25 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Transesterifikasi Minyak Kepala Ikan Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Menggunakan Pereaksi Metanol dan Etanol

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh metode transesterifikasi minyak kepala ikan tuna (Thunnus albacares) menggunakan pereaksi metanol dan etanol.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan pengaruh pereaksi metanol dan etanol pada proses transesterifikasi. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan pada transesterifikasi minyak ikan tuna yaitu dengan menggunakan dua reaktan sumber alkil yaitu metanol dan etanol. Alkil ester asam lemaknya dianalisa dengan kromatografi gas. Transesterifikasi menggunakan pereaksi metanol dilakukan dengan katalis asam BF3 dan pereaksi etanol dilakukan dengan katalis basa NaOH dan KOH. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan asam lemak utama dalam minyak ikan pada kepala tuna adalah DHA, palmitat dan linoleat. Transesterifikasi minyak ikan dengan metode asam ( BF3 dan metanol ) dan basa ( NaOH dan etanol ) menghasilkan komposisi beberapa asam lemak yang berbeda. Asam lemak DHA memiliki nilai tertinggi pada pereaksi etanol dengan katalis KOH yaitu 33.55%. Asam lemak palmitat 23,09% lebih tinggi pada pereaksi etanol dengan katalis NaOH. Asam lemak linolelaidat lebih tingi pada transesterifikasi menggunakan pereaksi metanol dengan katalis BF3 yaitu 20,98%Research on the effect of the transesterification method of tuna fish head oil (Thunnus albacares) using methanol and ethanol reagent has been carried out. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of methanol and ethanol reagents on the transesterification process. The research methodology used in the transesterification of tuna fish oil (Thunnus albacares) is by using two alkyl source reactants, namely methanol and ethanol where the fatty acid alkyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography. Transesterification using methanol reagent was carried out with BF3 acid catalyst and ethanol reagent was carried out with alkaline NaOH and KOH catalysts. The results showed that the main fatty acid content in fish oil in tuna's head was DHA, palmitate and linoleic. Transesterification of fish oil using acid (BF3 and methanol) and alkaline (NaOH and ethanol) methods resulted in the slightly different of fatty acid composition. DHA fatty acid has the highest content in ethanol reagent with KOH catalyst, namely (33.55%). Palmitic fatty acid (23.09%) was higher in the ethanol reagent with NaOH catalyst. And linolelaidic fatty acid was higher in transesterification using methanol reagent with BF3 catalyst, namely (20.98%)

    Recent Biosensors Technologies for Detection of Mycotoxin in Food Products

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    Mycotoxins are chemically diverse and capable of inducing a wide diversity of acute and chronic symptoms, ranging from feed refusal to rapid death. Accurate detection and monitoring of mycotoxins is an essential component of the prevention, diagnosis, and remediation of mycotoxin-related issues in livestock and human food. Current trends in food analysis are focusing on the application of fast, simple procedure needed, and low-cost biosensor technologies that can detect with high sensitivity and selectivity different compounds associated with food safety. This chapter discussed the recent analytical methods-based biosensor technology for quantification of mycotoxins in food products. Mainly focus on the biosensor technology based on the immobilization of antibodies onto various nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, graphite, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots. The nanomaterials are able to be functionalized with various biomolecules such as enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, DNA/RNA aptamers, bio- or artificial receptors that make them suitable for detection of various substances such as food toxins, bacteria, and other compounds important in food analysis. All the nanomaterials provide an effective platform for achieving high sensitivity that is similar and, in some cases, even better than conventional analytical methods. We believe that future trends will be emphasized on improving biosensor properties toward practical application in the food industry

    Destination branding "Surabaya as a city of business": budgetting and preliminary market test

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    Destination Branding "Surabaya As A City Of Business" (Budgetting and Preliminary Market Test) dibuat untuk memperkenalkan Surabaya sebagai kota bisnis yang dilandasi dengan semangat juang dan kompetisi. Perkembangan bisnis di Surabaya masih jauh dari kata memuaskan jika dilihat dari peluang bisnis yang masih banyak dan belum di jalankan. Hal ini dikarenakan para entrepreneur masih belum mengenal kota Surabaya secara utuh apalagi dengan system pemerintahan yang dijalankan di Surabaya. Dengan adanya strategy-strategy yang telah dirancang pada Destination Branding "Surabaya As A City Of Business" ( Budgetting and Preliminary Market Test ) maka diharapkan para investor dan entrepreneur dapat melirik kota Surabaya untuk menanamkan modalnya dan membuka usaha di Surabaya

    Effect of extracellular polymeric substances on sludge reduction potential of Bacillus lichenifowrmis

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    The disposal of wastewater sludge generated during the treatment of the various municipal and industrial wastewaters is a major environmental problem. In this study the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus lichenifowrmis , which enhances the efficiency of sludge reduction, was isolated from waste activated sludge acclimated to 55 °C. The resulting suspended solids’ degradation was 12 % and chemical oxygen demand solubilization was 18 %. To further enhance the sludge reduction potential, extra polymeric substances, which play a major role in the formation of flocs, were removed. A chemical extractant, ethylenediaminetetraacetate that is also a cation binding agent, was used to remove the extra polymeric substances. After the removal of extra polymeric substances, the suspended solids’ degradation increased from 12 to 23 % and the chemical oxygen demand solubilization increased from 18 to 25 %. These observations confirm that Bacillus licheniformis enhanced sludge reduction in non-flocculated sludge (with the removal of extra polymeric substances) as compared to flocculated sludge (without the removal of extra polymeric substances)

    Microalgal Production of Biofuels Integrated with Wastewater Treatment

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    Human civilization will need to reduce its impacts on air and water quality and reduce its use of fossil fuels in order to advance towards a more sustainable future. Using microalgae to treat wastewater as well as simultaneously produce biofuels is one of the approaches for a sustainable future. The manufacture of biofuels from microalgae is one of the next-generation biofuel solutions that has recently received a lot of interest, as it can remove nutrients from the wastewater whilst capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The resulting biomass are employed to generate biofuels, which can run fuel cell vehicles of zero emission, power combustion engines and power plants. By cultivating microalgae in wastewater, eutrophication can be prevented, thereby enhancing the quality of the effluent. Thus, by combining wastewater treatment and biofuel production, the cost of the biofuels, as well as the environmental hazards, can be minimized, as there is a supply of free and already available nutrients and water. In this article, the steps involved to generate the various biofuels through microalgae are detailed

    A review on the pollution assessment of hazardous materials and the resultant biorefinery products in Palm oil mill effluent

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    The voluminous nature of POME is directly associated with environmental hazards and could be turned into biorefinery products. The POME, rich in BOD, COD, and oil and grease, with few hazardous materials such as siloxanes, fatty acid methyl ester, and phenolic compounds may significantly increase the risk of violating the effluent quality standards. Recently, the application of chemical and biological risk assessment that can use electrochemical sensors and microalgae-like species has gained paramount attention towards its remediation. This review describes the existing risk assessment for POME and recommends a novel assessment approach using fish species including invasive ones as suitable for identifying the toxicants. Various physico-chemical and biological treatments such as adsorption, coagulation-flocculation, photo-oxidation, solar-assisted extraction, anaerobic digestion, integrated anaerobic-aerobic, and microalgae cultivation has been investigated. This paper offers an overview of anaerobic technologies, with particular emphasis on advanced bioreactors and their prospects for industrial-level applications. To illustrate, palmitic acid and oleic acid, the precursors of fatty acid methyl ester found in POME pave the way to produce biodiesel with 91.45%. Although there are some challenges in attaining production at an economic scale, this review offers some opportunities that could help in overcoming these challenges