243 research outputs found

    Bizet's Carmen and its early versions.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University N.B.:Missing page 175. No copy 2.N.B.: No copy 2.Through a strange set of historical coincidences Bizet's masterpiece of French opera-comique has not been printed or performed in the original version since its premiere in Paris in 1875. Conceived as a dialogue opera, Carmen was only partially acclaimed by French critics and public. The moral objections to Merrimee's gypsy tale discouraged patrons of the Opera-Comique, for many years a traditional place for arranging marriages between the sons and daughters of well-to-do French families. Bizet was assailed by crys of 'Wagnerism' in the local press. Opposition from the theater manager, M. Camille du Locle, and from the members of the company was encountered from the outset. Singers and orchestra complained about the technical impossibility of the music; the librettists urged Bizet to eliminate any coarseness from Galli-Marie's interpretation of the title role; and the management pleaded with him to shorten the musical numbers and provide places where audience applause might soften the moral impact of the work. As a result of these pressures nearly 40 musical sections totalling over 600 bars were cut from Carmen during 1874 and 1875. While the Autograph reveals many (but not all) of these deletions in Bizet's handwriting, careful analysis shows that often they were forced upon the composer by conditions mentioned above and were therefore against his wishes. An attempt should be made to restore such music, based both on the worth of the individual sections and the importance played by them in the opera as a whole. The Guiraud revision of Carmen continues to be played with undiminishing popularity in every major opera house outside of France (only in comparatively recent times have all the recitatives been performed at the Opera-Comique). The dialogue version was not given outside of France until the 1920's in Germany, and is still rarely heard. The authentic version of this greatest French operatic masterpiece has remained unknown until now. [TRUNCATED

    Bizet's Carmen and its early versions.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University N.B.:Missing page 175. No copy 2.N.B.: No copy 2.Through a strange set of historical coincidences Bizet's masterpiece of French opera-comique has not been printed or performed in the original version since its premiere in Paris in 1875. Conceived as a dialogue opera, Carmen was only partially acclaimed by French critics and public. The moral objections to Merrimee's gypsy tale discouraged patrons of the Opera-Comique, for many years a traditional place for arranging marriages between the sons and daughters of well-to-do French families. Bizet was assailed by crys of 'Wagnerism' in the local press. Opposition from the theater manager, M. Camille du Locle, and from the members of the company was encountered from the outset. Singers and orchestra complained about the technical impossibility of the music; the librettists urged Bizet to eliminate any coarseness from Galli-Marie's interpretation of the title role; and the management pleaded with him to shorten the musical numbers and provide places where audience applause might soften the moral impact of the work. As a result of these pressures nearly 40 musical sections totalling over 600 bars were cut from Carmen during 1874 and 1875. While the Autograph reveals many (but not all) of these deletions in Bizet's handwriting, careful analysis shows that often they were forced upon the composer by conditions mentioned above and were therefore against his wishes. An attempt should be made to restore such music, based both on the worth of the individual sections and the importance played by them in the opera as a whole. The Guiraud revision of Carmen continues to be played with undiminishing popularity in every major opera house outside of France (only in comparatively recent times have all the recitatives been performed at the Opera-Comique). The dialogue version was not given outside of France until the 1920's in Germany, and is still rarely heard. The authentic version of this greatest French operatic masterpiece has remained unknown until now. [TRUNCATED

    Ronald Dworkin et la neutralité de l’État

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    L’article montre que Dworkin défend une conception de la neutralité compatible avec le perfectionnisme. Cette compatibilité n’est évidemment envisageable que si l ’on établit la plausibilité d’un perfectionnisme non coercitif (ou modéré). L’éthique du défi que défend Dworkin, est, à n’en pas douter, une conception du bien. Une telle théorie est-elle compatible avec l ’idéal de neutralité ?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Igualdade sem responsabilidade? Comentário a "Justiça social e igualdade de oportunidades"

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    No terceiro capítulo do seu livro Futuro indefinido: Ensaios de Filosofia Política, (Braga, 2012), intitulado “Justiça social e igualdade de oportunidades”, o Professor João Cardoso Rosas começa por distinguir entre a justiça social e outros conceitos de justiça (recti6 cativa, retributiva e distributiva). De seguida, concentra a sua atenção num dos princípios da justiça social, o princípio de igualdade de oportunidades, que constitui o tema central do seu capítulo. Como recorda Cardoso Rosas, a ideia de igualdade de oportunidades é das mais citadas no discurso público, e certamente que hoje em dia ninguém nega a sua relevância. No entanto, apesar deste consenso sobre a sua importância, é fulcral notar que o conceito de igualdade de oportunidades (IO) pode ser dividido em pelo menos quatro concepções diferentes: (1) IO formal; (2) IO equitativa; (3) Real IO; (4) IO perfeita.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Minorités illibérales, droits de sortie et neutralité de l'État: le pluralisme libéral entre tolérance et autonomie

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    Il existe un débat concernant la manière la plus correcte de traiter les minorités entretenant des pratiques non libérales à l’intérieur des sociétés libérales. Un régime libéral est-il compatible avec la tolérance de certaines pratiques non libérales de ces groupes ? Si oui, à quelles conditions ? Ou bien faut-il considérer ces pratiques illégitimes dans un régime libéral ? Si elles doivent être considérées illégitimes, comment justifier cette intolérance ? Ce débat divise les partisans d’un libéralisme donnant une priorité à la tolérance des pratiques non libérales et ceux donnant une priorité à l’autonomie individuelle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Responsabilidade individual e justiça social: igualdade de oportunidades ou de resultados?

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    De acordo com qualquer tipo de igualitarismo sensível à responsabilidade individual, as desigualdades de riqueza entre indivíduos são justificadas quando resultantes de escolhas pelas quais os indivíduos podem ser considerados responsáveis. Inversamente, as desigualdades causadas apenas pelo acaso ou pela má sorte bruta não são justificadas. Esta característica é importante porque, conquanto se trate de uma teoria igualitarista, prescreve o respeito à liberdade dos indivíduos nas suas escolhas1. Se os indivíduos podem e devem ser considerados responsáveis pelos resultados das suas escolhas então qualquer igualitarismo sensível à responsabilidade deve permitir que os indivíduos suportem os custos (ou gozem dos ganhos) das suas escolhas. Porém, por vezes os resultados de certas escolhas podem deixar uma pessoa numa situação económica e psicológica de sofrimento extremo. Neste caso, porque responsável pela sua escolha, o indivíduo não poderá contar com o apoio do Estado, através das suas políticas sociais. Alguns autores igualitaristas consideram que esta consequência rígida do igualitarismo da responsabilidade demonstra a sua incompletude teórica e, consequentemente, advogam a sua rejeição, ou no melhor dos casos, a sua refinação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Liberal ou paternalista? Será que os surfistas devem ser subsidiados? Martim Avillez Figueiredo, Alêtheia, 2013. 180 pp.

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    Recensão de Será que os surfistas devem ser subsidiados? Martim Avillez Figueiredo, Alêtheia, 2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CALC2.0: Combining Appearance, Semantic and Geometric Information for Robust and Efficient Visual Loop Closure

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    Traditional attempts for loop closure detection typically use hand-crafted features, relying on geometric and visual information only, whereas more modern approaches tend to use semantic, appearance or geometric features extracted from deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). While these approaches are successful in many applications, they do not utilize all of the information that a monocular image provides, and many of them, particularly the deep-learning based methods, require user-chosen thresholding to actually close loops -- which may impact generality in practical applications. In this work, we address these issues by extracting all three modes of information from a custom deep CNN trained specifically for the task of place recognition. Our network is built upon a combination of a semantic segmentator, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and triplet embedding network. The network is trained to construct a global feature space to describe both the visual appearance and semantic layout of an image. Then local keypoints are extracted from maximally-activated regions of low-level convolutional feature maps, and keypoint descriptors are extracted from these feature maps in a novel way that incorporates ideas from successful hand-crafted features. These keypoints are matched globally for loop closure candidates, and then used as a final geometric check to refute false positives. As a result, the proposed loop closure detection system requires no touchy thresholding, and is highly robust to false positives -- achieving better precision-recall curves than the state-of-the-art NetVLAD, and with real-time speeds.Comment: Appears in IROS 201

    Introduction: le libertarisme de gauche en débat

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    [Extrato] Que la Théorie de la justice de John Rawls (1971), aux débuts des années soixante-dix, ait renouvelé non seulement la manière de faire de la philosophie politique, mais aussi donné un nouveau contenu à toute réflexion en ce domaine, est un point qui semble communément accepté. Robert Nozick fut l’un des premiers à en faire le constat dans Anarchie, État et Utopie (1974), signalant qu’il était impossible, après Théorie de la justice, de se placer hors du cadre rawlsien où se combinent liberté individuelle et égalité sociale, à partir d’un contrat social revisité. Chez Rawls, en effet, une conception rationnelle de la coopé-ration sociale permet de justifier les transferts de richesse à l’intérieur d’une communauté politique et, du même coup, certaines formes de solidarité...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ética, tecnologia e democracia: a avaliação de tecnologias controversas em conferências de cidadãos

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    OS ESTUDOS DE ÉTICA E FILOSOFIA POLÍTICA SOBRE TECNOLOGIAS CONTROVERSAS – NO ÂMBITO DA INVESTIGAÇÃO E DA PRÁTICA MÉDICAS, da produção de energias poluentes, do desenvolvimento de organismos geneticamente modifi cados, etc. – tendem a usar o método habitual nestas disciplinas. Ou seja, os investigadores avaliam a tecnologia em causa de acordo com a perspectiva ética que favorecem. Assim, por exemplo, aqueles que têm um ponto de vista utilitarista tentam estabelecer, independentemente de qualquer restrição deontológica, se a tecnologia em causa contribui ou não para o bem-estar agregado da sociedade. Da mesma forma, os que partem de um ponto de vista deontológico intentam determinar de que forma as restrições e obrigações especiais determinadas por essa perspectiva incidem sobre a tecnologia em apreço. Aliás, esta forma habitual de encarar os temas do desenvolvimento tecnológico existe também naqueles cuja perspectiva, antes de ser filosófica, é de cariz religioso e baseada no código moral de uma religião particular. Também eles visam uma avaliação, por assim, dizer, a partir “de fora”, i.e., a partir de um código moral já estabelecido e justificado, considerando a tecnologia a avaliar como uma aplicação de princípios mais gerais, operada através do juízo moral. Nesta obra, gostaríamos de propor e reflectir uma metodologia radicalmente diferente na avaliação moral de tecnologias controversas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio