by the descriptive tests, the ATE revealed that the intensity and occurrence of urinary frequency (p = 0.034) and proctitis (p = 0.027) significantly decreased for the HRT group, whereas all other acute toxicities did not differ significantly between the HRT and CRT groups. For late toxicities, neither statistical tests nor ATE estimation showed significant differences. Also, no significant difference was found regarding the decrease in prostate specific antigen (PSA) after a median follow-up of 13 months (range 2–28 months), which indicates biochemical freedom from progression. Conclusion: HRT offers several medical and economic advantages and should therefore be considered as a useful alternative to CRT

    Efficiency of moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy in NSCLC cell model

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    BackgroundThe current standard of radiotherapy for inoperable locally advanced NSCLCs with single fraction doses of 2.0 Gy, results in poor outcomes. Several fractionation schedules have been explored that developed over the past decades to increasingly more hypofractionated treatments. Moderate hypofractionated radiotherapy, as an alternative treatment, has gained clinical importance due to shorter duration and higher patient convenience. However, clinical trials show controversial results, adding to the need for pre-clinical radiobiological studies of this schedule.MethodsWe examined in comparative analysis the efficiency of moderate hypofractionation and normofractionation in four different NSCLC cell lines and fibroblasts using several molecular-biological approaches. Cells were daily irradiated with 24x2.75 Gy (moderate hypofractionation) or with 30x2 Gy (normofractionation), imitating the clinical situation. Proliferation and growth rate via direct counting of cell numbers, MTT assay and measurements of DNA-synthesizing cells (EdU assay), DNA repair efficiency via immunocytochemical staining of residual γH2AX/53BP1 foci and cell surviving via clonogenic assay (CSA) were experimentally evaluated.ResultsOverall, the four tumor cell lines and fibroblasts showed different sensitivity to both radiation regimes, indicating cell specificity of the effect. The absolute cell numbers and the CSA revealed significant differences between schedules (P &lt; 0.0001 for all employed cell lines and both assays) with a stronger effect of moderate hypofractionation.ConclusionOur results provide evidence for the similar effectiveness and toxicity of both regimes, with some favorable evidence towards a moderate hypofractionation. This indicates that increasing the dose per fraction may improve patient survival and therapy outcomes

    Tyrosine 192 within the SH2 domain of the Src-protein tyrosine kinase p56Lck regulates T-cell activation independently of Lck/CD45 interactions.

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    Funder: DFGFunder: Projekt DEALBACKGROUND: Upon engagement of the T-cell receptor (TCR), the Src-family protein tyrosine kinase p56Lck phosphorylates components of the TCR (e.g. the TCRζ chains), thereby initiating T-cell activation. The enzymatic activity of Lck is primarily regulated via reversible and dynamic phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues, Y394 and Y505. Lck possesses an additional highly conserved tyrosine Y192, located within the SH2 domain, whose role in T-cell activation is not fully understood. METHODS: Knock-in mice expressing a phospho-mimetic (Y192E) form of Lck were generated. Cellular and biochemical characterization was performed to elucidate the function of Y192 in primary T cells. HEK 293T and Jurkat T cells were used for in vitro studies. RESULTS: Co-immunoprecipitation studies and biochemical analyses using T cells from LckY192E knock-in mice revealed a diminished binding of LckY192E to CD45 and a concomitant hyperphosphorylation of Y505, thus corroborating previous data obtained in Jurkat T cells. Surprisingly however, in vitro kinase assays showed that LckY192E possesses a normal enzymatic activity in human and murine T cells. FLIM/FRET measurements employing an LckY192E biosensor further indicated that the steady state conformation of the LckY192E mutant is similar to Lckwt. These data suggest that Y192 might regulate Lck functions also independently from the Lck/CD45-association. Indeed, when LckY192E was expressed in CD45-/-/Csk-/- non-T cells (HEK 293T cells), phosphorylation of Y505 was similar to Lckwt, but LckY192E still failed to optimally phosphorylate and activate the Lck downstream substrate ZAP70. Furthermore, LckY19E was recruited less to CD3 after TCR stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, phosphorylation of Y192 regulates Lck functions in T cells at least twofold, by preventing Lck association to CD45 and by modulating ligand-induced recruitment of Lck to the TCR. MAJOR FINDINGS: Our data change the current view on the function of Y192 and suggest that Y192 also regulates Lck activity in a manner independent of Y505 phosphorylation. Video Abstract

    Quality assurance process within the RAdiosurgery for VENtricular TAchycardia (RAVENTA) trial for the fusion of electroanatomical mapping and radiotherapy planning imaging data in cardiac radioablation

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    A novel quality assurance process for electroanatomical mapping (EAM)-to-radiotherapy planning imaging (RTPI) target transport was assessed within the multi-center multi-platform framework of the RAdiosurgery for VENtricular TAchycardia (RAVENTA) trial. A stand-alone software (CARDIO-RT) was developed to enable platform independent registration of EAM and RTPI of the left ventricle (LV), based on pre-generated radiotherapy contours (RTC). LV-RTC were automatically segmented into the American-Heart-Association 17-segment-model and a manual 3D-3D method based on EAM 3D-geometry data and a semi-automated 2D-3D method based on EAM screenshot projections were developed. The quality of substrate transfer was evaluated in five clinical cases and the structural analyses showed substantial differences between manual target transfer and target transport using CARDIO-RT

    Signaling Signatures and Functional Properties of Anti-Human CD28 Superagonistic Antibodies

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    Superagonistic CD28 antibodies (CD28SAs) activate T lymphocytes without concomitant perturbation of the TCR/CD3-complex. In rodents these reagents induce the preferential expansion of regulatory T cells and can be used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Unexpectedly, the humanized CD28 superagonist TGN1412 caused severe and life threatening adverse effects during a recently conducted phase I clinical trail. The underlying molecular mechanisms are as yet unclear. We show that TGN1412 as well as the commercially available CD28 superagonist ANC28.1 induce a delayed but extremely sustained calcium response in human naïve and memory CD4+ T cells but not in cynomolgus T lymphocytes. The sustained Ca++-signal was associated with the activation of multiple intracellular signaling pathways and together these events culminated in the rapid de novo synthesis of high amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, most notably IFN-γ and TNF-α. Importantly, sustained transmembranous calcium flux, activation of Src-kinases as well as activation of PI3K were found to be absolutely required for CD28SA-mediated production of IFN-γ and IL-2. Collectively, our data suggest a molecular basis for the severe side effects caused by TGN1412 and impinge upon the relevance of non-human primates as preclinical models for reagents that are supposed to modify the function of human T cells

    Ernst Engelke: Soziale Arbeit als Wissenschaft. Eine Orientierung. Freiburg i. Br.: Lambertus 1992. [...] [Sammelrezension]

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    Sammelrezension von: 1. Ernst Engelke: Soziale Arbeit als Wissenschaft. Eine Orientierung. Freiburg i. Br.: Lambertus 1992. 329 S. 2. Wolf Rainer Wendt (Hrsg.): Sozial und wissenschaftlich arbeiten. Status und Position der Sozialarbeitswissenschaft. Freiburg i.Br.: Lambertus 1994. 191 S
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