29 research outputs found

    How Young Is Too Young: Marketing To The Tween Generation

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    A girl yanks on a pair of hipster jeans.  Her mother is aghast, “You can’t go to school looking like that,” the mother says sternly.  The mom then pulls the pants lower, proving she is hip to the current styles

    The Use Of Automated Telephone Interfaces With Customers By Local Organizations: Best Practices And Exploratory Investigation Of Usage

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    Automated telephone systems (ATS) have been criticized by customers as a frustrating way to interact with an organization.  This study seeks to discover ATS best practices, assess how many local organizations (as opposed to 1-800 call centers) are utilizing various ATSs, and determine which ATS best practices these local organizations are adopting.  A list of 35 best practices were found.  An exploratory examination of 400 organizations in a mid-sized mid-western city revealed that very few use an advanced ATS, with 51% using a simple answering machine. The adoption of best practices by these organizations was quite varied.  Managerial recommendations as well as future research suggestions are offered


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    Gaya hidup yang tidak sehat meningkatkan kemungkinan seseorang terkena gangguan kesehatan atau penularan penyakit tertentu. Terdapat beberapa perilaku tidak sehat yang masih dilakukan masyarakat hingga kini. Seperti kurangnya pengetahuan terkait penggunaan air bersih yaitu menggunakan sumber air yang terkena limbah tanpa diolah dengan benar, belum membiasakan mencuci tangan dengan air bersih dan sabun, adanya perilaku Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (BABS), membuang sampah sembarangan, dan merokok. Dalam mengatasi perilaku tidak sehat masyarakat, pemerintah kemudian mengadakan program PHBS, salah satu wilayah yang menjadi sasaran program PHBS adalah Kelurahan Mesjid Priyayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis pelaksanaan program PHBS di Kelurahan Mesjid Priyayi, hambatan yang ditemui pada pelaksanaan program PHBS di Kelurahan Mesjid Priyayi, dan solusi untuk mengatasi hambatan yang ditemui pada pelaksanaan program PHBS di Kelurahan Mesjid Priyayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus serta pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Dengan partisipasinya dinas kesehatan, pihak kelurahan, pendidik, mahasiswa dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa program PHBS telah berlangsung sejak lama namun keberhasilannya masih jauh dari harapan. Terdapat beberapa hambatan yang ditemui selama pelaksanaan program yaitu persoalan anggaran, kekurangan tenaga kerja, kepemilikan jamban, jadwal pelaksanaan program, sulitnya menyadarkan masyarakat, dan pengelolaan sampah. Solusi yang dilakukan oleh stakeholder yaitu mengandalkan kecanggihan teknologi, kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, melakukan pembangunan jamban sehat, dan melakukan penanganan sampah. Adapun rekomendasi yang dapat dilakukan yaitu merealisasikan sanksi administratif bagi pelaku pencemaran lingkungan dan mengaitkan kegiatan PHBS dengan ajaran agama. An unhealthy lifestyle increases a person’s chances developing health problems or contacting certain disease. There are several unhealthy behaviors that people still today. Such as a lack of knowledge regarding the use of clean water, namely using water sources that have been exposed to waste without being treated properly, not getting used to washing hands with clean water and soap, open defecation behavior, littering, and smoking. In overcoming unhealthy behavior in the community, the government then implemented the PHBS program, one of the areas targeted by the PHBS program was Mesjid Priyayi district. This research aims to understand and analyze the implementation of the PHBS program in Mesjid Priyayi district, the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the PHBS program in Mesjid Priyayi district, and solutions to overcome the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the PHBS program in Mesjid Priyayi district. This research through a qualitative approach with the case study method and data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. With the participation of Dinas Kesehatan, district office, academicians, and the community. The research results that the PHBS program has been going on for a long time but its success is still far from expectations. There were several obstacles encountered during program implementation, namely budget issues, labor shortages, latrines ownership, program implementation schedules, difficulties in raising public awareness, and waste management. Solutions made by stakeholders are relying on technological sophistication, collaboration with various parties, building healthy latrines, and handling waste. The recommendations that can be made are realizing administrative sanctions for perpetrators of environmental pollution and linking PHBS activities with religious teachings

    An Introduction to Managing Risk in Chemical Manufacture

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    The “Melting” Spoon

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    People with Parkinson’s disease experience difficulties eating. Occasionally, they will suddenly stop eating and are unable to start again (freezing and akinesia), until they are gently reminded to start eating again, by using some sort of signal or stimulus. Freezing cannot be predicted, so a tool is needed to help combat freezing when eating.We have observed a patient at ARC San Joaquin who freezes up often and continually over the course of a meal and must be told every few seconds by a caretaker to continue to eat. Through our study of the patient, our proposed solution is an attachment for the handle of any standard fork or spoon that will detect a lack of motion and set off a stimulus, in this case a vibration. The vibration is to let the user know that they must start eating again. This removable attachment will contain an electric motor, accelerometer, on/off switch, micro controller and a battery. The microcontroller will monitor the output from the accelerometer and create the appropriate outputs to the electric motor.The current model shows to be very promising. Preliminary results show that the accelerometer is able to detect a lack of motion occurring for more than two seconds. Upon this detection, the microcontroller will run the vibrator in intervals of 5 seconds. The vibration will stop once motion is detected again. This model is not aesthetically ready for the public, but work is being done to get everything into a presentable product

    Description of a new DRB1*11 allele (DRB1*1132)

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    The “Melting” Spoon

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    People with Parkinson’s disease experience difficulties eating. Occasionally, they will suddenly stop eating and are unable to start again (freezing and akinesia), until they are gently reminded to start eating again, by using some sort of signal or stimulus. Freezing cannot be predicted, so a tool is needed to help combat freezing when eating.We have observed a patient at ARC San Joaquin who freezes up often and continually over the course of a meal and must be told every few seconds by a caretaker to continue to eat. Through our study of the patient, our proposed solution is an attachment for the handle of any standard fork or spoon that will detect a lack of motion and set off a stimulus, in this case a vibration. The vibration is to let the user know that they must start eating again. This removable attachment will contain an electric motor, accelerometer, on/off switch, micro controller and a battery. The microcontroller will monitor the output from the accelerometer and create the appropriate outputs to the electric motor.The current model shows to be very promising. Preliminary results show that the accelerometer is able to detect a lack of motion occurring for more than two seconds. Upon this detection, the microcontroller will run the vibrator in intervals of 5 seconds. The vibration will stop once motion is detected again. This model is not aesthetically ready for the public, but work is being done to get everything into a presentable product

    Essential hypertension and histocompatibility antigens. An association study.

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    Essential hypertension and histocompatibility antigens. A linkage study.

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