1,643 research outputs found

    Theory of Art : Qualitative in Nature and Quaintintative in Practice

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    The primary focus of this work is to discuss the mechanical action of the Marshall Differential Analyzer ( ART ) in a mathematical context. Differential Analyzers are primarily used to calculate the solutions to Differential Equations. A full account of the uses of Marshall\u27s Differential Analyzer is given. Furthermore, a pure mathematical justification of how the machine integrates (mechanical integration) is provided via an application of the Riemann Integral. Many simple example problems are detailed ultimately leading up to the calculation of nonlinear problems, more specifically, a nonlinear oscillator

    A Key to Container-Breeding Mosquitoes of Michigan (Diptera: Cllllcidae), With Notes on Their Biology

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    An illustrated key to larvae and notes on the biology of container-breeding mosquitoes of Michigan are presented. Two species included in the key. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. are not endemic in Michigan, but occasional introductions could occur with commercial shipments of scrap tires or other containers

    Larval Ecology of Some Lower Michigan Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) With Keys to the Immature Stages

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    The species composition, succession, and seasonal abundance of -immature simuliids ocmrrhg in the Rose Lake Wildlife Research Area in lower Michigan are presented. Selected physical and chemical characteristics of streams in the above area were examined and compared in relation to faunal distributions. Comparisons of species differences between permanent and temporary streams were made utilizing the functional group concept based on feeding mechanisms. Keys and illustrations are presented for the identiiication of larvae and pupae of four genera (Prosimulium, Simulium, Stegopterna, Cnephia) and 19 species of Simuliidae known to occur in lower Michigan. Two species, Cnephia ornithophilia and Simulium vemum, were recorded for the first time in Michigan

    The 1953 Bundestag election: evidence from West German public opinion

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    Der Verfasser untersucht die Gültigkeit ausgewählter Interpretationen zur Erklärung der Bundestagswahlergebnisse des Jahres 1953. Er konfrontiert die einzelnen Interpretationen mit Datenmaterial aus Meinungsumfragen des amerikanischen Hohen Kommissars für Deutschland zu Aspekten der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegspolitik. Der Autor kommt zu den Ergebnissen, daß der Wahlausgang und die Akzeptanz der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung gegenüber demokratischen Institutionen und dem demokratischen System nach Auswertung des Datenmaterials nicht überrascht. Während die Identifikation mit den politischen Parteien eine untergeordnete Rolle gespielt habe, seien die von Adenauer vertretenen Standpunkte sowie dessen Persönlichkeit ausschlaggebend für den Wahlausgang gewesen. Haben sich Religionszugehörigkeit und soziale Herkunft als bedeutende Determinanten des Wahlverhaltens erwiesen, so läßt nach Ansicht des Autors eine fehlende theoretische Fundierung hingegen Rückschlüsse über ihren Stellenwert verglichen mit anderen Determinanten nicht zu. (RS)'The 1953 Bundestag election is frequently interpreted as a critical milestone in postwar West Germany's political history. Some saw its outcome, which gave Chancellor Adenauer's CDU/CSU 45.2% for the vote (31.0% in 1949) and his coalition 63.8% (and a constitution-changing 68.4% of Bundestag seats), as a major surprise, as proof that west Germans had firmly accepted democacy, or as simply another election, to be explained by the appeal of political issues, party identification, the candidates personalities, special political circumstances (e.g. U.S. intervention), or the sociological characteristics of the voters themselves. The paper looks into the validity of a particular set of public opinion surveys on the 1953 Bundestag election, commissioned by the Evaluation Staff of the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. High Commission for Germany (HICOG). The data from the 1953 election study show that neither the electoral outcome nor the degree of West Germans' acceptance of democratic institutions and practices should have come as a surprise. Specific issues seemed to play little role, but differences in general mood, related to several such issues, were important. Party identification as such was important for only a few. Voters subsequently saw Adenauer's personality and the general mood he represented as the most important element in the outcome; the special circumstances mentioned by several writers were insignificant in the voters' consciousness. The data suggest that social class and religion were important variables determining voters' predispositions, but the lack of theoretic orientation in the study makes impossible any definite conclusion about their weight vis-a-vis other variables such as issues.' (author's abstract

    Tuscan Villa

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    “Tuscan Villa” is an unpublished novel in which the protagonist is a pianist and a bibliophile who converts his estate into a philanthropic foundation.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/rlmerritt/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Political perspectives in Germany: the years of semisovereigny, 1949-1955

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    Nach der Ablösung der amerikanischen Militärregierung setzte die Hohe Kommission der USA für Deutschland die 1945 begonnene Umfrageforschung in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone fort und weitete sie 1951 auf die nationale Ebene aus. Die gewonnen Daten wurden publiziert, die Originaldatensätze stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Zu den Untersuchungsthemen gehörten der Übergangsprozeß von der Nazi-Herrschaft zur Unabhängigkeit unter dem Besatzungsregime, die Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik zum Osten, Wiedervereinigung, Wiederbewaffnung und Westintegration, Reaktionen auf amerikanische Informationsprogramme sowie die Bevölkerungseinstellung in Ostdeutschland. Die Daten machen deutlich, daß die Jahre der eingeschränkten Souveränität eine neue Form der Orthodoxie in Westdeutschland hervorriefen oder bestärkten. Die BRD war nicht die Modelldemokratie, die die amerikanischen Besatzer angestrebt hatten, aber sie war in formaler Hinsicht eine akzeptierte, stabile und effektive Demokratie. (ICEÜbers)'When the American Military Government was replaced in 1949 by the U.S. High Commission for Germany (HICOG), it continued the series of public opinion surveys conducted since 1945 in the American zone of occupation and in 1951 even expanded them to include nationwide samples. The resulting data were analyzed and presented in periodic reports published by the HICOG Reactions Analysis Staff; the datacards themselves were lost or destroyed. Among the topics included in the surveys were the West Germans' transition from Nazi domination through a decade of occupation by foreign powers to substantial independence; the Federal Republic's relations with the East, German reunification, rearmament, and West European unity; responses to American information programs; and the view of East Germans on a variety of topics. Taken together the data indicate that the years of semisovereignty produced (or strengthened) a new orthodoxy in the Federal Republic. The FRG was not the model democracy for which American occupiers had initially hoped, but it was a popular, stable, and effective democracy in a formal sense.' (author's abstract

    The Marshall Differential Analyzer: a Visual Interpretation of Mathematics

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    Mechanical integration is an idea dating back to the late 1800\u27s discovered by James Thomson, brother of Lord Kelvin. This idea was then expanded to build a calculating machine, called a differential analyzer, by Vannevar Bush (M.I.T) in 1929. The Marshall University Differential Analyzer Team has followed in the footsteps of Dr. Bush and a gentleman named Dr. Arthur Porter, who was the first to build a differential analyzer in England when he was a student of Dr. Douglas Hartree. He built his machine of Meccano components, the British version of Erector Set. In the early days of Arthur Porter\u27s research, the machine was used to solve ordinary differential equations and the results were compared to those of more sophisticated differential analyzers of that time. Dr. Porter\u27s research proved that the Meccano differential analyzer was well suited for many dynamical systems applications. The Team has recently constructed the only two publicly accessible differential analyzers in the USA, a mini two integrator machine and a larger four integrator machine built in the spirit of the Porter Meccano Manchester Differential Analyzer. They are continuing in the spirit of Dr. Porter\u27s work. In this work we will give a brief overview of the Marshall Differential Analyzer Project, the mechanics of the machine and the mathematics that can be described by the mechanics. An example will be presented to unify the mechanics and the mathematical concepts

    The Marshall Differential Analyzer: a Visual Interpretation of Mathematics

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    Mechanical integration is an idea dating back to the late 1800\u27s discovered by James Thomson, brother of Lord Kelvin. This idea was then expanded to build a calculating machine, called a differential analyzer, by Vannevar Bush (M.I.T) in 1929. The Marshall University Differential Analyzer Team has followed in the footsteps of Dr. Bush and a gentleman named Dr. Arthur Porter, who was the first to build a differential analyzer in England when he was a student of Dr. Douglas Hartree. He built his machine of Meccano components, the British version of Erector Set. In the early days of Arthur Porter\u27s research, the machine was used to solve ordinary differential equations and the results were compared to those of more sophisticated differential analyzers of that time. Dr. Porter\u27s research proved that the Meccano differential analyzer was well suited for many dynamical systems applications. The Team has recently constructed the only two publicly accessible differential analyzers in the USA, a mini two integrator machine and a larger four integrator machine built in the spirit of the Porter Meccano Manchester Differential Analyzer. They are continuing in the spirit of Dr. Porter\u27s work. In this work we will give a brief overview of the Marshall Differential Analyzer Project, the mechanics of the machine and the mathematics that can be described by the mechanics. An example will be presented to unify the mechanics and the mathematical concepts